Poetry competition CLOSED 19th June 2020 2:23pm
View Profile Poems by Jermainesplain


New Ways to Share

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Poetry Contest

Describe a unique way to share and help others
Make whatever

unique for helping

be known

and forevermore....

in poem form
...of whatever type!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Did 1 Idea Just Change YouTube Forever 4 #smallyoutubers?

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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 90


Freedom is just a word that we use every day.  
We use it when we study, we use it when we play.
For many folks a word’s a word that shows up on a page.
For other folks the word’s a cause that made a war to rage
To be free to shop, to play, to exercise free speech,  
please stop and think then realize why that’s within our reach.
Americans have traveled to protect our native shores.
They’ve fought and bled and died for us in countless foreign wars.
They never stop to wonder why whenever duty calls,
they stopped their lives, grabbed their packs and marched to duties halls
To have such friends, who care so much, for all that we hold dear,
you’d think we’d pause and contemplate that word we often hear.
Freedom is a battle cry from soldiers young and old.
They fought for us, they died for us, their stories seldom told.
When we see the word on printed page let’s think about what’s free
and think of those who paid the price from sea to shining sea.
Written by anvinvil (Anvillan)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th May 2020
Forum Posts: 50

The Thing About Old People

The thing about old people is  
When you fuck them, they typically shower you with gifts  
Even though they sometimes think you’re their dead husband  
Which is fine by me
Also, many old people have removable teeth  
So they give the best head  
And it’s never a long term commitment  
That’s why Retirement communities  
Are the best
For picking up some strange
And tapping that ass
Written by Jermainesplain
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625


We must not share this virus
But share good health instead
Although isolation is not desirous
We must prevent its spread.

Do what we can to make it bearable
Staying indoors need not be a bind
With the internet we can be sociable
New ways to commune we will find.
Written by gardenlover
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17124

Its Love Actually

A soulmate trapped
in a circle of waiting
an empty fist
just keep holding on

promises made on thin air
sieves without end
No words spoken
yet strong in its keeping

vice like grip
on the dying vine
never letting go
until fire turns to ember

its love actually
the fierce undying kind
through thick and thin
and water run to forever

But you keep on Running
from what may come
time for changes
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

Give Life

Give life, it’s a precious thing,
It’s a gift, a present, a good deed,
Give a little bit of yourself,
Give to those who are in need.
Years ago, when I almost lost my muse,
Her life was saved by a blood transfusion,
It was an act of kindness from a stranger,
A kind gesture and a valuable contribution.
I learned the importance of compassion,
Donating blood is a precious gift of life,
I realize what it means to pay it forward,
I appreciate it even more for having my wife.
Every sixty days I go into my local bank,
And give four hundred eighty milligrams,
It’s a small price compared to what it can do,
It makes a difference when it’s in such a demand.
But the feeling one receives after giving,
(Granted you’ve drank liquids and eaten right),
Is one of the most modest and noble emotions,
That you’ve given some else a chance to fight.
So donate just for the sake of giving, for living,
Human kindness is best attribute you’ll build,
The life you save might be for someone close,
Give blood, give life and you’ll be glad you did.
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

A Song Of Love

We need a song of love for each and everyone,
A simple song that all nations can sing along.
One man could compose and sing this easy song,
But it would be better if we all sing it together.
So help me to write a melodious song of love,
And make the words come from within our hearts.
Let all interested singers play an active part.
And may the end be as pleasant as the start.
In every land and sea across the earth,
Sing stanzas of love and let your voices be heard.
May every one of us act in harmony with our song,
And promote peace and love among our fellowmen.
Why spend on war when love doesn’t cost a cent?
If we adjust our thinking to love we will prosper.
Rid our minds of envy, strife, and evil intent.
An equal man, our brother, we just can’t ignore.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

How You Should Love

For All Jamaicans

You talk a lot about love,
Write love poems to satisfy your heart,
Send love notes to the ones that you cherish,
And play love songs on the stereo.
But how strong is your love?
Is love only a scene in a motion picture?
How real is love to you?

You can make love universal.
Mere utterance of love doesn’t mean much.
Offer a helping hand today.
Be courteous and kind to others.
Hug a motherless child.
Treat it as though it were your own.

Do you really want to love?
Would you like to be loved by someone?
This is how you should love.
To love requires more than a good intention.
Put your love into action.
Love with your whole heart and deed,
Not just with your speech.

Let love guide the way you think.
It will reflect in the things you say and do.
Don’t just say you love,
Show how much you love.
And pattern the greatest One above.
For the Bible says, ‘God is love.’
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Wow! This is going really beautifully! Keep em coming, friends!😍

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Because #lovematters More

Raise up your dead
Give forth the light

Broken vessels
can not hide the
torch within

Written by EdibleWords
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Not take it back

Just like all the rubbish, piles up high
the troubles come and whatever is the crux
 soup stains, when life tastes like gluck
and unbend our dented pride

Some take away the weeds that choke
offer a cigarette, though you dont smoke
a dry sholder for you to soak
fix it up when it's all broke

Clear up all the plastic litter
write a letter and press a flower
the uncut diamonds hidden glitter
a smile that breeds and never dower

Increments to sow, help the weakened grasp
friendship come without preconditions
take the load yet leave some slack
be the scorce of self volition

Laughter and a little craic
the medicine, and not alas alack
the open hand and not portract
to always give and not take back
Written by slipalong
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

AspergerPoet56, Kinkpoet, FromTheAsh, runaway-mindtrain, Myendlessluv, applepie77, Marks, ReggiePoet, Tallen, Phantom2426, Javajoe, eswaller, Frustrated_prole, PhantomPhace, Sky_dancer, alcedoathis

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