Poetry competition CLOSED 9th July 2021 11:17pm
Ahavati (Tams)
View Profile Poems by Ahavati
RUNNER-UP: The_Silly_Sibyl

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Pride and Deconstructed Prejudice

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

I’ve not chosen to believe it... that’s documented written history and dates readily available on the internet.

I dunno, maybe take it up with the people who made the history of the world?

And it’s not tolerance or middle ground when you’re asking people to side with a man who is clearly against treating the gay community like human beings who deserve happiness just as much as anybody else on Earth. What he did was frankly a bit of a dick move.

Thanks but no thanks, Hun.

poet Anonymous

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Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

Northern's history is backed up by scholarship and real-world research into antiquity. Your history is based on a literalist interpretation of a cultural myth. Therefore, Missy's has more weight, because it's based on tangible evidence as opposed to interpretation and bias.

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

I love Eve, actually. She was the original badass.

Eve also said fuck that, and did her own thing in the Garden because sometimes knowledge is more important than idealism.

See how that works?

Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

I think it's fair to question the premise of a competition when we're being asked to write from a bigoted (or at least controversial) perspective. If only to clear up a lot of the misapprehensions people might have after reading the opening post. I agree, though, that it's well within the guy's rights to report all the non-entry comments and have them removed. Maybe that's the right move at this point.

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

The_Silly_Sibyl said:I think it's fair to question the premise of a competition when we're being asked to write from a bigoted (or at least controversial) perspective. If only to clear up a lot of the misapprehensions people might have after reading the opening post.

Agreed. People have the right to question.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17634


I've worked my entire life          
mastering my craft        
I'm a designer, you see        
at Masterpiece Cakeshop—        
my own company        
I'm not young, by far          
I come from a belief          
that Jesus is King—        
my King, who will deliver me        
I have served the homeless;        
I have served other religious affiliates:          
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist        
because it matters not        
who enters my shop;        
they all receive the same service          
I do not discrimminate          
against the color of your skin        
or your sexual preference        
because it matters not        
who enters my shop;        
they all receive the same service          
Furthermore, I don't request          
that you change what you believe          
in order to appease me          
or receive service          
You need not enter          
quoting scripture;        
you need not enter          
professing Jesus is King          
All I ask in return          
is the same—please        
do not expect me to change          
to appease your belief    
Marriage is between
a woman and a man
I will not change
my view on that belief      
Deep inside, I know that I know        
the truth of Love, somewhere—        
it hides its face behind fear          
And I don't yet realize          
that a commissioned masterpiece          
would not alter my faith        
in the least          
But, I am unconscious—        
grounded in fire          
and brimstone        
I have not yet learned  
that Love cannot be contained
in a box, label, or belief
I have not yet learned       
to hang all the prophets and law          
upon Jesus' two commandments:          
Love the LORD your God          
with all your heart and soul          
and  mind
And, Love your neighbor          
as yourself
I do not realize          
the opportunity I missed        
to share the gospel          
with those in disbelief        
that I accepted a commission        
from a gay couple—    
as Jesus serving publicans    
and sinners  
And why, exactly, I chose Love        
over ego and fear of burning        
amid flames filling my mind with doubt       
vs floating atop the Water of Life          
fulfilling my heart          
Give me time—        
maybe in the next life        
I'll live what it's like          
and finally understand          
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Notes in the Author's note.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

cloventongue89 said:

Write 2 poems one from your point of view and one from an opposing point of view

                                 i am religious and observant

i am religious and observant
i am but God's humble servant
i see life as He has shown me
my belief in Him is fervent

to Him i am committed
to His laws i have submitted
my life is one in His duty
i shun everything He's prohibited

i see the light in His command
and that is the light that i know
i fail to see what you demand
for your light to me lacks 'that' glow

i do believe in live and let live
just as the Just God has told
so please afford me the reprieve
for i am not one of your mould

i refuse to concede what is my right
for your take on freedom and justice
and like you i too believe in a just fight
my meaning of The true God's service

[P.OV of a Believer (my own close family and friends amongst them) who know only what they know and have lived their life more or less by it. The only true 'education' they've received. They are people (men and women) of conviction so when one's at that spot and that point in their life, it's pretty hard to 'change' what they've truly settled in for.]

judge humans- is nope, not your call

oh you dear fervent believer
i hope you in fact had 'known' more
than just a command's receiver
the meaning of love at its core

if you believe in oneness of your God
The maker or of all life and death
i don't think you would have forgot
the meaning of love and respect

the Creator of black white and grey
i don't see He ever meant to say -
live and let live  not for all life
not His children if they not obey

freedom cannot be selective
depending on what you believe
law of the land's the directive
you cannot decline to receive

once you say open for business
you've signed up to service them all
you're not the arbiter of fitness
judge humans- is nope, not your call

my personal perspective view/opinion from the opposing side. To oppose I do believe you DO NOT  necessarily have to be the enemy.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

A Plea Bargain while sitting in my Living Chair

This Plea Bargain Paper placed on top of the table waiting for my signatures..              
Haa! I laugh.. Coz it me made me..              
Can't you see I'm bunging resting on my living chair?..
They said no matter how you feel..                
Get up!              
Dress up!              
Show up! And never Give up..              
Oh well, it's a daily routine for most. It's also mine at the same time..              
How I live..              
I get up if I am lucky to see the next day light..              
I dress up simply because I have to show up wherever I got business to care..              
If you are not the given up type, cool..                
If you give up..              
I mean everything?              
The only possible true state you gonna find yourself next is called Apathy..              
This is how it is mentally, logically              
faithfully, morally and proven clinically..              
Apathy is cold..                
Trust me, I was there once or twice..              
Many people go and many people return..              
Some stay behind and never come back..              
Logically, if you truly give up on everything mentally, faithfully and socially..              
You most know from that moment the expectations of getting up, dressing up as well as showing up are long gone..                
You are done!
For a second don't ever think reading the tales of my journey will give you cheers..  
Nor I don't expect you to shed tears..                
Turmoils in our societies I contributed my fair share...              
There have actually been many Shadow Warfares..            
In your mind you'll end up having thoughts of maybe "You should start minding your own damn affairs"..              
All the gossips why do you hear?..              
It is because of the worldly opportunities, competitions.                
Bad blood between us peers..                
You are lying!.. Bitch!                
Deep down I tell you there must be something you really fear..              
At least for every two individuals at some point in time..              
They will eventually differ in thinking..       Differ in feeling..              
Differ in wishing..              
Differ in willing..              
Differ in believing..              
Now you see, it's not the same shoe sizes we wear..              
I asked again the gossips why do you care?..              
Not a Republican..              
Not a Democrat..              
Everything's a farce..              
There's a very little chance of me receiving some public jeers..              
My habits you asked..                
Good or the bad ones?                
Old or the new ones?              
Odd and weird, I got tones from each and every one of these my dear..              
I got demons and it's up to me to choose my choice to stand a fucking chance fighting my fear..        
Embedded in my soul so many Mafias..      
In my brain, it's been a while..              
I'm very sick..              
Rolling deep down the dark tunnel..              
The Doc said my case is very rare..              
Body counts or number of victims I no longer care..              
The hunger games, playing in my sick head is of will and sheer..              
Frictional force in my brain is no longer dynamic but static..  
Take for instance your neighbor for over a decade is a serial killer..              
A family member an respectable old fella engaged in pedophilia..              
Do you think this shooter took an oath at birth to end up being a mass murderer?          
Your only true, honest opinion, feeling as well as an understanding of this possible case scenarios lies in your mind..    
[b]A Bargain Plea..
I will break it down for you..            
Was it because of the compulsive masturbation?                
This myopia..              
I cautioned you concerning your worried fornication now you see the cause of your hypermetropia?              
Was it the bloodshed?              
This necrophilia..              
People wondering he molested the child..    What causes              

People suffer from acrophobia              
So much Hatred!              
Even my xylophone is rattling..              
Nothing is as it seems..              
[i]So, I'd rather sip a beer..              
Lying or resting on the couch..              
Smoking weed sitting in my living chair..              
Never judge me on how I look, joke and even cheer..              
You've no idea how far I'm willing to go to accept a plea..              
Bargain with my demons that I no longer fear..              
Rolling deep down the tunnel..                
I can feel it the end is very near..              
Daylight is not far away..              
Immediately outside this tunnel..              
Meet me, I will darken your light all I need to know is do you dare?..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Fantasy Recipe

Oh! Pease let me be..        
Have a taste of my recipe of fantasy..      
Opposite charges attract each other..(negative to positive)..      
Like charges repel each other..      
So much lust it taste..      
In my Recipe of Fantasy..      
My Recipe of Fantasy..
Have a taste from this recipe in my fantasy..        
No charges!..        
Notice how far I can dwell inside my mind..  When no intruders in my colony!..        
Our aims and objectives for going experimentally!..
Half lyf?..    
Fuck half life..    
Iam online!..    
My phone battery life full..    
Thinking about Monica from phone erotica..    
It's already after midnight..    
So inside the room, it's gloomy..    
Laying on my bed..    
This x video sluts..    
The Q movi harlots..    
Casting couch! Ohh!..    
Think of it..    
The milfs,    
All the other crazy porn (Act!) tresses..    
Every time I do drugs..    
To them I blew it from my knots..
Hey, you ladies please keep toe to toe..        
My roofing sheets come blowing..        
All of a sudden clear views of another day after some very long nights see my horn blow..        
My girls please let me know it any time you see me crossing your line..        
Fill with rage, anger, though combined with pure honesty..
Alumina illumina me.        
Oh! Mammy..        
Illuminate me..        
Oh! Mammy..        
I'm so sick, you are my only remedy..        
Oh! Mammy..        
For me to heal take me into your custody..        
Pardon me, let me gonna me..        
Oh! Mammy..        
Oh! Pease let me be..        
Just having a taste of my recipe of fantasy..        
Pray for me!..
Just wait a minute! I am taking a walk through my mind..        
Give a minute!        
Trying to capture the true/false thoughts living within me..        
I feel like reaping inside my heart..        
Cockatoo cocktail..        
Watched workaholic zow zow..        
Workaholic worshipper workshops        
I even made a mark here in Warsaw..        
This is how it sounds when you don't stop YA, self going cock to cock..        
Fuck the museum when I said marsupium I only mean to joke the pouch of a kangaroo..
Alumina illumina me.        
Oh! Mammy..        
Illuminate me..        
Oh! Mammy..        
I'm so sick, you are my only remedy..        
Oh! Mammy..        
For me to heal take me into your custody..        
Pardon me, let me gonna me..        
Oh! Mammy..        
Oh! Pease let me be..        
Just having a taste of my recipe of fantasy..        
Pray for me!
Have a taste of my recipe of fantasy..      
Opposite charges attract each other..(negative to positive).        
Like charges repel each other..      
So much lust it taste..      
In my Recipe of Fantasy..      
My Recipe of Fantasy.
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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