Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd April 2018 8:51am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNER-UP: slipalong

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Stepping into the twilight zone

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 22

Poetry Contest

A story poem competition inspired by all things sci-fi.
One of my favorite types of poems to write are strange sci-fi stories. This is a competition for any style of poem that tells any type of sci-fi story. Dedicated to one of the all time greats Rod Serling. Let's see what kinds of crazy things we can come up with.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16848

A Mysterious Encounter

thunder clapped and lightning flashed
smell of ozone in the air
then the rain began to fall
buckets of it not a drizzle

running as hard as she could
towards the shelter in the wood
just a few metres off the road
gasping she made it inside

a cough startled her
looking around she saw a man
shivering cold in wet clothes
he smiled at her saying sorry

she sat on the floor
of the leaky hut
they looked at each other
listening to the falling rain

his name was Jim, aged of 30
had a scar on his cheek
his dad once punched him
for some mistakes long ago

she laughed at his jokes
listen to his tale of faraway land
how he ended up at the hut
she never thought to ask

the man reclined against the wall
looking tired and unwell
she listened to the rain
as he went to sleep

dusk came and she woke up
the day was sweetly darkening
she looked around for Jim
he was gone like silent air

she skipped happily home
her mother gave her an earful
for her wet uniform and books
late from school again

she never told anyone
of meeting the man in the hut
one day she accidentally stumbled
on a lone gravestone just nearby

a suicide, he was never buried
in hallowed ground
he killed himself for losing
his sweetheart and baby girl

he drove his car into a tree
when he was very drunk
celebrating his fifth anniversary
he killed his family.

Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 22

Thanks so much for the post. Love the story, Jim was trapped there forever,huh? Ghost or time, both are great

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 807

Lotus imposition

Now into the deep funk of momentum soul
Spins our wheel around time's linear pole
The near miss of dual suns in an orbital accrue
Pythagoras would spit when one mention two,

A tetra helix column now standing in the mist
The fours rivers of Eden all flowing in a twist
13 petaled rose garden shows ornamental flow
Water of noon God seeding maternal water below,

The brazen serpent rod is leaning in Plato's cave
Show's a continuous model, a primeval sine wave
Eve planting seeds on the astral world mountain
An embryonic fruit grown from the holy fountain,

(A pulse of location but with no time duration)
(A movement of mind through a spatial relation)

As the self-embedding fruit tree sows our reality
So the seed base particle wave brings old duality
Infinity with an amplitude, infinity with a breath
Inhale our life existence, exhale the hour of death,

An octave spectrum forming a beam of white light
A decent of spiral fire that is burning into sight
"God is a verb not a noun", reads the book in the attic
Lower realms falling down, more dynamic than static,

A point (.) to a line(I) and then on to expanse(O)
The particle vibration will spin a natural dance
"Lord" as singular while "God" as inclusive
This geometric metaphor rings vibrating music...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 22

This is some funky stuff! Perplexing and thought provoking

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


She walks alone on the edge
Of a one-lane road that winds  
Through hills on either side,
Cut off from the last pueblo,
Carpeted with wild flowers,
Yellow, thinning as they spoil
Dying from their spring riot.  
The day’s heat is tempered
By a still-life vista of  
Paint-brushed clouds aloft.
Van Gogh’s touch giving shade  
To the hiker turning
In the breathless air.
A junkyard pickup skids,
Gravel spraying, pelting
And idles, creaking, waiting.  
In a rocking motion
The door hinge’s rusting pop  
Swings wide a smell of hooch.
A black Lab crouches low,  
Its yellow stare
And tail wagging slow.  
Driver’s shadow-figure leans  
To sharply bark a command
"Cutter, GIT!
The young woman squints  
Behind her Ray-bans,  
Wary to chance it on foot.  
I'm a girl, he owns a dog.  
He’ll protect me as night falls.
Assured, she pulls herself in.  
The engine roars, tires spin,
They’re hurtled down the road
Toward the raised horizon
As the driver howls with force.
She leans out the window,
Hanging on tight to the dog  
Under her arm, long hair flows
Across the Lab’s sloped head,  
His ears & tongue flap from  
Gale-forced wind cutting through
The intangible of  
A blurred flight’s vision,
Till comes the new moon night
Of an unwise decision.

Copyright©️Jade Pandora 2018.  All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Twisted Dreamer
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 25


Down for the count
-with a eyes bloodshot
Trying to tower the hill top
Exigent circumstance trying to put me stop
Life has taught me to be prepared for whatever
But I wasn't listening
so I got knocked by a punch
I was too blind to see
I took the free-fall
Hooping the fence
even tall men fall from
That's my quest
and the price is a rose gold.
It's a struggle everyday
and even your own weight is super heavy to carry
But i go through with a smile
Because I let God in
So I get back up-
Ready for another punch
Who say I can't withstand the storm
When I'm the storm!
I'll never stay down
The whole ten count.
Written by gifteth (AliboTerna)
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Twisted Dreamer
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 25


Down for the count
-with a eyes bloodshot
Trying to tower the hill top
Exigent circumstance trying to put me stop
Life has taught me to be prepared for whatever
But I wasn't listening
so I got knocked by a punch
I was too blind to see
I took the free-fall
Hooping the fence
even tall men fall from
That's my quest
and the price is a rose gold.
It's a struggle everyday
and even your own weight is super heavy to carry
But i go through with a smile
Because I let God in
So I get back up-
Ready for another punch
Who say I can't withstand the storm
When I'm the storm!
I'll never stay down
The whole ten count.
Written by gifteth (AliboTerna)
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gifteth said:

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2648

Scorpio Rising

The red desert floor reaches endlessly  
like an ocean of sand.  
The heat is getting to me -
I start to trip.  
I see Scorpio rising,  
watching me with his twinkling, starlit eyes.  
He impales me with his stinger  
injecting me with his visions.
I see  
the Great Dragon of old  
breathing fire arcoss the night sky,  
burning out weaker stars, leaving them in his wake.  
He is here to teach a lesson to all mankind.  
Scorpio, brother to the Great Dragon,  
has brought me to this place  
on a quest.  

Before me stands a door, ajar.  
Behind it, a thousand virgins dressed in black,  
white porcelain skin, crimson painted lips  
they speak in unison  
in a language I don't understand.  
Standing on a hilltop, Scorpio  
points towards the horizon  
where I see giant scorpions,
their stingers like daggers.
He says 'they are here to cure the folly of man  
who eats up the vomit spewed by corporate America and the media.  
Their venom is  
the cure to all those who are blinded.'  
Then I see a great eye of fire  
unblinking, drinking in all that has unfolded from now  
back to the beginning of time.  
Scorpio whispers in my ear
'you're on a long and treacherous journey.  
Watch your footing in this desert land.  
I'll be looking in on you from time to time.'  
My eyes ease open  
as if awoken from a dream.  
Left with a deep impression of Scorpio rising,  
I shake loose the cotton from my head
and open my mind.

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 22

These are some good works guys, I'm loving it

Strange Creature
Joined 7th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 1

Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 22

Nobodies Home

For those who are trying to reach me, I give my deepest apology
I'm far gone to a destinations unknown
You won't find this place even if you study astronomy
My reality isn't yours I'm in a different dimension
I'm vibrating to an alternate frequency
No need to waist your energy trying to get my attention
Sorry but I don't know if it'll be a long journey or if I'll be returning fast
Who knows what the future beholds
In a realm where the present coincides with the past
I can imagine just how psychotic the words that I'm saying may seem
But in all honesty I'm not crazy
There's no telling the places my brain may take me when I daydream
Written by kiko_the_poet
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Twisted Dreamer
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 25


Got my bulletproof vest on
heading to the war spot
as I rugged on
hope I don't get a head-shot
Lost my boot in a crossfire
still striving and toiling
I never know my feet to test me
I know I'm still counting my blessing
Hope to hit a glorious score
hope I fly high to a glorious shore
Do the gunning in silence
and let the hustle do the talking.
Don't forget to beat the odds
-and stay humble.
The bigger the war-
the bigger the soldier
Just let your scars
be a shining stars on your shoulders.
Written by gifteth (AliboTerna)
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Twisted Dreamer
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 25


Got my bulletproof vest on
heading to the war spot
as I rugged on
hope I don't get a head-shot
Lost my boot in a crossfire
still striving and toiling
I never know my feet to test me
I know I'm still counting my blessing
Hope to hit a glorious score
hope I fly high to a glorious shore
Do the gunning in silence
and let the hustle do the talking.
Don't forget to beat the odds
-and stay humble.
The bigger the war-
the bigger the soldier
Just let your scars
be a shining stars on your shoulders.
Written by gifteth (AliboTerna)
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gifteth said:

poet Anonymous

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