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The Erotic Underground 18+ Only
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940
I was trying To Share My Pain
and all she could think about
was fucking me till words
became grunts
from my too verbose throat
to silence the
spill of bullshit falling from my
stubble framed mouth
she stepped up close
shoved one hand in her pants
wiped her heaving need under my nose
and asked me
what type of limp prick
has a woman this wet
and still won’t
shut the fuck up
we collided
as if her lithe body
was gravity
I was an unsuspecting rock caught in
her orbit
and had no choice
but to crash full force into her
smash our clothes off in flaming debris
hook my arms under her hamstrings
lift her until my face and her pussy
are lips to lips
her back to the wall
and I’m about to have my tongue in the core
exploring new terrain
to see if its waters will sustain life
the howling of her
breath cuts through the air
like a hurricane
her legs trembling
muscles in my back burning
I pull away lower her
until she crashes down on my cock
and we are left
a crater of lust-mangled wreckage
her ass cheeks planted in the
left there like a flag
to say we came
was fucking me till words
became grunts
from my too verbose throat
to silence the
spill of bullshit falling from my
stubble framed mouth
she stepped up close
shoved one hand in her pants
wiped her heaving need under my nose
and asked me
what type of limp prick
has a woman this wet
and still won’t
shut the fuck up
we collided
as if her lithe body
was gravity
I was an unsuspecting rock caught in
her orbit
and had no choice
but to crash full force into her
smash our clothes off in flaming debris
hook my arms under her hamstrings
lift her until my face and her pussy
are lips to lips
her back to the wall
and I’m about to have my tongue in the core
exploring new terrain
to see if its waters will sustain life
the howling of her
breath cuts through the air
like a hurricane
her legs trembling
muscles in my back burning
I pull away lower her
until she crashes down on my cock
and we are left
a crater of lust-mangled wreckage
her ass cheeks planted in the
left there like a flag
to say we came
Written by Nevermindthegaps
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Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
Forum Posts: 2182
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2182

Mm... Loosen Me, Please
Just how in the hell does he expect me to join in on his receiving pleasure
I cannot even arch my back when he’s all up in my creamy treasure
No palm gracing his head
Laying patiently sprawled on his silk covered bed
I do hope he doesn’t think I’m not going to climax
I want to feel his tongue serenading as he licks all over his midnight snack
Oh.. these ropes are too tight I want to tell him
His only mission is to please me from his hard erection I’ve seen
Divide my things while his hard dick slides in
You mean I gave up my manicure, pedicure, and Bikini waxing for this
Mm... although I love it when his erection is gracing over my lips
Sticking my tongue out catching the taste of his pre-cum drips
Oh no.. I cannot even sandwich his girth between my tits
The river of his essence flowing from out my mouth
Darn it, really, I cannot tease my own wet South
I cannot hold his dick while slopping all over his knob
The rope knots blanketing the rives of my my spit globs
And he knows I like giving him a long blow job
Hey... loosen this, pretty please
Or no more bondage, which he knows is his favorite tease
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940
SweetKittyCat5 said:Mm... Loosen Me, Please
Just how in the hell does he expect me to join in on his receiving pleasure
I cannot even arch my back when he’s all up in my creamy treasure
No palm gracing his head
Laying patiently sprawled on his silk covered bed
I do hope he doesn’t think I’m not going to climax
I want to feel his tongue serenading as he licks all over his midnight snack
Oh.. these ropes are too tight I want to tell him
His only mission is to please me from his hard erection I’ve seen
Divide my things while his hard dick slides in
You mean I gave up my manicure, pedicure, and Bikini waxing for this
Mm... although I love it when his erection is gracing over my lips
Sticking my tongue out catching the taste of his pre-cum drips
Oh no.. I cannot even sandwich his girth between my tits
The river of his essence flowing from out my mouth
Darn it, really, I cannot tease my own wet South
I cannot hold his dick while slopping all over his knob
The rope knots blanketing the rives of my my spit globs
And he knows I like giving him a long blow job
Hey... loosen this, pretty please
Or no more bondage, which he knows is his favorite tease
Sexy as always
Another beautiful addition
Thank you for sharing with us 🖤
Just how in the hell does he expect me to join in on his receiving pleasure
I cannot even arch my back when he’s all up in my creamy treasure
No palm gracing his head
Laying patiently sprawled on his silk covered bed
I do hope he doesn’t think I’m not going to climax
I want to feel his tongue serenading as he licks all over his midnight snack
Oh.. these ropes are too tight I want to tell him
His only mission is to please me from his hard erection I’ve seen
Divide my things while his hard dick slides in
You mean I gave up my manicure, pedicure, and Bikini waxing for this
Mm... although I love it when his erection is gracing over my lips
Sticking my tongue out catching the taste of his pre-cum drips
Oh no.. I cannot even sandwich his girth between my tits
The river of his essence flowing from out my mouth
Darn it, really, I cannot tease my own wet South
I cannot hold his dick while slopping all over his knob
The rope knots blanketing the rives of my my spit globs
And he knows I like giving him a long blow job
Hey... loosen this, pretty please
Or no more bondage, which he knows is his favorite tease
Sexy as always
Another beautiful addition
Thank you for sharing with us 🖤
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
Only Sound
Only sound I want to hear
The only sound that really matters
Are those that come from your heart
The whispers that escape
Sweetly from your lips
Even this will not be enough
For I need much more
The sound of the burning in your soul
Sensual cracklings flames
The music of your core
The voice of passion trembling
These vibrations that conjure new feelings
Surrendering finally to fate
Dancing within a band of joy
The majestic beauty of release
Embracing senses on fire
Bringing home the purity of love
The life of entanglement beginning
Sharing the source of our being
In the simplicity of pleasure
©️ AspergerPoet56
The only sound that really matters
Are those that come from your heart
The whispers that escape
Sweetly from your lips
Even this will not be enough
For I need much more
The sound of the burning in your soul
Sensual cracklings flames
The music of your core
The voice of passion trembling
These vibrations that conjure new feelings
Surrendering finally to fate
Dancing within a band of joy
The majestic beauty of release
Embracing senses on fire
Bringing home the purity of love
The life of entanglement beginning
Sharing the source of our being
In the simplicity of pleasure
©️ AspergerPoet56
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Forum Posts: 2182
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2182
Mini-Production Brought To You By
Another K Production
Poetic Words of Inspiration
Poetikmind (_---_)
West Coast Girls Full Mix
Bobby Cole
(Licensed for Usage)
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
Only Sound
Only sound I want to hear
The only sound that really matters
Are those that come from your heart
The whispers that escape
Sweetly from your lips
Even this will not be enough
For I need much more
The sound of the burning in your soul
Sensual cracklings flames
The music of your core
The voice of passion trembling
These vibrations that conjure new feelings
Surrendering finally to fate
Dancing within a band of joy
The majestic beauty of release
Embracing senses on fire
Bringing home the purity of love
The life of entanglement beginning
Sharing the source of our being
In the simplicity of pleasure
©️ AspergerPoet56
The only sound that really matters
Are those that come from your heart
The whispers that escape
Sweetly from your lips
Even this will not be enough
For I need much more
The sound of the burning in your soul
Sensual cracklings flames
The music of your core
The voice of passion trembling
These vibrations that conjure new feelings
Surrendering finally to fate
Dancing within a band of joy
The majestic beauty of release
Embracing senses on fire
Bringing home the purity of love
The life of entanglement beginning
Sharing the source of our being
In the simplicity of pleasure
©️ AspergerPoet56
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
The Air Is Heavy
The air is heavy
Surrounded by you
Senses taste the sweetness
Awakened in the aroma of love
We become alive
No more just existing
Hearts wildly beating
Souls catching fire
This is an electrical storm
Of two lovers deep in passion
It's a naked truth
Bodies laid bare to touch
Sparks between skin
That raise the temperature
The scent is infectious
Almost like a drug
Driving souls deeper and deeper
Into the erotic fires
it's the kind of crazy
Lovers feel when entwined
Surrounded by you
Senses taste the sweetness
Awakened in the aroma of love
We become alive
No more just existing
Hearts wildly beating
Souls catching fire
This is an electrical storm
Of two lovers deep in passion
It's a naked truth
Bodies laid bare to touch
Sparks between skin
That raise the temperature
The scent is infectious
Almost like a drug
Driving souls deeper and deeper
Into the erotic fires
it's the kind of crazy
Lovers feel when entwined
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
An Erotica of Eden
- An Erotica of Eden -
There is no need to fear the flame, so embrace me as I desire!
Cast aside thy skirts and finery, that I may view thy nakedness.
Is such love a metaphor for the spirit revealed by a divine fire?
Then let us love like the gods: run thy hands across my dress…
And find delight between my thighs, as I ready myself for thee.
Let us dip our feet into the waters that wait to caress them soft,
The waters of passion, which lap and lick to set the spirit free…
Only for the heat of the moment to carry us ever so madly aloft!
Such is the moistness of a stolen kiss, from lips willing and wet.
My tongue laps against thy mouth, my teeth biting so playfully…
As we tumble at the foot of the Forbidden Tree without regret.
The sanctity of Eden’s gardens are remade by us, so blessedly,
So that God might be moved to blush by the fierceness of lust!
Thou dost divest me of my garments, as if opening a sweet gift.
I raise my rear, and into me I feel the pushing of thy first thrust,
Making me cry for wanting you bad, until naught to want is left.
In and out of me I feel thee throbbing hard and wet in thy sport,
One hand around my waist, the other reaching for my member!
I am pinioned, between two pleasures, as I beg three for more.
Thou hast me in thy power: and my love, thou shall remember!
Thrusting, grasping, in and out, and up and down, without end.
I moan for thee like a harlot and angels weep at what is done…
The roots of the tree that was blessed, our coupling does rend.
As thou dost climax, within me, the gardens burn like the sun…
Whilst thou hast caused my seed, to fall upon Eden’s carpeting.
Our flesh pours out its’ ecstasies like wine upon a sacred altar!
And Eden dies, as our sweat coats our bodies, ever glistening.
This is not the end of our love’s play, for we dare not so falter!
I lie upon my stomach, and thou dost fetch thy flagon of wine…
Pouring the blood-like nectar upon my skin, from neck to rear.
Thy lips lick it from me, but the pleasure is just as much mine…
For thy soul is entrapped by its’ thirst for me, drawing so near,
Unto damnation, and yet thou dost smile as if going to Paradise!
Through love thou art fallen, and we shall rise together in dawn.
I am thy addiction, I am thy craving, and I am thy favorite vice!
Thou are my lover, thou art the flame, which is unto me drawn.
Thy hands squeeze my buttocks, and I giggle like a mad child…
I turn unto my back, as I find myself grown hard and wet anew.
Take me again my darling, and in the taking be never too mild!
We have entire universes to defile, our madness to thusly ensue.
How many gardens were blighted by the power of our hunger?
I am the god and goddess of thy apostasy, thy angel and devil.
Pour thy wine, my Bacchus, and let Olympus rain its’ thunder!
We shall humble the gods, and cause them to worship our evil.
Let love be their downfall, let them rue the hour of my exiling…
As thy lips caress my hardness, licking and sucking with fervor!
Thy fingers do assist thee in these ministrations until I am smiling.
I rake my nails across thy body, marking thee as mine forever…
Thou dost not wince, even when I climax into thy tender mouth!
With this act completed we have nearly sealed the demon pact.
I dip my index finger into some of the wine flowing thus down…
From where it spilled from my flesh; and before thou can react,
I trace three sixes, upon thy lovely forehead, with my left hand.
Thou are forced to kneel before me, as I don again my clothes,
Whilst behind us there is no longer an Eden, only a wasteland…
Echoing with the cries of our love, wherever the wind so blows.
Come with me, my love, for we have other worlds to despoil…
And I have others gods and goddesses, to seduce to my cause!
Thou hast made love to a serpent, and felt that serpent’s coil…
Now thou art one thyself, entrapped by desire’s crimson claws.
There is no need to fear the flame, so embrace me as I desire!
Cast aside thy skirts and finery, that I may view thy nakedness.
Is such love a metaphor for the spirit revealed by a divine fire?
Then let us love like the gods: run thy hands across my dress…
And find delight between my thighs, as I ready myself for thee.
Let us dip our feet into the waters that wait to caress them soft,
The waters of passion, which lap and lick to set the spirit free…
Only for the heat of the moment to carry us ever so madly aloft!
Such is the moistness of a stolen kiss, from lips willing and wet.
My tongue laps against thy mouth, my teeth biting so playfully…
As we tumble at the foot of the Forbidden Tree without regret.
The sanctity of Eden’s gardens are remade by us, so blessedly,
So that God might be moved to blush by the fierceness of lust!
Thou dost divest me of my garments, as if opening a sweet gift.
I raise my rear, and into me I feel the pushing of thy first thrust,
Making me cry for wanting you bad, until naught to want is left.
In and out of me I feel thee throbbing hard and wet in thy sport,
One hand around my waist, the other reaching for my member!
I am pinioned, between two pleasures, as I beg three for more.
Thou hast me in thy power: and my love, thou shall remember!
Thrusting, grasping, in and out, and up and down, without end.
I moan for thee like a harlot and angels weep at what is done…
The roots of the tree that was blessed, our coupling does rend.
As thou dost climax, within me, the gardens burn like the sun…
Whilst thou hast caused my seed, to fall upon Eden’s carpeting.
Our flesh pours out its’ ecstasies like wine upon a sacred altar!
And Eden dies, as our sweat coats our bodies, ever glistening.
This is not the end of our love’s play, for we dare not so falter!
I lie upon my stomach, and thou dost fetch thy flagon of wine…
Pouring the blood-like nectar upon my skin, from neck to rear.
Thy lips lick it from me, but the pleasure is just as much mine…
For thy soul is entrapped by its’ thirst for me, drawing so near,
Unto damnation, and yet thou dost smile as if going to Paradise!
Through love thou art fallen, and we shall rise together in dawn.
I am thy addiction, I am thy craving, and I am thy favorite vice!
Thou are my lover, thou art the flame, which is unto me drawn.
Thy hands squeeze my buttocks, and I giggle like a mad child…
I turn unto my back, as I find myself grown hard and wet anew.
Take me again my darling, and in the taking be never too mild!
We have entire universes to defile, our madness to thusly ensue.
How many gardens were blighted by the power of our hunger?
I am the god and goddess of thy apostasy, thy angel and devil.
Pour thy wine, my Bacchus, and let Olympus rain its’ thunder!
We shall humble the gods, and cause them to worship our evil.
Let love be their downfall, let them rue the hour of my exiling…
As thy lips caress my hardness, licking and sucking with fervor!
Thy fingers do assist thee in these ministrations until I am smiling.
I rake my nails across thy body, marking thee as mine forever…
Thou dost not wince, even when I climax into thy tender mouth!
With this act completed we have nearly sealed the demon pact.
I dip my index finger into some of the wine flowing thus down…
From where it spilled from my flesh; and before thou can react,
I trace three sixes, upon thy lovely forehead, with my left hand.
Thou are forced to kneel before me, as I don again my clothes,
Whilst behind us there is no longer an Eden, only a wasteland…
Echoing with the cries of our love, wherever the wind so blows.
Come with me, my love, for we have other worlds to despoil…
And I have others gods and goddesses, to seduce to my cause!
Thou hast made love to a serpent, and felt that serpent’s coil…
Now thou art one thyself, entrapped by desire’s crimson claws.
Written by Kou_Indigo
(Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
a small
she loved him
gave her
to soar free
his arms
will never
be denied...
a small
she loved him
gave her
to soar free
his arms
will never
be denied...
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
she floats
his strength
no matter
what is given
its freely so
as trust
and love
is everythimg
all for...
she floats
his strength
no matter
what is given
its freely so
as trust
and love
is everythimg
all for...
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
than the sun
a goddess
before dark eyes
more than
just a
a free
tho in chains
to a wonderful
who knew her
before she
knew herself
the need
true desire
than the sun
a goddess
before dark eyes
more than
just a
a free
tho in chains
to a wonderful
who knew her
before she
knew herself
the need
true desire
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
I Long To Be Close
I long to be close
It's an aching urge
That I can no longer control
I follow your beauty
Like a blind man searches for light
The closer I get
Butterflies rage deep in my stomach
Is it infatuation or lust
Who cares if it feels this good
For in your eyes I see my reflected smile
So let me get close
Get lost in you
Bring me back from the wilderness
Into your soulful oasis
So I can quench my thirst
As I close my eyes
I feel you in my veins
Flowing through me
Your presence is like air
Like a favourite scent
It's an aching urge
That I can no longer control
I follow your beauty
Like a blind man searches for light
The closer I get
Butterflies rage deep in my stomach
Is it infatuation or lust
Who cares if it feels this good
For in your eyes I see my reflected smile
So let me get close
Get lost in you
Bring me back from the wilderness
Into your soulful oasis
So I can quench my thirst
As I close my eyes
I feel you in my veins
Flowing through me
Your presence is like air
Like a favourite scent
Written by AspergerPoet56
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