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Poetry competition CLOSED 12th January 2022 1:45am
View Profile Poems by KittyFromHell

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Competition this, fool!

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Poetry Contest

Some people need to be told off. Some need to be shut down. Create your best poetic response to the fool. A perfect slung cut down...
One entry only
Don't hold back...

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5727

Just a heads up here, let's not turn this into a bloodbath of name-dropping and personal vendettas against DUP members who have issue with each other.

I believe the host means "in a general sense "  ?

Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 85

Makers of Lies Hate Truth

Makers of lies hate truth, but I shall speak the truth even if it costs me my life.  
Something is fundamentally wrong with the minds of world leaders.  
Presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens, all politicians think alike.  
They do not regard the people in worn-out clothes as their equals.  
In fact, they do not even accept these persons as real men and women.  
The lives of all human beings doubtlessly have the same worth.  
Race, nationality, economic status, rank or religion, makes no difference at all.  
The senseless warmongers neither appreciate nor value truth and right.  
And they squander taxpayers’ money on the study of supremacy and aggression.  
They cannot love one another because they do not know the Creator of life.  
The leaders of countries are public servants; they are not gods and goddesses.  
Greedy political candidates instigate bloodshed to win seats in the whorehouses.  
People with integrity certainly do not get involved in the nastiness of politics.  
Radicalism is not terrorism; sly politicians like to invent definitions for words.  
Simply put, radicalism is the aim at fundamental change in the structure of society.  
Terrorism is the employment and incitation of terror to drive fear in others,  
And in their book of rules, this definition matches the armed forces of the states.  
Rich, bourgeoisie and poor, everybody has the right to freedom of expression.  
Spokespersons for the governments falsely accuse people of terrorism and extremism.  
They regard anybody who disagrees with their delusion as a terrorist and an extremist.  
I have a few thought-provoking questions for the leaders and the so-called intellectuals:  
Is it true or false that the states are the biggest terrorist organizations in the world?  
Who has the nuclear capability to cause worldwide death and mass destruction?  
Do you think it is the one who resists oppression or the one who oppresses others?  
The mother of terrorism is in fact the notorious self-styled world power,  
Yet so many misguided people scurry to that modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.  
Some people have turned their backs on good morals to achieve dishonest financial gains.  
The power-hungry Lamblike Beast and its hypocritical allies are under the control of Satan,  
But none of them is able to see it because they are afraid to look in the mirror.  
They have blind minds, and they murder innocent people to cover up their evil deeds.  
The wicked conspirators are buried deep in fright, lunacy, and confusion.  
If you ask them who the real enemy is, they will give you a nonsensical answer.  
They do not have a clue that their pride, ignorance, and hatred are their worst enemies.  
Injustice, intimidation, corruption, and preconception reign in their legislative bodies.  
What they call the best system of law and justice is actually dungy toilet tissue.  
In plain language, the law and justice of mankind is full of human excrement and urine.  
They run for their lives and seek a hiding place when there is no pursuer.  
Every day they improve the technology of weapons and the strategy of war because of fear.  
How long will the evil, satanic authorities go on building an imaginary foe?  
The foul scent of their disgusting filth and pollution is suffocating them to death.  
Preachers, teachers, and dignitaries give such eloquent talks on the podiums.  
I for one do not take a single word they say seriously, and I do not respect any of them.  
All of them have the same rotten intention, and that is to mislead poor people.  
Lies and deception issue from their tongues like slime dripping from the sewer.  
They have built systems to institutionalize deprivation and bad-mindedness.  
We are a futureless civilization because of the rubbish they teach our children.  
The size of the bags they carry to school is the equivalent of a donkey’s hamper.  
They publish the propaganda theory that higher education is the key to success,  
But their many possessions and achievements are not the result of their hard work.  
They have achieved wealth and fame by means of exploitation and plunder.  
The dishonest leaders take credit for the creativity and production of our hands.  
They swindle us out of our meagre earnings and give us a non-prosperous life.  
I conclude that they are up to no good, and their leadership is a colossal failure.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

The fool

The jester was a fool
There to entertain
And make people laugh.
Especially the KIng.
In the US in Trump
They named a fool for a King.
The fool is now out, but not far
Still standing on Stage Left
Wearing his Nazi suit.
God help America
If the Fool runs again,
Has enough FOX freaks and friends
For support.....and wins.
That might very well be
The onset
Of a new Civil War.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1981

Straight Doping (From The Nun Runner Series Part I)

Hold the fuck up, you bitches brought me out of retirement for this straight-up bullshit        
Look at me mother fucker when I speak, I been on the hush in New York and hopping on some good nightly dick          
Queen, these streets have been brutal, and a drought brought on by this Covid-19          
Ain’t nobody else’s dope is worth the cash, if you know what I mean          
Damn, Gee it’s been all like that          
The product still has to be moved… just because you hiding behind that façade of a fake ass kittycat          
There’s still certain buyers who prefers that particular Ghost knack          
Fuck…fuck…fuck… this shit is not even my game anymore          
Cutting pure cane, stealing cash, or transporting guns, and international whores          
Just this one last time          
Then you go back to your concrete jungle, and play the innocent act, while sipping on that Moet or your Chardonnay wine          
We got a potential buyer who is willing to drop some serious zeros          
He just needs someone in the ATL, willing to move the weight of the chronic and his Kilos          
You fucking kidding me, right... that last run... we had that Mr. Charley po-po, who was all over my ass          
Two of my boys had to take the heat for that criminal task          
Don’t worry… we gave some fake names then we took his ass out          
Shh… that shit never should have floated out your fucking mouth          
Ahh… you getting soft on me          
Na’ll Gee… just picking my poison, where I’m a Ghost, and could in, out and quietly flee          
Hum… you said some serious loot for me transporting from point A to point B          
It’s been a while since I gutted anyone with my Glock          
I guarantee we sell it to him, then you know how we roll, we get the money, the grams, and then we pop-pop          
No loyalty among thieves          
You best better believe          
Have the crew ready to move out after midnight          
Say what became of that horn man for you to leave your crew behind and then take flight          
That is none of your motherfucking business, stay in your lane Gee          
This ain’t no lifestyle where passion confines me, not if I slice your head off and make your bleed          
That motherfucker dick must be good to you          
Does he really know what you really do          
Hell na’ll! I got his ass bedazzle off this juicy pussy food          
You are one bad wicked bitch          
And can soothe the hell out of a hard dick or mesmerize a clean, soft clit          
Just make sure we pull out on time, do not forget the scanner and the night googles, and for the road, my bong          
And Gee, drop that motherfucking cell phone before you even think about tagging along          
No time needed for tracking us over the live wire          
And to do this job, TNT and grenades is required          
And mix that shit with some ammonium nitrate          
Once its set.. no delays, so they will not know what to anticipate          
I do not like those slick fucks in the ATL          
It always comes down to us or them going to hell          
And after the smoke settles, I do not want the mortician to be able to tell          
One dick from another or what we took after the sell          
Let’s do this my Queen
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd July 2021
Forum Posts: 8

Blo©(k)'D Letterz: ABC'5

Hi, DING...
and 5to©(k) pilling... toilet paper?
Don't fall off a loo5e 5tool and
hit your head5 on the
demar©ation bowl be5ide your bed!
𝄞Bar none: treble,
u ©leffed a pool 5ti©(k) up your fanny.
Don't look now, but I 5py a rat-nanny! 🐀🐾
Hmm I ©an't 5eem to think of a rhyme for rat, ANY.
Darn... "©ho©olate ball5 of yarn 5(k)@??"
Rai5ed in a barn,
NUN, nun, NUN! Rummin' ©able5
buhttween fen©e5... that i5 just what happen5
when mi5information ©onden5e5.
5ublime day for a drive...
and dive-by,
wetter than the o©ean...
and we (k)now ya hate lotion! 💦
Gnawed on your own networ(k);
gho5t in wire5 ©ro55ed and roa5ted!
I gue55 it (mor5el or le55)
make5 5en5e that a 'none-lives-left' bit©h
would blo©(k) me... I'm more a threat
than the *(M-T pocket). I'm his demon-witch,
and I ©ast (k)it(k)at-(k)iller ©unt ro©(k)ets.
Written by mantisdeer (Cait)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Yes, there is never a need to personalize writing that many people will read. This comp is for word pimpin' skills not vendetta...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Nice political pimpin ...I write on such as well.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Nice social political pimpin. Covered a host of actors in the game.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Straight word pimpin....You sling the slang, well.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Excellent font symbol word pimpin. Your extensive design in the sentence "look"...helps protray the uneasy emotive phrase.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1981

The Nun Runner (Invading New York)

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Yeah... that’s what’s up... and this shit here is for the folks who don't know who run thangs in these parts

The Nun Runner.... Bitchhhhhh

Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Valid Excuse

Truth is overrated
with the flow of anger
everyone has a cursed soul
in which they can't lie
or sugar-coat the truth
So the truth is out there
Can You Handle The Truth!
Written by Phantom2426 (Francisco J Vera)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 855

Tom foolery


They posture around, mimic lost circus clowns
in the end, just need putting down.
Fools have the rein's controlling our lives
eradication the tools we need to survive
As a surgeon will cut with a scalpel .
 a laser will cauterised, comic and awful
the permanent mask, the straight jacket approach
 the Nazi oppression to just slit their throats?
opinions, are paths, diversions to hell
but our time it is short. without warning we fall
is it magic you brew, or the hags evil spell
excrement smeared, over another's profile
the innocence gone we had as a child
diversity means just counting to ten
 just biting your tongue, again, now and then
to fester and seethe a cancer unseen
 charity comes, from a true human being
the sound that we hear from this daydreamer
chuckles come, like a Laughing Hyena
Written by slipalong
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Thought Provoker
India 7awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 322

Tom foolery


They posture around, mimic lost circus clowns
in the end, just need putting down.
Fools have the rein's controlling our lives
eradication the tools we need to survive
As a surgeon will cut with a scalpel .
 a laser will cauterised, comic and awful
the permanent mask, the straight jacket approach
 the Nazi oppression to just slit their throats?
opinions, are paths, diversions to hell
but our time it is short. without warning we fall
is it magic you brew, or the hags evil spell
excrement smeared, over another's profile
the innocence gone we had as a child
diversity means just counting to ten
 just biting your tongue, again, now and then
to fester and seethe a cancer unseen
 charity comes, from a true human being
the sound that we hear from this daydreamer
chuckles come, like a Laughing Hyena
Written by slipalong
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slipalong said:
Like a laughing hyena can relate to.

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