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So, how are we all?

poet Anonymous

I watched it at the in-laws today. If anything I’m just really pleased that this will encourage more women into sport, and I think that can only be a good thing

Happy anniversary! 🎉

Fire of Insight
Wales 11awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 454

Oh how I've loved the patronising filth aimed at women's football during this tournament. Not. No shortage of skill & physicality on show. Congratz England. Tough game. No sign of teenagers coked off their heads in crowd too.  

poet Anonymous

Strangeways_Rob said:Oh how I've loved the patronising filth aimed at women's football during this tournament. Not. No shortage of skill & physicality on show. Congratz England. Tough game. No sign of teenagers coked off their heads in crowd too.  

… isn’t that devastatingly sad though?
The fact that people still feel they’d rather ridicule a group of people than celebrate their achievements?

And that right there is sadly what’s wrong with the world.

You’re right though — the crowd was 90% less lager lout than men’s football. I genuinely enjoyed watching it.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 578

Hello. I’m a first time mom with a five month old. I worked full time until 38 weeks. While on maternity leave, I decided to quite my job and stay home with my baby.

My daughter is exclusively breastfed and at times it can feel lonely. She needs me to eat so I take her everywhere I go. I don’t have many people I can call friends, and even less now that I have a baby. It makes me feel guilty and selfish to want to be able to do some things alone. Or even have a drink.

poet Anonymous

UnleashedHeathen said:Hello. I’m a first time mom with a five month old. I worked full time until 38 weeks. While on maternity leave, I decided to quite my job and stay home with my baby.

My daughter is exclusively breastfed and at times it can feel lonely. She needs me to eat so I take her everywhere I go. I don’t have many people I can call friends, and even less now that I have a baby. It makes me feel guilty and selfish to want to be able to do some things alone. Or even have a drink.

Seen and heard here. Enjoy that precious time with your little one and sending you strength in the knowledge that you aren’t alone x

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

UnleashedHeathen said:Hello. I’m a first time mom with a five month old. I worked full time until 38 weeks. While on maternity leave, I decided to quite my job and stay home with my baby.

My daughter is exclusively breastfed and at times it can feel lonely. She needs me to eat so I take her everywhere I go. I don’t have many people I can call friends, and even less now that I have a baby. It makes me feel guilty and selfish to want to be able to do some things alone. Or even have a drink.

I'm a stay at home mum to a 2 year old. I feel you. You're not selfish for wanting some time to yourself. It's a normal human desire.

Fire of Insight
Netherlands 3awards
Joined 8th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 128

UnleashedHeathen said:Hello. I’m a first time mom with a five month old. I worked full time until 38 weeks. While on maternity leave, I decided to quite my job and stay home with my baby.

My daughter is exclusively breastfed and at times it can feel lonely. She needs me to eat so I take her everywhere I go. I don’t have many people I can call friends, and even less now that I have a baby. It makes me feel guilty and selfish to want to be able to do some things alone. Or even have a drink.

Very normal wishes.
And you better make sure you’ll fulfill those to a certain extent.
Listen to the stewardesses: if oxygen masks drop from the ceiling, be sure to put on your own mask first.

You can't possibly take good care of your baby if you don’t take good care of yourself!
Stay safe and stay sane and enjoy the time with your child.
Kind regards, Gus (the dad who breastfed 3 children - would I lie to you?)

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

It's my 1st DUP-versary! Smack in the middle of my 23rd wedding anniversary (yesterday) and 27 years together anniversary (tomorrow). I had a migraine today, and spent all afternoon  sleeping it off.

My 14 year old daughter caught the train to the nearest city with her friends for the day. She just needed lifts to and from the station. My 16 year old is being pleasant and cooperative (makes a pleasant change tbh) and is currently cooking dinner!

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 578

Thank you all for the kind comments!

I live in a small town. Pretty much only tourists take the train.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 18

I’m alive but I don’t know how escaped unimaginable violence 32 hours ago. After 9 weeks of attacks and police beating and hate crime with a baseball bat.    How do I react calmly and smiling.  It scares me lol so how’s all u.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

Been feeling a bit rough all day. At first I thought it was due to food intolerance, but as time has gone by, I've realised I have a stomach bug. Urgh. I've managed to do quite a bit of Italian and start making my Christmas cards, so all is not lost.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

Yes, I've been doing Duolingo for 18 months and am a few days away from finishing that.  I also take lessons.  I studied French for 7 years at school, and can still read and write it.  I can remember a few stock phrases in German... and today I started Portuguese because I've been collaborating with a Portuguese poet (so far in the English language!)

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

I've got a sick bug, bleurgh.  I've been away from here today (unusually), feeling too peaky to write anything original, or add any constructive feedback.  I have, however, sorted out the artwork for my upcoming book, and cobbled it all together roughly in order!  I'm hoping to have it ready in a couple of weeks.

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