Poetry competition CLOSED 14th February 2018 3:25pm
View Profile Poems by EdibleWords
RUNNER-UP: wallyroo92

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Yoked with You

When we wed I only knew
It felt right to be with you
It's true our faith was the same
What we were playing was no game
I trusted my own father's sign
That you could really be mine
And I be yoked with you
Equally yoked with you

Beliefs, maturity in like faith
Supposedly measure the quality of fate
Instead with you a Christian baby
A man with one year's faith, maybe
And me with five years or more
Third generation through faith's door

You, divorced, past sins purging
Me, an unkissed virgin
You jamming to rock-n-roll
Me strictly trained to hymnal
The TV culture you took in
Made me feel touched by sin
Still none of that mattered anyway
The truth to me was clear as day

People judged us harsh and wrong
Said we could not last for long
But we've lasted all these years
Grown in love and faced down fears
After all is said and done
Our legacy is how we won
So our children, purpose proves
That means I'm equally yoked with you

Written by EdibleWords
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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1893

My Soul Whispers Her Name

My soul whispers her name,
Again and again,
In dreams where forever exists in one day,
In the memory of one embrace,
One caress,
Enough to last me a thousand lifetimes.

I get lost in the thoughts of the allure,
The sensation that lingers like days of youth,
A daze of truth,
Relishing in the delight which came
Out of that beautiful chaos
And brought us here.

When I open my eyes,
I think of her,
I hear her,
I feel the warmth of her touch,
So close and tactile like a dream escaped,
And the ecstasy
…is all mine.

I long to kiss her lips,
Remembering our first
Like it was a last,
With all the passion in the world,
Engraved in my heart.

When she looks at me that certain way,
The glance says so much,
Not even a thousand verses
Will capture the emotion…
But I love looking into her eyes,
It makes me smile.

Then suddenly
Her name escapes my lips.

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

The Gifts

How keen the voice that bears the song and fire,
Of Muse’s gusto’d lines in poet’s soul.
To hear its raise in rush of pure desire,
I offer gift to honor such extol.
Across a colored field I saw you first,
In huntress robes with bow and bardic spell.
A land where light and words, not wine, quell thirst,
With lovers’ vow and spill, I drank and fell.
But dark the night when lights and words would fail,
Slow did the land dissolve as windows close.
And falls of day as black as silenced tale,
As lost as Muse without the poets’ odes.
But true hearts know their truest lovers’ arts,
And give the gifts that other gifting starts.
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Uncharted seas

Are you my uncharted seas
to go where the wild wind takes the helm
a direction astrologers cant foretell
are you surprise with torrid sighs
to take me on a crest of truth and lies
an uncertain course on on the waves white horse
a fickle breeze, unsubtle perfume runs from me
to a pitch and toss a capsized sense of lost
shifting sands to send your life off beam
bones and skull, a flag to wave
 within the heart of one that brave
a dragging anchor around my heart that beats
for its of that journey that I speak
the heave our passions rise surprised
our conjoined journey before us undiscovered lies
Written by slipalong
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Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141


We made love; 
syruped with stevia  
& sleepy time tea  
A shoegaze standstill    
something subdued  
from spotify ensues  
Being ushered down  
the yawning black  
enclosed in beryl bands  
Maybe there's dark matter  
stashed in your eyes...  
Climbing you;  
my cedar  
cause' there's nowhere  
to fold my wings...  
Nowhere more home  
for me to sleep  
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Strange Creature
Joined 6th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 8

A Farewell For The Moon

Gently lying behind dreary mist,
A heuteur no one could resist.
Bleak lament leaked from soil to raven night,
Beneath the cruel reign of deific white.

Memories mouldered in musty dreams,
Fragile words became lorn screams.
Sentenced to die for a forgotten crime,
Mirth fondled my face for the last time.  

Tearing apart, a pale sigh on my lips,
Took a step to my modest eclipse.
Floating with a consoling lullaby,
As hideous sins were passing by.

An unreachable myth feeding the pain,
Hoping a merciful sain was just in vain.
Pure credence merged with black in June,
Tainted tears will embrace me soon.
Written by ulas12selvi
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poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Summer Harvest

Summer Harvest
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Summer Harvest

From across a meadow  
In the glow of an afternoon  
One can actually see the  
Stillness of her thoughts,  
Of peaceful existence in the  
Moment of a summer's day.  
And, as I slowly walk,  
I'm a recipient of the  
Contemplation before me,  
Smiling from the pleasure  
As I take stock of her  
Flaxen hair flowing,  
Of the flowers  
On her skirt growing  
From the soil she sits upon  
In her reverie.  
So wistfully lost am I at rest,  
That my feet are stilled, and I'm  
Filled with longing for what I'll  
Reap from my summer harvest.

Lost Thinker
United States 7awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 35

Flames the Color of Roses

Kiss me,
I don't care if the thorns
Protecting you pierce
Me, changing my lips from pink,
The hue of dawn after a
To red, the shade of blood
That runs in my veins, aching
For your knuckles caressing my jaw,
Your thumb along the corner
Of my mouth, eyes hooded and yet
Filled with exhilaration and content

We lay in bed,
The world black and white
Except for the silver of yours, the
Green of mine
Two hours, three, five, eight,
Conversations sleepily mumbled,
My arm draped over your neck, your
Fingers trailing through my hair,
Protecting me from the monsters
Under my bed
And the demons locked into my head
As your smile paints galaxies into my eyelashes,
Rather than a broken heart

I am a masked rogue,
Chaotic good,
With soothing lies and charisma
Yet his eyes narrow when I attempt
To play with him
He catches me, challenges me, comforts me,
Understanding the complexity of
Our natures
In a different way than others
He calls everyone else
His hand around my wrist, his lips
On my pulse
Telling me,
That I'm something different,

A wolf, stalking his threat,
Yet offering it food, and protecting it
From the cold of the winter wind
He is distanced, aloof,
An arrogant facade,
Quick to temper,
Narcissistic, scary, intelligent,
Yet I know him as everything
They think he is not.
His calm words, his laughs,
The way he rarely grins
With anyone else,
How he struggles to say
The ice protecting his heart from a past gone wrong
In the fire of my breath
Pulling me into his arms
And his kiss, soft as a rose's
Imprinted into my skin
Written by Foxface (Aewyrn)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 1

I'm so close to your sweet smile

Coming down the home stretch
2 weeks on the road
Makes the strongest man
Bend at the knees a bit

200 miles to your loving arms
Black coffee, petal to the metal
Till I round the corner
Into your smile I call home

Written by roadNoise
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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

Exclusive Muse

You've become my exclusive muse for birthing sensual poetry
A passionate cerebral catalyst that exist due to our chemistry  
You're digging me, I'm digging you and the veils have been removed  
Hidden desires that are inside us are now broadcasting like the news
The viewers are you and me not the paparazzi like those on TMZ
We keep our mystique by being discreet cause eyes are in the streets
My ambition is to take you away on an excursion one day so we can parlay  
The living vibes, bubbling inside are more than in just a physical way
I respect you Queen and don't want it to seem simply like a sexual thing
It brightens my day when you come my way like sunshine in the Spring
You conjure butterflies when you hug me tight and it's such a pleasant delight  
Clueless if it's reciprocal but for me it's true whether it's wrong or right
Forbidden fruit that I want to consume by starting with a simple kiss
Taking my time with one so divine whom I aspire to fill up with bliss
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262


Looking like candy for the eyes with those thick sexy thighs
Got my mouth watering for you like super sized McDonalds' fries
Other guys will fantasize about how it'd feel to have you ride
But I have spied and devised how to have you by my side
Nice guys such as I are normally on the outside looking in
Time and time again placed in the zone of the good friend  
I'm bringing that to an end and will present this anomaly
Like I've hit the lottery I'll have you seeing me differently
Our chemistry is undeniable and a desireable relationship goal
I'm sold with the gavel saying I'll have you until we both grow old
Let's unfold this love affair making it clear that you're all mines
It's designed by divine intervention for you to be my forever Valentine
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

Diamonds and Pearls

You've cast a magical spell on my heart that has me confused
Conjuring up tempestuous emotions which are being infused
Such a loving and compassionate woman such as you
Deserves nothing short of the best and you know it too

Your ex lost sight of your value and now looks like a fool
Chose to venture out in the streets like a gardening tool
And is learning a lesson from the hard knocks of school
Costing himself to lose such a rare and priceless jewel

I cherish you as my friend and as beautiful black woman
If situations were different I would proudly be your man
But in the meantime in between time you stay on my mind
Motivating me to compose these sensually poetic lines

You've served as my muse in more than a few of my poems
As I frequently envision holding you tight in my loving arms
Embracing you and protecting you from the ills of this hateful ass world
Treasuring you more than the material possessions of diamonds & pearls
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Strange Creature
Joined 29th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 17

*Nicotine Love* 

Got a picture of you in my phone. 
I'm not gonna scroll it down. 
I'm not gonna change. 
Staring at the eyes of your face; 
Those saying thousand of dreams. 
Having a pinch of nicotine, 
1.5% is not enough. 
I swear this is my last; 

Leaving the drawing, 
Heading to the balcony. 
So many stars twinkling out there! 
Laughing & missing with me. 
Got a earphone in my ear. 
Playing sweet unknown. 
Smokes flying through the cloud! 
Hiding the moon inside. 
Feeling frozen; but nothing to warm me up. 
I'll overcome every obstacles for you. 
I won't stop loving. 
I swear on you. 

Got two bottles of champagne, 
Still waiting for your toast. 
I will wait for you. 

*I swear on this nicotine tonight.* 

*Written by shaniadittee Strange Creature*

Strange Creature
Joined 29th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 17

shaniadittee7 said:Nicotine Love

Got a picture of you in my phone. 
I'm not gonna scroll it down. 
I'm not gonna change. 
Staring at the eyes of your face; 
Those saying thousand of dreams. 
Having a pinch of nicotine, 
1.5% is not enough. 
I swear this is my last; 

Leaving the drawing, 
Heading to the balcony. 
So many stars twinkling out there! 
Laughing & missing with me. 
Got a earphone in my ear. 
Playing sweet unknown. 
Smokes flying through the cloud! 
Hiding the moon inside. 
Feeling frozen; but nothing to warm me up. 
I'll overcome every obstacles for you. 
I won't stop loving. 
I swear on you. 

Got two bottles of champagne, 
Still waiting for your toast. 
I will wait for you. 

I swear on this nicotine tonight.

Written by shaniadittee Strange Creature

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