Poetry competition CLOSED 16th July 2019 8:30pm

and mel44

Poetry Contest Description
Poems written as the muse
Write a poem from the perspective of your muse. Be creative. No limits on genre. However your muse speaks, give them the pen & step aside. Take us on their wild ride!
*1 entry only
*3 weeks
*New writes only
*No epic sagas please – keep it to 50 lines or less
*Post your poem & then link it here
*Please post comments to the writer’s personal page.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
A poet in need of inspiration
A shot or glass of libation
Whiskey calls verse to mind
And after a couple more rounds
I don’t give a shit if it rhymes
A shot or glass of libation
Whiskey calls verse to mind
And after a couple more rounds
I don’t give a shit if it rhymes
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 177
Spirit Muse
[ I ]
The host of me is sound asleep
This is when deepest most I reach
Till she awakens unaware
From planting of a seedling where
The launching of a thousand ships
Pen on the trade winds many trips.
[ II ]
I am the Mesa where I see
From all directions’ canopy.
I am the rainbow’s lightning rod;
The rainbow is a sign from God
Who is in all things, ne’er forgot,
He gave to thee a skill, thy lot.
Who spreads a spectral light’s embrace
O’er this unclaimed high desert place.
In this, an arid life unmark’d,
Gives reason to the barren rock,
The eagle’s perch, and Joshua
In Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall.
[ III ]
My tawny one with hair of light,
To scan the firebrands of night.
The path you walk unevenly;
You know the ghosts I let you see.
You know me when you’re on your own,
You seek the truth, I am your home.
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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Forum Posts: 74
Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017 
Forum Posts: 74
Mankind in Dreamland
Pestered and pursued
by unknown foes
A topsyturvy land
where snakes can have horns
and cows can have fangs.
Night'mares' where the day's stallions
make mountains out of molehills
A chance to witness greek mythology-like creatures for real
For dreamland tis a place for the unreal and surreal.
Those hair-raising scary scary dreams
beset with horrified silent screams!
We do try to interrupt nightmares, pinching ourselves
With relief wake up to see there aren't any horrid elves.
We also try to interpret dreams filled with mystery
But gifted dream interpreters like prophet Joseph
Are now part of biblical human history
All in all, dreamland's fascination
for extra-ordinary exaggeration
and tall-tale imagination
Where myth and legend come to life
An amalgam of fiction or real strife
Where assorted monsters of the mind
reign supreme in that REM sleep of our kind.
Yet on the other hand the wishful, wistful sweet sweet dreams
where fantasies form mirages bordered by fanciful seams.
Where castles in the air that humans build, float gently down to earth
only to shoot back up unto nowhere from the awakened one's berth.
In dreamland a pauper girl can be a princess or fairy fair
for daydreams extend into the night and linger on there.
A quote I took to heart and it to console all and sundry
'that if your sweet dreams don't come true, don't you fret
for atleast your nightmares didn't come true either,
so just heave a sigh, by and by.
Every night let us all just fly away and escape
And lo behold the extraordinary world of Dreamscape.
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 348
I Am Your Muse
You are flesh
I am pain
post suffering
your words remain
I force the ink
upon the page
granting means
to share your rage
Provoke despair
my sole intent
prompting verse
revealing torment
Igniting grief
forming prose
my inspiration
you do not oppose
Using your ache
I summon misery
affording language
encouraging poetry
Past tragedies
I often peruse
holding my place
your unfortunate muse
I am pain
post suffering
your words remain
I force the ink
upon the page
granting means
to share your rage
Provoke despair
my sole intent
prompting verse
revealing torment
Igniting grief
forming prose
my inspiration
you do not oppose
Using your ache
I summon misery
affording language
encouraging poetry
Past tragedies
I often peruse
holding my place
your unfortunate muse
Written by mel44
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Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1408
I…A BEAUTIFUL CHAOS: of melancholy+ rage+ ecstasy, & an endless string of such TRUTHFUL et ceteras
I know..you now at least feign to know & try hard to feel this...
you karmic shitloaded donkeying dumb braying aloud you worthless wordistic benthic cunt
you little frizzy draped & redly wrinkled poker-faced puppet of a so untiringly scribbling and
blabbering ever …so unruly rude & rustic rusted soul ..of a so-called poet?
I agelessly am born in and as you
puppeteeringly steering your crowning mundane greys in veils of delusionary layers after layers
all along the swimmed invisibly vacuuming mystical truths in nacreously bubbling rainbow illusions
until & beyond you will ever know....
I fatally spin your timeless spindles
of your draconianly non-laconic & gorgeously anti-gregarious truth slut that you are
you disgruntled bleeding red adamantine of a rebellious radicle versus lies & all vice
in no financially trickling scopeless debacle to soulless brokers, yet scripting frenetic
thunderbolts of sloganeered revolution in heart-graffitied tattoos of love & truth
It’s a cyclical destiny...this US the superimposable VICE VERSA …
when I breathe & beat & boom & bloom… as you as dreams as verses as melancholy
the sudden noonish rootedness you spread & grip over my stemmed pages reeling in
brimming emptiness of an atrociously dancing chaos struck & struck & much overwritten
in ballooned to cratered bursting out impromptu of a maddeningly rushing nothingness
where you know there is no right & wrong in the harnessing visage of what is finally felt
as filtered decoction ...of your trancing melancholy in the rippling essence of 'you me= us'
this destined divine artistry
Written by summultima
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Recumbent Lady of the Muse
I think each day while you just hang about,
I know just what you need not what you want.
You look away but do you hear me shout?
Don’t piss me off, you better read my font.
The flashy strobe of lights pumps up the mood,
Sync with the beat don’t think on me you’ll tread.
I’m doing all the work, you’re not that good,
You seem to have forgot I’m not your bed.
Just ‘cause I sprawl recumbent when I work,
My clients never tell, they always ask.
Mister, you must think me a proper jerk,
Take me for granted; I’ll take you to task.
Now when you’re ready to see reason’s point,
Give me a ring, I’m not wasting my time.
I’ll be crosstown and not some greasy joint,
I trust a drugstore call’s still just a dime.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Apparition # I---Muse
I exist in a twilight world, a courtyard shadowed from the sun
Not to expose to much at once
And bask in freedoms forms
I am the feet of Fred Astair that cavort across the floor
The cane that taps, top hat tipped
The dry ice that swirls in a mist
Premier tickets you had in your wish list
Hold your hand and change your mood
The starting pistol to your head
Its not a race a paper chase
You are the compositor I just a "will-o- wisp"
Despair does not come to my door
That mood I leave to those more dower
I am Flash Gordon leaping from a tower
Of Inspirations golden shower
To streak across the intelect when you least expect
A disembodied vision drawn off line with no precision
The stop and go of a western halt
The sting of words from a catapult
Portrayed CV my right to choose
Colaborate or just hang loose
That trancience a spook a muse
Not to expose to much at once
And bask in freedoms forms
I am the feet of Fred Astair that cavort across the floor
The cane that taps, top hat tipped
The dry ice that swirls in a mist
Premier tickets you had in your wish list
Hold your hand and change your mood
The starting pistol to your head
Its not a race a paper chase
You are the compositor I just a "will-o- wisp"
Despair does not come to my door
That mood I leave to those more dower
I am Flash Gordon leaping from a tower
Of Inspirations golden shower
To streak across the intelect when you least expect
A disembodied vision drawn off line with no precision
The stop and go of a western halt
The sting of words from a catapult
Portrayed CV my right to choose
Colaborate or just hang loose
That trancience a spook a muse
Written by slipalong
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Agreed Contradiction
Your absolute arrogance
eclipsed by illogical certainty
Think you solved my mystery?
Come closer, look once more
I'm the juxtaposition of known universes
hidden discovery of uncharted constellations.
A shooting star eternally illuminating
never-ending darkness.
Harmoniously dissonant
emotionally logical
lyrically silent
serenely violent
inhumanely compassionate
divinely mortal
nonviolent mercenary
dominantly submissive
compliantly defiant
eternally fleeting
madly lucid
religiously profane
hypothetical actuality
impeccably imperfect
I am the intersection
explicit collision course
polar opposites residing
in positively negative space
Try to label me, I dare you
It’ll be your last act
before you’re history.
Written by inechoingsilence
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Above all the beauties
walking God's green earth.
Why is it I so inspires his verse?
Big nose, small breasts,
no curves extolling worth.
Questioning, still in his words I immerse.
Sincere, at my altar he kneels.
Adoring the goddess he perceives
One in whom I begin to believe.
walking God's green earth.
Why is it I so inspires his verse?
Big nose, small breasts,
no curves extolling worth.
Questioning, still in his words I immerse.
Sincere, at my altar he kneels.
Adoring the goddess he perceives
One in whom I begin to believe.
Written by Gahddess_Worship
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