Poetry competition CLOSED 5th April 2021 6:21am
View Profile Poems by Bluevelvete
RUNNER-UP: Ahavati

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17092

Poetry Contest

Your experience and take on love
Your take on Love
two poems per poet
old or new writes but not previous winners
reasonable length
no collaborations
no extreme contents
no commenting on thread

O Love, O pure deep Love, be here, be now,
Be all – worlds dissolve into your
stainless endless radiance,
Frail living leaves burn with your brighter
than cold stares –
Make me your servant, your breath, your core.
By: Rumi

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Love’s Rebel

- Love’s Rebel -
Written on March 22nd, 2012, on My Birthday

My mother was a Leo; and so, from that lion my birth.
Aries is my sign and so the horns of the ram’s worth…
Mimic the crescent moon, the crown that sits celestial.
Was not my crown on high, no less sublimely surreal?
A crown of glory waits for everyone if they are kind…
And selfless to others: so that not a heart is left behind.
Not one soul is created perfect, yet perfect love can be!
Let me tell you what loving words were given unto me,
Inspired in my heart by a force some might call divine.
For when angels whisper, one should give them time…
To share the message, that is theirs alone to so bestow.
Hear now what I come to share, in words that do flow!

This year on my birthday, three baby doves so white…
Flew under my arm, and then up to a very great height,
Into the trees around my garden and thence I know not.
That sign was delivered unto me, from divine thought!
For there is neither coincidence, nor accident planned…
By the angels that bring miracles: so close, to our hand.
And by certain signs and wonders, one can oft behold,
Good omens of such glories, so very long ago foretold!
That one such occurrence marked the day I was born…
Made me smile, thinking deeply and without any scorn.
There is purpose in every life; mine too was destined…
And when the angels whispered, my ears ever listened.

I am the rebel who stands beneath the darkening sky…
Whilst a thousand angels wait to hear my sharpest cry!
Do they wait to sing, or to condemn my ancient cause?
I think they wait for my choice, and thus their pause…
Will I choose darkness, or will I cast my lot with light?
I am of my own creation, and I have such a keen sight!
But I cannot see where my path shall end, so I walk on.
Do I walk alone or are there angels at my side beyond?
Who can hear my prayers when I offer them in silence!
I know not; only that within me is liberty given license,
To create beauty and all the things that beauty inspires.
I shall fill the void with passion, and therein it’s fires…

So that stars shall pale, before the new law that I bring.
Love is the law, and before it death loses its’ hot sting!
Breath fades and the world passes, but love continues.
I would slay hatred itself, until a true paradise ensues,
Not of some distant heaven but in this world and hour.
Lend an ear to my word, and let this grant you power!
My hands are willing to build such lasting foundation,
As can only be begotten of the crucible of compassion.
Therein is hatred burned away, leaving love to remain,
So that innocence returns, and gone is the past’s pain!
The natural state of the soul, its’ preexisting condition,
Is no less pure than so awaits us, freed from: perdition.

Let me free you, let me whisper in your ear as a friend;
I love you, if you love others as selflessly without end.
Only hatred do I despise, the sin unpardonable by all…
Did you not know I would speak thus, and to you call?
Time is a cycle, and my thread is one none can sever…
I am here, and I am there; I was and I shall be forever.
Look within your heart, and there my words sing loud,
My voice feminine and masculine, humble yet proud…
I wait within you, at that door where you might knock.
It is unbarred, having neither sturdy bolt nor iron lock!
My hand pens these words, which flow from my heart.
I give them unto you; and now, you must do your part.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Moved by Love

- Moved by Love -

I am a being moved by love, and so I write of life,
For love moves the universe, from peace to strife.
Nature, thy name is Terra, for thou art this earth…
Where all beauties and horrors alike are given birth!
Naught is fair, yet in thee is balance swift and sure,
The fairness of the harlot: who gives her love to all.
It is there, in every forest, jungle, swamp and moor,
Where your perfume is sharp, wherever it may fall.
Have I not in my time, walked in your wild places!
Do all thy children not crave the best of thy graces?
The scent of pine in the forest, when crisp is the air,
And the garlands of flowers that girls used to wear:
Do they not smell sweetly, to senses that can feel?
Are they not more delightful than the chill of steel!
Wood burning away upon the hearth, when kindled,
Is as welcome as the trees where the wood mingled.
So long as a tree is planted, to give back to Terra…
There will be all such delights known, in every era.
Mighty mother, thy mood is so filled with changes!
The tides of thy seas, and every wave that rises up,
Each is a wanton maid to those who sail thereon…
Just as thy hills are the bosom of a land that ranges,
Beyond the rim of the shore, like the lip of a cup…
Onward toward the horizon, heaving below the sun!
Roughly dost thou take thy love, Terra, and willing,
For all who love thee not are lost to thy divine fury.
Just as the raptor that glides softly before a killing,
Thou are loud in thy anger, yet gentle in thy glory.
From the hells below, the fire in thy blood wakes…
Even as the soil that is thy flesh groans and quakes.
The heat of thy awakened passion issues thus forth,
Reminding all thy children of thy power and worth!
There is power in thy passion, and love moves it so,
As it moves all in the universe: all above and below.
It moves the angels in their high places far beyond…
It moves the fallen, within their caverns and canyons.
None can speak of the author of that love, with voice,
For to behold pure love is to be without the choice…
To be silent or to speak cannot be, for love sings out,
And so to speak of divine love would mean to shout!
Such does Terra: do when the mood comes upon her,
Since it takes but little to such love, as is divine, stir.
How like the fallen I am, trapped in a heat that burns,
How like mother Terra I am, in a universe that turns!
Passion rules me, moved my love, and I am its’ slave,
Such fire burns within me and I burn, too late to save.
And so I realize that even Hell is moved by pure love,
Even, as is Heaven: beyond stars that shine, above.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

Unnoticed (NoPoo 103)

no condition  
with this heart
while it softly thrums  
in my chest  
given away  
a simple  
delclaration of love
for falling  
as gravity  
finally takes hold  
course is set  
for lands afar  
what's gone before  
is now undiscovered  
eyes see  
in new light  
unrequited gaze  
that never tires  
what beauty forms  
is an unspoken secret  
one i long  
to finally reveal  
just to be a pillow  
for your head  
the brush  
through your hair  
that means i am felt  
even the air  
touching skin  
would become fire  
to warm you  
running water  
to bathe you  
until then  
will remain  
your unseen
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17092

Kara and AspergerPoet56 thank you for your participation.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17092

RiAN, thank you for your entry.

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


love comes after fire, baby,
and tests the mind
and holds the heart
like a tight fist
and makes one look
for sparks among the embers

love is a kind blanket
in the wake of passion
and a kind eye
to what one didn't see
and couldn't know

love carries and holds
and gives and takes
in equal measure,
a truce that binds
one's heart to mind
and mind to eye

love is the prize
and the price

too high for many
Written by javalini
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17092

javalini thank you for your entry.

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 784

the love i languished for

the love i languished for
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Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17092

Ljdynamic and cabcool thank you for your participation.

Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 9

Empty Laphroaig Quarter Cask

There were only a few drops
left in the bottle.

Yet! She poured it
in the glass,
mixing it with her (each glance).

And, that was enough to get me

Written by Penguinphile (Ab.C.)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2327

(It’s) Usually Unexpected (re: FEB 14th)

(It’s) Usually Unexpected (re: FEB 14th)
Tallen (earth_empath)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2327

It's electrical, my Love

Quietly and all at once,
You walked with me
like You'd been here all along,
my friend and my lover...
we both belong here together.

It is I who could not be silent.
For when You touched me inside
an eternal flame grew white hot
and I had to let it out a lot
to cool my spirit and heart.

Now tepid and just the right
amount of heart and friction
You and me can now begin to be
stronger and more intimate
than either one of us could
have imagined months ago.

Between then and our present
I felt there was something
I recognized...

And from that moment in time
an old soul had a beautiful
opportunity to supplicate
with an ancient witch of now
pure electrical energy.

All the wonder and awe of love
shines through and for the first
time in our lives we look deeper
into each other's eyes and
saw eternity.

And in this loving moment we
now knew everything.
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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