Poetry competition CLOSED 8th September 2018 10:17am
David_Macleod (14397816)
View Profile Poems by David_Macleod
RUNNERS-UP: lepperochan and cold_fusion

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The sound of happiness

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

looking at her face

My spirit kisses before we touch the first
Her soul wraps one two me conversed
We made love eons ago on a past earth
Our souls were then as one forever birth,
Our music drifts into gentle smooth beats
Her loving eyes began a look right to me
With tilted head she smiles a light I see
We held our space that time conceived,
Squeeze tight so the feeling will long last
My god sent love holds her mind to caste
Overwhelming rush of  a nerve end desire
Until we embrace tis will only flame higher,
She sways cute like her flower in the wind
The melody she loves to sing a bird send
My heart comes to my throat as hot sweat
See my goddess at sunrise makes my sunset,
Then a wakeful dream we took to an inlet...
A sleeping return to mind free and flowing
Conscious intent of our soul wind blowing
Starts looping visions into these resting states,
As we wake forced into only four dimensions
And must sense and adjust then translate
To compensate existence in our wakeless state.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

I'd Rather Laugh

I'd rather laugh
How does that sound
For an epitaph?
Weeping fists may pound
But only at a gaff
Too hilarious
To ignore
I'd rather laugh
And with hearty glee
If you only knew the half
You might even pity me
Except to see my laugh
Too hilarious
To ignore
Would you rather laugh
Or eat chips under bed covers
Your life needs a staff
Or crutch for what it discovers
So find the laugh
Too hilarious
To ignore
Written by EdibleWords
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Warrior's Sticks

When dark waves swell to crash
The warrior's sticks rise in a flash
With a wall of sound he cancels out
All his demons who thrash and shout
Upon the door of his own heart
It's pounding sanctuary a part
Of the music that cancels it all
Crashing it down with a great fall
Upon cymbals, bass drums and snare
Evil finds no mercy there
Even on a simple practice pad
A warrior with hope is clad
And there when battle is done
The day will find him moving on
Written by EdibleWords
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 6th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 20

Season of Change

An Autumn's fullmoon enlightens my way, thru fields and forests, to the hills nature lays.    
As leaves, red and gold, flurry night's sky, a silence brings whispers to their songs of goodbye.    
For soon, Fall will bare the lives of pasts' fold. In slumber's golden sleep and to lullabies yet told.    
So come, Winter's chill with your deep-blanket snows. Enwrapping, to preserve, 'til the Springtime unfolds.
Written by carpemax
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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

The Taste and Smells of Sounds

the hot oil hisses
six slices of smoked bacon
curl up and frazzle
cooking to crispy perfection
the rip of kitchen roll
meets the excess oil
Bacon gently squeezed
the oven door slams
Sausages added to skillet
they crack, pop and snap
baked beans bubble away
stir as not to let stick
the sizzle of the oil
two organic eggs
go noisily from transparent
to white and golden
an aluminium robot clicks
four slices of white bread
surrender to the white hot mesh
the robot boinks - toast's ready
the water fall rapids
fill the open kettle
gas audibly bumps as lit
blubbering to a boil and whistle
the plink of three sugar cubes
causes morning tea ripples
a small black tea leaf floats
like a fly swimming in soup
tea sipped, toast crunched
bacon crisped sausages munched
no hash browns for today
the beans and eggs are silent
cellophane, tears and flips
a cigarette finds my lips
I puff the final course
and blow dragon nostrils
only two things can beat  
the sounds of breakfast
the smells inhaled
and the tastes savoured
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 69

Play it on your lips

Wear a smile on your face,  
Wear a smile all day,  
For nothing you wear looks lovely without it
Smile away the day,
and watch the effect  
you pass around
It might just cheer up the not  
so gay
and happiness may well  
And don't you look your best  
when you do smile
No wonder you're asked to say  
'cheese' for a photo
but the trick is to wear it all  
the while
'To smile without distinction'  
be thy motto.:)
When someone creases their  
forehead into a frown
You curve your lips upward  
into a smile
Don't let their scowl get you  
They'd be the one to look the  
while you show off your  
inspiring style.
If people stare 'n' glare at you
Return their glares and stares  
with a grinning smile
Keep smiling whether they boo  
or pooh pooh
They might just reset their  
mental file.
Thus forever flash your  
They aren't meant merely for  
chow and bites.
Flash em' into a smile that  
A crescent shaped smiley on  
the face
explore your own facial  
expression delights.:)
A smile is a sign of happiness right under your nose
Smile warmly like the sunshine, like the crescent moon
Even when the icy cold wind of discourtesy blows
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945

Happiness?...………..Yes, Happiness!


The gentle slap and resulting cry on those days our daughters entered our lives.  
The shouts of joy as they played in a park on sun drenched days.  
The oohs and aahs that escaped their lips when discovering the wonders  
Mother Nature holds for all.  
The applause we offer as we witness the accomplishments our  
children achieve.  
The laughter we have shared in moments with family and friends.  
The gentle slap and resulting cry on those days our daughters became mothers themselves.  
The slow release of air from a relieved sigh and the inaudible smile of another mother  
who awakes to find her child has survived another night, though still in the grip of starvation.  
Written by Amorous_tryst
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

Sounds that Make Me Happy

Whispers that roam in the night,
Proclaiming love are the best,
They project a lovely delight,
All that the heart can profess.

The ensemble of instruments playing,
Reverberating like days of old,
Interweaving amid all the textures,
From the heart, mind, body and soul.

The resonance of entertaining laughter,
With memories of family and friends,
It fills the spirit with such a pleasure,
Wishing good times would never end.

The lonely echo of silence in the desert,
The thunder of waves from the sea,
The cool mountain breeze hissing,
Rouses jovial sentiments within me.

But of all the sounds that make me happy,
Like an acoustic compliment to a photograph,
It’s the vivid and pure joy, that liveliness,
Whenever I hear my children laugh.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 11th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 11

Lambent Patter

The passing of laughter in celebration
                was raining and trees...
Fallen clouds
                  in the creeks and streets.
What sort of year is this?...
That faces of flowered garlands
                                    from a grave
                  flash and blink in the early wave.
That youth grows old
                  and must forever
                  lose home.
With that holy light once shown
                  so obvious
                  so new, so lovely,
In these shifting sands of me and you,
                  this dancing death,
What is there to be won?
And what is left
                  after the setting
                  of our living daisies done?
Written by Oshinome
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2648


the day smiled and I smile back
the wildflowers were dancing in the fields
in perfect rhythm with the wind
the clouds made lazy pictures in the sky
I dream of the visions they see
watching the land of men
creating art in his likeness
in contrast, the sky wore shades of blue
to highlight the actors on its stage
sun-dappled leaves
sang of the hot summer days
the trees raise their branches
saying quiet halleluiahs
to no one in particular
the bees went about their business
pollinating tender buds of the season
nature took me in her arms and gave me peace
the day stretched lazily on
in no hurry to go anywhere
awake in the moment
fully aware of everything living
I can hear the drums of the ancients  
deep in the bowels of the Earth
my heart keeps a steady beat
while the oceans rolled on
the tides in sync with the moon
my femininity guarded by her secrets
the very ground beneath us hums
in tune with the music
our Great Mother chants
all nature in perfect harmony
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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