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Something fishy on DU

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

So it seems Sky Dancer has been banned
for "smearing her shit" again. Is this some underhanded dig at autistics?

There is clear mod bias on this sight, evident from Lobo and MLs damage control response last time Sky was banned. See kinkpoets poem regarding Skys banning and the above mentioned mods response to kinks poem.

If i had to guess which mods Avahati and JB go to it would be those mods.
Now if what Sky was saying is harmless drivel of a crazy deranged artist why censor and ban her?

The hypocrisy and censorship here is alarming and disgusting.

I know many of us here grow tired of this bullshit. Soon silence will be all that remains if we continue this way.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Related submission no longer exists.

Link to kinkpoets poem for anyone interested in reading Lobo and MLs damage control response.

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

Well i have to agree seems the old guard can smear shit by telling some one to cunt off skys comment was a general humorous comment were the othet comment was levelled ay someone

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Restricting our designs
our freedom
to choose
to communicate

To form the feeling
to form the rhythm
that plays on the nerves
of those
who believe
their not blind
just thoughts
from our head
lovinly applied
in pain

Formed into words
the freedom to choose
to communicate

How to design
how to apply
which words to use
that will play on the nerves
of those
who believe
their not blind

Like a sculpture
who doesn't see
just a block
of mere words
but a strong feeling
that there is
a rhythm
within the words
that must be applied
to ride with the rhyme
our feelings
have designed
to bring out
the hidden meanings
that others words
try to hide

Being Banned
for hurting
the feelings
of Non-biased
Group Hug
who ER
Believe in
the common sense
on this site
And yet they believe
THESE common sense

BUT Shockingly
there are still
on this site
who believe
Common sense

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

drone said:
Restricting our designs
our freedom
to choose
to communicate

To form the feeling
to form the rhythm
that plays on the nerves
of those
who believe
their not blind
just thoughts
from our head
lovinly applied
in pain

Formed into words
the freedom to choose
to communicate

How to design
how to apply
which words to use
that will play on the nerves
of those
who believe
their not blind

Like a sculpture
who doesn't see
just a block
of mere words
but a strong feeling
that there is
a rhythm
within the words
that must be applied
to ride with the rhyme
our feelings
have designed
to bring out
the hidden meanings
that others words
try to hide

Being Banned
for hurting
the feelings
of Non-biased
Group Hug
who ER
Believe in
the common sense
on this site
And yet they believe
THESE common sense

BUT Shockingly
there are still
on this site
who believe
Common sense

Brilliant.... bravo

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Has Missy been banned or she on hiatus?

Just curious

poet Anonymous

As frustrating as it is, and I can’t dive too deep into all - all those that see will continue to praise and like her, regardless of what is happening.
Hope she’s okay.

I can remember when I got banned. Partly my fault, partly not. Was frustrating at first, but I focused on other stuff, and realised I’ve been here for that amount of years, that a fair few still haven’t gone anywhere with their lives. So it’s best not to get too pissed off about it all...as hard as it is.

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1080

Sky’s unabashed demeanor and beautiful writing is what drew me here, and the site seems flat with her absence.
Her ban causes me pain.
In solidarity, I will remain silent until her return.
See you all sometime next month.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Kinkpoet said:Sky’s unabashed demeanor and beautiful writing is what drew me here, and the site seems flat with her absence.
Her ban causes me pain.
In solidarity, I will remain silent until her return.
See you all sometime next month.

yet another bright light temporarily snuffed out... Damn
you'll be missed

Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2397

(I wish I knew what was going on O.o)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604


I can assure you there was no underhand dig at autistic people. It was me who banned Sky. I'm not going to oppigise for it

I dont think the lady is a bad person. She has been throwing accusations around for some weeks now. we have asked her to produce some kind of evidence so we can look at it and deal with it

fact is there is no evidence.  She attacked the podcast, threw accusations around even though she was one of the first to be featured on it.

she attacked the moderators, again with no evidence.

we are of course open to criticism, and would look at any evidence of wrong and  subsequently deal with it

the lady could have emailed the webmiss, but chose to attack.

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

Smearing Shitisms


Autistic cunt
fucking runt

smearing your shit again
you're insane

Don't say it
what's on the tip
of your tongue
be damned
be hung

Banned banned banned
you're banned
28 days later we may let you back in

If you don't sin

In the quicksand
it's all underhand
too many snowflakes
already too many half bakes

Just be quiet
don't cause a riot
Bad bad autistic
You're too caustic

Not to be heard
or part of the normal herd
this place is fantastic
as long as you're no spastic

So, ta da ta da ta da
this could be the last hoorah
we dont care
if it isn't fair

You pay your dues
takes your choice
we may mute
your voice

Where's the humour
was it all a rumour
you don't belong
fuck your song

We decide what's legal
we might let you fly
like Eddie the Eagle
until you knock the status quo
then we stop your flow

Standing on thin ice
take some advice
you fucked up
so, shut up

Fuck your disability
your ability
we want capabiliy
more relatability

Saying what you think
shouldnt be in ink
Written by AspergerPoet56
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poet Anonymous

It’s Sister Mary Patrick on the microphone
Got a hairy spastic in my knickers, oh!
And there’s nothing you could say or do
that could tear me away
from Pastor David’s rod
he’s an amazing fuck

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Smearing Shitisms


Autistic cunt
fucking runt

smearing your shit again
you're insane

Don't say it
what's on the tip
of your tongue
be damned
be hung

Banned banned banned
you're banned
28 days later we may let you back in

If you don't sin

In the quicksand
it's all underhand
too many snowflakes
already too many half bakes

Just be quiet
don't cause a riot
Bad bad autistic
You're too caustic

Not to be heard
or part of the normal herd
this place is fantastic
as long as you're no spastic

So, ta da ta da ta da
this could be the last hoorah
we dont care
if it isn't fair

You pay your dues
takes your choice
we may mute
your voice

Where's the humour
was it all a rumour
you don't belong
fuck your song

We decide what's legal
we might let you fly
like Eddie the Eagle
until you knock the status quo
then we stop your flow

Standing on thin ice
take some advice
you fucked up
so, shut up

Fuck your disability
your ability
we want capabiliy
more relatability

Saying what you think
shouldnt be in ink
Written by AspergerPoet56
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AspergerPoet56 said:

💜 💜

poet Anonymous

Sorry. I won’t post anymore.
Hope angry people don’t always read my work, and think I’m always angry. They need to cheer up, seriously.

Everyone have a good day.

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