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A group exclusively for erotica?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17241

JohnnyBlaze said:

Yes, one easily could skip any baloney ( or sausage, I guess ) that isn't of interest.

Well I could add two fried eggs!

( That could be just a southern term for a flat-chested woman )

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Well I could add two fried eggs!

( That could be just a southern term for a flat-chested woman )

You should run with that in Case's latest comp LOL!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17241

JohnnyBlaze said:

You should run with that in Case's latest comp LOL!

LMAO! I just might!

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:The last time I attempted to assist someone obtain this group by pointing them in the right direction, I got my head ripped off my shoulders and accused of attempting to control a thing ( that supposedly I have never dabbled in, despite having an alternate profile filled with erotica ).  But here goes the neighborhood anyway:

The difference between a group and a thread ( such as that exists ) is this: The group will be forever and the thread will be locked after a certain amount of posts. It's that simple.  Why do you think there are so many Part II's, etc, on the board? Because the first was closed.  I don't know if it's even in Webmiss' power to move the thread into the group? I am not technical in the least.

But what I am saying, is that the current thread will be locked soon, because it's almost reached that post limit which will notify  the mods it needs to be closed and restarted. I would think that you would want to keep all your writings together vs restarting different threads, but I do not know that for certain.

What I was attempting to do previously, was guide the poster who was demanding a group for erotica in the right direction by reminding them that Webmiss had already said YES to the concept, and was just waiting for someone to step up with a name, guidelines, etc. So I didn't understand the the demands for what Webmiss had already agreed to.

Get it together, Erotic Writers. Come up with a plan and get your group. It's already been approved. It's YOU that Webmiss is waiting for.  Or, keep getting your threads locked and restarted; it's up to you.

Ahavati said:

Also, in a thread it's a continuous stream of posts without any organization for a special interest. One must scroll the entire thread in order to locate the type of erotic genre they're interested in. In groups you can create topics: BDSM, LGBT, Seductive, et al. That way you have a wide variety of targeted interests in just a click.

What I do know is, lots of writers around here could use a helping hand, so the group should be named something like "Erotica Gone Wrong 18+++".

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 8th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 3

most Erotical writs are about romance it could be called Erotic Endeavors or Tales of Erotic Adventures just suggestions as I'm new to this site

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Eros Verbose Meets Psychotic Erotic

poet Anonymous


as in

Making Erotica Great Again

You're welcome.

poet Anonymous

MaryWalker said:MEGA

as in

Making Erotica Great Again

You're welcome.

But bow to no man. You’re welcome.

poet Anonymous

dustyJournals said:

But bow to no man. You’re welcome.

That would be


Lesbian Erotica Group Only

You're welcome again.

poet Anonymous

MaryWalker said:

That would be


Lesbian Erotica Group Only

You're welcome again.

Told my brother, he’s no Brook Street Bureau, and he asked what the B.S.B stood for. I said it was obviously “blatant shit bruh,” so in essence I had no real reply to yours, and went totally off-track LOL.

poet Anonymous

dustyJournals said:

Told my brother, he’s no Brook Street Bureau, and he asked what the B.S.B stood for. I said it was obviously “blatant shit bruh,” so in essence I had no real reply to yours, and went totally off-track LOL.

Ricky's Dusty Crack Team of WAM Poets

Sorry, I'm no good with acronyms.

poet Anonymous

JohnnyBlaze said:

Ricky's Dusty Crack Team of WAM Poets

Sorry, I'm no good with acronyms.

I took mine from an Only Fools and Horses episode. Was originally gonna be “bullshit bruh” but couldn’t leave the S out, so changed it before I added it to some material.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

One could be Agro N.I.M.H. ( National Institute Mental Health )

Just have to get pissed enough about abbreviations...

poet Anonymous


This is too easy.

Now accepting royalties through PayPal.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

The *Secret Of NIMH* is Health and Wealth...

I am crazy about money...

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