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Erotica Done Right 18+!!!

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Valeriyabeyond said:

Love him Thanks Swagger
And you too brother

He is a pretty cool dude, not so gruff and passes knowledge on very well I think

More to come

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Wh1skeySwagger said:

He is a pretty cool dude, nit so gruff and passes knowledge on very well I think

More to come

His approach to the subject is inviting
His use of colored rope helps with the visuals on the intended knots
He's not creepy his smiles throughout are friendly
He's just a pro all the way around
Great find Swagger
I know all these knots (I am a knot freak)
It's the wraps I'm learning from him and their placement that is essential to safety and of course FUN

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Valeriyabeyond said:

His approach to the subject is inviting
His use of colored rope helps with the visuals on the intended knots
He's not creepy his smiles throughout are friendly
He's just a pro all the way around
Great find Swagger
I know all these knots (I am a knot freak)
It's the wraps I'm learning from him and their placement that is essential to safety and of course FUN

For the record there is nothing freaky about knots

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Wh1skeySwagger said:

He is a pretty cool dude, nit so gruff and passes knowledge on very well I think

More to come

I worked as a net maker / repair
Fishing nets in another life 1400's manufacture and prep of the hemp I remember it like it was yesterday

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Correction Time

Trembling slightly bent over my knee
my hand cracking against her skin
warm, red, stinging, flinching, nerves humming
Written by Wh1skeySwagger (Swagger)
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Some of the first words i wrote on DuP

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Correction Time

Trembling slightly bent over my knee
my hand cracking against her skin
warm, red, stinging, flinching, nerves humming
Written by Wh1skeySwagger (Swagger)
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Wh1skeySwagger said:Flashback:

Some of the first words i wrote on DuP

Love this I was just over on your page you've got some beautiful entries
Home Sweet Home - beautiful

poet Anonymous

soara said:

Haha ha great way to wake up thanks

(he needs be stopped) .. nah
My Corona Home

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 840

Spin Cycle

A Repost From 2013

Looking so sexy
in her little black dress
when he gets home
they’re going downtown
for a candle-lit dinner
and dancing till dawn

They’ve almost achieved
their welcome escape
when life intervenes
a soapy stream rushes
beneath the laundry door
from a broken washing machine

They exchange
candles and fine dining
for a mop and a bucket
rather than gliding
across the dance floor
they tip-toe through
the sudsy wet mess

What can be done
to salvage their evening?
and their unwashed clothing
that rest in a damp pile

she goes to the kitchen
retrieving wine, fruit and cheese
puts all in a basket
and grabs the car keys

They find a secluded corner
in the brightly lit laundromat
he watches her
put the coins in the slot
finally noticing
that she really looks hot

Catching his gaze
she mischievously says
do you want to get dirty
while the clothes get clean?
reaching under her skirt
to slip them off
she tosses him her panties
he inhales deeply their scent
and throws them into the machine

He pulls her close
voraciously they kiss
while swaying to the beat
of the agitator
his throbbing growth
presses her stomach

she lets down her dress
exposing her breasts
she won’t let his suck
linger too long on each

She turns and leans
onto the machine
her nipples stiffen
as they graze the cold lid
lifting her skirt
he thrusts forward
probing her deepest desire

He moves in and out
mimicking the rhythm
of the pulsating machine
they cry out
with orgasmic joy
as the rinse cycle begins

She stops the machine
he asks why when
they hadn’t reached spin
she inserts more coins
oh they need to wash again

This time
you can eat first
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Valeriyabeyond said:

Love this I was just over on your page you've got some beautiful entries
Home Sweet Home - beautiful

Thank you V both for the comment and for taking the time to check out some of my work. They come in spurts lol.

Home Sweet Home is one of my favorites, one done in a style different then most of what i write, maybe thats why I like it

Thank you again, it means a lot

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Spin Cycle

A Repost From 2013

Looking so sexy
in her little black dress
when he gets home
they’re going downtown
for a candle-lit dinner
and dancing till dawn

They’ve almost achieved
their welcome escape
when life intervenes
a soapy stream rushes
beneath the laundry door
from a broken washing machine

They exchange
candles and fine dining
for a mop and a bucket
rather than gliding
across the dance floor
they tip-toe through
the sudsy wet mess

What can be done
to salvage their evening?
and their unwashed clothing
that rest in a damp pile

she goes to the kitchen
retrieving wine, fruit and cheese
puts all in a basket
and grabs the car keys

They find a secluded corner
in the brightly lit laundromat
he watches her
put the coins in the slot
finally noticing
that she really looks hot

Catching his gaze
she mischievously says
do you want to get dirty
while the clothes get clean?
reaching under her skirt
to slip them off
she tosses him her panties
he inhales deeply their scent
and throws them into the machine

He pulls her close
voraciously they kiss
while swaying to the beat
of the agitator
his throbbing growth
presses her stomach

she lets down her dress
exposing her breasts
she won’t let his suck
linger too long on each

She turns and leans
onto the machine
her nipples stiffen
as they graze the cold lid
lifting her skirt
he thrusts forward
probing her deepest desire

He moves in and out
mimicking the rhythm
of the pulsating machine
they cry out
with orgasmic joy
as the rinse cycle begins

She stops the machine
he asks why when
they hadn’t reached spin
she inserts more coins
oh they need to wash again

This time
you can eat first
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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Gahddess_Worship said:

Sexy lil blast from the past

Thank you for sharing :)

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Rope work and photagraphy by Hikari Kesho

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Rope Work and Photography by Aaron McPolin

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Wh1skeySwagger said:

Sexy lil blast from the past

Thank you for sharing :)

Wow sexy sexy thank you

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1080

Seedy Life

spring showers
lengthening days soil warming

roots descend searching
cotyledon arising

stem elongates
fractal branches stretching skyward

bark covered boughs
cloaked in emerald petioles

florid dew drenched petals exude
enchanting fragrances

buzzing hovering humming creatures
accumulate sweet nectar disseminate pollen

gravid globular pome ripens
changing hue

drupe exudes alluring ambrosia
beckoning ethereal forest sprites

ravenous beasts trigger
Gaia’s bacchanalia

binging gorging devouring
until consummated

overripe fruit plunges
to earth rotting

spent leaves fade wither
fall decay

lonely seed nestles in winter bed
dreaming of spring

© 2020 Raibeart Bruis

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

Kinkpoet said:

ravenous beasts trigger
Gaia’s bacchanalia

I think we have a modern Transcendentalist amongst us.


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