Who's Your Celebrity Crush?
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem about a celebrity crush.

Whether we care to admit it, we've all had a celebrity crush.
My celebrity crush is Linda Blair. I've got a thing for a girls that can puke green and spin their heads around.
Who's your celebrity crush? Tell us about it with a poem. What would you say to your crush if you had the chance to meet them? What would you like to do with your crush if you could date them? Don't be afraid to be explicit. That way your celebrity crush can decide whether they should ask you out or file a restraining order.
Which reminds me; I need to see if Linda finally lifted that no contact order she filled against me. I thought that dead little bird I sent her would impress her.

Winner will be decided by a vote. Now get scribbling.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
S i l v e r
Edie Sedgwick (1943 - 1971)
Youthquaker. Girl in the Black Tights.
Warhol's underground superstar.
She had left the silver foil walls, and the pull
of Hollywood, and this earthbound plane long
before I knew I loved & wanted to be like her.
Her skin of powdered rice paper, the
scent of rotting orchids, a drug-induced
Noh dancer with slow-writhing limbs akimbo.
Silver-gilded girl of the moment at the
Factory, that turned out Monroe silk screens
and porn to the drone of a refrigerator.
From asylum to the Big Apple, the
apple of her father's eye and his desires,
she'd sleep among gay lovers, pretty boys
with erotic names of exotic birds, knowing
she was safe for a while as they quarreled
among themselves: who would bring her
chocolate shakes, and chauffeur their princess
to her doctor's for injections
( she was too much a lady to do it herself ).
Until her fingertips became match-heads
setting fire to hotel rooms, flailing from
inside a closet while bellboys stole her furs.
Face of a comatose junkie drawing deep on
filter-less cigarettes ( she wasn't afraid ), and yet
what deeds have you, Edith, what deeds?
But wasn't she fabulous! remembering back
when she and Suky spent trips screaming
from a convertible through San Marcos Pass,
their bright scarves fluttering like kite tails.
In that same wind she'd ride her roan
along the spine ridge of Rancho Laguna
without sense of dominion over the land
with its wild fires that went on forever,
where the ashes of her brothers, and their
self-possessed and possessing father of
eight in his brood had been far-flung
and one day so too would hers be, alone
under shade trees in the valley of Santa Inez.
•Noh - Japanese classic theatre
•Suky - the youngest sister
•Rancho Laguna - the 6,000 acre family ranch
•San Marcos Pass & Santa Inez Valley, near Santa Barbara, CA
•Actress Kyra Sedgwick is Edith's niece.
(preview photo from Wikipedia stock)
Youthquaker. Girl in the Black Tights.
Warhol's underground superstar.
She had left the silver foil walls, and the pull
of Hollywood, and this earthbound plane long
before I knew I loved & wanted to be like her.
Her skin of powdered rice paper, the
scent of rotting orchids, a drug-induced
Noh dancer with slow-writhing limbs akimbo.
Silver-gilded girl of the moment at the
Factory, that turned out Monroe silk screens
and porn to the drone of a refrigerator.
From asylum to the Big Apple, the
apple of her father's eye and his desires,
she'd sleep among gay lovers, pretty boys
with erotic names of exotic birds, knowing
she was safe for a while as they quarreled
among themselves: who would bring her
chocolate shakes, and chauffeur their princess
to her doctor's for injections
( she was too much a lady to do it herself ).
Until her fingertips became match-heads
setting fire to hotel rooms, flailing from
inside a closet while bellboys stole her furs.
Face of a comatose junkie drawing deep on
filter-less cigarettes ( she wasn't afraid ), and yet
what deeds have you, Edith, what deeds?
But wasn't she fabulous! remembering back
when she and Suky spent trips screaming
from a convertible through San Marcos Pass,
their bright scarves fluttering like kite tails.
In that same wind she'd ride her roan
along the spine ridge of Rancho Laguna
without sense of dominion over the land
with its wild fires that went on forever,
where the ashes of her brothers, and their
self-possessed and possessing father of
eight in his brood had been far-flung
and one day so too would hers be, alone
under shade trees in the valley of Santa Inez.
•Noh - Japanese classic theatre
•Suky - the youngest sister
•Rancho Laguna - the 6,000 acre family ranch
•San Marcos Pass & Santa Inez Valley, near Santa Barbara, CA
•Actress Kyra Sedgwick is Edith's niece.
(preview photo from Wikipedia stock)
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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Bug Hunt
The moment he showed up on screen, my heart started racing
His buzz cut, sharp jaw and brilliant green eyes drew me in
Those kissable, plump lips are so tempting
A whirlwind of emotions is hurling within.
Michael Biehns is perfect in his role as Corporal Hicks
Throughout the entire movie, I’d only pay attention to him
Watching him blow up xenos with a shot, then three, then six
His soul always burnt bright, even when the days were dim.
If I were to wake up in the pod next to him
I’d steal glances as he lightly scratched his head
If he’d catch my eye, I’d offer a timid smile to him
And inwardly berate my shyness as I’d feel my face turning red.
If I had to discuss my experience on LV-426
I’d do my best to not waver my voice
All the while I’d be staring at Hicks
And wonder if perhaps coming on this mission was the right choice.
Some time later, we board the drop ship
On the, quoting Hudson: “expressway to hell.”
Pushing back my nausea, I look and see Hicks
Staring back at me as if something rang a bell.
Eventually we land at the deserted colony
I step out into the rain and stare at the buildings
I try not to cry from the situation and the solders’ concealed hostility
Yet out comes a concerned Hicks: “Are you okay?” he asks me.
I nod and quietly answer “yes.”
After investigating the colony, Hudson eventually traces their trackers
The marines investigate the reactor, only to be aggressed
By the camouflaged xenos; Hicks’ safety is the only thing that matters.
We settle back in the colony with only 3 surviving marines
There are only 7 of us left and an android, including a sweet and brave child
After the vicious ambush, only now do the marines believe me
Yet the sight of Hicks taking command and remaining calm makes me smile.
Eventually we’re left alone, and Hicks approaches me
We look at blueprints together until he gives me a key-chain
My expression remains cool, yet my heart is beating rapidly
He notices my awkwardness and jokes: “doesn’t mean that we’re engaged.”
I laugh along with him, yet I think about walking down the church aisle towards him
I quickly brush the thought aside as Hicks shows me how to use a gun
I’m easily distracted by his face as I wonder if I should kiss him on a whim
With him I feel safe, yet I know the real danger has only just begun.
He tells me to get some sleep, and that he’ll keep watch
I try to deny it, but my eyes start drooping
He smiles at me as I look down at my watch
I agree and quickly leave before I’d end up swooning.
I sleep with Newt close to me
I can’t help but picture having a daughter with Hicks
My dreams are peaceful and sweet
I should have known that the momentary respite was a trick.
Hicks saved me from the colonists’ terrible fate
Even as I violently cough, he holds me against his chest
That son-of-a-bitch Burke tried to use Newt and I as bait
Hicks’ anger at him forms a heart within my breast.
Just as he’s about to shoot the S.O.B, the lights shut off
Hudson anxiously asks how animals can cut the power
All the soon, xenos drop down from the ceiling and we begin a violent stand-off
Burke trying to lock us in with the xenos leaves me feeling sour.
Hudson, Vasquez and Gorman are dead
Hicks is badly injured by the xenos’ acid blood
Newt was taken to the nest, and I’m filled with dread
I focus on getting Hicks to the dropship, otherwise I’ll unleash a flood…
Of tears that won’t help anyone
I hurriedly prepare myself to rescue Newt
I arm myself with a flame-thrower and a standard marine gun
I’m terrified of the xenos, but so help me, I’m gonna rescue Newt!
Once the dropship lands, I kneel in front of the corporal and say: “See you, Hicks”.
Through pain-lidden eyes, he replies: “Dwayne; it’s Dwayne.”
A deep connection passes through us and he gives me a kiss
Once we pull away, I breathe out my name.
My heart breaks when I leave him, but I’ve got to save Newt
The girl who could have been mine and Hicks’ daughter
I think of her curl blonde hair, and dimples that make her so cute
I’ve got to rescue her, and help Dwayne heal so that he can become her father.
Thank God, we’re all aboard the Nostromo safely
I sit by Dwayne’s bed and hold his warm hand
I admire the handsome man who had fought so bravely
And managed to protect us, despite being only one man.
He stirs from his anesthesia induced sleep and locks at me
I know that I’m a mess, but a smile forms on my face
Dwayne squeezes my hand and smiles back softly
“I love you,” he says, “and there’s no place I’d rather be, even in space.”
Tears form in my eyes as my heart leaps in joy
“I love you too,” I reply, and kiss him gently
I don’t know what the future holds, but for now I’ll enjoy…
This special moment; if I’d have had other choices, I wouldn’t choose any.
His buzz cut, sharp jaw and brilliant green eyes drew me in
Those kissable, plump lips are so tempting
A whirlwind of emotions is hurling within.
Michael Biehns is perfect in his role as Corporal Hicks
Throughout the entire movie, I’d only pay attention to him
Watching him blow up xenos with a shot, then three, then six
His soul always burnt bright, even when the days were dim.
If I were to wake up in the pod next to him
I’d steal glances as he lightly scratched his head
If he’d catch my eye, I’d offer a timid smile to him
And inwardly berate my shyness as I’d feel my face turning red.
If I had to discuss my experience on LV-426
I’d do my best to not waver my voice
All the while I’d be staring at Hicks
And wonder if perhaps coming on this mission was the right choice.
Some time later, we board the drop ship
On the, quoting Hudson: “expressway to hell.”
Pushing back my nausea, I look and see Hicks
Staring back at me as if something rang a bell.
Eventually we land at the deserted colony
I step out into the rain and stare at the buildings
I try not to cry from the situation and the solders’ concealed hostility
Yet out comes a concerned Hicks: “Are you okay?” he asks me.
I nod and quietly answer “yes.”
After investigating the colony, Hudson eventually traces their trackers
The marines investigate the reactor, only to be aggressed
By the camouflaged xenos; Hicks’ safety is the only thing that matters.
We settle back in the colony with only 3 surviving marines
There are only 7 of us left and an android, including a sweet and brave child
After the vicious ambush, only now do the marines believe me
Yet the sight of Hicks taking command and remaining calm makes me smile.
Eventually we’re left alone, and Hicks approaches me
We look at blueprints together until he gives me a key-chain
My expression remains cool, yet my heart is beating rapidly
He notices my awkwardness and jokes: “doesn’t mean that we’re engaged.”
I laugh along with him, yet I think about walking down the church aisle towards him
I quickly brush the thought aside as Hicks shows me how to use a gun
I’m easily distracted by his face as I wonder if I should kiss him on a whim
With him I feel safe, yet I know the real danger has only just begun.
He tells me to get some sleep, and that he’ll keep watch
I try to deny it, but my eyes start drooping
He smiles at me as I look down at my watch
I agree and quickly leave before I’d end up swooning.
I sleep with Newt close to me
I can’t help but picture having a daughter with Hicks
My dreams are peaceful and sweet
I should have known that the momentary respite was a trick.
Hicks saved me from the colonists’ terrible fate
Even as I violently cough, he holds me against his chest
That son-of-a-bitch Burke tried to use Newt and I as bait
Hicks’ anger at him forms a heart within my breast.
Just as he’s about to shoot the S.O.B, the lights shut off
Hudson anxiously asks how animals can cut the power
All the soon, xenos drop down from the ceiling and we begin a violent stand-off
Burke trying to lock us in with the xenos leaves me feeling sour.
Hudson, Vasquez and Gorman are dead
Hicks is badly injured by the xenos’ acid blood
Newt was taken to the nest, and I’m filled with dread
I focus on getting Hicks to the dropship, otherwise I’ll unleash a flood…
Of tears that won’t help anyone
I hurriedly prepare myself to rescue Newt
I arm myself with a flame-thrower and a standard marine gun
I’m terrified of the xenos, but so help me, I’m gonna rescue Newt!
Once the dropship lands, I kneel in front of the corporal and say: “See you, Hicks”.
Through pain-lidden eyes, he replies: “Dwayne; it’s Dwayne.”
A deep connection passes through us and he gives me a kiss
Once we pull away, I breathe out my name.
My heart breaks when I leave him, but I’ve got to save Newt
The girl who could have been mine and Hicks’ daughter
I think of her curl blonde hair, and dimples that make her so cute
I’ve got to rescue her, and help Dwayne heal so that he can become her father.
Thank God, we’re all aboard the Nostromo safely
I sit by Dwayne’s bed and hold his warm hand
I admire the handsome man who had fought so bravely
And managed to protect us, despite being only one man.
He stirs from his anesthesia induced sleep and locks at me
I know that I’m a mess, but a smile forms on my face
Dwayne squeezes my hand and smiles back softly
“I love you,” he says, “and there’s no place I’d rather be, even in space.”
Tears form in my eyes as my heart leaps in joy
“I love you too,” I reply, and kiss him gently
I don’t know what the future holds, but for now I’ll enjoy…
This special moment; if I’d have had other choices, I wouldn’t choose any.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Tribute to George Michael 25/6/1963- 25/12/2016
Extraordinary talent that I have lived to see
The music of George Michael was gods gift to me
a legend is measured by his genius span
not a tribute band counterfeiting the great man
I lived through Rock and rolls vintage golden age
when rock gods and pop idols were new upon the stage
the dry ice that mists the face that is great fame
his talents are applauded ,critics minds are changed
platinum and golden discs hang framed upon the wall
the download is just paused the c d seemed to stall
the needle is jumping in the vinyl groove
at the shock and disbelief today's tragic news
and when your at your lowest ebb that you cannot defend
the press and media their vilification set on ten
facets of your character that Fleet St love to hate
will your obituary be your best review to date ?
commission a bronze statue so his memory remains
fans adore the figure unsullied without stain
never undiluted his demons chased him till the end
so sing along "Don't let the sun go down on me " my friend
The music of George Michael was gods gift to me
a legend is measured by his genius span
not a tribute band counterfeiting the great man
I lived through Rock and rolls vintage golden age
when rock gods and pop idols were new upon the stage
the dry ice that mists the face that is great fame
his talents are applauded ,critics minds are changed
platinum and golden discs hang framed upon the wall
the download is just paused the c d seemed to stall
the needle is jumping in the vinyl groove
at the shock and disbelief today's tragic news
and when your at your lowest ebb that you cannot defend
the press and media their vilification set on ten
facets of your character that Fleet St love to hate
will your obituary be your best review to date ?
commission a bronze statue so his memory remains
fans adore the figure unsullied without stain
never undiluted his demons chased him till the end
so sing along "Don't let the sun go down on me " my friend
Written by slipalong
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Joined 18th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 29
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 29

She at one time had that glow
The goddess named Bridget Bardot
The paparazzi did but brood
Until they caught her in the nude
She didn't mind the pictures snapped
The public eye would soon be rapt
Her form up on a thousand screens
Directors hunched behind the scenes
Her face had that distinctive pout
A body that was born to flout
So much there, so much to tempt
No man or boy truly exempt.
Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305
Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 305
Brad Dourif
Eyes deeper and brighter than the sea on a starry night,
Hair that has stolen the moon's light,
A smile so bright.
A presence that warms any room,
A heart, so sensitive, caring, and kind, that banishes all gloom,
A mind, so intelligent, interesting, and remarkable, you never assume,
Movements so graceful, mannerly, and refined, you spellbind,
A being so respectful, and sensible, you've captivated my heart and mind.
The sweetest relationship you have with your daughters,
The sweetest of men, and the sweetest of fathers,
Beautiful, kind, talented, and headstrong are their natures.
A soul, so mature, experienced, and wise, I'd love to hear your advice,
A spirit so grateful, and humble, with you I'd like to socialize.
Extremely rare, and talented, you speak with your eyes.
Noble, and pure, and you project an air of confidence that makes me brave,
The way you dress is so dapper, and there's no way you could misbehave,
Even with any flaws you may have, it's about you I always rave!
You, I wish I could get to know,
For hours we would talk, and my personality I'd show,
Many places we'd go.
If you visited my state again, oh, the fun places I'd take you,
Art and science museums, restaurants, concerts, theaters, and bowling alleys too,
And if I visited your state, you could show me around too!
But alas, I am still waiting for a sign,
That our lives may intertwine,
And bring to us both, a little more sunshine.
Hair that has stolen the moon's light,
A smile so bright.
A presence that warms any room,
A heart, so sensitive, caring, and kind, that banishes all gloom,
A mind, so intelligent, interesting, and remarkable, you never assume,
Movements so graceful, mannerly, and refined, you spellbind,
A being so respectful, and sensible, you've captivated my heart and mind.
The sweetest relationship you have with your daughters,
The sweetest of men, and the sweetest of fathers,
Beautiful, kind, talented, and headstrong are their natures.
A soul, so mature, experienced, and wise, I'd love to hear your advice,
A spirit so grateful, and humble, with you I'd like to socialize.
Extremely rare, and talented, you speak with your eyes.
Noble, and pure, and you project an air of confidence that makes me brave,
The way you dress is so dapper, and there's no way you could misbehave,
Even with any flaws you may have, it's about you I always rave!
You, I wish I could get to know,
For hours we would talk, and my personality I'd show,
Many places we'd go.
If you visited my state again, oh, the fun places I'd take you,
Art and science museums, restaurants, concerts, theaters, and bowling alleys too,
And if I visited your state, you could show me around too!
But alas, I am still waiting for a sign,
That our lives may intertwine,
And bring to us both, a little more sunshine.
Written by Orc_Pirate_68
(Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
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Blade Artist
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84
Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 84
ThE DrIvEr
Ryan Gosling is my boy crush, sure
Fine figure of a man that I adore
Remember the first time I watched drive
A taciturn cool that I constantly strive
He is the nuskool of acting oldskool
Method acting like Jonny Depp but less of a fool
My unrequited love is like a blue valentine
Sequestered to the place beyond the pines
My love is like a lost river
Wonder if he is a taker or a giver
Checked google maps to find out where he lives
If this is an intrusion then only god forgives
In my head he is a stunner
Not cos he starred in 2049 blade runner
Is this la la land please hug me bruv
I guess this is crazy stupid love
Fine figure of a man that I adore
Remember the first time I watched drive
A taciturn cool that I constantly strive
He is the nuskool of acting oldskool
Method acting like Jonny Depp but less of a fool
My unrequited love is like a blue valentine
Sequestered to the place beyond the pines
My love is like a lost river
Wonder if he is a taker or a giver
Checked google maps to find out where he lives
If this is an intrusion then only god forgives
In my head he is a stunner
Not cos he starred in 2049 blade runner
Is this la la land please hug me bruv
I guess this is crazy stupid love
Written by composedWITHrazors
(Blade Artist)
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878

Old Hollywood
There is something about the era,
The appeal,
The allure,
The pure splendor and sophistication,
Like a wistful image that seems to transcend time,
Stars of the old cinema,
Who with refinement and class,
Are forever embedded in my mind.
But of all the beauties that graced the silver screen,
None compare to her who’s like a dream,
A vision of absolute perfection,
True glamour and flawless complexion,
A princess who was a queen.
Her charm,
Her natural grace,
The beautiful face that lit up a scene,
Sensually feminine and provocatively stylish,
With features that are timeless,
She was just simply stunning.
I may be an old romantic,
A nostalgic sentimental for the past,
But the truth is I have an admiration,
Respect and appreciation for old Hollywood,
For the glamour and the glitz,
That seems to last.
And though she went on to become royalty,
The girl from Philly and High Society,
Lived a fairy tale that will be told till the end of days,
Her image,
Her elegance,
That face,
That iconic figure,
Who truly lived up to her name,
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Thanks to host snugglebuck, I enjoyed what came out of this competition: the celebrity names & participants’ sentiments of their favorites - a few I’d never heard/ knew of and now I have. I thank all who voted, for making it possible to share the podium with cup winner Wally, with his touching write on Grace Kelly. My congratulations!
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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Congratulations Wally and Jade!
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Congrats to the winners.
Great job everyone.
Enjoyed reading all the contributions.
Great job everyone.
Enjoyed reading all the contributions.
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878
Congratulations to Jade on being runner-up. Thank you to our host and all those that voted. I'm honored to take this one as there were many wonderful entries from everyone.