Poetry competition CLOSED 13th September 2022 00:21am
Wafflenose (Ellie)
View Profile Poems by Wafflenose


Now, Now, Napoleon…

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write an animal analogy poem
…Think Animal Farm but to the scale of events in your personal life. Who would you turn into pigs? Who would become cows? What about the chickens? Maybe an ostrich or two?

Animal analogies can be great for poem content, as well as for brainstorming events of your personal life. Think about an impactful event and turn it on its head. This process can also lead to thinking about personal life events in a way you hadn’t before.

Rules (or “helpful reminders” if you don’t like the ‘R’ word)

• New writes only
• You can use any animals you like in your poem
• Up to 3 entries per poet
• Spoken word / visual / video entries allowed
• Poetry please, not prose / short stories
• Minimum of four stanzas
• No erotica

Best of luck!

poet Anonymous


Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

The Big Foxes Who Own You --

and Your Little Squirrels Too  

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines; for our vines have tender grapes.  
-- The Song of Solomon      
"The fox is generally a symbol of trickery,  
and is thus representative of a narrow intelligence --  
not to mention a squirrely ethics."  
-- a former squirrel, retired      
up and down      
the trees      
the squirrels      
the country and the world around      
B           I          G      
E              M              P             I              R             E              S      
a dedication of Respect      
the Pain of millions of baby squirrels      
enslaved for untold decades to come      
by the one percent wealthy      
big foxes      
a revolving helios pictorial free verse menippean satire on  
the working class      
august, 2022 -- Mommy Squirrel's walk-in closet of fancy shoes      
yet to be paid off,  
in a hundred years or so,        
at an interest rate luxurious      
.   .   .      
The Optional Feetnotes        
A September 2017 study by the Federal Reserve reported that the top 1 percent owned 38.5 percent of the country's wealth in 2016.        
According to a June 2017 report by the Boston Consulting Group, around 70 percent of the nation's wealth will be in the hands of millionaires and billionaires by 2021.      
As of 2021, Statista announced:        
The top 10 percent held 69.8 percent of total U.S. net worth (which is the value of all assets a person holds minus all their liabilities). The top 1 percent held about half of that wealth – 32.1 percent, while the next 9 percent held approximately another half at 37.7 percent;      
On average, the annual wage of the top 1 percent of earners is $737,697;      
The top 1 percent accounted for 40 percent of the federal income taxes paid.      
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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poet Anonymous

Thanks for your entry and for kicking things off, Jordan.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Aug 2022
Forum Posts: 2

a gerbil neural pathway

some gerbils are just one color
some are spotted with others
Mongolian gerbils were a gift
from my nurturing Irish nurse mother

Siamese gerbils have dark tails and ears
although few gerbils ever inspire fear
furry family members proved too much
for my father, the angular German engineer

a cold look on that face of stone
we could never have predicted finding him alone
with gerbils running to and fro on his arms
watching us play had set a new tone

dad had become the gerbils’ best runway
he had formed a gerbil neural pathway
two tiny critters had changed him
they opened in dad the pet lovers’ gateway
Written by nealmorell
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1212

Fully intending to do this... I've just seen that it will have to be tomorrow though!

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 69

Cat utopia lol

( Actually posted here today 5th September 2022)
Heya, meows,  
lets have our kitty get together. " mewed small kitty.  
Yeah, let's! Any mews, or how the humans say it, ' any news'? asked Kitty II  
"Not much," miaowed Boss Catty with a frustrated meow.  
' okey, I recall your laments from last time.  
And I agreed with you. Continue the catharsis pal..." chimed in Kitty II sympathetically.  
"Ok, don't mock me,... I know George Orwell's novel 'Animal farm's just fantasy and fiction...but..."  
"Go on boss kitty. I hear you," mewed Kitty II earnestly.  
"Fantasy can be turned into reality as every reality mostly starts with fantasy'', uttered Boss Catty.  
" Meaning we can overpower the humans, overthrow their rule?" mewed small kitty in excited wonderment.  
" For starters, for an uprising, we must first rise on two legs.  
There's strength in being bipedal ", reflected Boss Catty.  
"Ahan, rising for an uprising, sounds great but... ooo..."  
"Ah, dont flinch so, small kitty, I didn't touch on any tabby taboos yet."  
" Nah, uncle Catty, you must be developing cataracts if you didn't see human shadows approaching under the doorway  
...let me check..."  
" I've actually heard it said as 'rise and shine, so we better shine our claws too then", hissed Kitty II.  
" They'll call me Catnapolion Boncatte soon!  
No more collar yokes on our necks!.  
They will treat us better than how Garfield's treated on telly...We have a mewsion vision, a mission".  
"I hope it's not 'Mission impossible' in reality" piped up small kitty as the key turned in the lock.  
" Nah, we're better than those slavish 'aristocats'.  
We can't cater to human wishes forever. "  
" We have to be the catalysts indeed.  
 This planet needs to be a cat's theatre and not 'all the world's a stage for...for humans only", meowed KittyII fervently.  
Sabrina the pet owner  pushes the door open and pipes up in a catty voice,  
"Ok show's over felines, I'd rather you got catheters than cat theatres huh. I was eavesdropping, sorry.  
Even the big cats haven't overpowered us.  
 So disperse and follow our 'divide and rule' protocol .  
Shoo! shoo! scoot or there will be catastrophe...."  
"I hope she doesn't mean catatonic euthanasia or something, so let's just disperse" whispered  whiskered kittyII.   
As the snubbed felines scatter and flee, KittyII consoles Boss kitty.  
" Jungle book and Tarzan too haven't yet become a reality for humans so I guess it's ok if they run the urban jungle for now...."😾😸  
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1212


Fat Pigs-in-Banquets  
behind gilded doors    
decided my fate    
and probably yours.    
They sent us all out    
to deal with lambs bleating    
and fight a new virus,
while they kept on eating.    
Among us were wise owls    
with helpful suggestions,  
and loyal dogs and horses    
who served without question.    
The worker bees buzzed around      
making our honey    
while fat Pigs-in-Banquets    
collected the money.    
If one asked for help    
entertaining the mobs,    
the pigs told us firmly,    
"we're busy with JOBS!"    
Slowly but surely,    
the herd was persuaded    
to find pastures new—    
we'd begun feeling jaded.    
The fat Pigs-in-Banquets    
did what was most sensible;    
recruited more staff    
"for you're not indispensible!"    
In spite of their wealth,    
those fat pigs were mistaken;    
they lost many pearls    
while just saving their bacon.
Written by Wafflenose (Ellie)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1212

That was bloody difficult, Missy!!!  I've given it a shot though.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1212

I'm honoured. Thank you!

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