Poetry competition CLOSED 14th January 2021 6:38am
Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
View Profile Poems by Numer90
RUNNER-UP: wallyroo92


Common Sense

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 85

Good Samaritan

This is getting too personal..  

Interestingly personal..  
Everything just turn personal..  
Here we go..  
Am now an adversary..  
Here we go..  
There's a funeral in a cemetery..  
Are we good to go?..  
I will tend to be the next mercenary..  
Folks indicating am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not an Arabian..  
People complaining am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not a Caribbean..
I am the architect in your misery..  
I happen to be the author of your calamity..  
I dwell in ur destiny i played a role in ur insanity..  
Having a row with you is mandatory..  
Am the mastermind in your agony..  
I've been having this feelings of wilderness..  
If you must know this is a sweet rivalry..  
Until it's very cold in harmattan..  
Am gonna pay you a visit in Manhattan..  
Setting such a fire in your balcony..  
Welcome to an endless apathy..  
I don't fuck with this is a misery..  
Only time is gonna tell how far you hold..  
Remember the one who cheer with only friends and family?  
Remember you don't even fuck with my look alike?  
No hawkers allowed inside my ministry..  
No trespassers in my armory..  
Even though I got some hommies and a family..  
Am not the one to break a protocol..  
And this one is not even a sibling rivalry..  
Your only mistake is forgetting am not a good Samaritan..  
Just recall am not a good Samaritan..  
You never know me before to be that good a Samaritan..  
Just so you know am not a good Samaritan..  
Dumbest thing you ever did.. forgeting am not a good Samaritan..  
I had this murdepedia shit in my gallery..  
With so many crime archives in my library..  
So many tanks full in my armory..  
When am done you are to lose any liberty..  
Welcome to permanent poverty..  
Am not a breed of sin city..  
My favourite sin is not vanity..  
You see there's no coincidence of rarity..  
I have the mind of faith, peace and unity..  
Loyally am gonna go down in history..  
You gonna..  
Tell me how far you pip..  
Let me know how long you eaves..  
Pipping Tom, Dick and a Harry shit..  
Jack of all trade in gravity..  
Dead pool in a cemetery..  
You'll no longer have any security..  
You are not a blonde legally..  
You came from a dysfunctional family..  
You don't live in a sorority..  
For you i've a very violent affinity..  
I've already made this an activity..  
They all screaming this is an atrocity..  
The fuck! nobody knows what's really happening..  
You'll never know so keep on mis judging me..  
Not intended for misogyny this is only an obscenity..  
Incompetent fools lacking in team chemistry..  
I am roaming in a scary place called a fantasy..  
I am the judge jury and executioner..  
I'll wreck havoc on you legally..  
Time is not gonna heal for you..  
For my ghost this is a complicated calamity.  
For me though it is an absolute sanity..  
I know some shit from fast and furious..  
Ask around who's the boss in my armory..  
I got so many clerks in my library..  
No vacancy for you in amenity..  
You are now bounded to accident and emergency..  
There's still a job for you in my laundry..  
Father I thank you for allowing me..  
To get over this happenings..  
My ghost is an adversary  
From a kingdom of advarsity..  
Am going full speed and velocity..  
If you have any memory come share with me..  
Oh! Remember don't come to Highbury..  
You'd rather go to the nearest cemetery ..  
Come run for your destiny..  
Remember this is insanity  
The road to parity..  
I used to be a ghost in my armory..  
Burial in a cemetery..  
No lifeline for eternity..  
Folks indicating am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not an Arabian..  
People complaining am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not an Caribbean..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

I cant sit on the fence

Walking where there's broken glass
in bare feet, not expect to bleed
jay walk in traffic, forward dash
just foolishness, to just proceed
Storm watch from the harbour wall
the foam and spray engulf
those boundaries, and say well, that's my call
and never heed results
To speed in a restricted zone  
joy ride a stolen car
individuality or just a clone
here lies a moral question mark
I cant just sit upon the fence
I have to speak in her defence
MY lover, lets fake no pretence
a bond of missing common sense
Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

For the Better Good

Some people just lack common sense
As they want to cross over the fence,

But never take the time to know why
It is there. They see the burning sky,

But never know why it is constantly
Burning. They cause chaos and bodily

Harm but never understand the pain
It causes. They complain about the rain

But never understand why people stand
In line for change. They never fanned

The flames and they shift the blame
Onto someone else when they take aim

At people who serve to be our voice for
The better good. They break the door

In the hopes of disturbing such a sacred
Space that is now tarnished with hatred,

Not with peace or their patriotism. They
Need to learn a thing or two about laying

Their hearts in the right place instead of
Shattering the broken remains of love

And sacrifice. Inspire a peacefully led
Revolution for justice instead of a thread

That leads straight to more destructive
Behavior. Be a voice for a more productive

Movement as the rest of us use our voices
And hearts for common sense and choices.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1843

Common Sense and Consequence

Maybe the whole lot of you didn’t really think this through
You thought you would have some fun storming the castle
This is isn’t a movie, what did you think would ensue?
Now the repercussions are going to be a real hassle

So you went on the offense riled up acting all intense
It’s just that bird brains don’t have critical thinking skills
There’s a consequence when you lack the common sense
This revolutionary talk was giving you some cheap thrills

You were conned into doing someone else’s dirty work
Yet still you defend it or are simply too stupid to see it
Act like a know it all but everyone else sees you as a jerk
It’s true, then again, you’ll never be able to perceive it

Perhaps you watched way too many movies or television
And never really thought about furthering your education
Now you rely on conspiracy theories hindering your vision
Your intellectual growth has been in long-term stagnation

Probably it was the way you were raised or lack thereof
You’ve lived in a small circle and only have one point of view
But you can’t call yourself a Christian and not have any love
When you beat someone because they’re different from you

Maybe laws and policies are to blame when they benefit the rich
When jobs are taken away the livelihood of communities suffer
The lack of family and education can leave many in the ditch
Then ignorance sets in and it gets tougher without any buffer

You’ll fuck it up and get nothing in return but get badly burned
Hopefully one day you’ll see the light and come to your senses
It’s a tough world but there are many lessons to be learned
And if you don’t, just remember you’ll suffer the consequences
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 573

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

an uncommon sense of destructive senselessness.

they thought supposed unknown
with a trite hidden face  
intended brutal stark malice
and pure dark hearted abhorrence
on full display  
a misled wrath enraged,  
inflamed to explosive ignited
'tis truer than-- and now an abundant disgrace  
as bigot's evil desperately perpetrated  
down through to very bone, encouraged  
riled to such gross severe,  
belief of an uncommon pointless hate  
all goodness and sense  
left wilting to forsake  
instigated by A singular
insipidly inside his own deepest inferior  
realities liar  
a blackest of unimaginable holes  
where senseless lives and dwells  
...only until...
common sense takes back her reigns of control  
Written by Bluevelvete
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

anna_grin, da_poetic-edifier, AspergerPoet56, Insiderew, Stoney223, Kinkpoet, hanagara, Phantom2426, Honoria, Scolar37, Marks, TCLilly, Tallen, A_Failed_Artist, Amorous_tryst, marwen, eswaller

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1843

Congratulations to Numer90 on the win and thank you to A_Failed_Artist on holding thought provoking (and needed) competition. Thank you to everyone who voted, I'm humbled by the runner up mention.

Hope everyone is staying safe.

Thought Provoker
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 85

Feel honored and more humbled man..

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