FREEVERSE Poetry Comp. #1 LOVE
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1431
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1431
Poetry Contest Description
Free Verse Poetry Comp. #1 LOVE: Write either on: *Love of the illusional Eyes Or *Love of an Outpouring Heart
Dear Deeps
A simple yet a deep comp., write a free verse poem on Love any one of the two thematic differentiations:
1) Dark Themed: Love of the Illusional Eyes
2) Positive Themed: Love of an Outpouring Heart
Huge fan of Free verse, it had always mesmerized me.. for I simply believe in its potently uncompromising talking delivery sans the constraints of any rigours of rhyme or meters or such definitive forms, which better is left unsaid...
This is a comp. i hope to host as a series of varying themes tribute of the spirit of Free Verse Poetry ... certainly not here to define what free verse is &/or any of the Classic Poets who took them to heights....I leave it here freely like this :)
-One New Entry Per Person (no matter how much ever known/ anonymous avatars they have)
-Write on either one of the theme given above on LOVE
-Word range: minimum of 100 words to not more than 200 words
-Title compulsory (Word limit inclusive of the title)
-No Extreme/ Erotic Content
-Winning Entry will be based on
*Emotional Intensity
*Poetic Essence
*X-factoring Poetic Appeal
As I ever say, please do not comment or chat in the poetic thread..let be a silent thread alert Dear Deeps...Any further comp. clarifications, do pm me any time:)
Cheerzz to You All Poets of Free Versing Love🤙
A simple yet a deep comp., write a free verse poem on Love any one of the two thematic differentiations:
1) Dark Themed: Love of the Illusional Eyes
2) Positive Themed: Love of an Outpouring Heart
Huge fan of Free verse, it had always mesmerized me.. for I simply believe in its potently uncompromising talking delivery sans the constraints of any rigours of rhyme or meters or such definitive forms, which better is left unsaid...
This is a comp. i hope to host as a series of varying themes tribute of the spirit of Free Verse Poetry ... certainly not here to define what free verse is &/or any of the Classic Poets who took them to heights....I leave it here freely like this :)
-One New Entry Per Person (no matter how much ever known/ anonymous avatars they have)
-Write on either one of the theme given above on LOVE
-Word range: minimum of 100 words to not more than 200 words
-Title compulsory (Word limit inclusive of the title)
-No Extreme/ Erotic Content
-Winning Entry will be based on
*Emotional Intensity
*Poetic Essence
*X-factoring Poetic Appeal
As I ever say, please do not comment or chat in the poetic thread..let be a silent thread alert Dear Deeps...Any further comp. clarifications, do pm me any time:)
Cheerzz to You All Poets of Free Versing Love🤙
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
In Studio
pointalism across
my chest
in definative negatives
-A black rose
blue infinity sign
the crown
Etch her face
in the
Keep our
as tightly
as hands held
in the sculpture
of slumber
drawn in significance
digital dots
declare lyrics
of pulse
as the heart beats
into pounding
a forever
never held back
hung on the gallery wall
Related submission no longer exists.

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Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 86
As I travel to the very depth of my constant thoughts upon the time that we have shared together one scene keeps replaying within the darken illusion of my mind, for as I become more deeper with an obsession of you I crave you with every shifting of my emotions taking me to even a deeper and higher passion of the truth of my true addiction as I crave with a burning desire for only you as one man to one woman.
But as I lay here as the moonlight shines through the windows of my room as I lay here alone feeling your spirit as it comes to me silently and slowly whispering to my soul of my souls from afar, for through the silents of the moonlight as it elevates me to connect to you from afar in mind and body and spiritual soul, as you seduce me with your words as you impress me with your actions I have no regrets nor remorse of our two soul spirits combining to be one for it is your consistency and your commitment with communications and honor and love and respect.
For I wouldn't change it for nothing in the world for you bring the best out of me as I do the same for you but even though we are far apart now I can feel that you need me for a shoulder to lean upon a shoulder to cry upon, a shoulder for you to pour out your very heart and soul as you let your most inner feelings go due to the fact the weight you carry you can't carry it alone for if we are to drown together we drown together as one as a WARRIOR AND FIGHTER for what is true love.
But as I lay here as the moonlight shines through the windows of my room as I lay here alone feeling your spirit as it comes to me silently and slowly whispering to my soul of my souls from afar, for through the silents of the moonlight as it elevates me to connect to you from afar in mind and body and spiritual soul, as you seduce me with your words as you impress me with your actions I have no regrets nor remorse of our two soul spirits combining to be one for it is your consistency and your commitment with communications and honor and love and respect.
For I wouldn't change it for nothing in the world for you bring the best out of me as I do the same for you but even though we are far apart now I can feel that you need me for a shoulder to lean upon a shoulder to cry upon, a shoulder for you to pour out your very heart and soul as you let your most inner feelings go due to the fact the weight you carry you can't carry it alone for if we are to drown together we drown together as one as a WARRIOR AND FIGHTER for what is true love.
Written by Stoney223
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Joined 5th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 72
Red Glove
When you have a lot, you have nothing. After She said those words, she looked blindly into her own abyss, getting defenselessly mad as if she was trying to find an excuse for her nothingness. But she couldn't, when the answer was real as time and death, quietly giggling at her denial and loss, she turned back to me again with an effort lost smile. I could see her eyes were starting to flood but she quickly turned and walked to her car and drove off as her tire came alive with every friction to the ground . I Stood there, waiting for her to come back, day dreaming in that second that this was just a dream.
I was awoken from her spell and my surrounding joined diluting the scene. I suddenly felt my cold hands and was shaking from the shiver she unleashed. I felt the drops on my cheeks, silently letting the pressure out and when I looked down there were more than a few on the ground. I went back into the cafe to get warm and sat at her past side as my mind lingered staring at her forgotten red glove which was laying on the table. When I held it, it felt as if I was holding a rose's thorn and I started to bleed but I held it tighter cause it didn't matter anymore.
I had her and she was gone. A symphony that won't be remembered. No more love, no more loss. Into the limbo I descend. Leading a humdrum day, living a humdrum night. Riding time in the darkness of the broken souls till I see the incandescence of the afterlife, if it exists.
I was awoken from her spell and my surrounding joined diluting the scene. I suddenly felt my cold hands and was shaking from the shiver she unleashed. I felt the drops on my cheeks, silently letting the pressure out and when I looked down there were more than a few on the ground. I went back into the cafe to get warm and sat at her past side as my mind lingered staring at her forgotten red glove which was laying on the table. When I held it, it felt as if I was holding a rose's thorn and I started to bleed but I held it tighter cause it didn't matter anymore.
I had her and she was gone. A symphony that won't be remembered. No more love, no more loss. Into the limbo I descend. Leading a humdrum day, living a humdrum night. Riding time in the darkness of the broken souls till I see the incandescence of the afterlife, if it exists.
Written by LUUH19
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Oh my, the host has closed her account. I wonder where we go from here with her competition?😳
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17824
Tyrant of Words

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She'll be back.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Harry Nichols
Joined 1st Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 44
Harry Nichols
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 44
I think I loved the illusion of you,
a ghost of light refracting off your skin,
striking my eyes, confusing the brain,
hard and twisted and burning
I'm better now,
and understand the mechanics behind that trick of yours.
Ironed out that old glitch
and now I run smooth and clean and straight.
Now when you come around,
I laugh at my old self,
blinking and rubbing eyes and thinking
a ghost of light refracting off your skin,
striking my eyes, confusing the brain,
hard and twisted and burning
I'm better now,
and understand the mechanics behind that trick of yours.
Ironed out that old glitch
and now I run smooth and clean and straight.
Now when you come around,
I laugh at my old self,
blinking and rubbing eyes and thinking
Written by hgnichols
(Harry Nichols)
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Love (Freeform)
Love is on the brain
As it is the only thing
That keeps me sane
In this crazy world.
I was on my last ray
Of sunshine and hope.
You emerged from the
Shadows and opened
My heart once again
To new possibilities.
Love is beating in my
Ribcages as my blood
Becomes red again.
The oxygen breathes
Life into the desolated
And those whose love
Was on its final leg. Love
Is in your smile and the
Way it hugs your body
Perfectly. It is the halo
Of light and aura that
Surrounds you like an
Angel. Love is when you
Kiss all my scars and still
Appreciate the beauty
Within my bare soul too.
Love is more than this
World and universe. It is
The whole galaxy and
Milky Way. Love is
Between the cracks
And the words left
Unsaid. Love is felt
Everywhere in your
Eyes, your soul, your
Smile, your chest, and
Your laughter. If those
Things are not love then
I do not know what love
Truly is. Love is love.
As it is the only thing
That keeps me sane
In this crazy world.
I was on my last ray
Of sunshine and hope.
You emerged from the
Shadows and opened
My heart once again
To new possibilities.
Love is beating in my
Ribcages as my blood
Becomes red again.
The oxygen breathes
Life into the desolated
And those whose love
Was on its final leg. Love
Is in your smile and the
Way it hugs your body
Perfectly. It is the halo
Of light and aura that
Surrounds you like an
Angel. Love is when you
Kiss all my scars and still
Appreciate the beauty
Within my bare soul too.
Love is more than this
World and universe. It is
The whole galaxy and
Milky Way. Love is
Between the cracks
And the words left
Unsaid. Love is felt
Everywhere in your
Eyes, your soul, your
Smile, your chest, and
Your laughter. If those
Things are not love then
I do not know what love
Truly is. Love is love.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 24th Mar 2019
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Fire of Insight

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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 909
Love view
Kindling daylight amidst a scorching night
Passionate kiss while possessing my dear
Grant verse the rhyme thru beloved sight
We embrace forever to let time disappear.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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R Byron Johnson
Joined 16th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 48
R Byron Johnson
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 48
the virtues of asphyxiation
please sell me garbage and deliver it to my face which is
always stunned into a smile by the vapid unreality of
all american promise and virtue,
you have no virtue but that of a whore who is overpaid,
not me not me not me,
i am worth it;
please put drugs in my ass,
my stomach is blown from deceptive ingestion;
i don't need a mask,
i've perfected the art of expressionless poker faced passive aggression,
i pinky promise not to rape you, rob you, or hug you;
as much as i may want you, you're still disgusting,
it's just that i want the fashion and envy of your disease,
surrounded, or submerged, in filth
those few who are clean appear damned;
certainly alone, certainly
not Us.
give me rope to hang myself with,
give me chinese food and pink slime, sell me death in all its delicious guises,
i am not a free man nor have i ever dared conceive of such an atrocity as making up my own mind,
i'll agree to fuck you but only if you're tied,
i can't risk the affection,
nor the possible sting of absence,
i can risk my life but not risk living,
give me commercials, give me bibles, give me answers to questions i never asked,
i'm like a newborn babe still wet, still like new but not quite;
i'm crying, i'm screaming,
smother me, smother me,
mark me, brand me, sell me, buy me,
make me famous, make me rich,
a diamond of ego,
nail me in, make me, shape me, create me,
it is not a crime;
it is every reason,
the whole point.
always stunned into a smile by the vapid unreality of
all american promise and virtue,
you have no virtue but that of a whore who is overpaid,
not me not me not me,
i am worth it;
please put drugs in my ass,
my stomach is blown from deceptive ingestion;
i don't need a mask,
i've perfected the art of expressionless poker faced passive aggression,
i pinky promise not to rape you, rob you, or hug you;
as much as i may want you, you're still disgusting,
it's just that i want the fashion and envy of your disease,
surrounded, or submerged, in filth
those few who are clean appear damned;
certainly alone, certainly
not Us.
give me rope to hang myself with,
give me chinese food and pink slime, sell me death in all its delicious guises,
i am not a free man nor have i ever dared conceive of such an atrocity as making up my own mind,
i'll agree to fuck you but only if you're tied,
i can't risk the affection,
nor the possible sting of absence,
i can risk my life but not risk living,
give me commercials, give me bibles, give me answers to questions i never asked,
i'm like a newborn babe still wet, still like new but not quite;
i'm crying, i'm screaming,
smother me, smother me,
mark me, brand me, sell me, buy me,
make me famous, make me rich,
a diamond of ego,
nail me in, make me, shape me, create me,
it is not a crime;
it is every reason,
the whole point.
Written by RByron418
(R Byron Johnson)
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