
Poetry Contest Description
Write a thank you poem to someone

The December show (episode 8 ) is coming up folks, and we would like to again offer up the hallowed end spot of the show to feature your poetry on the podcast. The podcast goes out on multiple platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, so it’s great exposure.
If you've not heard the podcast yet you can listen to past episodes here:
In the spirit of Thanksgiving & Christmas tidings, we are asking you to write a thank you poem to somebody. It can be a friend, a child, a parent... even another DU member. Who are you grateful to have in your life?
You can approach this anyway you like, be creative.
Obviously we would really love if you would be able to read and record the poem yourself for us, but please do not feel pressured. We (or a member of the reading team currently being formed) will be able to read the poem out for you if you don't want too. We understand.
Need help with creating a video? Head on over to The Loud-Speaker poetry group for help and advice on your audio / video submissions:
* New poems only
* Audio / video / songs accepted
* Up to 3 entries per human being
* No extreme content / extreme erotica / a little swearing is fine.
* Winner agrees to have their poem read on The Poetcast Project December podcast.
* No word count, just don't go mad
* Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Good luck!
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
Thank you
You cared enough
To give me your time
When I needed it most
Time is precious
Once gone
Can never get back
Yet you let me
Take it
Like it was no big deal
Made me human again
That I wasn’t alone
Felt important
Yes you freely let me rant
Without judging
It lifted a great weight
No more feeling
Of being dragged down
Was able to stand
The wreckage inside
Will never be fixed
But you helped patch it
Just by giving time
The most valuable of things
You saved me
So simple
By listening
You gave strength
Much need strength
In a time when I was weak
Now I am still here
To say thank you
To give me your time
When I needed it most
Time is precious
Once gone
Can never get back
Yet you let me
Take it
Like it was no big deal
Made me human again
That I wasn’t alone
Felt important
Yes you freely let me rant
Without judging
It lifted a great weight
No more feeling
Of being dragged down
Was able to stand
The wreckage inside
Will never be fixed
But you helped patch it
Just by giving time
The most valuable of things
You saved me
So simple
By listening
You gave strength
Much need strength
In a time when I was weak
Now I am still here
To say thank you
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Thank you for starting us off Aspergerpoet56! Just what we are looking for 😊

Related submission no longer exists.
The Torment of Realizing
she laid it all out,
her phone off
no distractions -
fully present
time to feel this
she chose coffee
with a soul
who understands
the agony of coexisting
with a mind splintered;
the pain of living on,
seven days after dying
by her own hand;
the nauseating guilt
of her audacity
to figure it all out,
one day too late;
the torment of realizing
her epiphanies
and apologies
don’t mean shit
to those caught
in the icy grip
of her shadow;
not this time,
how beautiful it is,
love given freely
without a rule of thumb
to measure her by,
especially when she knows
she’s always going to
come up short;
and placed softly
inside her upturned palms,
healing hands held hers
from across the table,
eyes full of grace
and understanding
falling upon her face
as all her words,
made of the
it all spilled out,
flowing headstrong
over the gates
she’d constructed
to keep them
all safely
inside her mouth;
when she was finished,
she looked for proof
that she’d been
too much,
that her emotions had been
too big to share;
but she found none -
instead her heart
the compassion
of an old friend
staring back,
and she was thankful
her phone off
no distractions -
fully present
time to feel this
she chose coffee
with a soul
who understands
the agony of coexisting
with a mind splintered;
the pain of living on,
seven days after dying
by her own hand;
the nauseating guilt
of her audacity
to figure it all out,
one day too late;
the torment of realizing
her epiphanies
and apologies
don’t mean shit
to those caught
in the icy grip
of her shadow;
not this time,
how beautiful it is,
love given freely
without a rule of thumb
to measure her by,
especially when she knows
she’s always going to
come up short;
and placed softly
inside her upturned palms,
healing hands held hers
from across the table,
eyes full of grace
and understanding
falling upon her face
as all her words,
made of the
it all spilled out,
flowing headstrong
over the gates
she’d constructed
to keep them
all safely
inside her mouth;
when she was finished,
she looked for proof
that she’d been
too much,
that her emotions had been
too big to share;
but she found none -
instead her heart
the compassion
of an old friend
staring back,
and she was thankful
Written by LunaGreyhawk
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Stunning LunaGreyHawk! Thank you for your entry.
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Winds blow still
From the sounds and screams
And when I walked with infantry
For the wounds were hidden deep
The enemy still inside my head
Combats ghosts and I were repatriated
And conflict was contantly updated
For that prayer you came to answer
Brought some solace to that cancer
The nightmares vivid and now lesser
Comradeship to share that crutch
Reduce the depths, and curse lifes muck
Find the bridge of hope and trust
Glimmer hope like your favorite chocolate bars
Just small steps towards the stars
Treats like wishes granted and not marred
The missing limbs a balance of befriending
The broken mind the fragile egg to tend
Integrity the golden time that mends
Chains and shackle fall like comets tail
The thankful power under their own sail
The winds that universal understanding trail
Secret Santa presents, thankfulness and help
Wrapped with love to regain my full health
The ultruism not bought off the shelf
And when I walked with infantry
For the wounds were hidden deep
The enemy still inside my head
Combats ghosts and I were repatriated
And conflict was contantly updated
For that prayer you came to answer
Brought some solace to that cancer
The nightmares vivid and now lesser
Comradeship to share that crutch
Reduce the depths, and curse lifes muck
Find the bridge of hope and trust
Glimmer hope like your favorite chocolate bars
Just small steps towards the stars
Treats like wishes granted and not marred
The missing limbs a balance of befriending
The broken mind the fragile egg to tend
Integrity the golden time that mends
Chains and shackle fall like comets tail
The thankful power under their own sail
The winds that universal understanding trail
Secret Santa presents, thankfulness and help
Wrapped with love to regain my full health
The ultruism not bought off the shelf
Written by slipalong
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Forum Posts: 3057
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3057
This Blade Forged, The Man I Am
Gaping wound
This protruding blade
The man I am
no longer
God like creator
Apologies though, for
Vast dimensional
Expanses part us
See those spider web
cosmic strands, lines, individuals time
Crimson despair
wrists regret
cut bloody
That's not my cross to bear
cycles, circles
in prayer
puffing gratitude
Sealing spells igniting
heart strings, singing
transversing horizontal leylines
Phoenix rebirth
billowing forth
cosmic dragon kiss
Gaping wound
This protruding blade
The man I am
no longer
God like creator
Apologies though, for
Vast dimensional
Expanses part us
See those spider web
cosmic strands, lines, individuals time
Crimson despair
wrists regret
cut bloody
That's not my cross to bear
cycles, circles
in prayer
puffing gratitude
Sealing spells igniting
heart strings, singing
transversing horizontal leylines
Phoenix rebirth
billowing forth
cosmic dragon kiss
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
DU, Thank You
To the multiplayers
in my poetic game of life
Thanks is never enough
Caught with you
in my strife
I try to be tough
These days I don't know how
to shut my shout up
Thanks for the ear to my
battle-bitch cry
in my poetic game of life
Thanks is never enough
Caught with you
in my strife
I try to be tough
These days I don't know how
to shut my shout up
Thanks for the ear to my
battle-bitch cry
Written by EdibleWords
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Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 69
Glorious Self Power
Choice has come in it’s comforting results.
On the coldest morning myself is taken to the warm hot waters of a personal shower.
Daily sermons speak from an iPhone.
Thoughts of wrongs don’t stand a chance.
The grateful talks continue through prayer.
Just when you thought there were no more answers it’s been written and said.
Bring me alive said to the parts once dead.
Even in trying life can be lived through him.
I stand.
I sit.
I lay grateful.
On the coldest morning myself is taken to the warm hot waters of a personal shower.
Daily sermons speak from an iPhone.
Thoughts of wrongs don’t stand a chance.
The grateful talks continue through prayer.
Just when you thought there were no more answers it’s been written and said.
Bring me alive said to the parts once dead.
Even in trying life can be lived through him.
I stand.
I sit.
I lay grateful.
Written by ClearmindedVillain
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Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
A Little Closer To The Edge (Crater Of Stars)
I enter the word
whitening in moonlight.
A glimmer,
you are still electric
in wordless theory
where you evoked me
and I collapsed into you.
Crater of reception
falling out of Night's cricket songs;
shredded body of love.
Father whom I fell into,
where you held a cave for me
deeper than blackest vastness
of furthest sky.
Every star is yours,
oh Mother,
where I grew, expanding, extracting
within his grasp.
Teach me how to speak
this way,
this limitless way.
In this crater of stars,
I evolved from ruin,
Oh Father,
Oh Mother,
I enter the word
whitening in moonlight.
A glimmer,
you are still electric
in wordless theory
where you evoked me
and I collapsed into you.
Crater of reception
falling out of Night's cricket songs;
shredded body of love.
Father whom I fell into,
where you held a cave for me
deeper than blackest vastness
of furthest sky.
Every star is yours,
oh Mother,
where I grew, expanding, extracting
within his grasp.
Teach me how to speak
this way,
this limitless way.
In this crater of stars,
I evolved from ruin,
Oh Father,
Oh Mother,
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Filled with Thankfulness
Every sunrise on the horizon reminds me
That there is always another day ahead.
Every breath that fills my lungs with air
Minute by minute is a reminder that I am
Alive. A calmness within waves of the sea
After seeing chaos everywhere else fed
The soul that needed water. As my hair
And tears were lost in the wind, the clam
Was opening right before my eyes. So I
Thank you for teaching me to stop and
Admire the sunrise. Thank you for being
My breath when I needed it the most.
Thank you being the calmness in the eye
Of the storm and for giving me a hand
To hold as I lacked strength. I was seeing
The world through new eyes. West coast
Vibes always held me together and you had
Me standing. Nothing could make me sad.
That there is always another day ahead.
Every breath that fills my lungs with air
Minute by minute is a reminder that I am
Alive. A calmness within waves of the sea
After seeing chaos everywhere else fed
The soul that needed water. As my hair
And tears were lost in the wind, the clam
Was opening right before my eyes. So I
Thank you for teaching me to stop and
Admire the sunrise. Thank you for being
My breath when I needed it the most.
Thank you being the calmness in the eye
Of the storm and for giving me a hand
To hold as I lacked strength. I was seeing
The world through new eyes. West coast
Vibes always held me together and you had
Me standing. Nothing could make me sad.
Written by eswaller
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Forum Posts: 74
Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017 
Forum Posts: 74
How to appreciate being alive
To be alive isn't just to be alive and kicking
feeling your own legs and limbs.
To be alive is to
percieve the sights and sounds
that those who have kicked the bucket can't appreciate
until resurrection and the long wait for heaven's gate
God's most precious gift to us
Is life which He breathed into our souls.
But to be alive is to thaw
the frozen cold heart
with the warmth of feeling
coz we aren't born coldblooded.
Alive is
the sense of hearing
that hearkens not just the artificial violin
but the natural songbird's birdsong.
To see not just the obvious, the apparent
but as well to see with the eyes of wisdom.
To not just gaze at silver screens and the telly all day
But rather to gaze and observe all of nature's
sights and scenery around you,
To feel not just your own skin,
to not spend life touching cellphones
but rather employ the sense of touch
to feel petals and other critters.
To be alive isn't to smell your own breath and sweat
but to inhale all the distinct fragrances of nature.
And to taste not merely of the artificial flavors
of fizzy pale poison refined sugar's sodas
but to cup your hands to taste the raindrop!
Do I in anyway imply by this that those born blind, deaf or dumb are less alive?
Never! For I've seen the blind appreciate
divinely created nature far more than the seeing.
For to the blind every sound is precious,
for every voice they are grateful.
And every touch has meaning...
Be alive with all your God given senses
Don't wait to be deprived of even one,
to appreciate them.
For senses like limbs, freeze and can get impaired
when they're in limbo, not in usage.
God created this world for our toil and to appreciate life as a divine present,
We must thank Him for granting us existence
so we deserve the next life in heaven.
feeling your own legs and limbs.
To be alive is to
percieve the sights and sounds
that those who have kicked the bucket can't appreciate
until resurrection and the long wait for heaven's gate
God's most precious gift to us
Is life which He breathed into our souls.
But to be alive is to thaw
the frozen cold heart
with the warmth of feeling
coz we aren't born coldblooded.
Alive is
the sense of hearing
that hearkens not just the artificial violin
but the natural songbird's birdsong.
To see not just the obvious, the apparent
but as well to see with the eyes of wisdom.
To not just gaze at silver screens and the telly all day
But rather to gaze and observe all of nature's
sights and scenery around you,
To feel not just your own skin,
to not spend life touching cellphones
but rather employ the sense of touch
to feel petals and other critters.
To be alive isn't to smell your own breath and sweat
but to inhale all the distinct fragrances of nature.
And to taste not merely of the artificial flavors
of fizzy pale poison refined sugar's sodas
but to cup your hands to taste the raindrop!
Do I in anyway imply by this that those born blind, deaf or dumb are less alive?
Never! For I've seen the blind appreciate
divinely created nature far more than the seeing.
For to the blind every sound is precious,
for every voice they are grateful.
And every touch has meaning...
Be alive with all your God given senses
Don't wait to be deprived of even one,
to appreciate them.
For senses like limbs, freeze and can get impaired
when they're in limbo, not in usage.
God created this world for our toil and to appreciate life as a divine present,
We must thank Him for granting us existence
so we deserve the next life in heaven.
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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