Time the ticking clock
Forum Posts: 17150
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150
Poetry Contest Description
How long shall I wait for You
Are you still Waiting? How long are you willing to wait for someone to come into your life or for someone to return...how long will you wait for your dreams to come true?
No collabs
any length
two poems max entry
please title your poem
No collabs
any length
two poems max entry
please title your poem

Joined 30th Nov 2011
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Fire of Insight

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the Home We Built
when you say you want me
my whole world is vibrant with life
and when you reach to hold me
I am safe in your arms
when you say you're leaving
my whole world drowns in tears
and when you claim to hate me
I remember every time you lied
but I cannot remember a time
I hated waiting for you
because I am a ghost
an idea, a concept, your imagination
and I mold into what you wish
and if nothing is what you see
then nothing I shall be
for I will be anything for you
but when you finally leave
I will wait right here in yearning
and every day I will remember
past the loss and the hurting
my dedication to my love for you
so days turn to months then to years
in my heart there's still a home for you
it's furnished still with your memory
your body, your scent, and your eyes of blue
It remains there in a quiet land
the land that was made from me and you
one day I will be alone
so cold and old and weary
an empty house with just memory
happy thoughts and sentiments
even when I reach my remaining breaths
I will still be waiting here for you
my whole world is vibrant with life
and when you reach to hold me
I am safe in your arms
when you say you're leaving
my whole world drowns in tears
and when you claim to hate me
I remember every time you lied
but I cannot remember a time
I hated waiting for you
because I am a ghost
an idea, a concept, your imagination
and I mold into what you wish
and if nothing is what you see
then nothing I shall be
for I will be anything for you
but when you finally leave
I will wait right here in yearning
and every day I will remember
past the loss and the hurting
my dedication to my love for you
so days turn to months then to years
in my heart there's still a home for you
it's furnished still with your memory
your body, your scent, and your eyes of blue
It remains there in a quiet land
the land that was made from me and you
one day I will be alone
so cold and old and weary
an empty house with just memory
happy thoughts and sentiments
even when I reach my remaining breaths
I will still be waiting here for you
Written by fieryangelsouljia
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

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Forum Posts: 17150
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150
fieryangelsouljia, thank you so much for kick starting the competition...Jade, i hope I see your entry soon.:)
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Worth the Wait
We first met when we were in high school,
Barely knowing who we were back then.
I knew that even though life was being cruel
Taking you away you would come back again.
I easily erased you because I though you were
Just a pencil, but you began to settle in like a pen
Written over mistakes. I though you would deter
Me from my dreams and become a distraction,
But you got me much closer to what will stir
Within my soul. It is more than just attraction
That pulled us together. It is that timing and
Fate that always puts us together. It is action
In the waiting game, but in holding your hand
I have found someone worth waiting for.
Time will keep moving forward as planned.
Some will say it is a waste of another open door
Or too many eggs in one basket, but once
You find home, you will stop looking for more.
Barely knowing who we were back then.
I knew that even though life was being cruel
Taking you away you would come back again.
I easily erased you because I though you were
Just a pencil, but you began to settle in like a pen
Written over mistakes. I though you would deter
Me from my dreams and become a distraction,
But you got me much closer to what will stir
Within my soul. It is more than just attraction
That pulled us together. It is that timing and
Fate that always puts us together. It is action
In the waiting game, but in holding your hand
I have found someone worth waiting for.
Time will keep moving forward as planned.
Some will say it is a waste of another open door
Or too many eggs in one basket, but once
You find home, you will stop looking for more.
Written by eswaller
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Forum Posts: 17150
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150
Thank you for your entry, eswaller.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Even unseen, he touched my sight
Burning his image on the eyes,
Spooling orbs that scribe between
Recording sounds & visions at the
Moment when a history between
The future “us” would digitize,
Before we could get far beyond
That nano spark, in theory
(our equivalent of The Big Bang),
It’s when I knew
I’d been shot through a nebula,
And was so giddy scared
Screaming the whole time,
And all around me, space was stretched
Although I couldn’t tell,
So soon from those first minutes
As I accelerated,
While everything had pulled away
And fell behind
In just those first few minutes...
A Dali-like clock of distort,
Its ticking arms cross over
The numbers melting on its face.
An animated ceiling light
Upon his skin
Makes fuzzy halos on the edge.
Even unspoken, my ears resonate
Wordless with his rhapsody,
Rapid breathing synchronized with
Desperate whimpers,
Abridged by a throaty laugh.
Even without touch, every cell
Of my body, had begun to
Mutate into a whole other being.
Synaptic fractures of my brain.
Even unknown, I can’t reverse time,
Nor would I try if I could.
We parallel, each apart, drifting
Day by day, only at light speed.
Though for us, time seems normal
While living beyond consciousness,
Having changed him as he has me.
As the numbers stretch,
For time is the bystander here
And never was the perfect gauge.
For those of us who resonate
From separate satellites, when
Now & then our ice trails cross
That flare close to the sun,
It’s not too long to wait till then
For this is time we understand.
Entered in the DUP competition “Time the ticking clock”.
Burning his image on the eyes,
Spooling orbs that scribe between
Recording sounds & visions at the
Moment when a history between
The future “us” would digitize,
Before we could get far beyond
That nano spark, in theory
(our equivalent of The Big Bang),
It’s when I knew
I’d been shot through a nebula,
And was so giddy scared
Screaming the whole time,
And all around me, space was stretched
Although I couldn’t tell,
So soon from those first minutes
As I accelerated,
While everything had pulled away
And fell behind
In just those first few minutes...
A Dali-like clock of distort,
Its ticking arms cross over
The numbers melting on its face.
An animated ceiling light
Upon his skin
Makes fuzzy halos on the edge.
Even unspoken, my ears resonate
Wordless with his rhapsody,
Rapid breathing synchronized with
Desperate whimpers,
Abridged by a throaty laugh.
Even without touch, every cell
Of my body, had begun to
Mutate into a whole other being.
Synaptic fractures of my brain.
Even unknown, I can’t reverse time,
Nor would I try if I could.
We parallel, each apart, drifting
Day by day, only at light speed.
Though for us, time seems normal
While living beyond consciousness,
Having changed him as he has me.
As the numbers stretch,
For time is the bystander here
And never was the perfect gauge.
For those of us who resonate
From separate satellites, when
Now & then our ice trails cross
That flare close to the sun,
It’s not too long to wait till then
For this is time we understand.
Entered in the DUP competition “Time the ticking clock”.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Forum Posts: 17150
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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cloventongue89 and Jade, thank you for your respective entry.
Forum Posts: 17150
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150
Thank you for your entry, beautifulickyR.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Endless Dreams
Fight and never stop chasing your dreams.
Nobody has to tell you to stop chasing them
If you want them badly. Your body screams
At you to stop, but if your lungs are not numb
Enough then you have not done enough to go
What you are after. Nothing should ever stem
From your fear and this time should not grow
Or be in your way of dreams with no set limit.
They should be giving you purpose. You know
Measures of time like every hour and minute
In a day should not block us from our drive
We are meant to pursue. That one way ticket
That can lead us anywhere. You have to dive
In headfirst. Be bold and be fearless, but do
Not wait for time to tell you how to be alive
Because there is a contrast between what you
Want to do versus what pays the bills or to fit
Into society’s one box. It is like having blue
Skies versus letting all of the darkness flit
Or letting it always hang over your head.
In five years from now will you regret it?
All of the dreams that got you out of bed,
In the morning, but decided not to follow
All because you whispered, pouted and said
No to them. The one word that will hollow
You, leaving you empty and dead because
Yes would have been easier to swallow.
Nobody has to tell you to stop chasing them
If you want them badly. Your body screams
At you to stop, but if your lungs are not numb
Enough then you have not done enough to go
What you are after. Nothing should ever stem
From your fear and this time should not grow
Or be in your way of dreams with no set limit.
They should be giving you purpose. You know
Measures of time like every hour and minute
In a day should not block us from our drive
We are meant to pursue. That one way ticket
That can lead us anywhere. You have to dive
In headfirst. Be bold and be fearless, but do
Not wait for time to tell you how to be alive
Because there is a contrast between what you
Want to do versus what pays the bills or to fit
Into society’s one box. It is like having blue
Skies versus letting all of the darkness flit
Or letting it always hang over your head.
In five years from now will you regret it?
All of the dreams that got you out of bed,
In the morning, but decided not to follow
All because you whispered, pouted and said
No to them. The one word that will hollow
You, leaving you empty and dead because
Yes would have been easier to swallow.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
A Starry Night Wish
One starry starry night
I looked to the heavens and made a wish
For a true love to fulfill my life
But to this day true love has never come my way
Where in this lonely world is my chosen mate?
Is she a dusky dark eyed beauty from Bombay,
Or a pale blue-eyed woman from Norway?
If only I could find her before it’s too late
I’d move to the edge of the earth to be with her,
Hold her, love her, till the end of my last day
If only I knew where, if only the angels would share!
Till then I’ll keep looking up to the heavens at night
And wish upon every falling star for true love
Till the last star has fallen from the empty sky
I looked to the heavens and made a wish
For a true love to fulfill my life
But to this day true love has never come my way
Where in this lonely world is my chosen mate?
Is she a dusky dark eyed beauty from Bombay,
Or a pale blue-eyed woman from Norway?
If only I could find her before it’s too late
I’d move to the edge of the earth to be with her,
Hold her, love her, till the end of my last day
If only I knew where, if only the angels would share!
Till then I’ll keep looking up to the heavens at night
And wish upon every falling star for true love
Till the last star has fallen from the empty sky
Written by snugglebuck
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Forum Posts: 17150
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150
Thank you eswaller for your second entry and Snugglebuck for your participation.
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2082
Irrevocably Changed
Time marches in silent jackboots
It's three years since I fell
One since I last saw you
Your essence is everywhere
This love thing...
Such a strange phenomenon
Copyright Kate Adams 25/1/17
Written by seekingkate
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Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2082
the jackboots have gone
time now prefers a rhythmic tick tock
a haunting weaves through the remains
as the second hand transits another year
- it is what it is
© kv adams 3/2/18
Written by seekingkate
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