Offensive Truth
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2678
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2678

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Elora Wolvenwrath
Joined 6th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 2
Elora Wolvenwrath
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 2
Hell Rap
Im a killer in the night
fuckin demon of the light
see below yeah we fight
bitch ,you dont have the first clue
walk around like you own it
talk of seed like you've sown it
but above you have blown it
cuz thats what fucking humans do
only people in the world put themself first
base success on their money petty self worth
suppose we celebrate every little sweet birth
well fuck that shit and fuck all of you
ill admit I love to hit it on them goth bitches
can you blame me fuckin psycho little sick witches
plus they love it when let them taste my blood kisses
oh my god are you pisces....ha! .....yeah me too
and all these words will never truly show all my disdain
could give a fuck about your vicodin and cocaine
big man ridin high snortin all his 50k
Never stop to ask.....hmmm what would jesus do?
Churches ah the circle of the last frontier
So much safer baby chasers now they made a career
yes son i will save you,get out your cock and your wallet
Everyone turns a blind eye like nope,they never saw it
Fuck! if this heaven thing was real i mean would it even matter
while only you get the scraps your god is cleanin the platter
and its sick ,no really whats even fucking sadder
you'd rather pray than take action to climb his bullshit gold ladder
Shes a dancer with cancer who is slowly dying
and you ask him for answers
bitch you're not even trying
dont fucking blame me for the fires that you will not put out
you say the Devils up in Cali but its only a drought
There are days I crave apocalyptic chaos its true
but ya'll fuckin up fine, whats a demon to do?
pedo ring, kids swing, Weinstein, oh right you prefer the finer things
big pharm, lucky charm, fast arm, and at halftime don't forget the chicken wings
I was human once now that's all through
seen enough to know exactly what you gon' do
I could go on but your too easy targets
Soul is sold to all the fuckin social media markets
fuckin demon of the light
see below yeah we fight
bitch ,you dont have the first clue
walk around like you own it
talk of seed like you've sown it
but above you have blown it
cuz thats what fucking humans do
only people in the world put themself first
base success on their money petty self worth
suppose we celebrate every little sweet birth
well fuck that shit and fuck all of you
ill admit I love to hit it on them goth bitches
can you blame me fuckin psycho little sick witches
plus they love it when let them taste my blood kisses
oh my god are you pisces....ha! .....yeah me too
and all these words will never truly show all my disdain
could give a fuck about your vicodin and cocaine
big man ridin high snortin all his 50k
Never stop to ask.....hmmm what would jesus do?
Churches ah the circle of the last frontier
So much safer baby chasers now they made a career
yes son i will save you,get out your cock and your wallet
Everyone turns a blind eye like nope,they never saw it
Fuck! if this heaven thing was real i mean would it even matter
while only you get the scraps your god is cleanin the platter
and its sick ,no really whats even fucking sadder
you'd rather pray than take action to climb his bullshit gold ladder
Shes a dancer with cancer who is slowly dying
and you ask him for answers
bitch you're not even trying
dont fucking blame me for the fires that you will not put out
you say the Devils up in Cali but its only a drought
There are days I crave apocalyptic chaos its true
but ya'll fuckin up fine, whats a demon to do?
pedo ring, kids swing, Weinstein, oh right you prefer the finer things
big pharm, lucky charm, fast arm, and at halftime don't forget the chicken wings
I was human once now that's all through
seen enough to know exactly what you gon' do
I could go on but your too easy targets
Soul is sold to all the fuckin social media markets
Written by EloraWolvenwrath
(Elora Wolvenwrath)
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Elora Wolvenwrath
Joined 6th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 2
Elora Wolvenwrath
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 2

Snow fell silent and deep on the street that endless night
Immaculately shrouded where they were found, lying too still
Screams, shouts, sirens rend the air, shrill
too late, nothing to be done
Blessed be the True Judge
They was the light of their parent’s lives
Terrified, tearful, they'd watched, prayed
as their child fell from grace, no fault their own
Their voice, heart, soul stolen to satisfy base lusts
of those sworn to educate and protect
Innocence, faith. virtue violently severed
by those they was taught to respect and trust
How could they have spoken, what could be said
to define such which defied all explanation?
Why would they force themselves to relive, to remember
what should never have been?
They had tried everything they knew to hold on
but demanding a life free of deceit, in their control
Alienated from those who had no comprehension
yet should have listened harder, known better
Getting drunk after prayers every morning?
Anesthetized the agony of associating with sociopaths
feted as reputable venerated members of their society
Sleeping til noon, confined to bedroom for days and nights?
Concealing the quiet-inducing lacerations on tender skin
that the nights couldn’t deliver, too afraid to close their eyes
knowing the inevitable visitation of assailant's eyes and voices
The drugs? To numb pain nothing could possibly ease
The music? To block revolting, insidious whispers.
A soul need suffer only so long
before granted reprieve and beckoned home
The snow was Heaven creating a soft landing
Divine soul wrested from wretched corporeality.
The Angel of Death finally came to heed the call
Cradling, soothing,hushed all the pain and shame
carrying divine soul to eternal peace and reprieve
Suicide, influences,temptation, mental illness
So-called community paragons hastily judged
Better to sweep it away, not let people suspect
Interrogative individuals are clandestine danger
Other young voices demanded they be heard
Voices too loud, too numerous to be ignored
We have also been violated, betrayed
We were innocent, we are faithful no longer
We trusted, we believed, we prayed,
We gave benefit of doubt, yet no more.
Restrain your mourning for us - we are finally free
Lament for yourselves, for your ignorance
Whether deliberate or subliminal.
wail for the monsters in your midst
Hiding behind holy books and pious words
For collective cowardice in inevitable separation
For aforesaid transgressions, there will never be atonement
Live with your shame in this world as well as the next
Let it shorten your breath, darken your peace, mar every joy
We are legion, those who have been used and abused
coerced, shamed unwillingly into silence and submission
Nothing in this world will stifle or subdue us any longer
Our innocence is gone, our faith no longer yours.
We will flourish, more authentic than you could become
Recapturing love, redefining faith, living lucid, cognizant truth
Immaculately shrouded where they were found, lying too still
Screams, shouts, sirens rend the air, shrill
too late, nothing to be done
Blessed be the True Judge
They was the light of their parent’s lives
Terrified, tearful, they'd watched, prayed
as their child fell from grace, no fault their own
Their voice, heart, soul stolen to satisfy base lusts
of those sworn to educate and protect
Innocence, faith. virtue violently severed
by those they was taught to respect and trust
How could they have spoken, what could be said
to define such which defied all explanation?
Why would they force themselves to relive, to remember
what should never have been?
They had tried everything they knew to hold on
but demanding a life free of deceit, in their control
Alienated from those who had no comprehension
yet should have listened harder, known better
Getting drunk after prayers every morning?
Anesthetized the agony of associating with sociopaths
feted as reputable venerated members of their society
Sleeping til noon, confined to bedroom for days and nights?
Concealing the quiet-inducing lacerations on tender skin
that the nights couldn’t deliver, too afraid to close their eyes
knowing the inevitable visitation of assailant's eyes and voices
The drugs? To numb pain nothing could possibly ease
The music? To block revolting, insidious whispers.
A soul need suffer only so long
before granted reprieve and beckoned home
The snow was Heaven creating a soft landing
Divine soul wrested from wretched corporeality.
The Angel of Death finally came to heed the call
Cradling, soothing,hushed all the pain and shame
carrying divine soul to eternal peace and reprieve
Suicide, influences,temptation, mental illness
So-called community paragons hastily judged
Better to sweep it away, not let people suspect
Interrogative individuals are clandestine danger
Other young voices demanded they be heard
Voices too loud, too numerous to be ignored
We have also been violated, betrayed
We were innocent, we are faithful no longer
We trusted, we believed, we prayed,
We gave benefit of doubt, yet no more.
Restrain your mourning for us - we are finally free
Lament for yourselves, for your ignorance
Whether deliberate or subliminal.
wail for the monsters in your midst
Hiding behind holy books and pious words
For collective cowardice in inevitable separation
For aforesaid transgressions, there will never be atonement
Live with your shame in this world as well as the next
Let it shorten your breath, darken your peace, mar every joy
We are legion, those who have been used and abused
coerced, shamed unwillingly into silence and submission
Nothing in this world will stifle or subdue us any longer
Our innocence is gone, our faith no longer yours.
We will flourish, more authentic than you could become
Recapturing love, redefining faith, living lucid, cognizant truth
Written by inechoingsilence
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Chicken Shit
Pig Shit
Horse Shit
But there’s no Shit
Like your Shit
“And God Knows I’ve Had My Full!”
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 93
You and me were something
That I always thought would be okay
But now I guess you’re mad
For something that I forgot to say
I’m sorry for what it’s worth
Is forgiveness something you, still believe in
I start my day like every other day
Watching an envelope that never turns red
Has your anger finely takin’ a stand
Is it punishment for what you never read
I’m sorry for what it’s worth
Is forgiveness something you, still believe in
Reminiscences of forever has gone astray
Unconditionally, it seems to be lost in the fray
What happened to our friendship
Now I guess it’s a game we’re going to play
Cause baby, I gonna still always love you
And after all... you’re my waterfall
I know life isn’t what we planned
We both had a lives before we came together
You took my heart and soul
I let you down as you forgotten about forever
I’m sorry for what it’s worth
Is forgiveness something you, still believe in
Reminiscences of forever has gone astray
Unconditionally, it seems to be lost in the fray
What happened to our friendship
Now I guess it’s a game we’re going to play
Cause baby, I gonna still always love you
And after all... you’re my waterfall
Cause baby, happiness is all I want for you
And after all... you’re my waterfall
That I always thought would be okay
But now I guess you’re mad
For something that I forgot to say
I’m sorry for what it’s worth
Is forgiveness something you, still believe in
I start my day like every other day
Watching an envelope that never turns red
Has your anger finely takin’ a stand
Is it punishment for what you never read
I’m sorry for what it’s worth
Is forgiveness something you, still believe in
Reminiscences of forever has gone astray
Unconditionally, it seems to be lost in the fray
What happened to our friendship
Now I guess it’s a game we’re going to play
Cause baby, I gonna still always love you
And after all... you’re my waterfall
I know life isn’t what we planned
We both had a lives before we came together
You took my heart and soul
I let you down as you forgotten about forever
I’m sorry for what it’s worth
Is forgiveness something you, still believe in
Reminiscences of forever has gone astray
Unconditionally, it seems to be lost in the fray
What happened to our friendship
Now I guess it’s a game we’re going to play
Cause baby, I gonna still always love you
And after all... you’re my waterfall
Cause baby, happiness is all I want for you
And after all... you’re my waterfall
Written by buddydog
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Lost Men
( a double Quatern )
For some to whom the years have not been kind,
And beaten into treads of alley cracks.
Where poison oleander of the mind,
Grows pink and scarlet all along the tracks.
Is omnipresent, making all else dim,
For some to whom the years have not been kind.
The remnants of a battle none to slim,
To oust the honored few we leave behind.
The marches in the blinding rain confined,
The ossify of driftwood’s living dead.
For some to whom the years have not been kind,
In olive camaflage of jungle red.
To row a swollen stream without an oar,
Or bleach upon a dune in dreams to find.
Did all the lost men fight a godless war,
For some to whom the years have not been kind.
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets,
The host omnipotent is torpor’s self.
To wander aimlessly, each day repeats,
With nothing left to show for of itself.
Existing in oblivion as truth,
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets.
The price to pay to sacrifice one’s youth,
Will mean the cost of flags like covered sheets.
The timpani of echoed solemn beats,
“When will they ever learn?”, so goes a song.
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets,
In darker bows in search of what went wrong.
Like orca, to bring death before the mast,
Another generation fills more seats.
The overture, their fate has long been cast,
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets.
For some to whom the years have not been kind,
And beaten into treads of alley cracks.
Where poison oleander of the mind,
Grows pink and scarlet all along the tracks.
Is omnipresent, making all else dim,
For some to whom the years have not been kind.
The remnants of a battle none to slim,
To oust the honored few we leave behind.
The marches in the blinding rain confined,
The ossify of driftwood’s living dead.
For some to whom the years have not been kind,
In olive camaflage of jungle red.
To row a swollen stream without an oar,
Or bleach upon a dune in dreams to find.
Did all the lost men fight a godless war,
For some to whom the years have not been kind.
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets,
The host omnipotent is torpor’s self.
To wander aimlessly, each day repeats,
With nothing left to show for of itself.
Existing in oblivion as truth,
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets.
The price to pay to sacrifice one’s youth,
Will mean the cost of flags like covered sheets.
The timpani of echoed solemn beats,
“When will they ever learn?”, so goes a song.
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets,
In darker bows in search of what went wrong.
Like orca, to bring death before the mast,
Another generation fills more seats.
The overture, their fate has long been cast,
As if their shadows stay to walk the streets.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 82
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 82
Hookup Into Heaven [Extd'd]
Perish the thought
In a scrambled egg scurry,
You assume a crumb of kindness
Would reap you the slice of Heaven
That you want...
Foolish theory even birthing
No wonder the Creator is contemplating such a heinous onslaught
Hence your cocoon of Hell,
The shallow husk of life
In which you scheme and dwell...
Beneath the pristine & bleached
Is the syrup sweet venom,
Oozing from between your teeth...
Cauterized lies
Branding you with viral worry,
As you die... one day... at a time
Face scrubbed dry
Fat crystal sprinkles slide goodbye
with teardrops of the sky,
Til waking blind with a broken leg smile...
Rented sincerity when reimbursed accordingly...
Favors favorable only when fragrant
Flourished & fruitful,
to the picker;
Plucking gratitude of those
Humble yet naive not to guess better,
My how humanity's soul is as fragile & thin
As paper...
Relatives relevant
If there's an angled benefit,
Acknowledge once alone
Old and vulnerably insignificant,
Crawling your way to lay
In that bed of satin & velvet
In a maze of stone,
With the quietest of neighbors
To keep you company in your new home...
And hope & belatedly pray
That the Love you have forsaken,
You can ruse & excuse
A hookup into Heaven.
In a scrambled egg scurry,
You assume a crumb of kindness
Would reap you the slice of Heaven
That you want...
Foolish theory even birthing
No wonder the Creator is contemplating such a heinous onslaught
Hence your cocoon of Hell,
The shallow husk of life
In which you scheme and dwell...
Beneath the pristine & bleached
Is the syrup sweet venom,
Oozing from between your teeth...
Cauterized lies
Branding you with viral worry,
As you die... one day... at a time
Face scrubbed dry
Fat crystal sprinkles slide goodbye
with teardrops of the sky,
Til waking blind with a broken leg smile...
Rented sincerity when reimbursed accordingly...
Favors favorable only when fragrant
Flourished & fruitful,
to the picker;
Plucking gratitude of those
Humble yet naive not to guess better,
My how humanity's soul is as fragile & thin
As paper...
Relatives relevant
If there's an angled benefit,
Acknowledge once alone
Old and vulnerably insignificant,
Crawling your way to lay
In that bed of satin & velvet
In a maze of stone,
With the quietest of neighbors
To keep you company in your new home...
And hope & belatedly pray
That the Love you have forsaken,
You can ruse & excuse
A hookup into Heaven.
Written by SeaEntity1
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alon aLion
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 346
alon aLion
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 346
there is nothing sadder
than watching a kid
navigate an iPad
eyes focused
in direction of lap
triangle and tap
sensitive plastic
opening another window
of two-dimensional crap.......
dead-head parents
hold up smart-phones
hump 'em together
exchanging data fluids
injecting each other
with viral
electro-magnetic clap......
unfortunate pre-schooler's
to couch
lactose intolerant
eat sugary snack
2 more hours
of cyber-pap
crawl exhaustedly
to bed
take a nap
and ya
wonder why
Michelle O'bama freaked
'bout kids bein' fat?
I know how
to break
the childish habit
of finger dancin'
on surface flat
I'll give that kid
a tablet
a tab of acid
in fact
let that precious
mind unwrap
tear ass off sofa
when giant
dust-mites attack
flee to the yard
green planet intact
to explore
instead of
for pimp parents
addicted to
corporate crack
than watching a kid
navigate an iPad
eyes focused
in direction of lap
triangle and tap
sensitive plastic
opening another window
of two-dimensional crap.......
dead-head parents
hold up smart-phones
hump 'em together
exchanging data fluids
injecting each other
with viral
electro-magnetic clap......
unfortunate pre-schooler's
to couch
lactose intolerant
eat sugary snack
2 more hours
of cyber-pap
crawl exhaustedly
to bed
take a nap
and ya
wonder why
Michelle O'bama freaked
'bout kids bein' fat?
I know how
to break
the childish habit
of finger dancin'
on surface flat
I'll give that kid
a tablet
a tab of acid
in fact
let that precious
mind unwrap
tear ass off sofa
when giant
dust-mites attack
flee to the yard
green planet intact
to explore
instead of
for pimp parents
addicted to
corporate crack
Written by drivelicious13
(alon aLion)
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Joined 7th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 21
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 21
Bed of Roses?
Some are born with a silver spoon
Others into gloom.
Tired legs tired of running,
Swimming against the tide...
So much effort, little progress
A losing fight.
At this point chances of finding the yeti
Are higher than creating equality.
Criminals celebrated as heroes.
It's not a bed of roses- for most people...
When priviledge becomes the key to pillage
Society faces extinction.
Others into gloom.
Tired legs tired of running,
Swimming against the tide...
So much effort, little progress
A losing fight.
At this point chances of finding the yeti
Are higher than creating equality.
Criminals celebrated as heroes.
It's not a bed of roses- for most people...
When priviledge becomes the key to pillage
Society faces extinction.
Written by Kingvirky
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Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 80
we were hungry before we were born
Like rats in a cage,
We eat each other off.
Fighting for scraps,
The Lazarus of the world,
We were hungry before we were born.
Constantly fighting for crumbs that fall.
We were destitute way before we can even crawl.
Hunger that passes through the soul.
Falling victim of barren soil.
Whilst the world goes on spoilt.
Our fathers travelled through the salt,
In promise of gold.
But many eons have come and gone.
How heavy is this gold?
That it has them gone for eons.
Maybe its the treacherous salt.
It has sank their ships on their way back home.
And they haven't forgot (us).
But eons have come and gone.
We still scrapping off the floor.
We are still hungry to the core.
Vital signs in our bones,
Breathe in our lungs.
Tiny bits of flesh, hides our souls.
As long as we can take it in and out.
We were hungry before we were born.
Where do people like us go?
We eat each other off.
Fighting for scraps,
The Lazarus of the world,
We were hungry before we were born.
Constantly fighting for crumbs that fall.
We were destitute way before we can even crawl.
Hunger that passes through the soul.
Falling victim of barren soil.
Whilst the world goes on spoilt.
Our fathers travelled through the salt,
In promise of gold.
But many eons have come and gone.
How heavy is this gold?
That it has them gone for eons.
Maybe its the treacherous salt.
It has sank their ships on their way back home.
And they haven't forgot (us).
But eons have come and gone.
We still scrapping off the floor.
We are still hungry to the core.
Vital signs in our bones,
Breathe in our lungs.
Tiny bits of flesh, hides our souls.
As long as we can take it in and out.
We were hungry before we were born.
Where do people like us go?
Written by poetOftragedy
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
From each side
Throw the gauntlet down
In the past for it was pistols at dawn
Face it down without a blink
Advesary in any debating ring
The written word just second hand
For neurons need the id's commands
And we knew its boundaries
The debate that's so two faced
Don't throw all your toys out at once
When we use a language to cause abrupt
Speek our minds to those corrupt
Hear the sharp intake of breath
Know that they have no ducks back
To rebuff not bite the tongue
When witty repost gives you the upper hand
To grow a foot when they stand down
A timid mouse to lion grand
But argument and reason failed debate
The finger raised will demonstrate
The bent arm of "up you mate"
A two finger gesticulate
To offend not walk away with that shamed face
A fillip, that small ego trip without disgrace
But the Good Book said that humility is best
To turn the other cheek and not protest
That iritating pest the devils advocate
The one sent, an agent provocateur to ape
Fine words, smart quotes, is it truths
Be not your master or your mistress
Profit from anothers weakness
Humility the path so straight and narrow
See that red mist and let it settle
False prophets call for you to follow
For some they are but strange bed fellows
Find the strength, to be that swan
Placid pose that carries righteousness on
Not vitriol the slimy troll so callow
In retrospect a foot in mouth to swallow
In the past for it was pistols at dawn
Face it down without a blink
Advesary in any debating ring
The written word just second hand
For neurons need the id's commands
And we knew its boundaries
The debate that's so two faced
Don't throw all your toys out at once
When we use a language to cause abrupt
Speek our minds to those corrupt
Hear the sharp intake of breath
Know that they have no ducks back
To rebuff not bite the tongue
When witty repost gives you the upper hand
To grow a foot when they stand down
A timid mouse to lion grand
But argument and reason failed debate
The finger raised will demonstrate
The bent arm of "up you mate"
A two finger gesticulate
To offend not walk away with that shamed face
A fillip, that small ego trip without disgrace
But the Good Book said that humility is best
To turn the other cheek and not protest
That iritating pest the devils advocate
The one sent, an agent provocateur to ape
Fine words, smart quotes, is it truths
Be not your master or your mistress
Profit from anothers weakness
Humility the path so straight and narrow
See that red mist and let it settle
False prophets call for you to follow
For some they are but strange bed fellows
Find the strength, to be that swan
Placid pose that carries righteousness on
Not vitriol the slimy troll so callow
In retrospect a foot in mouth to swallow
Written by slipalong
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Forum Posts: 74
Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017 
Forum Posts: 74
Telly trouble ; trendsetter TV
:) What kids are watching on telly
are crimes and crimes in all variety!
Heinous crimes of hate
Piteous crimes of passion
Carried out at shocking rate
thinking in some wild fashion
then ending up cell mates!
Or Crime with no rhyme
Or reason
Or crime for treason,
Crime never abates
Juveniles don't fear the prison.
When kids watch their movie heroes
shoot down people with the gun
they are incited to do the same
to achieve some thrill and fun.
When they see their very film star
slash someone's throat in a fit of anger
they think well of crimes of rage
and plunge everybody else into danger.
The tendency to portray the violent scene
luridly and shockingly on the Big Screen
Ah even for the small screen, tis the gory
that makes for the dark and thrilling story.
Now that technology's long opened this pandora's box
the dispersal of amplified social ills simply ain't no hoax
The rowdy hoodlums and reckless gangsters
are simply by-products of Tv influences
The world watches the thriving of the bully-boy pranksters
passively in helpless terror of their offences.
It's all portrayal of the vulgar, the obscene
by that devious , glamorous Silver Screen
For the spine tingling horror movie
though it may seem oh so groovy
begets the horrendous
and drills evil thoughts subliminally
into the subconscious!
It's an unrestrained dark faking
of real life reality exaggerating
Whether it's Bollywood in the East
or it's Hollywood in the West
they don't merely impart tactics of defence
but rather those of aggressive offence
Viewing those gruesome swashbuckling films
gives rise to morbid sadistic whims
Flipping through TV channels just ponder
if the telly's the perfect channel
of information is it a proper panel?
Dad always tells me, 'fear ye the roaches' flicking antennae?
While you oughtta fear the influence
of 'em' flickering images by dish antennae'.
Then a mere single merit that I dug
as I drank cappucino in my mug
that atleast one couldn't live in a bubble
daily watching the bubble-bug.
Ah but then tougher gun laws
couldn't halt even underage shooting sprees
Rather it's stringent scanning of Tv content
that might make it all cease
Parental supervision too tis gravely essential
Should've been of parental code quintessential
So the next time you catch your beloved teen
absorbed and engrossed while glued to the screen
Just sleuth a bit just to make sure
that for the x-rated he's not too keen!
are crimes and crimes in all variety!
Heinous crimes of hate
Piteous crimes of passion
Carried out at shocking rate
thinking in some wild fashion
then ending up cell mates!
Or Crime with no rhyme
Or reason
Or crime for treason,
Crime never abates
Juveniles don't fear the prison.
When kids watch their movie heroes
shoot down people with the gun
they are incited to do the same
to achieve some thrill and fun.
When they see their very film star
slash someone's throat in a fit of anger
they think well of crimes of rage
and plunge everybody else into danger.
The tendency to portray the violent scene
luridly and shockingly on the Big Screen
Ah even for the small screen, tis the gory
that makes for the dark and thrilling story.
Now that technology's long opened this pandora's box
the dispersal of amplified social ills simply ain't no hoax
The rowdy hoodlums and reckless gangsters
are simply by-products of Tv influences
The world watches the thriving of the bully-boy pranksters
passively in helpless terror of their offences.
It's all portrayal of the vulgar, the obscene
by that devious , glamorous Silver Screen
For the spine tingling horror movie
though it may seem oh so groovy
begets the horrendous
and drills evil thoughts subliminally
into the subconscious!
It's an unrestrained dark faking
of real life reality exaggerating
Whether it's Bollywood in the East
or it's Hollywood in the West
they don't merely impart tactics of defence
but rather those of aggressive offence
Viewing those gruesome swashbuckling films
gives rise to morbid sadistic whims
Flipping through TV channels just ponder
if the telly's the perfect channel
of information is it a proper panel?
Dad always tells me, 'fear ye the roaches' flicking antennae?
While you oughtta fear the influence
of 'em' flickering images by dish antennae'.
Then a mere single merit that I dug
as I drank cappucino in my mug
that atleast one couldn't live in a bubble
daily watching the bubble-bug.
Ah but then tougher gun laws
couldn't halt even underage shooting sprees
Rather it's stringent scanning of Tv content
that might make it all cease
Parental supervision too tis gravely essential
Should've been of parental code quintessential
So the next time you catch your beloved teen
absorbed and engrossed while glued to the screen
Just sleuth a bit just to make sure
that for the x-rated he's not too keen!
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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