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Poetry competition CLOSED 21st April 2021 3:31am
ReggiePoet (Reggie)
View Profile Poems by ReggiePoet
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and Bluevelvete

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Erotic Rhyming Poetry

Michael Glover
Lost Thinker
Joined 5th Sep 2020
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

This is a competition for erotic, rhyming poetry. Please limit submissions to one per person. If you submit more than one, I will only read your first one.

Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1885


The lady has an ass that can pass for a massive onion
You know, the kind that can make a grown person cry
You’d swoon like a loon just looking at her pantaloons
And I said “person”, because some may be trying to get bi

She swings that thing like she’s presenting an offering
You can tell she likes to pop a lot of squats at the gym
If you glance at her pants it might send you into a trance
Like committing various sins with many different synonyms

There are no ifs and ors only butts you’ll really go nuts
You’ll have no qualms staring but you might lose your calm
In a closer encounter you would need a Geiger counter
She radiates energy because her body is just the bomb

They say the devil is in the details but at this kind of level
The question that really comes to mind is, it’s all in the genes?
But one has to witness this kind of diet and fitness because
After many countless sets and repetitions, it’s all in the jeans

Men have gotten busy and dizzy over this little tizzy
They’ve only seen this kind of scene all over Instagram
But to see it live it would drive some grown folks mad
And I said “folks”, because even women will say: Damn!
Written by wallyroo92
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Remington Lancaster
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 28th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 119

Related submission no longer exists.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Jungle Love

- Jungle Love -

In the hotly caressing, jungle-like heat,
That pulses, far beyond the winter chill…
I lick your lips like a pomegranate sweet!
And I let the nectar of love frothily spill.
Soft and wet, down on the bed’s sheets,
Our bodies sweating, crashing together…
Breasts pressed, to our twin heartbeats:
Our love is a hot jungle, in any weather.
Your legs spread, like a parrot’s wings…
And you cry like a jungle cat, in hunger!
Oh girl, you love the most naughty things,
And I shall give you a night to remember.

You grind your hips as I press atop you,
All I hear in my ears is your fast panting…
Whilst I take you beyond love most true.
The jungle’s heat is best, for romancing!
Love and lust personified in one mad act.
The wind howls, outside; you howl also…
For I have taken you deep, no going back!
The jungle’s river is getting ready to flow,
Beyond its’ banks, where fertile soil waits!
Love is a rhythm, like drums in the dark…
A native song, in which all pleasure sates,
The appetites to which we as lovers hark!

I am inside you, exploring your territory…
The river overflows, and you then swoon.
My hands caress you in throes of ecstasy,
Whilst outside rises a cold winter moon…
But we are hot, our bodies so embracing:
That we can only hear the drums beating!
Your wetness is upon me as I am playing,
With your soft hair, lost in your breathing.
I am still hard inside you, pulsing in time…
To the jungle heat that came upon us fast.
Jungle loving is a: madness most sublime!
And we still have all night, to make it last.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 9


She waited to be taken ravenously
legs spread, her naked sorcery tempting me
She was the aperitif, main course and dessert.
So, I consume her like a starving man, gripping her throat.

Unable to wait any longer,
I slid inside her, one hard stroke,
it slips in the mild wet, making her gasp.
Pulling out, and one spit,
it is beginning to be a drooling pit.

‘I’m going to keep torturing you like this.
Alternating thrusts and licks, until you are begging for your release.’
‘Please,’ she whimpered, her legs buckled beneath her.
‘Not yet, darlin.’
I flipped her.
In and out.
Slowly, Thrust and lick.
Flicking. Biting. Tugging.
I was relentless.

Her toes dug into the mattress
as she clutched on to her teddy bears.
She felt my fingers and thumbs seared into her hips, pulling her closer.
We looked into each other's eyes and nodded,
sending us over the edge.

She whispered with a moan,
‘Tonight I’ll give you something,
I’ve never given you before.
tonight, you will go through my backdoor.
Take it, fuck it, consume it, fill it with your hose.
Satiate my greed, your today's gift.'

Her voice scorched my skin,
like flames cruising our entire bodies.
I dragged my lips up and down her spine
and over her curves and edges, making her shiver.

Her ass spread out waiting, throbbing for me
my tongue like a vortex moving around the asshole.
sliding, digging in deep, tasting every fringe.
my tongue smelled and tasted, as I continued to eat.

"Just do me, I can't bear it no more.
Let me suck it, spit on it, lube it to go,
rip me off and part my waiting butt-cheeks
sniff and then rim my anus fucking senseless."

Slowly, I fuck her ass,
grinding myself in and out
the sensation is so intense
It just heightened all the sense.
She begins showing quivers
from her thighs and then upwards
towards the middle of her back...

Tremors and gyrating eyes,
I've got you close to where you want to be at.
I also pant and shiver
"Goddamn the friction with your ass-hole feels so hot"
Her back arched upwards like a bolt of
lightning and her hair flies towards me
And my eyes roll back as I pull her hairs
I stay there for what seems like forever.


12/05/2020 07:01
Written by Penguinphile (Ab.C.)
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Canada 3awards
Joined 10th Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 5


I quiver and pulse
At the thought,
Of gentle hands
Binding mine.
Kneeling politely
Eyes turned up
Into Yours,
My mouth opens
As you allow
Me, to circle
The tip
With the tip
Of my tongue.
Inch by gentle inch
Sliding in,
Gliding into
My throat.
Sure hands
Full of my hair,
I won't break the stare
Even as tears roll down,
From your soothing thrusts
Turning rhythmic
Swells your cock,
Expanding my chest
To take it on.
I am yours,
Do what you will.
I'll only give
That's what I do,
To feel your control.

Written by looloolookie
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Happy Hooker2

She stood in front of the mirror
Admiring the shape of her figure
Her boobs
And pubes
Made her sex-appeal clearer

She was such a good looker
Thought she'd succeed as a hooker
Stood on the street
Hoping to meet
Any sex-hungry onlooker

Her career was a success
She had her vagina to bless
A warm damp passage
Each cock to massage
And then cum in its recess

She enjoyed having sex so much
Receiving cocks in her crutch
A dozen a day
As long as they pay
And the sensuous feel of their touch

 She soon built up quite a trade
With men wishing to be laid
Back in her flat
No time for a chat
A quick fuck then she was paid

She decided to work more at ease
With fewer clients to please
Leisurely  fucking
Penetration and sucking
Of course she increased her fees

You had to book in advance
If you wanted a good chance
To enter her cunt
And have a punt
Your experience to enhance

She had a diverse clientele
Some for fucking and kissing as well
Pretend girl friend
An hour to spend
Or fuck all night in a hotel

Some regulars came every week
Orgasms galore they would seek
Found her G-spot
Inside her slot
Multiple cumming ; her technique.

Some older men could not cum
But no need for them to be glum
Her hand did the trick
Never too quick
Happy with the outcome

Once she organized an orgy
Everyone naked and naughty
Each with luck
Taking turns to fuck
It was fun and very sporty

She is still  working this way
Nearly sixty, if she's a day
Her cunt's for hire
Will not retire
Bring her your cock to play
Written by gardenlover
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Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 1st July 2015
Forum Posts: 544

Ecstasy Found

I can't get you out of my head, like a thought that cannot be explained.
My feelings for you are running rampant, like a escaped prisoner, hard to be detained.        
I don't think I can surpress my dirty fantasies and cravings for you much longer.           
My body is dehydrated and I need you to quench its undying thirst.            
I take pride in being the Virgin Mary of the group and not giving my fruitful cherry to just anyone.            
No, I'd rather preserve it's nutrients for someone worthy of it's delectable, juicy goodness.            
But for you I'll let you ravish into my flesh like a famished vampire who lacks of blood.            
Take me apart one by one like it's an intense game of jenga.            
Fondle with my pink rose so soft and urgent with care through each finger, like it's a guitar.            
When you get a teaspoon of me you won't need any type of porn to send chills down to your erogenous zones.      
My body can be the stimulator that garners up all of your sweet lustful moans.          

You want my heart well baby become one with the veins within it.            
Be my Achilles heel, be the back bone I need to stand on my own two feet.            
It turns me on when you tell me the things you want to do to me once you have the opportunity to get me in bed.    
I'm not no damn one night stand, so don't expect no quickies or basic head.        
I'm a classic girl, wine and dine me to get to the nucleus of my soul.            
Nothing gets me off than a man who can treat a woman like a cherished fossil instead of a rusted old tool in the shed.  
I want that love where you shut out the world and not answer a phone call or a text.            
But instead just be lost in each others orgasmic melodies and the pleasures of our sex.            
Our love will be the kind of love where you can't live without me and my life is yours to uphold.            
A love where marriage is the center of binding our commitment legally and you taking my hand to hold.            
A blushing bride dying to give all of her warm embraces to her doting groom.      
A groom that looks at me with hunger when it comes to devouring me with his mouth from six ways to Sunday during honeymoon night.            
A groom that wants to explore putting my body into different positions like a contortionist with all his everlasting might.          
My dreamlover you make me feel alive and filled with heavy adrenaline.            
I want to be the one that heals all your aches like I'm your own prescribed penicillin.            
My body is an open safari baby now come use it for your own unawaited exploration.            
I'm your forever and always            
I'm ecstasy found, but an angel to society.        
Come be my proprietor baby and forever keep me in your possession.
Written by LibraSoul96
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2335

Sonnet in a Wheelchair

(because Em asked me for a sonnet but I don’t comprehend the iambic pentameter)
My sexy Muse, You inspire me to write.  
I love all Your flirting, spills  and kisses.  
You invade my mind through the day and night,  
Hard-ons in my mornings, Hell what is this!  
You will always have me now, every day,  
You’re drop-dead-gorgeous and brilliantly smart.  
You instantly captured me with chess play  
Synchronicity, Wow!  Now have my heart.  
How do I love You? Let me taste the ways!  
I nosh on Your sexy  ass, breasts and bush.  
Now my hot sex and lust is set ablaze    
as my longing intimacy feels smoosh’d!  
Now we must petition with hopeful dreams,  
coition to fruition  our love(teams).  
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

A love Story From The Darker Side

Arriving at the gates    
She stands    
And she waits    
Will they open today    
Or will she turn    
And walk away    
Her eyes are aware    
That all these cameras stare    
Seeing her from every direction    
How can he not see her perfection    
From inside he peeks    
At the woman he seeks    
Standing there    
Her skin so fair    
When all of a sudden    
He finds his courage    
And presses the button    
Opening the gates    
He watches her      
As she walks to her fate    
She enters the house    
Shy and quiet    
Like a Mouse    
Then does as she was told    
Slowly, Seductively    
Takes off her clothes    
All of her he sees    
As she enters the room    
And lowers to her knees    
Not yet knowing her fate    
She sits perfectly for him    
And again, she waits    
When all of a sudden    
She lets out a gasp    
When enters the room    
This tall man in black    
Not a word is said    
He walks slowly around her    
Petting her head    
She sits there still    
As her thoughts float free    
And she succumbs to his will    
He stops in front of her    
He squats with his hands on his thighs    
Looks deep into her eyes    
Realizing she could be his demise    
Staring back at him    
So confident, So Strong, So big    
Yet knowing if she wanted    
She could break him like a twig    
The silence breaks as words pass his lips    
"Why are you here"    
"Sitting perfect like this"    
She mutters back quietly    
"this is where I want to be "    
"I brought a gift for you sir"    
"I wish to gift you me"    
He does not break eye contact    
And proudly Smiles    
Dreams coming true    
After all this while    
That fateful night    
They took a chance    
That night they started    
A long slow dance    
Living, Loving Learning    
Two hearts burning    
Like most never will    
Holding her close and keeping her safe    
He loves her without condition    
As she binds his heart and soul tight    
inside her willful submission    
Written by Wh1skeySwagger (Swagger)
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Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

Till I Scream

I walk to the lake
in that deserted town
I know he isn’t fake
he won’t be a let down!!
It’s been since the hunt
I felt that tingle in my cunt
months of waiting for a punt
this time I’m gonna be in front  
It’s was the midnight sun
Mrs Sommer’s having fun
I once saw her fucking son
he was fucking a wild nun
in my mind it’s imprinted  
in my heart it’s whispered  
It’s my loins that he tinkered
a splashed cum that sprinkled
I’m by the lake right now  
ohh dear, where art thou?
come over here, take me down
tear my clothes ignore my frown  
darling, feed me with the flame
off your throbbing, it’s no shame
the little spanking, find me wanting
let’s start fucking, I want to be screaming

see my need, it’s your imprinting

since that nun, I’ve been craving
turn me sideways and upside down
let your hard cock, take me to town!

fill my hunger, feel my lustful need

with your desire, I’ll be in your sight

feel me gently, fill me with your seed
we’ll be outside but you’ll fuck me deep inside

with your hunger, your roughness
bend me over, leave me speechless  
tie me up and tie me down till I’m breathless
spank my ass thoroughly till I scream senseless!!!
Written by XiaoLong
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Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

Thanks for the opportunity

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

Related submission no longer exists.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Sensational mess up!

My GOD!..
Holy shit!..  
Jesus Mary and Joseph..

 My raped therapist..
Not my dead therapist..

I don't need your attention..            
My blood brain barrier is only now a junction..            
Of a very disturbing confusion..            
Forcing me into enforcing and reinforcing my addiction..            
I keep asking myself is this the real reason and connection?            
Between my illusion, delusion and hallucinations..        
Nude images of my therapist, I keep on perceiving supports all the laws of attraction..    
Wearing and tearing me apart like that force of friction..    
Reports from the fertility doctors for my systemic reproduction..            
My penile veins in constant constriction..    
Penile arterial contraction..        
My solutes and solvents given me not a solution..            
Inequalities between my action and reaction..            
Opposing that third law of motion..            
This must be some kind of misconception..            
My dreams inception..            
Consist of two broad divisions..            
First one I am lucid with an erotic imagination..            
That ends with a very firm erection..            
Where all I need is a safe penetration..          
Bear with me, I don't believe  any of this is masturbation..            
The second one comes with this plethora of emotions..            
Nobody seems to know the reason behind my incarceration..            
These cops pulled me over last night for reasons whatsoever they called an insubordination..            
All they found with me is a toy gun with no ammunition..            
What I heard them asking next was licence and registration..            
So I provided some papers with authentication..            
These chumps again insisted my particulars lack some validation..            
I sped up with no velocity in my acceleration..            
Wondering what's gonna happen next
I asked myself is this all a fiction?            
Feels like yesterday, recalling when I was charged with a rape allegation..            
Just can't let myself into anymore detention..            
But destiny comes before hope and so is my position..            
As I step into the rock n roll station..            
And all these marksmen rise up out of respect with this gesture of salutation..            
Folks be like what have you got yourself in this kind of situation..            
Keep acting like you don't know we are staging a revolution..            
We don't care this could lead to life alteration..            
After all, this is the beginning of a new human evolution..            
Moments later I open my eyes to a sudden sensation..            
Just can't believe this is all part of a therapeutic session..            
This psycho analyzer must have compelled me into blurting this hidden revelation..            
Can't even remember when we started having this conversation..            
When are we ever reaching that final decision..            
Letting me know how glad she feels in witnessing my transition..            
I might have been lucid, just not under the influence of any sedation..          
You must know by now that all I do best is simulation..          
The only reason I sit here before you this morning is my endless desire for ejaculation..    
Do I appear to you as one in search of any redemption?          
I need to know though when you are due for ovulation..    
That's the best chance for me to put you some babies such is the condition..    
From behind sticking you up doggy's your favorite position..    
Oh doc! You have no idea how far I am willing to go to acquire your cooperation..      
Less we won't be meeting anytime soon until the resurrection..            
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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