Poetry competition CLOSED 10th June 2018 4:45pm
Blackwolf (I.M.Blackwolf)
View Profile Poems by Blackwolf
RUNNERS-UP: Jade-Pandora and Heart_symphony

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The Wicked Nomnation!

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 538

See You in Hell

It seems that morals and compassion have gone out the window
For you to consider someone like me as a role model
Your tastes have turned from bubbly warmth to freezing snow
Whereas people collect paintings, my decorations are human skulls.
I express my emotions best when I use my knife
I view the human body as a delicate sculpture that only I can improve
You’re stupidly naïve to believe my obvious lies
Whatever delusions you have when you stick your cock in me; I’m just fucking you.
Many lovers have taken their pleasure from me and enjoyed it
And despite my cringe towards the emotional throw-up, I enjoy a good fuck
But what makes sex even better is when your jugular vein gets slit
My mood’s improved, though their situation certainly sucks.
I’m a cold-hearted bitch with no tolerance for stupidity
I couldn’t give a shit about any emotional baggage
At least five times a week, I throw a body out to sea
If I’m not feeling lazy, I do enjoy torturing hostages.
I’d torture you all right now, but hey, I’m in a good mood
Instead, I’ll go easy and simply torch this auditorium down
With all of you dead, I won’t get any boos
While I’m at it, I might as well burn down this town.
I thought I was the one fucked up
As I take pleasure in your fear’s arousing smell
You plead for my cure even as your friends and loved ones get blown up
Someday, I’ll see you all in hell.
Written by LunasChild8
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Queen of Hearts

Here comes that feeling once again, the one I thought was real
With patterns of symbolic senses, I still can touch but cannot feel
Every aching phone call made, a pleasure point that starts to fade
The Queen of hearts, the King of spades, a virgin girl, never laid
A relationship that smells of hate
Exploring girls, I'd never date
What was once so unbelievably kind
A perfect angel she is not, but she's the closest thing you'll find...

Years slip away and I get older, but never wise beyond my years
I woke up and my eyes were swollen shut, from all those late night tears
Displaying symptoms that would make you cringe
Hold tight to that blankets worn out fringe
Yesterday's and yesteryears
An angry youthful, women's fears
Nightmares that became too real
Made me miss the way you feel
Blood red Summer's turn to cold
Understanding I'm too fucking old
So here's my encore, my finale, my last song
I've been pushed aside it seems for too damn fucking long
Like a spirit in the night, she came to me inside a dream
I walked on top of life's perpetual highest beam
But I've out smarted you my love, because your ignorance is bliss
I guess you wanted one last face to face, perhaps just one last kiss...

Starry, starry nights, you paint with brushes of guilt
The earth is standing still but now my head's a constant tilt
Hold the wheel while I'm driving, make sure to hold it steady
You see right through me angel, as if I'm dead already
You can't take back the things you've seen, nothing good at all
Yeah you taught me how to stand, when I tried so hard to crawl
You couldn't wait till I was gone, can't you wait till the bed is cold?
As I hold my head up high, and do just what I'm fucking told?
I detest this time of year, like a goddamn sickness
Hoping that this season, will just pass with the quickness
There's nothing left for me to do, to hold, to feel, to say
Waking with the thought of ending all of this today
I force a wakened smile, and pick myself up just to go outside
With a broken soul, and a wounded, soulless pride
The phone just will not ring, and if it does I'm just not here
I don't know how to make it anymore abundantly clear
Stranded in my head, I somehow make my way down the stairs
I'll face the world, once again, avoiding all the stares...
Written by Chimaera76
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Albatross

Stumbled blindly through my 30’s but I always end up numb  
It seems I fell asleep and then woke up 41
I offer you a seat but now it’s really close we lay
As you speak I’m tripping slowly over everything you say
I bite my tongue until it bleeds, here’s my shoulder for your tears
I’ve gathered up all your needs, here’s a closet for your fears  
I’m following an albatross and the water is so clean  
But I fell lost inside her waves so I will come back now as steam
I’ll take these sea ridden legs right onto solid ground  
And search this whole damn island till I find a simpler sound
I can’t be certain but I’m pretty sure I sat engulfed in frozen fear
And I can’t for the life of me recall the drive from there to here  
I took the path that was laid out for me by the stars  
And came away from this with no visible scars
You asked me for a hand but my handshake you refused  
I can see now it was your superego that was bruised
I never could resist when you asked, “Stay with me tonight?”
For I don’t want to be alone, I’m much too haunted by the light
The days never get shorter and the nights they last forever  
Putting everything off until the next side of never
I must have been mistaken, you were just here but now you’re gone
As I lay awake, still, as the day cracks into dawn
Have you ever heard silence? It sounds just like your own voice
I choose not to remember (as if I had a choice)
I picked up all my things and then myself off the floor
Heading out to walk astray, and perhaps I’ll find the cure
There’s been no one to check in with for a few years as it seems
But it don’t matter to me much, I never sleep…but only dream
Written by Chimaera76
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Wicked Is Weak

Wicked ?

Wicked Is Weak , A Word For The Unimaginative ;

Depraved , Malevolent , Nefarious , Nastily Onerous ,

Yes , Now Those Are Words I Love , And To Which I Respond ;

One Who Takes Pleasure In Slow Suffering Until Screams

Rend The Night , And Echo Thru Ages , Endless In Pain ;

Slow Roasted Flesh , Until Well Crisped , A Writhing In Emotional

Agony , Until Soul Apocalypsed , Yes , And Those Driven Insane

By Their Consciousness In Chains , Those Tortured And Entrained ,

Until All They Know Is Oblivion , Under Another's Dark Dominion ;

If You Cannot Embrace This Taste , These Just Desserts , Then Begone ,

To Where Never Are Ones Hurt , Never Are Ones Harmed , And You

May Sound The Alarm Because You Care , Yet Do Beware , There Are

Those Of Us Who Shall Visit You In The Middle Of Every Nightmare !
Written by Blackwolf (I.M.Blackwolf)
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

Prayer to the dark Messiah

In the vastness of eternity
Lies a mute soldier
In a battlefield of sea's of blood from fallen foe's and friends
He whispered the sound of silence
But His voice came out loud and clear
As he closed his eyes for the last time he said
"hello dark messiah my old friend
I pray to you again
I have no one to turn to
You who dwells not in heaven
But in the wretchedness' of hell
To you who punish me with pleasure
And bless me with pain
Deliver me from the mercy of your spear
And spare my soul from your flame
Deliver me from the neon god I've prayed
And free from me the shackles of the holy faith
May you find me and may your hand reach me
Speak to me and may your words teach me
Set not your hounds to prey on me
Hell be on earth
As it shall be on heaven
Savour my last breath
And forgive me for my up fronts against you
For hell is your kingdom
And all glory in it
Written by poetOftragedy
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Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

Playing God

Infecting every innocent brain, making them fall into sin
Questioning every Christian's faith, making them doubt what they believe
Larking in the deep dark shadows to instill fear
Whispering words of madness to blur what seems clear
Tempting every wicket soul, telling them what they want to hear
Offering my sweet salvation to all those in need
Promising a better tomorrow at a cost of a deal
Who's to deny me?,I dwell inside the weak
Slowly taking away your everything until you have only your soul to give
You're my tool, the world is my garden and I'm planting my seed
The first to bleed is the last to heal
The first to taste my fruit is the last to leave
This is my creed and all is at my will
Ask im willing to give
Bleed I'm more than willing to heal
All you have to do is to give your soul and I'll lock my seal
I'm the dark Messiah
And I'm playing god
Written by poetOftragedy
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

I’d Like to Thank…

First, I’d like to thank the evil academy,
For nominating me for this award,
I’m humbled for the recognition,
For all my wrong doings you adored.

I’d like to thank all the pussies who tried to stop me,
But I guess you heroes didn’t know any better,
You super powers were useless against me,
And so to you I’d like to dedicate this letter:

Many of you thought you had the balls to face me,
But all you had was an illusion of heroics and chills,
You got dressed up in your costumes and disguises,
Yet epically failed when matched against my skills.

You down right pissed yourselves in my presence,
Cried like little pansies when you couldn’t save the day,
I smacked and bitch slapped everyone one of you,
Then I went to dinner to the local Home Town Buffet.

I truly outsmarted and farted in each of your faces,
My evil brilliance was way too much for your wits,
Each of you went home confounded and defeated,
To your mommies crying to suck on dried up tits.

And to my fellow villains, scoundrels and outlaws,
We’ve had a good run of fun, mischief and devilry,
All our wild shenanigans will be fucking legendary!
Now let’s party with more merriment and revelry.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257


Stay seated
you are surounded

oh come on
you didn't believe
I'd appear
at your award ceremony
and all delighted
did you?
I wasn't even greated

It'll go like this
the doors will be locked in unison

Oh just a moment...
NOW Fuckers!

I'm sorry
let's try that again
it'll go like this
the doors have been locked
the keys are depleated

The little princess
can pass me the
I came for

NOW Fucker!
that's how we're treated

I'll be off
enjoy the flames, fuckers

Haha haha!
burn fuckers

it's a disco inferno
let's get heated

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 836

they are lying about relative truths

Many a dark minded reason to light a new sun
Knight on the side will never spiritually abide
Thoughts circle where ancient reasons spun
Off center the chess minds two soul slide...

Fire and scorching wind this whirling snake
Gratuitous rhyming crossed wheel of time
With thumb on the scale as serpents take
Shiny information on an overpriced dime...

Calm compassion through a sighted palm
Shows mirrored false crystal diva-nation
Nearsighted mind's eye Osiris embalm
Through slanted dreaming meditation...

This moon knitting mid-knighted tower
So quiet remembering never foreseen
As mushroom Luna undercover power
Sew sensitive harden shadow serene...

These silver sympathetic heretofore
On prophet voyage of the blind sea
Intuition is lost and waiting ashore
That guides their ship to final see...

Original heart shaped pine cone
Geometric soul on bend'd knee
Pineal back door to inner zone
Mind travel you closer to me...

Faked priest class dismiss
As shaman carbon copy
That un-perfecting bliss

A comforting myth...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Strange Creature
Joined 8th June 2018
Forum Posts: 2


My stories crawl across these lands,
Like maggots to a
Deeds of hate,
I'll twist your fate.
Made a grown man
Cry for his mommy.
I plick and pluck
(What a charming duck!)
Too bad killing is my favorite hobby.
As my stories grow,
More people sew
A seed of hate in their heart.
Though I've plagued a million,
The funny thing is
This is just the start.
Written by MKD
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Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

All That is Evil

gazellemon (Bradley J)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I am honored ;

There were other great entries as we know ;

Thank you for the opportunity to have some Wicked Fun !

( can you tell me , if you would deem to do so , which poem of mine was the one ? )

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

I thank everyone who voted for us...

Congratulations, Blackwolf,  on the win, and to Heart_symphony as my podium partner as runners-up!

Everyone entered some fine, bad ass work!😈

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