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Poetry competition CLOSED 6th May 2020 6:43am
View Profile Poems by XiaoLong
RUNNER-UP: adagio

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April Adlibs

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

Poetry Contest

An iceberg went out for dinner.
His waitress served the iceberg a tuna salad.
That night her husband was surprised at how much money she brought home.
"It was just the tip of the iceberg"

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 646

Related submission no longer exists.

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281


poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

You Can Say That Again

A dime a dozen is a decent rate.
A blessing in disguise is what it is,
To beat around the bush you’ll be too late.
A better-late-than-never attitude  
Might save a tooth than bite the bullet hard.
But break a leg, you’ll wind up being sued.
Let’s just call it a day and say we did.
And cut some slack to everyone you know,
Instead of cutting corners like a kid.
It’s easy does it, if you care to know,
To run so fast, things will get out of hand.
So get your act together and go slow.
To make a story short, no pain no gain,
When on the ball & pulling someone's leg.
Then pull yourself together by the reins.
Come on let’s go back to the drawing board.
Let someone off the hook who missed the boat
And we’ll be richer for the points we scored!
To wrap my head around all that we’ve done.
It isn’t rocket science if I say,
Time flies for us when we’re both having fun!
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

Aww, Rex, Me wanna ride those horsies!

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

Oh yes, Jadey,
I want to have fun!!!
and fly Time!!

Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

Jane is My Name

on the mountains, summer wind ceases to blow
yet a perfume scent of patchouli and desert rose
within a day’s despair, life of a beloved one goes
high above heavens, a mortal writes these prose
In a distance by the hills behind the meadow
the sun’s now shining, just after the rainbow
diffracted from the teardrops, a pearly snow
passionate flame once burned, gone its glow
she was a real beauty, wild as a hyacinth flower
she blossomed newly, by the cold crimson river
roaming freely ignoring, the heavy rain shower
on these hills, i witnessed from my ivory tower
straying this way, up high to the mountain
unknowing of the dangers by my fountain
lurks the posse of hungry and lustful saints
preying on the free with poison of roses’ taint
ignorance lets the blossom trodden in the ground
sweet cherries, such berries can never be found
its all the attention from her see through lacy top
pink nipples clearly showing, evil eyes won’t stop
madness was the word, pouncing till she dropped
the vice of lechery, evil saints have never stopped
treacherous was the act, poor beauty was shocked
Calamity’s my name, time for these to get cocked
just for this one girl, I end my peaceful penance
time for these fucking saints to see my menace
evil men they are, I pass their death sentence
blaze of glory, its for penalty and repentance  
in my arms, this beauty, wounded and in tears
sweet apples was struck, desperate with fears
“my eyes was on you baby, for three long years!
let me cure you, let this prose linger in your ears.”
this was an unfortunate delight, I’ll be your light
hold on to my breasts love, fell my heart flicker
drifting on this mountain, these plains’ my game
I too wear a see through dress with no knickers
I will bear my white chest, are there any takers?
Jane is my name! I’ll end you all motherfuckers!
Written by XiaoLong
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625


Time flies?  
you cannot;  
they go too quickly

The speed of a fly is so great,
and they never fly straight.
To time them you can try
Observe how they fly
Mark out a distance
A metre for instance
Note when they pass-by
Use a stop watch and spy
If you get a reading
You must have been cheating
Written by gardenlover
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Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93

Yellow and Red

I find peace where the water meets the sand
Looking into the deep blue sea
A piece of a picture I hold in my hand
Your reflection in the waves is all I see

The storm begins to hale the rain is to fall
I think of you as I stare through the pain
It’s a living hell my back is against the wall
I write I Love You in the condensation on the broken pane

This house is so empty since you’ve been gone
The silence is all I can hear
It doesn’t make sense why I feel so alone
I would sell my soul if you could be here

If you read this and think you understand
Then the color of yellow and red is at your command

Written by buddydog
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Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

Aah, Xiaolong,
what an alluring beauty your words flow

Gardenlover, those flies, those pesky flies,
made tolerable with a touche of physics
Class, get out your stopwatches!

Buddydog, very longing nostalgia here,
with a yellow and red mystery for the reader.
love it!

What Gems, all!

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

I had been wondering
What had happened
To my neighbors

One day
She invited me over
For a Him and Cheese sandwich

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Rural Bliss

 Little Boy Blue blow up your horn
The sheep in the meadow the cows in the corn.
Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep,
He's in bed with Bo Peep; they're not asleep
They discovered the joy of conjugal bliss
That's why their duties were given a miss
Written by gardenlover
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1880

Nun with a Gun

He got caught looking up the apparel of a nun
And now he's staring down the barrel of her gun
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

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