Poetry competition CLOSED 30th June 2019 9:13pm
View Profile Poems by Poetryman
RUNNERS-UP: Tallen and Teeya

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Metaphorically Sensual

poet Anonymous

Cortez Love Matrice
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 3rd July 2015
Forum Posts: 51

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 363

Carnal Nights


Remanded to the jail of dawn
Enjoined from dreamscape’s lewd delights
By morning’s rays, like cell bars drawn
My punishment for carnal nights

From slumber’s escapades, betrayed
Remanded to the jail of dawn
Sweet touch of randy nymphs, forbade
From phallus sanctioned and withdrawn

My favored succubus foregone
I wake, forsaken, craving sleep
Remanded to the jail of dawn
Imprisoned, impotent and weak

Have mercy, Hypnos! Grant me sleep!
Frustrated by a flaccid yawn,
Convicted by the dreams I keep
Remanded to the jail of dawn!

Written by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93

Spider And Fly

Like a bandit, a thief in the night
Thought I’d steal her love and take a chance  
She surrendered softly without a fight
Not knowing I was a victim of the circumstance
She was the spider, I was the fly
Come into my parlour she said
I was weary, from soaring so high
I found comfort in her tiny bed
She was the spider, I was the fly
I awoke to curtains hanging all around
Sheets of silk felt inviting to my naked skin
She laid next to me, my hands were bound
She whispered so softly, let me tuck you in
She was the spider, I was the fly
Come into my parlour she said
I was weary from soaring so high
I found comfort in her tiny bed
She was the spider, I was the fly
Blinded by the diamonds, lost in her eyes
Came the sting of a sweet honey bee
I was in too deep, just helplessly hypnotized
With all the passion of being a fatality
She was the spider, I was the fly
Come into my parlour she said
I was weary from soaring so high
I found comfort in her tiny bed
She was the spider, I was the fly
She was the spider, I was the fly
Come into my parlour she said
I was weary from soaring so high
I found comfort in her tiny bed
She was the spider, I was the fly
Written by buddydog
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839


I am so thrilled
that you’ve come to visit
heavens no
we’re strictly
come as you are,
clothing optional
you’re here to relax
can I pour you something?
Cabernet Sauvignon?
mais oui ma belle
a fine choice

I saved my favorite,
special seat for you
ease yourself down
you brought me a flower?
fresh from your garden?
that is very kind of you
what a succulent pink rose
the delicate, silky petals folded
still coated with droplets of dew
it is soon to blossom
in the heat of this room
the scent is intoxicating
sweet and earthy
I can’t help but bury my face
in its folds
like a honey bee hungry for nectar

Can you feel that?
I can tell by your surprised smile
and your approving moan
that you do
the seat comes equipped with massagers
do they feel like fingers
reaching into your most intimate places?
are you tingling all over?
you’re rocking back and forth
that’s the spirit
enjoy the ride my lady
look at your flower now
fully blossomed
do I see a drop of nectar there?
all gone
Did you enjoy yourself?
I am enthralled that I could share with you
the best seat in the house
please come again and again!
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 3awards
Joined 18th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 25

As We Lay Together

The eloquence of a mouth
forming words
to envelope
stirred reactions
conducting the throb
in the confines
of concentrated efforts
preparing a meal
from the weakness of desire

The evolution of arousal
coaxed to travel
where it all connects
so many have missed
but some seek
grand central
above the divide
that sacred bundle
a morsel of nirvana
with tender care.

Written by Tenderloin
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 363

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839


Late Summer breeze
whispers through the vines
entering the open window
welcome cool for the sensuous scene
needing no invitation
soft glow from the full Moon
joins the lover’s embrace
illuminating the periwinkle corset
accented with silken bows
her lips, full and red
glide along the gleaming stalk
pearlescent orbs press his stomach
flashing pink with each ascent
kissing, caressing her lunar surface
he, like Jupiter playing
feeds her black hole with planets
only to slowly fetch them out
words cannot convey their ecstasy
speaking their pleasure
in unearthly moans
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 52

-Deep in the Forest-

I try to picture myself,  
in this position but remain silent  
How Do I Stop Accusing My Boyfriend Of Cheating  
It's a complicated world  
i know in my broken heart it's another girl  
i need real picture evidence  
So many crazy things so little sense  
Secret Drawers Hides my Most Embarrassing Collectibles  
Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model  
feeling so nice i just finished the whole whiskey bottle  
I promise that I'll change in time  
whenever the day he's all mine  
feeling so drunk of tragic endings
 visualizing  leaning uncomfortable
 remembering the good times
Written by Trome
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 807

Perfectly flawed

She emotes as a purple scarlet soul dream
Carmine screen over her deep red seams
Chrysanthemum spirit deriving the light
Iron garnet of altruism flowered night,

Witty and headstrong with a joy to live
Poetically reflective but gentle tranquil
Hence showing creative liberation in love
A gentlewoman inquisitive water sign dove.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 52

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 10th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 27

Coupling words

Let our stanzas collide
Every verse and fibre connecting
To form flows of love and words

Let me fill your sentences
With the strength of my verbs
Adding meaning and essence to our passion

Let my metaphors enrapture you
Feel their fluidity and fervour
Making it more than just words

Know me and my words
Scream out my nouns
Name me with your need

Accept ardent and amorous alliteration
Wholesome words, waking words
Divining desperate, deep desire

Let us punctuate;
Every. Ounce. Of love.
Bursting in hungry exclamation!

Take these words
For they are more than just words.
We are coupling through words.
Written by Rjm
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839


Standing in an expansive
Northernmost meadow
of tall golden grass
my world tour begins
a peaceful breeze blows
the long blades
gently tickling my face
smelling strangely of fruit

Emerging from the field
in the near distance
I spy twin shimmering ponds
approaching them
I part the surrounding rushes
awestruck I gaze
on the deep blue
crystalline waters

Mesmerized by these saphire-like pools
but unable to linger
I begin to ascend a gentle slope
quickly reaching its apex
I am met with a steep drop
taking a side trail down
I see that the face of this cliff
is perforated by two dark caves

Preparing to enter the darkness
I turn and look down
on a much more inviting cavern
deciding it merited more my exploration
I move quickly to its entrance
rimmed by dark red clay
sweet warm air escapes from its mouth
with great eagerness I enter

Now inside
the aroma and heat
of the air intensifies
a barely perceptible plaintiff moan
can be heard from deep within
a back wall tunnel
my feet are planted
on a spongy floor surface

Looking up I see
pearly white stalactites
appearing like an inverted picket fence
similar looking stalagmites
protrude from the cave floor
the walls are moist
tender to the touch
flexible when pressed

With reluctance I go out
planning to return
to probe deeper its recesses
looking to my left and right
I see twin domes
seemingly formed
of smooth white marble
narrow strips of land extend Southward

Gazing directly below
I am greeted with a magnificent sight
two majestic snow covered mountains
separated by a deep valley
I must climb to the top of each
I am guided down
by a white rope strung at intervals
with iridescent globes

Arriving at the foot
of these alluring peaks
I waste no time beginning my climb
summiting the right first
I kiss the pinnacle’s hard surface
I repeat the same ritual on the left
so enthralled am I by this site
I spend several days climbing
and strolling its valley

Finally prying myself
from the awesome mountains
I cross a smooth plain
Entering a humid tropical forest
the growth is dense
the heady odor intoxicating
I wander for a day lost
but not really wanting to be found

Errantly walking
I stumble on a fascinating crevice
covered by a pink living organism
I run my hand over the smooth supple surface
it secretes a wet, sticky substance
I surmise that it is the door
to yet another cave
prying it open I squeeze my body through

Above the entrance
I notice a small cloaked shaft
with a slightly protruding ball tip
I grab and rub the exposed portion
the entire cave trembles
the pink walls now drip
with the sticky nectar
thirsty I begin to lick
a shudder again shakes the room

Sated by the liquid magic
inebriated by the sensual aroma
exhausted by the excitement
and the days travel
sweating from the heat
I lay myself down
on the slick floor
and drift off to sleep
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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