Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd October 2022 10:58pm
RUNNERS-UP: Girthquake and Rew

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Delightfully bonkers #4: October

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1214

Poetry Contest

How crazy can you be?
Welcome to the latest edition of madness. This is the home of all things illogical, silly, twisted, humorous, crazy and wrong!  You have three weeks to outdo each other in the weirdness stakes. In the past, we've had wordplay, soliloquy, dialogue, the scriptures according to mankind, raunchy ghosts and life lessons learned the hard way!

There are no rules, BUT... other people's sexual fantasies bore me to tears so I'm likely to skip over those. And keep the length kiiiiiind of reasonable please!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1214

My non-entry.

An occupational hazard

I like to write poems
but struggle with rhyming—
to do that, you need to have
rhythm and timing meter.

Some knowledge of synonyms  
won't go amiss—
so if that word doesn't fit,
you can use this another.

It pays to make sure  
that each rhyming word's strong  
because if they're not equal,
the poem sounds wrong contrived.

I find that by rhyming
my poems sound flimsy,
although I appreciate  
humour and whimsy lightheartedness.

Perhaps I should stick
to my usual style,
because trying to rhyme
always takes quite a while long time.

So it's out with constraints,
the word 'extravaganza',
and rhyming schemes...
because this is my last stanza verse.

Fire of Insight
England 16awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 557

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1871


It was some time after the mad cow epidemic      
And all other diseases that affected the brain      
That an unheard-of infection went unreported      
Where the chickens from a farm had gone insane…      
My wife and I bought a place just outside of town      
Even though the housing market prices were very steep      
The agent disclosed that the previous owners had all died      
And as you can guess it, we got the farmhouse for cheap      
But once we moved in weird things started transpiring      
Open cupboards and broken dishes were a regular thing      
I thought may be racoons were sneaking into the house      
Until one night as we had dinner we saw flying chicken wings    
And although I loved to eat fried chicken weekly      
These strange occurrences only happened on those nights      
If we had baked chicken then there’d be clucking sounds      
All fucking night coming from the attic until morning light      
Another night as I was putting the kids to bed I heard a scream      
When I ran into the bedroom my wife was stuck up in the ceiling      
And though I was feeling a bit scared I remembered her to-do list      
“Honey,  while you’re up there, check the paint I think it’s peeling”      
My sons freaked us out the most (you know how funny boys can be)      
Laughing at snow on the T.V. like it was some sort of comedy show      
And though I was snacking on a piece fried chicken leg at the time      
I thought “OK, I must cleanse this house, but I’ll start tomorrow”      
My daughter then looked at the window and said “they’re here”      
An army of zombie ghost chickens had all come home to roost      
Hens were at my fence and hence I got hungry so I had a snack      
I remembered – dead family, insane chickens equals, oh, I deduced      
They had chicken knives and chicken pitchforks and picket signs      
Chicken wives had chicken cries that cackled chicken lives matter      
Unhatched eggs had legs sticking out walking along the lines      
But when they saw me eating chicken it only made them madder      
My oldest daughter came home to a bunch of pecking and clucking      
She screamed “What the fuck is happening?” with confusion and fear      
Immediately I called my agent and told them “You son of a bitch…      
You plucked them chucked their bones and buried them right here!”      
The earth was quaking, the house started shaking, so I stopped baking      
Because the host of chicken zombie ghosts were starting to flock      
Then we saw the biggest meanest looking rooster with the hens      
My wife with tears in her eyes said “Oh my, that’s a big cock”      
I rushed into the kitchen and had one last bite of fried chicken      
No time to call the authorities to tell them we were under attack      
I got my keys and told my wife and kids “OK y’all time to dip”      
My family and I got in our station wagon and never looked back
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Netherlands 3awards
Joined 8th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 159

Hoi hoi
Choosing from so much beauty
Will be very hard to do
Maybe bonking delightfully
Is an option too???

Kind regards, Gus

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186


 I do
Who doesn't?

Have the crazies
At times
I mean,
They're a sight
I'm a fright
Is that right?
Hmmm... Not quite.
I'm a sight
They're a fright
THAT might be right.

Who cares?
I may
One day
My fears
(the kind you weep)
Or are they the kind that gnaw
And shred
Claws ripping
Strips of flesh
...Come peeling off
Oh yeah

They lurk beneath
Seeking relief
Every once in awhile
Seeking exit
Out they shriek
No remonstrance from me
Will cause them to flee
Though I wish I could
Shutter them, hood
Maybe I'll flee
Run away free

I can't very well do that, can I
They're me...
Written by Savaja
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Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186


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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 12th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 63


It's time for a change of pace and produce something new
So naturally the next step is to focus on poo
I'm sorry Mrs. Jackson, did not intend to upset your daughter
I only tried to share a glass of my finest shit water
That pungent smell and the unmatched viscosity
These uncultured swine call it a terrible atrocity
They fail to consider the potential of art
One can produce with a fugazi fart
So coat your brush as well as ink blotter
This modern Picasso paints with only shit water
A master of strokes and a blender of cultures
The smell is so awful it repels even vultures
Create new beginnings while the toilet faces slaughter
The power within comes from stanky shit water
Written by Girthquake
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 12th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 63

What Hurts The Most?

Women say childbirth is worse than getting kicked in the nuts
They ignore the pain that shoots from scrotum to guts
Delivering a child has an end goal, a beautiful reward
A nut shot has no meaning, no rhyme, no chord
However testicular destruction is the ultimate euphoria
So I must agree with the women, I really feel for ya
Written by Girthquake
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
England 16awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 557

Rew & Prue

I shall dig you up, my Mother,
then lay my body on your bones
and we shall meld with one another
Mother, we shall birth a clone.
My brain's indeed enough for two
your memories are intact
we shall twin again be Rew and Prue  
to regain that which we lack.
So lie still Mother, lie easy,
please do not torment me so
although I feel a little queasy
I've not much further to go.
Written by Rew
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Fire of Insight
England 16awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 557

Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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