
Poetry Contest Description
The Classic Corner : Ralph Waldo Emerson

Co-Host - Ahavati ( the architectress of these educational comps )
Part XI in an ongoing series introducing serious writers of DUP to the most well-known poets, both classical and modern.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882) was an American poet most widely known man of letters in America, establishing himself as a prolific poet, essayist, popular lecturer, and an advocate of social reforms. Emerson achieved some reputation with his verse, corresponded with many of the leading intellectual and artistic figures of his day, and during an off and on again career as a Unitarian minister, delivered and later published a number of controversial sermons.
Emerson’s enduring reputation, however, is as a philosopher, an aphoristic writer (like Friedrich Nietzsche) and a quintessentially American thinker whose championing of the American Transcendental movement and influence on Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, William James, and others would alone secure him a prominent place in American cultural history.
Write a new poem honoring Emerson inspired by any of his poems. We feel listing particular poems may be constricting, and want you to follow the inspiration wherever it leads.
Do your best to make us feel as though we are reading poems by Emerson. The more we feel you "capturing his essence" in "your own words" , the higher you will score. This will involve choice of wording, delivery, subject material, formatting, target audience - a wide range of factors.
The Rules
1. One entry per DUP persona.
2. No erotica; this is open to all ages and can't be viewed with an ECW.
3. No exact word limit; however, attempt to keep it no more than 250 - 300.
4. Any form is acceptable ( but studying the poet is advised ).
5. Hashtag your poem #RalphWaldoEmerson and link to your poem here. Do NOT copy paste your poem to the competition. The point is to eventually direct visitors searching for Emerson to your poem via the hashtag we hope will eventually be implemented by the Webmiss.
6. In your poem's notes, provide a link to the poem(s) by Emerson that inspired yours.
Comp will be judged by a panel including myself. You have one month; best of luck to all entrants.
Forum Posts: 364
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364
Nature's Kiss
By morning glow on bridge and stream
Arrives the light of new day’s bloom
The Vernal looms, or so it seems
Intent to birth forth from her womb
The frozen hills and woods rejoice
The sun returns, the earth to warm
This morning drowns out winter’s voice
In righteousness, the world transformed
The victory of springtime, nigh
As foe of warmth shall melt away
The forest creatures, wakened, sigh
As if to God almighty, pray;
But, peace of winter shall be missed!
Where is the north wind’s holy place?
It’s chill, alas, to be dismissed
To arctic’s distant resting place
While in our sun-drenched summer bliss
Forget not Walden's autumn glow
The change of season, nature’s kiss
On all humanity bestowed!
Arrives the light of new day’s bloom
The Vernal looms, or so it seems
Intent to birth forth from her womb
The frozen hills and woods rejoice
The sun returns, the earth to warm
This morning drowns out winter’s voice
In righteousness, the world transformed
The victory of springtime, nigh
As foe of warmth shall melt away
The forest creatures, wakened, sigh
As if to God almighty, pray;
But, peace of winter shall be missed!
Where is the north wind’s holy place?
It’s chill, alas, to be dismissed
To arctic’s distant resting place
While in our sun-drenched summer bliss
Forget not Walden's autumn glow
The change of season, nature’s kiss
On all humanity bestowed!
Written by ReggiePoet
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
The Nature of Nature
Nature is more than a flower
Or a menagerie of creatures
Nature is not a delicate butterfly
Nor a stand of magnificent trees
Nature is more than any of these
Instead, nature is a divine spirit
That dwells in every living thing
Including, my friend, you and me
Or a menagerie of creatures
Nature is not a delicate butterfly
Nor a stand of magnificent trees
Nature is more than any of these
Instead, nature is a divine spirit
That dwells in every living thing
Including, my friend, you and me
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17621
Limits ( After Ralph Waldo Emerson )
Who hath known Limits
Its crepuscular Being
Dividing twilight betwixt
Half-light, emerging shadows.
Secrets we forget
Too easily when unknown;
Whether this life—
Or some one passed.
We are innocents yet—
Both wisely ignorant, we be;
But, could it be determined,
Without knowledge, which is which?
Its crepuscular Being
Dividing twilight betwixt
Half-light, emerging shadows.
Secrets we forget
Too easily when unknown;
Whether this life—
Or some one passed.
We are innocents yet—
Both wisely ignorant, we be;
But, could it be determined,
Without knowledge, which is which?
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
The sermon # Ralph Waldo Emerson
The lectern it stands empty now
the whispers quiet when once there were shouts
of fire and brimstone filled gods house
the orator that preacher stood, proffered that book formost
parables to shame our sinful lives
that we unwothy regard ourselves with self despise
bees and natures best
that we should seek like honeyed text
and even the meek Rhodora bush
gives solace when we are vexed
creation spelled in graphic sylables, pofound, perplexed
the devil tempts us with his sweets
the bottle full of deamon drink
temperance to quench that thirst so deep
to covet perhaps your neighbours wife
naked truth that the unfaithfull lead
and stripped behind a pious face
the tryst of shame and barefaced cheek
to lift above the mundane plane
from the grey of forever saved
and to seek a glee a trancendental phase
for reasons cherubims new flight
and a euphoria of right
shake the citadels of faith
theology with a flaming torch
philosophy, to not be contrite
the whispers quiet when once there were shouts
of fire and brimstone filled gods house
the orator that preacher stood, proffered that book formost
parables to shame our sinful lives
that we unwothy regard ourselves with self despise
bees and natures best
that we should seek like honeyed text
and even the meek Rhodora bush
gives solace when we are vexed
creation spelled in graphic sylables, pofound, perplexed
the devil tempts us with his sweets
the bottle full of deamon drink
temperance to quench that thirst so deep
to covet perhaps your neighbours wife
naked truth that the unfaithfull lead
and stripped behind a pious face
the tryst of shame and barefaced cheek
to lift above the mundane plane
from the grey of forever saved
and to seek a glee a trancendental phase
for reasons cherubims new flight
and a euphoria of right
shake the citadels of faith
theology with a flaming torch
philosophy, to not be contrite
Written by slipalong
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Related submission no longer exists.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Like Lust In The Chill Of The Grave
The men that find such beauty when it’s theirs,
Each one expects his sum for all he owns.
To walk and pace and call it forth by name,
While noting of each feature like his child.
Purveyors of the land on others’ backs,
These owners of the gullies, woods and vales.
The arteries that give drink to the fields,
Of long and winding rows so straightly plowed.
Corrections overseen by foreman’s hand,
Where script allots the hedge and masonry.
That show ahead where every tree will stand,
No curvature of range-breaks in the way.
Nor casting shadows of the day allowed,
May block the sun when tender shoots resist.
Who are these wants and bids forever scheme,
When soon they will be added to the soil.
They never bargain on the scythe of Death,
As all will breathe their last, O! happy dreams.
The Earth’s reply:
“Ancient, yet
Everlasting on;
The stars have shown
Upon my seas
The skies;
For I am witness
Many times
Though not have I
Seen everything I am
Through your eyes.
And rules abide
Succession of the wit
And writs that cast
In stone,
Yet shall be thus;
And only stone,
Long after men
And heirs are dust.
“So understand
And know the truth,
That what you do
Can ne’er replace
The blessings of nature;
For who I am,
There is
No place for me
In your sphere;
Nothing of me or mine
Is yours —
But with a grant, a nod
I let you stay.”
‘Twas when I heard the song,
I was shivering and cold.
Reduced to nothing more;
A man in his prime grown old.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 9
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 9
The Karma-Venture!!!
The underlining thirst of seeing one’s reflection…
Conjured a voyage to different dimensions…
Witnessing “chaos” and “tranquility” on its path to progression!!!
A sense of eternity prevailed…
Losing the “self” to experience the eternal “void”…
The question of “self” ceased to exist, the “awareness”, paving the illusion of “self-knowledge”!!!
The eagerness to follow one’s “karma”, makes it a lonely affair…
Hovering around to rest in “peace”…
One finds the “end” to experience a new “horizon”!!!
Conjured a voyage to different dimensions…
Witnessing “chaos” and “tranquility” on its path to progression!!!
A sense of eternity prevailed…
Losing the “self” to experience the eternal “void”…
The question of “self” ceased to exist, the “awareness”, paving the illusion of “self-knowledge”!!!
The eagerness to follow one’s “karma”, makes it a lonely affair…
Hovering around to rest in “peace”…
One finds the “end” to experience a new “horizon”!!!
Written by Soulesslywhole
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Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 177
Love's Temple
‘T is naught the beating orb
Of thine own blood-force,—
The honorarium goes hence
To a blithe spirit whence
All things imbued, in course.
Follow as thine essence own,
Embrace and is embraced;
To give free-rein and to chase
Where e’er it doth insatiate;—
To fly in such a mask belies
Yet closer to revealing.
As one who is a god,
That promises, concealing
Where else it is going;
Needing no direction,
No question, no answer,—
When all you know
You silence, and avow,
And receive from love
What it is you have endowed.
All to the god for heart sake,
Who accepts and abides
All terms with thee;
The strength of offering,
With joyful sense
Of keen intense;
To a bond of future’s maid,
Investment fully paid.
That does not bind her whole
But shows intent,
For love, as arbiter,
Shall repay you your faith
With season’s garland
Placed upon
From whither maiden’s haste;
A rose-stem missive,
And bee-stung kisses.
A butterfly that flutters by,
To skim the pond;
Thy floating reflections,
Of hopes arising free
On mists of utter certainty.
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
Eyes That See
‘A man should learn to detect and watch
that gleam of light which flashes across
his mind from within...
In every work of genius we recognize
our own rejected thoughts: They come back
to us with a certain alienated majesty.’
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, ‘Self Reliance’
I see what I am prepared to see
so I adjust my eyes to what confronts me:
To see a forest in an acorn I must be
prepared for such greatness,
I must hold such faith in my hands,
I must strive from within to believe in
such growth and possibility.
As the seeds compactness is beauty,
so is its dissolution a precursor to beauty:
We gain by losing.
My heart is a seed and its giving to others
of self is what gives it purpose:
Solitude is reached by letting go.
What the heart is set upon it shall surely reach.
Look low, look high,
see what is always there.
In the eternal are my own dreams waiting,
so I listen and open my eyes.
Those who never see, never know.
In seeing, I am knowing.
In hearing, I am listening:
The voice of God is whisper soft;
it is as a feather falling.
that gleam of light which flashes across
his mind from within...
In every work of genius we recognize
our own rejected thoughts: They come back
to us with a certain alienated majesty.’
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, ‘Self Reliance’
I see what I am prepared to see
so I adjust my eyes to what confronts me:
To see a forest in an acorn I must be
prepared for such greatness,
I must hold such faith in my hands,
I must strive from within to believe in
such growth and possibility.
As the seeds compactness is beauty,
so is its dissolution a precursor to beauty:
We gain by losing.
My heart is a seed and its giving to others
of self is what gives it purpose:
Solitude is reached by letting go.
What the heart is set upon it shall surely reach.
Look low, look high,
see what is always there.
In the eternal are my own dreams waiting,
so I listen and open my eyes.
Those who never see, never know.
In seeing, I am knowing.
In hearing, I am listening:
The voice of God is whisper soft;
it is as a feather falling.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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DUPeeps, PLEASE be sure to double check your entries for typos, mispells and so forth - this comp expires today! We greatly appreciate your participation and know you worked very hard to deliver wonderful tributes.
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1883
The Inkwell
The inkwell awaits,
Waiting patiently,
As my pen taps aimlessly
Somehow faithfully,
A little bit frustrated,
Although it may be belated,
But the words do bring me joy.
So I seek to play the ploy,
And write seeking to deploy
All the words formulated
That the inkwell had awaited,
With utter joy.
Waiting patiently,
As my pen taps aimlessly
Somehow faithfully,
A little bit frustrated,
Although it may be belated,
But the words do bring me joy.
So I seek to play the ploy,
And write seeking to deploy
All the words formulated
That the inkwell had awaited,
With utter joy.
Written by wallyroo92
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Once again, we come to competition's end and have the task of inspecting all the entries with a microscope.
Ralph Waldo Emerson lived in an era in which adherence to poetry form necessitated terse or succinct wording that today would be phrased as " on the money ". Between this and the language of his time, it is certainly challenging to sift out essence or spirit from Emerson's writing.
That being said, the winners are as follows:
ReggiePoet, your eloquent entry inspired by three poems flowed beautifully in form that was unmistakenly Emerson. Congratulations on placing First!
Heaven_sent_Kathy, your entry likewise nailed Emerson, yet we felt your chosen topic was slightly more difficult to follow due to the structure you expressed it through. It is because of that increased need to process, Reggie edged you out. Congratulations on placing Second!
JadePandora, we felt your entry was somewhat phasing in and out of Emerson's essence, as it could have benefited from more concise wording. Congratulations on placing Third!
Honorable Mention goes to Slipalong for being our most improved participant in these Classic Corner competitions! We appreciate your dedication to improving as a writer while honoring such revered poets.
Congratulations to the winners, and a special thank you to each for paying tribute to Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Don't forget to vote in the current poll to determine the Classic Corner poets we will be paying tribute to in May! Only a few days left!
April's Classic Corner, featuring Kim Addonizio and Khalil Gibran, will be guest hosted by eswaller and Snugglebuck! Look for these to begin on April 1st!
Ralph Waldo Emerson lived in an era in which adherence to poetry form necessitated terse or succinct wording that today would be phrased as " on the money ". Between this and the language of his time, it is certainly challenging to sift out essence or spirit from Emerson's writing.
That being said, the winners are as follows:
ReggiePoet, your eloquent entry inspired by three poems flowed beautifully in form that was unmistakenly Emerson. Congratulations on placing First!
Heaven_sent_Kathy, your entry likewise nailed Emerson, yet we felt your chosen topic was slightly more difficult to follow due to the structure you expressed it through. It is because of that increased need to process, Reggie edged you out. Congratulations on placing Second!
JadePandora, we felt your entry was somewhat phasing in and out of Emerson's essence, as it could have benefited from more concise wording. Congratulations on placing Third!
Honorable Mention goes to Slipalong for being our most improved participant in these Classic Corner competitions! We appreciate your dedication to improving as a writer while honoring such revered poets.
Congratulations to the winners, and a special thank you to each for paying tribute to Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Don't forget to vote in the current poll to determine the Classic Corner poets we will be paying tribute to in May! Only a few days left!
April's Classic Corner, featuring Kim Addonizio and Khalil Gibran, will be guest hosted by eswaller and Snugglebuck! Look for these to begin on April 1st!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17621
Congratulations Reggie, Kathy, and Jade! All well-deserved honors!
Thank you for supporting the Classic Comps!
Thank you for supporting the Classic Comps!
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
I don't know if I’m going in the right order, chronologically, however:
I’m so glad we got to tackle a tribute to the formidable Ralph Waldo Emerson. In fact, I’m grateful to have survived, and now, to stand before you all in good company with my runner-up sister on the podium, Kathy, and.., our Reggie brother - holder of the cup!
Everyone was amazing in their efforts! But we won’t be resting on our laurels for very long...
The NaPoGloPoWriMo is just over the horizon; the epitome of worthy challenges. Yes, we have miles to go before we sleep!
Jadey 🐾
I’m so glad we got to tackle a tribute to the formidable Ralph Waldo Emerson. In fact, I’m grateful to have survived, and now, to stand before you all in good company with my runner-up sister on the podium, Kathy, and.., our Reggie brother - holder of the cup!
Everyone was amazing in their efforts! But we won’t be resting on our laurels for very long...
The NaPoGloPoWriMo is just over the horizon; the epitome of worthy challenges. Yes, we have miles to go before we sleep!
Jadey 🐾