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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

18/11/20        2:15

apples and trees

I knock in sometimes
to see how the kittens are
they're still tiny
and their mother doesn't like me
but I like the kittens
so I'll take her death stare
and pick them up
for a rub

#NoPoo #kittenstho

*tip the hat. you're all beautiful people


StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Leftovers On Broken China  

There was an ambiguous inference
clinging to my afterthoughts
and rolling up stream .
The propulsion was forceful
un natural, fabricated
as if it were implanted
against all will.
The weight of 'perhaps' lurked listlessly
in the hollow spaces of my time.
This time being of intermittent frequencies
intercepted at any given moment.
My yesterday's leftovers sit beautifully
on broken china.
Tomorrow hangs precariously through confusion
placed wrongly but clever.
Our cauldron hangs heavy with doubtful brew
my heart feels like hot tyres reaching thin ice.
Realisation quells the punch ,laden
with poisons that penetrate I with your soul
which ejects me far past any paradise
and back down to earth
with your ever real and heaviest presence
I am now suspended in all the equivocations
of self unsurety.
Tune in to the descent of our parallel frequencies
I've been with you so long now, you forgot me
this complacency mixed with tenacity
fuelled the spell that cast us apart.
Our high horses ride not on the sands
of others approval, nor do they rest upon
the receded banks of old fools.

poet Anonymous

Just a message to say, I’ll only be posting for a month, or at least get as many done as I can within the month, when I start December 1st.

Have some drawings already done, as well as some characters and what they’re doing in each piece.

Really liking some pieces in the thread.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

Ricky-sJournals said:Just a message to say, I’ll only be posting for a month, or at least get as many done as I can within the month, when I start December 1st.

Have some drawings already done, as well as some characters and what they’re doing in each piece.

Really liking some pieces in the thread.

Good going bro.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

you win some and then you...

ain't easy

then comes the question
- the reason you exist
an existential threat
on its own

keep walking son
for giving
is living
including forgiving


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17113


words written on hardwood
heart with an arrow
showers of autumn leaves
silent walk
hair falling over shoulder
casting bold shadows
show me the dawn in my evening
the sun rays through clouded dusk


Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

The Purge (NoPoo 7)

purging your demons
violent darkness inside
but follow the rules
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17113


this is not a competition
long or short
threads or not

I'd weave cobwebs
pick words off floors
write on endless scrolls
if 'They' can grant my wishes


Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404

#NoPoo/ 7/ 18112020/ 22:22:14         
::some(more) warm up 'smokiness'  continues... amidst the wintry damp 'croaking gourami' nights of a Calotropis gigantea bloom::  


 indeed, a sealing in in'sigh'tful~ testimonial

  ..of a last(ing) night,  wherein these swelling  
 spathaceous valvate~ whorly in ripen bloom-  
broadening petals of a tongueflower... are in  
the merciless lacerational to a deeply incisive  
bitten trysts.. those here & there redden crackle
inside out tenting~ fire clots in braving fonts of  

the now~ shyless animal in a scriptlessly naked  
language... awaits your annealing heal of yet more

(tingeing intense astringence of gripping truth of us  
in deeply marrying  'soul~ smokiness' infusionisms  
driking in from the vulnerably in entwine,  tendrilous  
longing tongue~ tip drawn curvilinears,    until core
in an electrifying ly benumbing infinite crab~bites)

shellacking wilderness~ swords in the warring verse  
-an eternal poetry, this our endless night of  

l o v e  

*pic: From 'In The Mood Of Love' a 2000 romantic drama hongkong film by Wong Kar-wai

Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2399

Nov. 18. 10:07

His eyes are the color of dead stars pretending to still burn -- dreams
of amber weaving 'bout charcoals

..he asks me why I kissed him

Judge, Jury, Executioner:
I swear to god he  kissed me

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Welcome, Lady. fantastic!

Didi, welcome back, man


Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2399

Thank you
*takes a bow* 😁

Great thread sir!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Age old question
It wasnt the omelette

although there was a lot of work
gone into it: choppping stuff
breakin' eggs n'shit

couldn't find the spatula
when I really fuckin' needed it  

so, I'd a knife and a spoon

anyway, it wasnt the omelette
not sure why I mentioned it

if it was that fantastic

I'd have posted it on facebook
let the people take a look
tell me get a cookery book
and I'll thank them
for telling me how shit I am

but, it wasnt the omelette
not sure why I even mentioned it
#NoPoo  #TheChickenDunnit

poet Anonymous

“What you looking at?”
A: I’m looking at something.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17113


he unravels sunbeams patiently
he wills them to be bouquets
that can be presented
to her proudly

she sleeps unaware
peaceful in her own dreams
he sighs willing to be there
dancing in her shadow

(An old write)


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