Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd April 2021 6:24pm
Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
View Profile Poems by Kou_Indigo


What type of Buddhism has entrenched within You?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2329

Poetry Contest

i KNOW who my Buddhists Poets are, but who are the spilliers of Buddhism ideals? Looking for spills of Buddhist like or similar ~
Give me Your effin faith, mf!!
i want to know You
i want to feel You

even if You're not a pagan
give me Your reasons why

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

Planetary Alignment

In the quiet temple of time I close my eyes  
Full Lotus style in sitting acceptance
Closing my eyes  
Elevating my mind, relaxing my heartrates  
Transcending to the evolution realm of my Crown Charka  
Slowing opening the portal of my Chi  
Revealing the doorway to the passage of enlightment  
The comforting insignia of my Dragon’s Blood incense sailing
Inhaling the aroma of my foreign allegiance to my ancestral greatness  
Conjoining the positive momentum
Purging the unconstructiveness  
Allying the spirit of my mind and heart    
Cleansing each sovereign of my psyche
The reverence of my charisma unadorned  
Contained by the mystical devout chants to traverse  
Into a world of articulated linguistics  
The channeling energy conforms my anointed essence  
I am now synonymous with compassion as I bow to the wonderous unity of Mother Earth  
The defined universe embraces the silhouette of my soul  
Benediction brings me closer to the celestial consecration  
I am now at one  
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Paths of need

for I am each, and they are me  
the cosmos one true entity.  
Each footfall on the cobbled street  
a child's first step
the wire without a safety-net  
Dry tomes, wise words  
 inner gears that spin a web,  
distractions as they flow and ebb.  
Distance never hold's the unlocked door  
with just a push, its truths outpour.  
The embodiment of nature's ease  
searching for the inner self.  
The endless tides that wash the kelp  
a constancy to be refreshed.  
Barefoot through torment; fingers numb  
the rock face yields no grip  
For knowledge is the unclimbed cliff  
a summit of unspent wealth, is reached.  
For I am each, and they are me  
acceptance finds tranquillity
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2329

Deeeeeeeeeeeeelighted for the submissions!

thank You (all) for submitting................wow!  super entries

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


ain't no quiet in here, mama
'cause this monkey don't sleep
and there ain't enough wisdom
in the whole buddha-wise world of dog eared books
to reign that rank beast in
and so there ain't no quiet jasmine scented peace
like what i wished for
'til i learn to hear past it
and that ain't no kinhin in the park
(that's a joke)
like i got these clouds rollin'
thick and ominous
as the ocean from whence they sprung
rumblin' rat grey and troubling this anxious mind
and a worried sailor takes to the bridge
to scan the horizon
for some slither of ice blue
and i'm trying
and he say
don't try
just breathe
and well, shit
if that ain't just another something
to tax my frazzle
(if you get my drift)
Written by javalini
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2329

i've always loved " clever " titles, javalini

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

A town called Transcendence  

Sapling’s rise from the forest floor
In times when trees can walk no more.
They teach the ways of root and leaf
and cut the ragweed from belief.
As sure as sun will bring the rain  
the laws of droplets can be changed.
The owl that turns his head to see
will be at one with all that breathe.
A flower-bud bursts into life
the bloom so bright it carries light,
a cry announced into the world,
yet still the blossom starts to curl.
Of spiders that rebuild each web
and walk the path step by step,
with nothing and no need of choice
Nirvana is the silenced voice.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Lessons of Emptiness

- Lessons of Emptiness -
Samurai Serenity

The First Lesson

There was a rugged bridge over a turbulent riverbed,
Washed over by clear waters fed from the mountain.
Swordsmen oft clashed there, turning the waters red,
When their blood sprayed out, like unto a fountain…
Released at the moment when they realized their end.
Coming to emptiness, and in that finding their destiny!
To prepare themselves: for whatever fate might send,
The Samurai would contemplate emptiness in dignity.
Can you think back to a point before you knew fear?
When innocence fired your imagination with boldness.
Before your first sorrows, before the first shed tear…
You were empty, and yet filled with wonder’s caress.
In contemplating the sword, one is ever the student…
The world is the teacher, and every battle the lesson.
True mastery comes not ever to one who is arrogant!
So empty your ego; thus, let your katana truly glisten.
Wait not for death to show you the enlightened path,
The dead need learn no more, for they are beyond…
Be empty of any anger; be not ruled, by petty wrath!
Seek to learn, and of the journey become most fond.

The Second Lesson

Thus were the thoughts, of one beautiful swordsman,
Who came to the bridge one morning: in the spring…
His sword at his side: his mind shifting, like fine sand.
Empty of fear, open to the world and to everything…
Like a child hoping to discover some golden wonder.
Another waited for him upon the far side, so silently!
Above in the sky, gathered clouds and loud thunder.
Whilst the waters of the river flowed forever gently…
Caressing the bones, of those who perished in duels.
Both men looked down at the dead; felt no terrors…
For fear could not touch them as it could most fools.
To give in to one’s fear is to give in to one’s errors…
But also to know one’s limits is to find new strength.
So each swordsman looked upon the other intently!
Their eyes met and time seemed to halt for a length.
Each knew, that the other could kill almost instantly,
And to the moment of that realization came peace…
For both knew, that they could not hope to prevail!
So they bowed and walked away, never to cease…
Learning: about life and living, without shame or fail.

The Third Lesson

Mercy and benevolence are both honorable virtues,
As strong as steel that cannot be broken with wear.
To be open to them, one must be willing to choose,
The path of emptying oneself of greed’s evil snare…
Becoming humble, and willing to serve their fellows.
Lest one fall into the waters, that await the prideful!
One cannot easily fathom, wherever the river flows.
But one cannot learn, by being stubborn or spiteful!
The mountain cares not, for it stands tall, unmoving.
People are not mountains, for we care as we roam,
Each upon a path that can, countless fates so bring!
Yet, only one will be yours, as solidly as cold stone.
Living in the moment, open to all that life can offer…
One is empty of fear and free to see what is hidden.
A gift and a treasure not found, in any gilded coffer.
One’s destiny is not to be thrown unto the midden!
We all come to a bridge to be crossed cautiously…
Some will fall, some will stand, and others walk on.
You cannot plan for that hour; accept it, gracefully!
For a path can be long, and oft we have but begun.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

Joyously I May Roam

These eyes they surrender
to the far reaching mighty gaze
These ears they listen
the transcending call to the praise
This lips will continue to utter
the grace of his name, forever and ever

limbs carrying a body to wonder
the abode of thy celestial yonder
the center of world’s existence
the glory of human’s penance
home for all saints and sinners
Manasarovar and Rakshaters

the rider of swan saw no peak
burrough depth the boar sees abyss
yet in a little space, my heart seeks
I see and feel the dance of bliss
this heavenly host, your true home
Let the truth be known,
how joyously I may roam
Written by XiaoLong
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Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

Love of god!

a train on a slow paced day
start thy mountainous way
seeing the snow capped peaks
with yaks gracing for its daily heat
changing landscapes in the distant
a calming heart in this instance

purest sound, aum, transcends
peaks and valleys of Tibetan lands
a treasure of yours so vast indeed
shared by all your kinsmen in need
life is joyous, I draw from your grace
a grace always within with no haste

This journey is for devotion
guided by saints who have sinned
by men of faith, lesser in knowledge
By family led by caste, by traditions
knowing a false world with thy hope
and pure love are thee, the love of god!
I have always sinned, yet
your grace always within me
Written by XiaoLong
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