Poetry competition CLOSED 10th July 2020 10:18pm
RUNNER-UP: AspergerPoet56

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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

The Rebellion

Did I go back to 1992 with all my peers?
Injustice never really went away but rather grew
Now there’s an age-old rage of a thousand years
Filled with a dread that I feared would come true

The empire is on fire but it was bound to happen
From Manhattan all the way to Beverly Hills
They’re all coming together, black, white and Latin
And everyone in between against those who kill

Ya’ll gotta pay attention, listen and watch these beats
Their flash bangs clang of history set with precedents
So while the citizens and residents take to the streets
The elite and their bulls rake in them dead presidents

There’s a revolution rising somewhere in the horizon
Don’t they know this is the lightning before the storm
But what’s frightening is some choose to stay in silence
While the violence around them becomes the norm

Fuck that, I won’t conform! There is an imbalance
It’s a callous systemic racism hiding in plain sight
And so while some fight against this fiendish malice
Think tanks will fire off their ammo in broad daylight

Together hatred and greed is a virus that kills millions
Inciting civilians into turmoil with a malicious scheme
As the rebellion cleanses we must remain resilient
And prevail to realize our visions and our dreams
Written by wallyroo92
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1873

Haiku/Senryu, Nr.02 — After George Floyd

Forever topped up  
by the tears of history  
the well-spring gushes.  
Written by Josh (Joshua Bond)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

Rumbles In The Jungles

Many choose to slumber as the thunder rumbles in the sky
As the system continues to blunder under America's watchful eye
Do doves cry when timber is tendered by a lumberjack
Garnering more empathy & energy than those considered black

Those who've been under attack since Jack & Jill went up the hill
Whose votes & Bible quotes won't stop them from being killed
Unable to heal & still feel like refugees on their own land
Where the sprees stay on repeat like videos on demand

Goddamn; even during a pandemic this bullshit doesn't stop
Another hashtag & bodybag for a man dropped by another cop
Those at the top that could plop a change strangely remain M.I.A.
Yet those same souls want us to go to the polls on election day

That conveys that everything they say is utterly worthless
And that skin filled with melanin appraises as worth less
Unrelenting stress, we're told, turns coal into priceless diamonds
Yet this duress impressed upon us feels like bucked & stucked hymens
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 45

If They Must Come, Let Them!

I have seen the bitter struggle
From the rose of white and red
From the living and the dead
I have seen the vulgar struggle

Who are these that rise like serpents
Killing children of my servants
These are they whom, like the flower,
Bloom in spring with flame and power

These who sign your peace and letters
Filled with indignation's feathers
They who soar by moon and star
Far from me but not afar

These are they whom kiss their idols
"Tell us! What shall come to pass"
I shall give no answers ever
Nor shall sweetly words amass

I shall be as rocks endangered
It shall be as times before
Man shall give a man in marriage
Virtue shall be but a whore

They have all despised my efforts
They have clinged to wood and stone
Men, like chaff, have kindled anger
Flesh is worth its weight in bone

These are they with jewels of iron
Chains of gold adorn their hairs
They have turned aside in malice
With their hands have killed my heirs

With their throat they worship nothing
Works of death they practice all
Woe to them when light exposes
Woe to them, how great their fall!

I have seen the bitter struggle
Yes and still they conquer me
They are not though here their rubble
Runs as swiftly as the sea

By their hands my indignation
Kindled as the flames of winter
From their wood they have no nation
Watch their hands for thorns and splinter

I have seen, he clearly sees
The land, the seen and unknown seas
The dying and the living trees
The luxury of busy bees
And they whom shall belong to these
Written by EleazarSwan
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 45

They Have Yet to Arrive (midnight & noon)

There soon will come another time
O, nation that has strived
That war will rear its checkered face
From they who've not arrived
From places where they plot and scheme
Their deserts all and grand bazaar
Not with books or word give heed
But like a meteor and star

Yes, the war within your heart
Soon consumes the hearts of men
"There shall be no in-between"
Nor from them life comes again

I have seen this bitter struggle
First from Rome and then from they
"Kill and give" or "maim and slay"
All reducing, all to rubble

Look! The armies fill and gather
Men of war and crescent moon
They are skilled in ways of battle
Both at midnight and at noon

These are they with whom you travel
Those of peace and fettered love
Whom will sign for peace and letter
While fires rain above

I have seen a full empire
"Grab your arms and follow me!
Lands of milk and following honey
These I shall bestow to thee"

These are not, yet seeds are planted
Watch them bloom across the way
With the might of "nor" and "strangle"
On the Rhine they pass by day

They have not arrived in station
Yet their ranks are trained and calm
Warped in lines of "great superior"
Clothed in dress of their own palm

First the war shall come to "father"
Then to those across the sea
Then into your own backyard
To slaughter all, and liberty

I have spoken in advance
Twice the loans are quick to dry
Deserts march through grassy lands
There to fight or there to die

Calmly they amass their numbers
Hundreds, thousands, tens of tens
Conscripts of the virgin daughter
Picked for war and trained for slaughter

They are not, and not yet soon
Twice at midnight, twice at noon

I do not give ear to numbers
Though their knowledge soon prevails
Great and mighty men of valor
Winds with force within their sails

They have not arrived in counting
Those their kings will soon amass
"We have not endeavored onward"
Though you soon shall hear; alas
Written by EleazarSwan
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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

Sum Of The Outcome

Our greatest lessons are ascertained via losses  
Only the strong survive to thrive on like bosses  
The cost is steep as we weep over the slain  
Searching our brains for answers to ease the pain  
Trying to refrain from going down a destructive path
Suffering and hurting from living as an empath  
Doing the math on the beaten path of the situation  
Knowing the sum of the outcome from prior equations
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

The right to cross the bridge

Did it bring any sense of peace
to see a line of khaki Humvee's  
the battle lines, the fog that breeds unrest  
and each front up in that contest  
 Fire that billows underneath the devils cape  
is each minority so cruelly raped ?  
the hair trigger, the authorities    
no questions and no hesitate  
For each, a different agenda  
that drummer, the chatter on each street corner  
that crescendo, the means to amplify each vex  
the winter of their discontent  
Prisoners in unseen chains  
and behind the masks defiant eye's  
stones and cardboard arms proclaim  
the barricades from a life so shit  
In that swell    
the vortex in each street and mall  
sane voice of reason's tweet ?  
Constitutions Whitehouse come bullshit leadership  
Swim turbulence in the river of respect  
the flood and eddy's erode each individuals sect  
to find the bridge, the challenge set  
the keystone of that arch be honesty and not deceit  
 Strings and puppets the theatre of Mr. Punch    
and war, one death can a spark a cleft  
 which side of anarchy do you posses ?  
 is its depth, all tears and beaten chest  
The middle ground the tremors quake  
underclass society and race is the ratio  
 Its not Mosul or Aleppo    
just self respect trapped in that ghetto  
Written by slipalong
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Sweet Kitty,
Your poem is spot on.  After the killing of the police shooting of Fernando Castile a policeman of color spoke candidly about it. He said;
"If there's any doubt that the police can be racist, you need no more proof than law enforcement Federations endorsement of Donald Trump as President."

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

That Place

“History, despite its wrenching pain cannot be unlived,
  but if faced with courage need not be lived again.”  
                                 ― Maya Angelou  
I took a giant step backwards today  
into my past, I thought I had left it behind.  
I remembered the sting, the smart of rejection,  
of hatred, of shame;  
I heard it calling my name  
in my dead ascendants voice,  
calling from far away,  
calling me back to pain  
of dying in agony.  
The pain I hid from,  
never wanted to feel again,  
I was brought back to  
that place today.  
I wanted to scream out,  
but my words fell lame,  
my mouth fell open in vain.  
I couldn't believe I felt this way,  
so unmoved, so unable to react;  
I was immobilized in reliving this pain.  
It held me once again like before  
when I was weak, so did I  
become again.  
The whole world seemed there  
with me, in the past, in that place,  
stepping back in tandem so we all did,  
silently falling from God's grace.  
We, the survivors must tell the children,  
must shout, 'Don't go back there, to that place,  
it is grim and doesn't care, it will only  
forget you there to trap you  
in History's snare'.  
We cannot go back across  
a burning bridge without a care,  
'Look ahead', I say, 'Try to dare'.  
For the worst fate belies  
the ones left behind  
who cannot move ahead or rise  
to face our ascendants  
in our own eyes.  
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Fire Wife

You already said goodnight/ i love you
but he mentioned its busy
be safe
no answer
Its late
youre wide awake
He hasent responded yet
You know hes tired
they are all tired
theyve been busy
They all need sleep
so you in turn feel guilty for being tired
you sneak a peak at your high school age kids
because come on, seeing them safe helps
you look in the mirror
you look tired
you look worried
you lay back down
its only been 14.3 minutes
you arent asleep
you text him again
you turn on the news
you see chaos
what the fuck
you google said area heart pumping
you arent sure if hes there
youre knees are sore from praying
please God let him be ok
please God let him sleep
please God let them all be safe
please God let him return home safe
to the family that deeply loves him
Hes a good man
the best
you notice its so late
you triple check the house alarm
you think hear the kids
they ask if dads ok
you try to hide your fear and say yes
hes fine go back to bed
you look at the clock
normal people are sleeping right now
our lives are not normal
you have get up for work soon
you know youll wear your famous smile
hiding the pain of sleepless night(s)
masking the multitude of thoughts that you have
when hes at work and cant answer
your phone blips
you run from the kitchen with a bag of chips in your hand
to your bedroom cuz thats where you left your phone
you hit your pinky toe
fuck that hurt
its only an ad
fuck that ad
you mental note to never buy from them again
you go back to bed
you close your eyes and turn off the tv
then you hear it
that sound
is it really the garage door opening?
no way hes home already
you start to cry
you stop
you listen
wow its that time already!
you hide your tears
you run down the hall before he hits the house door
you thank God once again
you hug and kiss each other
hes tired
he goes to bed
you are getting ready for work
he checks the kids before bed
you go and tell him again you love him and that youll see him later
he hugs you tight says the same and then you leave
hes home
hes home
press play
repeat for the next day he leaves for work
the life of this fire wife
Written by mysteriouslady
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mysteriouslady said:

Submit a poem that best describes how you feel about the civil unrest that has swept across the world in the wake of George Floyd's murder. world in the wake of George

This is how I feel....all. the. time.

I have so many perspectives that evolve from this issue, I totally appreciate yours. Caught in the middle are fireman and women who are the unsung heroes in this tragedy.  The following photo I took of a building not far from my house.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93


It’s not the color of our skin
But the integrity that lies within
Good and evil are always at war
Is it our responsibility to even the score

Love, faith and forgiveness is all we need
Is the stone in your hand worth more than those that bleed
We all walk alone in a day of our own judgment
Unknowingly it’s to late go back and make any adjustment

So it’s a choice we all have to make
To judge those and their mistakes
To find strength in the King’s message from the mountain and hill
To find the power to burn, loot and kill

Have we forgotten, is it still just a Dream
Are we livin’ a nightmare with an evil gleam
The grass is never greener on the other side of the fence
It’s just a hurdle at our own expense

Maybe if we all drop our stone and steel from our hands
Listen to our hearts without demands
Love one another with blessings, as promised to you
Integrity is the cornerstone of a life anew
Written by buddydog
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2668

snugglebuck said:

I have so many perspectives that evolve from this issue, I totally appreciate yours. Caught in the middle are fireman and women who are the unsung heroes in this tragedy.  The following photo I took of a building not far from my house.

It means the world to me that you understand. <3

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Dreams That Matter

'Love costs all we are and will ever be,,  
 yet it is only love which sets us free'  
           -Maya Angelou  
I still got faith in some new day,  
Lawd, don't take my hopes away.  
If rings and curls and pink on little girls  
make fierce boys scare them into whirls,  
let us stay all laughing, all the same,  
we and they are all the same.  
Us, we're no better than the next big thing;  
a song that's all the same, we sing.  
Unsilenced, our exuberant song  
of hope that tomorrow will be as bright  
as today, or brighter.  
Lawd, don't take that hope away.  
Don't mask their pretty faces  
into some unneeded shame,  
that only time can teach them  
they got ample time to dream.  
Help them see that dreams matter, they do,  
so let them sleep deeply to wake anew.  
Lawd, don't take our dreams away.  
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 646

Related submission no longer exists.

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