Pet Peeves

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Joined 12th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 11
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 11
Pet Peeve
The windows all down
The mirrors thumping from the radio’s sound
Wind is flowing throughout my hair
I take a breath of fresh air
I think to myself “a cigarette would be nice”
With one hand I grab my vice
And then I search for a light
I see it sitting towards my right
I put a square in my lips
And thrust my fingertips
A spark comes flying, but to no avail
My lighter has failed
I flick and flick
Hoping maybe something will click
Desperate for a flame
Every god I name
I go look for another
I even ask my mother
I search for what seems forever
Hoping to come across one wherever
Finally answered are my prayers
I grab the light and rush downstairs
Up to my lips I put the lighter
Hoping this one will be brighter
But fate would not permit
My light to be lit
So now here I sit
Angry that I can’t take one hit
Written by vagabondvibes
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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Tweens in Strollers
Tweens in strollers
Pushed around by mothers
And sometimes fathers
Like they were Queens
Or divine Emperors
Is treating a child
Like they were an infant
Good for their development?
Give me a break!
Pushed around by mothers
And sometimes fathers
Like they were Queens
Or divine Emperors
Is treating a child
Like they were an infant
Good for their development?
Give me a break!
Written by snugglebuck
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

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(did you forget how to use the muscle in your head?)
( a Quatern )
When formulaics are a crime it seems,
To you who dress as poets and pretend.
To feign & then go thru’ the act. That steams!
And then you blink, how dare I to offend.
You spout about you’d rather do freestyle,
When formulaics are a crime it seems.
That’s fine with me, and frankly, all the while
I polish my new trophy till it gleams.
I think it must distract, these lyric schemes.
How do you manage writing anything?
When formulaics are a crime it seems,
It must be painful as your thoughts unstring.
To one-trick ponies, everywhere, I say,
Whenever you awaken from your dreams:
Since when did rhyming schemes become passe’,
When formulaics are a crime it seems?
Joined 23rd Dec 2018
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Strange Creature
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Remember that deep sigh,
that inhalation,
how the senses rocked,
green alpine meadows,
closing your eyes,
visualising the orchestra,
the conductors baton,
rise and fall of bows,
sigh again, a newer memory,
a daughter walking down the aisle,
church bells, an angelic choir,
the confetti, the limousine,
your speech, painstakingly wrote,
then a deep breathe goes further back,
first day at school, no family,
fear of being alone for the first time,
friendships formed, year one,
university, work, old age,
sighs and deep breathes, so much,
muchly, all so muchly appreciated,
eyes wide open, a local footie match,
two grandsons playing, opposing teams,
inwardly cheering both,
exhalation, pride and love,
a small tear falls, yours,
small veins glistening in the sun,
the whistle blows,
a scarf wraps around,
its their day as you walk away,
two shouts of 'granddad',
you turn, you smile, you sigh....
Forum Posts: 364
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
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Peace Must Wait
At 4 AM, the toys’ assembly done,
And everything is smuggled into place.
I’m Beat! …although my Battle isn’t won,
To bed! …a little sleep, for now, I'll chase!
By 6 AM, the children burst right in
Rambunctious laughter shocks us both awake
For them, the magic morning just begins
We drag ourselves from bed, just for their sake.
The children leave the house to show their toys
It makes for needed respite from the sound
Of early Christmas morning’s joyous noise
9:30, the first peaceful time we’ve found.
Ironic, how a little “peace” on earth
Must wait for Christmas morning’s childhood mirth!
Written by ReggiePoet
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David Nicoll
Joined 25th Dec 2018
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David Nicoll
Strange Creature

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Excellent poem Reggie.
David Nicoll
Joined 25th Dec 2018
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David Nicoll
Strange Creature

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Brilliant Jade!
David Nicoll
Joined 25th Dec 2018
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David Nicoll
Strange Creature

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He will never want to walk at that rate.
David Nicoll
Joined 25th Dec 2018
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David Nicoll
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 4
Being without a lighter is just like no having a fag! A drag!
Joined 20th May 2018
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
Jade...well done...well said
you hit the nail upon its head
especially S2, L1... ''You spout about you’d rather do freestyle''
I feel the same...and have for a while...
You Go Girl... Ely
you hit the nail upon its head
especially S2, L1... ''You spout about you’d rather do freestyle''
I feel the same...and have for a while...
You Go Girl... Ely
Haley Quaquaversal
Joined 24th Dec 2018
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Haley Quaquaversal
Fire of Insight

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Joined 12th June 2017
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Dangerous Mind

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Woofy, woof, woof
(to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Woof, woof, woof ……woof, woof, woof
woof, woof, woof, woof
woof, woof, woof
wowoof, woof, woof, woof
wowoof, woof
woof, woof,woof
Woof, woof, woof ……woof, woof, woof
woof, woof, woof, woof
woof, woof, woof
wawoof, woof, woof, woof
wowoof, woof
woof, woof,woof
Prancing thru the snow,
booties on my toes,
dressed with pretty bows
seems how it always goes
there would be no pics
if not for this prick
forcing me to sit and freeze
then do some silly tricks
(repeat chorus)
bells upon my feet
cause she thinks its sweet
though I like the treats
it gives me the creeps
perhaps I'll bite her hand
wouldn't that be grand
a stand I'd take for heavens sake
for pets throughout the land
(repeat chorus)
Woofy woofwoof, everyone.
Written by Amorous_tryst
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Joined 29th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 39
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 39
If this were a competition, this would get my vote and you know all the rest. You're so very blunt and theatrical with your words is a huge reason for me.