Poetry competition CLOSED 4th November 2011 11:30am
View Profile Poems by SychophanticSlag
RUNNER-UP: Whitewand6

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Sex-Workers Debate

Strange Creature
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 2

The door shuts with a click
And he's already undressing,
Exposing his dick
He pulls me to him, pressing
Hard against me

He pulls at my shirt,
My panties, my skirt
Until I'm wearing nothing

First he takes me
Against the wall,
Rubbing against me
With his balls

Then he takes me
On the bed,
Getting me
In the mood with a little head

And then, I'm in control

I'm the one in charge as he moans my name,
Panting "faster"
Grunting "harder"

The lights dim
As I writhe on top of him
And we climax together,
Simmering down like a falling feather

When it's done, I head south,
Taking him into my mouth,
He cums fast
And I don't know how much longer I'll last
Drunk on lust and power,
We went for hours.

And then, it was all over.
We were completely sober
And the sheets are wet
With cum and sweat
And he's ready to go
But I don't want it to be over yet

But it is, and he leaves
Me with nothing but a fifty and a few memories
And I realize that I didn't even get his name
And the shame
Is so great
That I'm not sure who I hate
The most: me or him?

I glance up as the door opens
Next customer.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 99

sex worker
cum work me
on a dark corner
in some back alley
we have to hide
dirty sex game
up and down
in the back of a van
your mouth on my money
i reach for a feel
ugh your a man ?
is this why they
call it a "trick"
i don't understand
a man on my prick
still-you might as
well finish
i have already paid
it seems so crude
but . . .
i wont be rude
so just pretend
with eyes shut
i am not getting. . .
      from a dude!

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

'HYMENOPLASTY' (Modern day boon?)

Have you ever thought about
the masses of nubile nymphs
lying in the pedestals of carnal worship
like lifeless carcasses of soulless flesh
being devoured by countless leeches
the veins bursting, spraying crimson
the tears rolling down, unnoticed and redundant
the cries dying deep inside
the pain shooting up like fiery arrows
thru the soft flesh of a soft life
the poor Cambodia angel!
the occidental beauty
having lived thirteen hard winters
her skeletal body battling the odds and the oppression
and being sold at the infernal flesh market
in exchange of some fistful ten dollar bills
the price of a thin membrane and primitive superstition

Who is she afterall? mistress of misfortune?
Whore of the dark horizon? Plaintive prostitute?

Have you ever thought of the small dreams smashed
and the bleeping dot inside the womb
the fetus of hope born from forced rape by hopeless men
fathering a life of mistake- a waste of eggs and sperms
which would be cut open, punctured in a flash
and the unwed mother would see it
coming in lumps of flesh-her fetus, her being
and she would close her eyes and lie down
submitting her body to them-vultures
who dream of great carnal powers and eternal manhood
rapists of belief and hope-fragile yet universal
and she would be dragged to a lady in white
Obese from hormonal imbalance-the surgeon (of misfortune?)
with no conscience and slit like eyes
who performs an operation-constructive?
And again she becomes a priceless commodity
who could be marauded by the rich exploiters
hymens fetching foreign exchange
in a country of majestic temples and ageless stories
hymen-the socialite's gift to her lover
on her first marriage anniversary
a small fold of skin drawing lines
across borders, across cultures and belief
a sign of chastity ..polluting lives
in brilliant paradox of cosmetic surgery and cruel drudgery...."  

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

She never said  
she could love
but she would stay for a while
and in that time
when she bedded your spine
your thoughts did nothing
but whine

poet Anonymous

As the hungry cry,
of her newborn child,
bellows in her ear.
The question on my mind is,
had she fucked
the friggen millionaire
would there be
formulae tonight?

Who cares what
you do for cash,
as long as you pay
the bills.
If she didn’t kill
or rape someone
or steal from the tills.

Let her fuck for money
so that she can feed the little tummy.
Take your obnoxious views
and pay your whore who screws.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

Did I miss it? I don't see winners listed anywhere?

Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 316

You are not missing anything dear artiste. The results wil be declared on 10th November, i.e. the dat after tommorow.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

and the winners are.....

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17085

Dear Poetryman,
So many good entries. So difficult to choose...eh? :D

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

the anticipation is worse than waiting for a glob of Heinze Catsup for your French Fries when you are hungry. I think anandosen is deliberately making me wait. and now I won't win cos I'm whining and complaining too much. OH the agony and paiin....

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

Tap TAp taP

anandosen said:You are not missing anything dear artiste. The results wil be declared on 10th November, i.e. the dat after tommorow.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17085

Poetryman, poetryman...while waiting, won't you spout poetry with me? (haha) never mind, I know I will not win either but I am attracted like a magnet to this page! Gad, who is the winner already!! (hahaha)

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

I had forgotton about this one? Today is the 15th. Did I miss anything? Grace?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17085

No, dear Whitewand, you did not miss anything at all. I am just kicking around here...to know who won the competition. haha! Nice eh?

poet Anonymous

Poetryman said:Tap TAp taP

[quote-50589-anandosen]You are not missing anything dear artiste. The results wil be declared on 10th November, i.e. the dat after tommorow.

I agree: Tap TAp taP...

What did no one enter a winner?

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