Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 143
Poetry Contest Description
Share romantic poems.
"[Romance is] a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. . . . love, especially when sentimental or idealized."- Google
Poems will get comments explaining good features as well as subjective areas of improvement. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.
You are allowed to submit a poem that you've written before, even if I've commented on it or it's been in my previous romance contest.
You can submit 3 poems maximum. Don't edit your posts, after the contest has closed. poems, submitted after the contest closure, will not be valid for this contest.
Your poem must not solely be an image, audio, or video; but must have some accessible text that wholly represents it.
Please send me a private message with any question or concern, including any about contestants who have entered more than 3 poems, contestants who have posted poems after the contest have closed, my missing comment on your poem, or any contest rule (or detail) that was broken (or suddenly made invalid) by any contestant or me.
Here's some inspiration from last competition (
You Intrigue me
Funny how these words
Slipped out and then in
Into the conversation
Into my mind
Into my heart
Over and over
I mull them
Though we just met
I long to know
What hides behind your eyes
While they lock with mine
Threatening to throw away
the key
But how can this be
I'm never this foolish
Guarding my heart
From any first sight
Still here I am
Smitten bound
Like a blushing school girl
with her first crush
tumbling headlong
into your intrigue
Star Struck
She radiates this ever glowing electricity,
I can’t help but be drawn to her,
She emanates this clever flowing energy,
It’s something that causes quite a stir.
I feel the commotion inside of me,
Like a flutter of butterflies in a field,
I lose all reason and track of time,
My mind is speechless, lost in appeal.
And yet in the zeal of the undying fire,
The flame lights up the dream and the vision,
The way she glances right into my soul,
It’s with complete and absolute precision.
And it’s there where I dwell in a trance,
The fortune of this romance is more than luck,
Or destiny or fate or any happenstance,
It’s simply her glance that still has me star struck.
seven heavens_______
We sit broad our river
As thoughts flow none resist
The world is now tempered
For me only you exist...
A dove of light shines smoothly
Through our hand held minds
A love wave crashes slowly
Through our sensual time...
The inner chase never finds
The objective point
A hollow chant down the line
No priest will anoint...
I gently kiss your lips
Such a lovely new taste
And so delicious to sip
We both embrace no haste...
Your eyes look into mine
Our stars stretch into one
A spiral door opens to rhyme
As we spin into suns...
Transforming into light
Our synergy then splits
With hands left over right
The sun will never sit...
Now a ocean of darkness
Is all covered in naught
Our heart becomes the river
Our soul will never stop...
Here's more inspiration from last competition (
Cosmic Love
Night at the Pool
Emily's Confessions
One Last Time (?)
Poems will get comments explaining good features as well as subjective areas of improvement. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.
You are allowed to submit a poem that you've written before, even if I've commented on it or it's been in my previous romance contest.
You can submit 3 poems maximum. Don't edit your posts, after the contest has closed. poems, submitted after the contest closure, will not be valid for this contest.
Your poem must not solely be an image, audio, or video; but must have some accessible text that wholly represents it.
Please send me a private message with any question or concern, including any about contestants who have entered more than 3 poems, contestants who have posted poems after the contest have closed, my missing comment on your poem, or any contest rule (or detail) that was broken (or suddenly made invalid) by any contestant or me.
Here's some inspiration from last competition (
You Intrigue me
Funny how these words
Slipped out and then in
Into the conversation
Into my mind
Into my heart
Over and over
I mull them
Though we just met
I long to know
What hides behind your eyes
While they lock with mine
Threatening to throw away
the key
But how can this be
I'm never this foolish
Guarding my heart
From any first sight
Still here I am
Smitten bound
Like a blushing school girl
with her first crush
tumbling headlong
into your intrigue
Star Struck
She radiates this ever glowing electricity,
I can’t help but be drawn to her,
She emanates this clever flowing energy,
It’s something that causes quite a stir.
I feel the commotion inside of me,
Like a flutter of butterflies in a field,
I lose all reason and track of time,
My mind is speechless, lost in appeal.
And yet in the zeal of the undying fire,
The flame lights up the dream and the vision,
The way she glances right into my soul,
It’s with complete and absolute precision.
And it’s there where I dwell in a trance,
The fortune of this romance is more than luck,
Or destiny or fate or any happenstance,
It’s simply her glance that still has me star struck.
seven heavens_______
We sit broad our river
As thoughts flow none resist
The world is now tempered
For me only you exist...
A dove of light shines smoothly
Through our hand held minds
A love wave crashes slowly
Through our sensual time...
The inner chase never finds
The objective point
A hollow chant down the line
No priest will anoint...
I gently kiss your lips
Such a lovely new taste
And so delicious to sip
We both embrace no haste...
Your eyes look into mine
Our stars stretch into one
A spiral door opens to rhyme
As we spin into suns...
Transforming into light
Our synergy then splits
With hands left over right
The sun will never sit...
Now a ocean of darkness
Is all covered in naught
Our heart becomes the river
Our soul will never stop...
Here's more inspiration from last competition (
Cosmic Love
Night at the Pool
Emily's Confessions
One Last Time (?)
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 143
IF YOU REQUESTED NO COMMENT, IN THE PREVIOUS CONTEST, THEN SKIP THIS POST. because I don't have the url links to specific poems, this post was publicized solely for people who wanted comments in the previous contest (
oriental center
Under the crescent reflective moon
An eastern cryptic lore
The alabaster slopes
Sit on the sun set shores...
On its flank my ship goes inward
My energy drawn down the ravine
From my decent off the mountains
My paradise lost in a dream...
An inlet to the vesica pisces
Found under a Tibetan sacred tree
A generational spot to port
Center in a sacred place to sea...
Through a gateway to the holy city
There sits two symmetrical planes
From separation to oneness
The female water it contains...
An observer to the observed
Her flower of life in a tree
Is overlapping in spheres
My sail spread on her ocean breeze...
I now wash in the moon shine lake
My soul journeys the silver river
Slow motion of her hand to come
As her heart now draws me in her...
I felt there was little sentimental love. I like the last line.
seven heavens_______
We sit broad our river
As thoughts flow none resist
The world is now tempered
For me only you exist...
A dove of light shines smoothly
Through our hand held minds
A love wave crashes slowly
Through our sensual time...
The inner chase never finds
The objective point
A hollow chant down the line
No priest will anoint...
I gently kiss your lips
Such a lovely new taste
And so delicious to sip
We both embrace no haste...
Your eyes look into mine
Our stars stretch into one
A spiral door opens to rhyme
As we spin into suns...
Transforming into light
Our synergy then splits
With hands left over right
The sun will never sit...
Now a ocean of darkness
Is all covered in naught
Our heart becomes the river
Our soul will never stop...
the rhythm felt a bit weak in some areas. i like the rhyming in some areas, as well.
The essence of woman
A vision of the flower of life
The sweetness of honey
Beauty grown in the holy garden...
She walks with purpose
And speaks with compassion
A brown tipped flower
With eyes of glassy soul...
In tune with herself
In harmony with the cosmos
The sound of lovely wind
As she talks to the moon...
A witness of the maker
A bringer of the night
She shines brighter than the sun
To dim the highest light...
Will the earth spin?
Or the world be fulfilled?
A thought of substance
She makes the deal...
I felt the ellipses made the details in the stanzas feel more isolated than necessary. the beginning stanza is my favorite, especially with its powerful introduction with earth.
the story of a dream
I had a dream, a dream that was soo amazing that it felt real
Although it was unbelievably a dream
A dream where everything was all good
A dream where although it sometimes rained and got tough,
There was no reason to ever complain
A dream of two individuals joining as one
Yes there were rainy days but together we create the sun
A dream where we could be doing absolutely nothing yet still it would be fun
There was a special connection where I absolutely loved every second
A dream where your touch was soo heavenly that we melt together
A dream of eternity because nothing breaks a bond of forever
You and I were meant to be together
Sun shinning in any weather with fingertips as light as feathers
A dream where our flaws were so small that to each other
They were nothing at all
Because our love defeats all
A dream where just like I do , you never hold the past against me
We help and encourage each other to succeed
This is the story of a dream
A dream of a true match made in heaven
Call it a dream team
I felt the phrase "A dream" was repeated a bit too much. I like the emphasis of ideal love.
She said to write a poem about romance
And I laughed
For How do I sum up all of what we have been and are and will be?
At the least
I can say
I miss you
And your lips grazing my ear when you say goodnight
I miss you
Pulling me closer even in your sleep
Even when your angry
I miss you
And watching movie after movie
Staying up until four am talking about our backyards as children
And fighting about utter nonsense
I miss you
Telling me about the weather
And reading my mind
Giving me that look when I know the things
About you
Someone else has dismissed
And I miss
Watching it snow
Your hand on my waist
Playing our guitars
Creating things together
Kissing eachother after
Never getting over ourselves
I miss you loving me
I miss it so much
I hope it’s not too late for us darling
I hope
Just because If I miss you for much longer
I might go insane
I felt the ending could've been different, particularly that last line. I like the emphasized moments of nostalgia.
Two decades
Such a long time
It took us that much
Wasted time
We touch
Young adults
Push and pull
Turned away just to
Grow and live life
For granted
Not forgotten
Waiting in vain?
More like
Resigned to a memory
Of what could have been
Us, together
It took just a second
The moment you said your name
And this is it, the stranger
That never was
Becomes someone
As finally
I lived, I toiled
I traveled and traveled more
Away, in sharp curves and rough roads
I didn't cry
Never blinked
Even in grief
But today, I feel like
If happiness could wretch my emotion
any more than the loud beats that it blinds
Then, sorrow and pain, is just a pinch in the gut
Do I love you?
My answer will be the same as all those years ago
I don't think so
This is way more
Than what I can say in words
Nor express in deeds
Numbness that hurts
And I go crazy
And angry
For the time
That we lost
To what?
Like a regret that I don't want to regret
but regretted that I don't, but still, I don't
Do I love you?
I don't think so.
But more.
i didn't feel much love. there are definitely some strong emotions, even in the 6th stanza.
oriental center
Under the crescent reflective moon
An eastern cryptic lore
The alabaster slopes
Sit on the sun set shores...
On its flank my ship goes inward
My energy drawn down the ravine
From my decent off the mountains
My paradise lost in a dream...
An inlet to the vesica pisces
Found under a Tibetan sacred tree
A generational spot to port
Center in a sacred place to sea...
Through a gateway to the holy city
There sits two symmetrical planes
From separation to oneness
The female water it contains...
An observer to the observed
Her flower of life in a tree
Is overlapping in spheres
My sail spread on her ocean breeze...
I now wash in the moon shine lake
My soul journeys the silver river
Slow motion of her hand to come
As her heart now draws me in her...
I felt there was little sentimental love. I like the last line.
seven heavens_______
We sit broad our river
As thoughts flow none resist
The world is now tempered
For me only you exist...
A dove of light shines smoothly
Through our hand held minds
A love wave crashes slowly
Through our sensual time...
The inner chase never finds
The objective point
A hollow chant down the line
No priest will anoint...
I gently kiss your lips
Such a lovely new taste
And so delicious to sip
We both embrace no haste...
Your eyes look into mine
Our stars stretch into one
A spiral door opens to rhyme
As we spin into suns...
Transforming into light
Our synergy then splits
With hands left over right
The sun will never sit...
Now a ocean of darkness
Is all covered in naught
Our heart becomes the river
Our soul will never stop...
the rhythm felt a bit weak in some areas. i like the rhyming in some areas, as well.
The essence of woman
A vision of the flower of life
The sweetness of honey
Beauty grown in the holy garden...
She walks with purpose
And speaks with compassion
A brown tipped flower
With eyes of glassy soul...
In tune with herself
In harmony with the cosmos
The sound of lovely wind
As she talks to the moon...
A witness of the maker
A bringer of the night
She shines brighter than the sun
To dim the highest light...
Will the earth spin?
Or the world be fulfilled?
A thought of substance
She makes the deal...
I felt the ellipses made the details in the stanzas feel more isolated than necessary. the beginning stanza is my favorite, especially with its powerful introduction with earth.
the story of a dream
I had a dream, a dream that was soo amazing that it felt real
Although it was unbelievably a dream
A dream where everything was all good
A dream where although it sometimes rained and got tough,
There was no reason to ever complain
A dream of two individuals joining as one
Yes there were rainy days but together we create the sun
A dream where we could be doing absolutely nothing yet still it would be fun
There was a special connection where I absolutely loved every second
A dream where your touch was soo heavenly that we melt together
A dream of eternity because nothing breaks a bond of forever
You and I were meant to be together
Sun shinning in any weather with fingertips as light as feathers
A dream where our flaws were so small that to each other
They were nothing at all
Because our love defeats all
A dream where just like I do , you never hold the past against me
We help and encourage each other to succeed
This is the story of a dream
A dream of a true match made in heaven
Call it a dream team
I felt the phrase "A dream" was repeated a bit too much. I like the emphasis of ideal love.
She said to write a poem about romance
And I laughed
For How do I sum up all of what we have been and are and will be?
At the least
I can say
I miss you
And your lips grazing my ear when you say goodnight
I miss you
Pulling me closer even in your sleep
Even when your angry
I miss you
And watching movie after movie
Staying up until four am talking about our backyards as children
And fighting about utter nonsense
I miss you
Telling me about the weather
And reading my mind
Giving me that look when I know the things
About you
Someone else has dismissed
And I miss
Watching it snow
Your hand on my waist
Playing our guitars
Creating things together
Kissing eachother after
Never getting over ourselves
I miss you loving me
I miss it so much
I hope it’s not too late for us darling
I hope
Just because If I miss you for much longer
I might go insane
I felt the ending could've been different, particularly that last line. I like the emphasized moments of nostalgia.
Two decades
Such a long time
It took us that much
Wasted time
We touch
Young adults
Push and pull
Turned away just to
Grow and live life
For granted
Not forgotten
Waiting in vain?
More like
Resigned to a memory
Of what could have been
Us, together
It took just a second
The moment you said your name
And this is it, the stranger
That never was
Becomes someone
As finally
I lived, I toiled
I traveled and traveled more
Away, in sharp curves and rough roads
I didn't cry
Never blinked
Even in grief
But today, I feel like
If happiness could wretch my emotion
any more than the loud beats that it blinds
Then, sorrow and pain, is just a pinch in the gut
Do I love you?
My answer will be the same as all those years ago
I don't think so
This is way more
Than what I can say in words
Nor express in deeds
Numbness that hurts
And I go crazy
And angry
For the time
That we lost
To what?
Like a regret that I don't want to regret
but regretted that I don't, but still, I don't
Do I love you?
I don't think so.
But more.
i didn't feel much love. there are definitely some strong emotions, even in the 6th stanza.
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 143
IF YOU REQUESTED NO COMMENT, IN THE PREVIOUS CONTEST, THEN SKIP THIS POST. because I don't have the url links to specific poems, this post was publicized solely for people who wanted comments in the previous contest (
Cosmic Love
Let’s rest together
on the equator of forever
Our hemispheres touching distantly;
the divide maintaining our dignity
I want to lay beside you
inside the worlds burning core
because you are the centre of my world
you are my unlocked door
You burn brighter than the sun
and it may be factually incorrect
but you’re the one who performed my autopsy
took little pieces of my heart to dissect
When I look into the night sky
the moon and all the stars collide
because I know that when you stay
you’re sturdy by my side
Balance and harmony
you are my centre of gravity
you showed me the entire cosmos in
the strength of your love for me
I cannot be the one to nudge you awake
as the world collapses all around
our souls entwined together forever
in you I know what I have found.
I felt more punctuation could've helped. I like the theme of cosmos.
Face In The Crowd
A sea of faces swim around me
caught in a crowd my eyes blur
They move in and out of focus until
I settle on features I prefer
I first see you as a reflection
a figure adding lustre to a window pane
you look so beautiful I can’t describe
your face distorts within the droplets of rain
I watch as the moisture collects
and your numerous faces blend
I wipe the window with my hands
and feel sparks between us transcend
The moment in slow motion
I see my future in the midst
and my inner world turned silent
as in my mind I can feel your kiss
We magnetise as we find each other
weaving through the throngs
We inhale each other just for one second
and the world is rid of its wrongs
A fleeting moment we fell in love
We are separated once again
carried away by the congregation
now you look like all the other men
I reach out my hand as you’re brutally torn
trying to keep you within my reach
I stutter to finds the words to keep you
the crowds extinguishing my speech
Since that moment when you dissipated
I’ve frittered away my energy
in mourning for the lovesick image that
I created to be you and me
My little piece of perfection
our spirit severed and lost
I won’t miss a fateful chance again
no matter what is the cost.
I felt the ending was too sentimental. There's an interesting conflict within the second half of this piece.
Night at the Pool
Swim with me under the full moon Where flowerless petals bloom
Night sky reflecting on the surface
Stars swaying gently with the current
Singing softly to a cricketing melody
Shivering trees, echoing winds dancing in harmony
The lyrics fall silent as she tightens her embrace, my arms set around her waist
I attempt to ignore the pressure of her breast, bodies close a tear hits my chest
Parting hair away from her face
Sat dark glistening eyes transcending space
Forehead to forehead we begin to tread deep
Close breaths grazing each others lips with tease
Submerging our bodies underneath,
Eyes slowly close as our lips meet
Clothes rising, bodies twisting beneath
A kiss born from a moment found in dreams
Surfacing I wished it was the only way I could breathe
Staring at a butterfly dancing in the reflection of the moon
I kiss her forehead, softly whispering
"I love you”
I like the subtle transition from the setting to the sensual act. i felt there could've been more line breaks.
I love you is best said..
I love you is best said ...
The first time
The time after that
To the one that matters most
With every ounce of emotion
Sober maybe drunk
Whispered softly in the ear
Yelled at the top of your lungs
Whenever its time to go
After some corny jokes
Broken between kissing lips
Before during and after sex
When tears are flowing
When smiles are showing
Sunrise and sundown
Written in the sky
Drawn into the ground
Sound asleep or by the beach
Holding hands or cuddled in bed
On a notebook scribbled in pen
When it makes you feel alive
Even at the same time
Any moment you feel its right
Because I love you is best said not held inside
So go tell that person again or even if you haven't
Just mean it...because that's when I love you
Is best said.
i felt this could've been divided into more stanzas. i like the polar contrasts underlined by rhyming, "When tears are flowing / When smiles are showing / Sunrise and sundown / Written in the sky / Drawn into the ground."
A Collective of Love
Our love isn't measured by thrust
It's measured by understanding
and sharing
Pieces of a life so enthralling,
just brushing against each other
In the night is our erotic
Nobody can own universal romance
You take a vow and live within the glorious
and the bittersweet moments
Walking hand in hand, a union of spirits,
a collective of love
That's our love, brilliantly shining, dancing
in a summer breeze
i like the theme of distinct love. i felt the poem title could've been different.
White Tiger
I fantasize about your tapered fingers
Trailing and fisting my hair around your knuckles
Caressing down my sides, leaving glowing,
Blue embers in your wake
Thumb brushing the skin in between my hip bones
And lips, the color of an arctic
Caressing the shadows over my neck
And the paleness of my thighs
Leaving stains, little constellations
Where you touched me
Spreading galaxies of purple, grey, blue
Across my skin,
Stars where your eyelashes fluttered against my cheek,
Neon lights flickering
As I feel your heartbeat on my lips, tongue
Shivers running down your spine
And my own breath trembling
I get lost in the warmth of your eyes
The heat from your body
The utter safety, content, security
A safe haven in a world of
Chaos and terror
Volcanoes and lies
Wrapped in your arms
Listening to your soft, gentle voice
Leave your fire on my lips,
Burning in my eyes,
Stinging at my fingertips,
Creeping up my thigh,
Flaming inside of me,
And surrounding my heart and lungs
Exhaling fire lost in the shades of ice
this reads more like an erotica than a romance. the animalism is interesting.
His eyes are what got me
His hands are what swayed me
His kiss is what captured me
His words helped calm
His touch is what kept me around
When we fight we fight
When we make love there is more passion than any drug could ever muster
so what keeps me around this long?
When I look in his eyes I know he loves me
he doesn't have to tell me
but I like it when he does
the last thing I expected was to fall for a man like him
Sure he doesn't have much money
but I like that
he tells horrible jokes
I like that too
I hate when we fight
why can't we just make love?
I felt the notes on fighting weren't needed. I like the shape of the poem, even its stanzas.
Cosmic Love
Let’s rest together
on the equator of forever
Our hemispheres touching distantly;
the divide maintaining our dignity
I want to lay beside you
inside the worlds burning core
because you are the centre of my world
you are my unlocked door
You burn brighter than the sun
and it may be factually incorrect
but you’re the one who performed my autopsy
took little pieces of my heart to dissect
When I look into the night sky
the moon and all the stars collide
because I know that when you stay
you’re sturdy by my side
Balance and harmony
you are my centre of gravity
you showed me the entire cosmos in
the strength of your love for me
I cannot be the one to nudge you awake
as the world collapses all around
our souls entwined together forever
in you I know what I have found.
I felt more punctuation could've helped. I like the theme of cosmos.
Face In The Crowd
A sea of faces swim around me
caught in a crowd my eyes blur
They move in and out of focus until
I settle on features I prefer
I first see you as a reflection
a figure adding lustre to a window pane
you look so beautiful I can’t describe
your face distorts within the droplets of rain
I watch as the moisture collects
and your numerous faces blend
I wipe the window with my hands
and feel sparks between us transcend
The moment in slow motion
I see my future in the midst
and my inner world turned silent
as in my mind I can feel your kiss
We magnetise as we find each other
weaving through the throngs
We inhale each other just for one second
and the world is rid of its wrongs
A fleeting moment we fell in love
We are separated once again
carried away by the congregation
now you look like all the other men
I reach out my hand as you’re brutally torn
trying to keep you within my reach
I stutter to finds the words to keep you
the crowds extinguishing my speech
Since that moment when you dissipated
I’ve frittered away my energy
in mourning for the lovesick image that
I created to be you and me
My little piece of perfection
our spirit severed and lost
I won’t miss a fateful chance again
no matter what is the cost.
I felt the ending was too sentimental. There's an interesting conflict within the second half of this piece.
Night at the Pool
Swim with me under the full moon Where flowerless petals bloom
Night sky reflecting on the surface
Stars swaying gently with the current
Singing softly to a cricketing melody
Shivering trees, echoing winds dancing in harmony
The lyrics fall silent as she tightens her embrace, my arms set around her waist
I attempt to ignore the pressure of her breast, bodies close a tear hits my chest
Parting hair away from her face
Sat dark glistening eyes transcending space
Forehead to forehead we begin to tread deep
Close breaths grazing each others lips with tease
Submerging our bodies underneath,
Eyes slowly close as our lips meet
Clothes rising, bodies twisting beneath
A kiss born from a moment found in dreams
Surfacing I wished it was the only way I could breathe
Staring at a butterfly dancing in the reflection of the moon
I kiss her forehead, softly whispering
"I love you”
I like the subtle transition from the setting to the sensual act. i felt there could've been more line breaks.
I love you is best said..
I love you is best said ...
The first time
The time after that
To the one that matters most
With every ounce of emotion
Sober maybe drunk
Whispered softly in the ear
Yelled at the top of your lungs
Whenever its time to go
After some corny jokes
Broken between kissing lips
Before during and after sex
When tears are flowing
When smiles are showing
Sunrise and sundown
Written in the sky
Drawn into the ground
Sound asleep or by the beach
Holding hands or cuddled in bed
On a notebook scribbled in pen
When it makes you feel alive
Even at the same time
Any moment you feel its right
Because I love you is best said not held inside
So go tell that person again or even if you haven't
Just mean it...because that's when I love you
Is best said.
i felt this could've been divided into more stanzas. i like the polar contrasts underlined by rhyming, "When tears are flowing / When smiles are showing / Sunrise and sundown / Written in the sky / Drawn into the ground."
A Collective of Love
Our love isn't measured by thrust
It's measured by understanding
and sharing
Pieces of a life so enthralling,
just brushing against each other
In the night is our erotic
Nobody can own universal romance
You take a vow and live within the glorious
and the bittersweet moments
Walking hand in hand, a union of spirits,
a collective of love
That's our love, brilliantly shining, dancing
in a summer breeze
i like the theme of distinct love. i felt the poem title could've been different.
White Tiger
I fantasize about your tapered fingers
Trailing and fisting my hair around your knuckles
Caressing down my sides, leaving glowing,
Blue embers in your wake
Thumb brushing the skin in between my hip bones
And lips, the color of an arctic
Caressing the shadows over my neck
And the paleness of my thighs
Leaving stains, little constellations
Where you touched me
Spreading galaxies of purple, grey, blue
Across my skin,
Stars where your eyelashes fluttered against my cheek,
Neon lights flickering
As I feel your heartbeat on my lips, tongue
Shivers running down your spine
And my own breath trembling
I get lost in the warmth of your eyes
The heat from your body
The utter safety, content, security
A safe haven in a world of
Chaos and terror
Volcanoes and lies
Wrapped in your arms
Listening to your soft, gentle voice
Leave your fire on my lips,
Burning in my eyes,
Stinging at my fingertips,
Creeping up my thigh,
Flaming inside of me,
And surrounding my heart and lungs
Exhaling fire lost in the shades of ice
this reads more like an erotica than a romance. the animalism is interesting.
His eyes are what got me
His hands are what swayed me
His kiss is what captured me
His words helped calm
His touch is what kept me around
When we fight we fight
When we make love there is more passion than any drug could ever muster
so what keeps me around this long?
When I look in his eyes I know he loves me
he doesn't have to tell me
but I like it when he does
the last thing I expected was to fall for a man like him
Sure he doesn't have much money
but I like that
he tells horrible jokes
I like that too
I hate when we fight
why can't we just make love?
I felt the notes on fighting weren't needed. I like the shape of the poem, even its stanzas.
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 143
IF YOU REQUESTED NO COMMENT, IN THE PREVIOUS CONTEST, THEN SKIP THIS POST. because I don't have the url links to specific poems, this post was publicized solely for people who wanted comments in the previous contest (
Just Let Me Love You
We'll meet for coffee at 4am
All the city sleeping
Except for us
We've had this semi-romance forever
Without spending any time together
Harsh fluorescent lighting
Won't dim my admiration
We're lovers who never had time to love
Just coffee
Dark, no sugar
I felt this was too short. I like the setting as well as modern-time details, even "Harsh fluorescent lighting / Won't dim my admiration "
Androgynous enticement of statuesque poise
lips part to expose
lemongrass breath
medicated acetylcholinesterase kiss
convulsions of psychotic trauma vacates
curing psychosis
Once used to drench self in tabun
baptism of affection detoxifies;
head of insanity
Locked gaze defies earth's gravity
which levitates
heart to sun...mind to moon...
a chemical bond is formed
Liberation with libertine mindedness;
turns ticks of clockwise clock
to tocks of counterclockwised rebirth
Of new beginnings...
Together, we are absolute
i didn't feel much sentiment. your diction is interesting.
Where Was I The Night Of The 25th...?
Gaelic groves
shawl your swollen
irises - dense - dead
& darkly deep;
Wintered Zion
polar nights
of pine
wreath like ice
'round a new solstice moon
Matching actually...
My mom's fake tree,
no spruce-y
scent for me
I'll wear
'cept your emerald T...
...make it easy...
Sloe & honey hair
spike 2 shots
of gin
gumming my mousey
each time you walk near
Gutter lights
trace the house's
rambling ranch frame
like some kind of
flaxen lace
Your palms
line these
tenderly clammy
flushing in company
with the wallheater's
when we become bare
It was not
& entirely was
the end of nights
that you weren't
Our anniversary is on the 26th, and I remember well.
i felt there wasn't much sentiment. the descriptions were sensually interesting.
Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.
Retrospect is so...
in suspense
strung up from
chimerical ceilings
& so cheeky...
caught in little elastic things
Prim trots upon
cobblestoned corners
cracks caulked in ice
only approved concrete
But you
are a patsy for pretentious
Soy in that latte
(Right then I should've fled)
like a watery
show of coffee
could achieve
fucking anything
Bloodless cheeks
when confronted
that chilled spring
...should've been my
red light
Should've told me
this did not feel romantic. i like your diction with "racy," and "chimerical."
From Emily to Her Lord Byron
Imagine my childlike wonder
as tumbling parchments
cross and block my path
collecting like leaves at my unsure feet
Bending to stoop
I gather up the poems
filling these empty
yet still longing arms
Glancing about I
hug them tight
before hiding beneath a willow
Under this pink muted gloaming
I read them one by one
letting my sighing breath
turn each scribbled page
How can it be
after all these centuries
you would once again
brush against my soul
i felt the love was probably more for his poetry rather than him. nonetheless, i feel great sentimental love.
You Intrigue me
Funny how these words
Slipped out and then in
Into the conversation
Into my mind
Into my heart
Over and over
I mull them
Though we just met
I long to know
What hides behind your eyes
While they lock with mine
Threatening to throw away
the key
But how can this be
I'm never this foolish
Guarding my heart
From any first sight
Still here I am
Smitten bound
Like a blushing school girl
with her first crush
tumbling headlong
into your intrigue
i felt the "in," at the end of line 2, wasn't needed. the social simile is interesting, "like a blushing school girl with her first crush ."
Just Let Me Love You
We'll meet for coffee at 4am
All the city sleeping
Except for us
We've had this semi-romance forever
Without spending any time together
Harsh fluorescent lighting
Won't dim my admiration
We're lovers who never had time to love
Just coffee
Dark, no sugar
I felt this was too short. I like the setting as well as modern-time details, even "Harsh fluorescent lighting / Won't dim my admiration "
Androgynous enticement of statuesque poise
lips part to expose
lemongrass breath
medicated acetylcholinesterase kiss
convulsions of psychotic trauma vacates
curing psychosis
Once used to drench self in tabun
baptism of affection detoxifies;
head of insanity
Locked gaze defies earth's gravity
which levitates
heart to sun...mind to moon...
a chemical bond is formed
Liberation with libertine mindedness;
turns ticks of clockwise clock
to tocks of counterclockwised rebirth
Of new beginnings...
Together, we are absolute
i didn't feel much sentiment. your diction is interesting.
Where Was I The Night Of The 25th...?
Gaelic groves
shawl your swollen
irises - dense - dead
& darkly deep;
Wintered Zion
polar nights
of pine
wreath like ice
'round a new solstice moon
Matching actually...
My mom's fake tree,
no spruce-y
scent for me
I'll wear
'cept your emerald T...
...make it easy...
Sloe & honey hair
spike 2 shots
of gin
gumming my mousey
each time you walk near
Gutter lights
trace the house's
rambling ranch frame
like some kind of
flaxen lace
Your palms
line these
tenderly clammy
flushing in company
with the wallheater's
when we become bare
It was not
& entirely was
the end of nights
that you weren't
Our anniversary is on the 26th, and I remember well.
i felt there wasn't much sentiment. the descriptions were sensually interesting.
Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.
Retrospect is so...
in suspense
strung up from
chimerical ceilings
& so cheeky...
caught in little elastic things
Prim trots upon
cobblestoned corners
cracks caulked in ice
only approved concrete
But you
are a patsy for pretentious
Soy in that latte
(Right then I should've fled)
like a watery
show of coffee
could achieve
fucking anything
Bloodless cheeks
when confronted
that chilled spring
...should've been my
red light
Should've told me
this did not feel romantic. i like your diction with "racy," and "chimerical."
From Emily to Her Lord Byron
Imagine my childlike wonder
as tumbling parchments
cross and block my path
collecting like leaves at my unsure feet
Bending to stoop
I gather up the poems
filling these empty
yet still longing arms
Glancing about I
hug them tight
before hiding beneath a willow
Under this pink muted gloaming
I read them one by one
letting my sighing breath
turn each scribbled page
How can it be
after all these centuries
you would once again
brush against my soul
i felt the love was probably more for his poetry rather than him. nonetheless, i feel great sentimental love.
You Intrigue me
Funny how these words
Slipped out and then in
Into the conversation
Into my mind
Into my heart
Over and over
I mull them
Though we just met
I long to know
What hides behind your eyes
While they lock with mine
Threatening to throw away
the key
But how can this be
I'm never this foolish
Guarding my heart
From any first sight
Still here I am
Smitten bound
Like a blushing school girl
with her first crush
tumbling headlong
into your intrigue
i felt the "in," at the end of line 2, wasn't needed. the social simile is interesting, "like a blushing school girl with her first crush ."
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 143
IF YOU REQUESTED NO COMMENT, IN THE PREVIOUS CONTEST, THEN SKIP THIS POST. because I don't have the url links to specific poems, this post was publicized solely for people who wanted comments in the previous contest (
Star Struck
She radiates this ever glowing electricity,
I can’t help but be drawn to her,
She emanates this clever flowing energy,
It’s something that causes quite a stir.
I feel the commotion inside of me,
Like a flutter of butterflies in a field,
I lose all reason and track of time,
My mind is speechless, lost in appeal.
And yet in the zeal of the undying fire,
The flame lights up the dream and the vision,
The way she glances right into my soul,
It’s with complete and absolute precision.
And it’s there where I dwell in a trance,
The fortune of this romance is more than luck,
Or destiny or fate or any happenstance,
It’s simply her glance that still has me star struck.
the capitalizations confused me a bit. your rhyming and rhythm are quite oustanding, in most areas.
Emily's Confessions
I shrink to say in every way -
you caper and you hide
gamboling in my swirling mind -
making love our game to play
Whether on warm meadows shaded -
or upon a silver chilly field
I await your cursive letters -
secret verses soon revealed
All the while I long to spy -
such twinkles in your eye
long tufts on auburn bangs -
above impish dimpled smiles
Though the miles be ever long -
a fortnight's sail between
I take my evening comfort -
in each bird's mating song
As I sit alone upon my bed -
brushing out each kink and curl
reciting aloud all your poems -
tickling whispers must be said
Now our long impending union -
trembling bodies will entwine
to at last forever formalize -
a consummation of our souls
i felt the rhythm could've been better, in some stanzas. where predictable, your rhyming is good in some stanzas.
Dearest Man
I love everything about you. I love your mind, your heart and the way your broad shoulders were chiselled.
Everything. There’s nothing about you that I don’t like.
I love the way you pursue your dreams, and rise every time you fall. I love your passion for life, even when it wanes, and you feel defeated.
Please know that it was never intended for you to be crafted in hues of cafard, and it pains me to see pain etched upon your face, and hidden behind those gorgeous eyes.
I love the way you’re not afraid to cry, knowing that you have a soft place to fall and gentle kisses to nurture your wounded heart.
Tears, are cleansing for your heart and soul. So please, don't suppress your sadness as that only turns into rage, and anger.
I love your soft spoken words, and the belief in your own truths. I love the darkness that’s within you, as equally as the light in which you radiate.
I love your scruffy 3 day growths, and the way you tickle my flesh with your gorgeous face.
I love the way you manhandle me to nurture my inner lioness, as equally as I love the gentleman that’s embedded within your inner faculties that shapes me as a lady.
I love the fire in your belly and the love you have in your heart, about our art, beyond the bed of structured, and sometime, unstructured prose.
I love the way you reach for me when you discover you have morning wood, and you need me to take care of you from that perspective.
I love that you trust me to nourish you, when you feel at your most vulnerable.
I live my life with no apologies, and I don’t care about the opinions of others, and I think you should too.
The love I feel for you in my heart & soul draws me to a timeless place, akin to aevum.
When you feel as if life is fucking you over, just breathe… and let go of all the things you cannot change.
Elevate yourself, by moving forward, and don’t get stuck in the human condition of suffering because life is fucking brutal.
There’s no doubt about that.
Don’t let go, and check out.
It’s not easy but finding inner strength, and channelling your energy towards people who are capable of nourishing you, instead of depleting you, is where you need to be.
Yours Faithfully
the lines felt a bit uncomfortably long. I like the letter format.
The soul hungers for what the hands long to touch.
The contrast of intensity begins with a sigh, and the trailing of goosebumps when subtle moments are translated into trembles that speak beyond the realm of touch, and the ache secretes from the heart as it reminisces in your bliss.
I draw upon your ragged and shallow breath, breathing you into my heart and soul as you plunge into the oceanic depths of me until we're both cascading and soaring upon the light we channel upon one another as you recognise me by the way I quiver beneath the weight of all you never said.
Devour me on the fringes of your fingertips as the scent of our love wafts in the air like an orchard of fruit, sweet and ripe for the palate to savor in times when distance is too much to contemplate, and your kiss is too far to taste as I reach for you from dusk to dawn.
Yearning to kiss you in the blossoming of our inner Spring, while you soak up the sunshine amongst falling leaves in the contrasting moments of Autumn.
You will always be the glimpse of nature, and the changing seasons that remain embedded within my heart.
I felt this was a bit too erotic for a romance, in some areas. yet this prose has a lot of depth; as if two polar settings (lovers far apart and lovers upon each other) is meditated simultaneously, "Devour me on the fringes of your fingertips as the scent of our love wafts in the air like an orchard of fruit, sweet and ripe for the palate to savor in times when distance is too much to contemplate, and your kiss is too far to taste as I reach for you from dusk to dawn."
One Last Time (?)
I lie in bed
and hang
on every word you said
I close my eyes,
I toss and turn
as in my head
these questions burn
if you could see me
one more time
then, would that make you
change your mind?
if I could simply
hold your hand
would that help you
to understand?
I toss and turn
right out of bed
I think I'll start my day,
I know there's nothing
I can do
my heart will always
ache for you
I have to see you
one more time
to put at ease
my troubled mind
I would erase
this space apart
and hear the music
of our hearts
I'd say "I love you"
one more time,
and stare into
those deep blue eyes,
I'd lock you in
a passionate kiss
and hope my presence
would be missed
then we can go
our separate ways
and maybe meet again,
and I'll make sure
that fire still burns
to light the way
for your return
some of the end-rhyme words felt uncreatively recycled. the rhythm sings perfectly though.
Star Struck
She radiates this ever glowing electricity,
I can’t help but be drawn to her,
She emanates this clever flowing energy,
It’s something that causes quite a stir.
I feel the commotion inside of me,
Like a flutter of butterflies in a field,
I lose all reason and track of time,
My mind is speechless, lost in appeal.
And yet in the zeal of the undying fire,
The flame lights up the dream and the vision,
The way she glances right into my soul,
It’s with complete and absolute precision.
And it’s there where I dwell in a trance,
The fortune of this romance is more than luck,
Or destiny or fate or any happenstance,
It’s simply her glance that still has me star struck.
the capitalizations confused me a bit. your rhyming and rhythm are quite oustanding, in most areas.
Emily's Confessions
I shrink to say in every way -
you caper and you hide
gamboling in my swirling mind -
making love our game to play
Whether on warm meadows shaded -
or upon a silver chilly field
I await your cursive letters -
secret verses soon revealed
All the while I long to spy -
such twinkles in your eye
long tufts on auburn bangs -
above impish dimpled smiles
Though the miles be ever long -
a fortnight's sail between
I take my evening comfort -
in each bird's mating song
As I sit alone upon my bed -
brushing out each kink and curl
reciting aloud all your poems -
tickling whispers must be said
Now our long impending union -
trembling bodies will entwine
to at last forever formalize -
a consummation of our souls
i felt the rhythm could've been better, in some stanzas. where predictable, your rhyming is good in some stanzas.
Dearest Man
I love everything about you. I love your mind, your heart and the way your broad shoulders were chiselled.
Everything. There’s nothing about you that I don’t like.
I love the way you pursue your dreams, and rise every time you fall. I love your passion for life, even when it wanes, and you feel defeated.
Please know that it was never intended for you to be crafted in hues of cafard, and it pains me to see pain etched upon your face, and hidden behind those gorgeous eyes.
I love the way you’re not afraid to cry, knowing that you have a soft place to fall and gentle kisses to nurture your wounded heart.
Tears, are cleansing for your heart and soul. So please, don't suppress your sadness as that only turns into rage, and anger.
I love your soft spoken words, and the belief in your own truths. I love the darkness that’s within you, as equally as the light in which you radiate.
I love your scruffy 3 day growths, and the way you tickle my flesh with your gorgeous face.
I love the way you manhandle me to nurture my inner lioness, as equally as I love the gentleman that’s embedded within your inner faculties that shapes me as a lady.
I love the fire in your belly and the love you have in your heart, about our art, beyond the bed of structured, and sometime, unstructured prose.
I love the way you reach for me when you discover you have morning wood, and you need me to take care of you from that perspective.
I love that you trust me to nourish you, when you feel at your most vulnerable.
I live my life with no apologies, and I don’t care about the opinions of others, and I think you should too.
The love I feel for you in my heart & soul draws me to a timeless place, akin to aevum.
When you feel as if life is fucking you over, just breathe… and let go of all the things you cannot change.
Elevate yourself, by moving forward, and don’t get stuck in the human condition of suffering because life is fucking brutal.
There’s no doubt about that.
Don’t let go, and check out.
It’s not easy but finding inner strength, and channelling your energy towards people who are capable of nourishing you, instead of depleting you, is where you need to be.
Yours Faithfully
the lines felt a bit uncomfortably long. I like the letter format.
The soul hungers for what the hands long to touch.
The contrast of intensity begins with a sigh, and the trailing of goosebumps when subtle moments are translated into trembles that speak beyond the realm of touch, and the ache secretes from the heart as it reminisces in your bliss.
I draw upon your ragged and shallow breath, breathing you into my heart and soul as you plunge into the oceanic depths of me until we're both cascading and soaring upon the light we channel upon one another as you recognise me by the way I quiver beneath the weight of all you never said.
Devour me on the fringes of your fingertips as the scent of our love wafts in the air like an orchard of fruit, sweet and ripe for the palate to savor in times when distance is too much to contemplate, and your kiss is too far to taste as I reach for you from dusk to dawn.
Yearning to kiss you in the blossoming of our inner Spring, while you soak up the sunshine amongst falling leaves in the contrasting moments of Autumn.
You will always be the glimpse of nature, and the changing seasons that remain embedded within my heart.
I felt this was a bit too erotic for a romance, in some areas. yet this prose has a lot of depth; as if two polar settings (lovers far apart and lovers upon each other) is meditated simultaneously, "Devour me on the fringes of your fingertips as the scent of our love wafts in the air like an orchard of fruit, sweet and ripe for the palate to savor in times when distance is too much to contemplate, and your kiss is too far to taste as I reach for you from dusk to dawn."
One Last Time (?)
I lie in bed
and hang
on every word you said
I close my eyes,
I toss and turn
as in my head
these questions burn
if you could see me
one more time
then, would that make you
change your mind?
if I could simply
hold your hand
would that help you
to understand?
I toss and turn
right out of bed
I think I'll start my day,
I know there's nothing
I can do
my heart will always
ache for you
I have to see you
one more time
to put at ease
my troubled mind
I would erase
this space apart
and hear the music
of our hearts
I'd say "I love you"
one more time,
and stare into
those deep blue eyes,
I'd lock you in
a passionate kiss
and hope my presence
would be missed
then we can go
our separate ways
and maybe meet again,
and I'll make sure
that fire still burns
to light the way
for your return
some of the end-rhyme words felt uncreatively recycled. the rhythm sings perfectly though.
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 143
IF YOU REQUESTED NO COMMENT, IN THE PREVIOUS CONTEST, THEN SKIP THIS POST. because I don't have the url links to specific poems, this post was publicized solely for people who wanted comments in the previous contest (
Galactic Kiss
searching and yearning,
for that other perfect half,
coalescing, animating
somewhere among the cosmos
so long they scream silent
No such thing as time.
Please stop thinking linear, my dear.
They're frozen, longing for union
finally, that was forever missing,
searched for you for too long my love
we remember nothing now of the
start of that inquiry..yet her energy
courses through the entirety of
my being... cosmic dust
we are
I'm seeing.
auras collide,
nowhere or desire to hide..
Imbue me..Imbue her
force ...chills..goosebumps..soft kisses
behind ears of swan wanton
has become eternal, forever
as I feel there can be only one..
the rest are just
needs fulfilled, while waiting, longing
ghosts of selves ever present.
Finally she is here soul is no longer torn, frayed, missing what it knows it needs...we all need as beings. to see those eyes that really want you
only you
forever, beyond it all
Unconditional, she'll wait forever for the kiss too
if she has to...
you feel so much more than just alive
for you know it's true.
Love so rare it's revolutionary.
Rejected, not accepted.
For its so ancient, sacred, felt, intuitive the
cynics scoff at its existence..
Yet onward after tens of thousands of years,
it endures. Mystical energy
mysterious ways
chaos theory,
undying, not created, immortal
Finally, the ONE!!
this felt quite lengthy. I like the themes of time and space.
Galactic Kiss
searching and yearning,
for that other perfect half,
coalescing, animating
somewhere among the cosmos
so long they scream silent
No such thing as time.
Please stop thinking linear, my dear.
They're frozen, longing for union
finally, that was forever missing,
searched for you for too long my love
we remember nothing now of the
start of that inquiry..yet her energy
courses through the entirety of
my being... cosmic dust
we are
I'm seeing.
auras collide,
nowhere or desire to hide..
Imbue me..Imbue her
force ...chills..goosebumps..soft kisses
behind ears of swan wanton
has become eternal, forever
as I feel there can be only one..
the rest are just
needs fulfilled, while waiting, longing
ghosts of selves ever present.
Finally she is here soul is no longer torn, frayed, missing what it knows it needs...we all need as beings. to see those eyes that really want you
only you
forever, beyond it all
Unconditional, she'll wait forever for the kiss too
if she has to...
you feel so much more than just alive
for you know it's true.
Love so rare it's revolutionary.
Rejected, not accepted.
For its so ancient, sacred, felt, intuitive the
cynics scoff at its existence..
Yet onward after tens of thousands of years,
it endures. Mystical energy
mysterious ways
chaos theory,
undying, not created, immortal
Finally, the ONE!!
this felt quite lengthy. I like the themes of time and space.

<< post removed >>
Joined 16th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 33
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 33
Love and Lover
your breath on my skin is intoxicating
your kisses leave me speechless
your touch drives me crazy
When our bodies meet I can't believe it's happening
I've always thought you could find better than me
apparently I'm all you desire
When we are alone in your space
in that bed
we let out all our frustration
the heat
the sweat
the flying emotions
nothing feels better than when we are one
spiritually you lift me up
emotionally you take me to places my younger self would never have been able to imagine it could go to
psychologically and physically you make me a better person
someone I never thought I could be
When we are in your domain you make the rules but I like to bend them
just as much as my petite body does for you
I make noises for you I make for no one else
they tell you I enjoy your company
they tell you I long for so much more
I don't want you to stop
I never want you to stop
the thing that turns me on the most is when you whisper sweet nothings in my ear
promises of satisfaction and praises no one else can whisper
Every night I long for you in so many ways
and emotional
I am attached
I am obsessed
Your touch melts my very core
your kisses leave me speechless
your touch drives me crazy
When our bodies meet I can't believe it's happening
I've always thought you could find better than me
apparently I'm all you desire
When we are alone in your space
in that bed
we let out all our frustration
the heat
the sweat
the flying emotions
nothing feels better than when we are one
spiritually you lift me up
emotionally you take me to places my younger self would never have been able to imagine it could go to
psychologically and physically you make me a better person
someone I never thought I could be
When we are in your domain you make the rules but I like to bend them
just as much as my petite body does for you
I make noises for you I make for no one else
they tell you I enjoy your company
they tell you I long for so much more
I don't want you to stop
I never want you to stop
the thing that turns me on the most is when you whisper sweet nothings in my ear
promises of satisfaction and praises no one else can whisper
Every night I long for you in so many ways
and emotional
I am attached
I am obsessed
Your touch melts my very core
Written by okanna93
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Joined 18th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 4
You've mistaken the whims of the heart
For the passions of the mind
And expect my mind to align
To the confines you find yourself in
All the time
For the passions of the mind
And expect my mind to align
To the confines you find yourself in
All the time
Written by Anoetic
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Joined 16th May 2017
Forum Posts: 6
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 6
The City Moonlight
Sprinkling and splashing
the silver moonbeams
strews over the gurgling streams
and pours into the drifter’s dreams
Through the sash window
it shines upon his pillow
woke him up to sing a solo
at a distance, it echoed
hummed with a weeping willow
He walked closer
stares into the hollow
meets the moonshine below
His lonely heart has a special halo
where carries memories
and his midnight prayers
Under the moonlight
He is writing his self-poetry
with a pen of the fairy’s mystery
which gives birth to hopes
again, it echoes
through the winter hallway
up to the spring Milky Way
The moon knows
how much I remember him
When the moon projects
I embrace his dreams
They are beautifully woven
and never fall apart at the seams
The moon realizes
how much I wish him well
I ask for its darting radiance
break through time and space
to light up his dream
and watch over him
In the two cities
at different directions
The separated hearts meet
soaking in its bright glories
No matter where and when
the city moonlight always shines forth
at the same place, never miss
for the two of us
the silver moonbeams
strews over the gurgling streams
and pours into the drifter’s dreams
Through the sash window
it shines upon his pillow
woke him up to sing a solo
at a distance, it echoed
hummed with a weeping willow
He walked closer
stares into the hollow
meets the moonshine below
His lonely heart has a special halo
where carries memories
and his midnight prayers
Under the moonlight
He is writing his self-poetry
with a pen of the fairy’s mystery
which gives birth to hopes
again, it echoes
through the winter hallway
up to the spring Milky Way
The moon knows
how much I remember him
When the moon projects
I embrace his dreams
They are beautifully woven
and never fall apart at the seams
The moon realizes
how much I wish him well
I ask for its darting radiance
break through time and space
to light up his dream
and watch over him
In the two cities
at different directions
The separated hearts meet
soaking in its bright glories
No matter where and when
the city moonlight always shines forth
at the same place, never miss
for the two of us
Written by RoseJasmine
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geoff cat
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028
geoff cat
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1028
Joined 1st Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 1
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 1
Just a crush
What is this
This feeling I get
When you look at me
That feeling I get
Something inside tells me
"Take it before it's gone"
But how do I approach
I'm being drawn
It's just a crush
But I feel like my heart's
going to jump out of my chest
You are to me, high priced art
It's been two years
Nothing has changed
I still feel the same
Never want to change
This crush doesn't go away
But if I'm honest I don't want it to
I don't mind it
So what's a guy to do
This feeling I get
When you look at me
That feeling I get
Something inside tells me
"Take it before it's gone"
But how do I approach
I'm being drawn
It's just a crush
But I feel like my heart's
going to jump out of my chest
You are to me, high priced art
It's been two years
Nothing has changed
I still feel the same
Never want to change
This crush doesn't go away
But if I'm honest I don't want it to
I don't mind it
So what's a guy to do
Written by Hiddenlistener
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Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
What You do (for Me)
At our table with coffee or tea
With smiles between you and me
The conversation sets us free
The bonding is the key
And I feel the distant thunder
Fueled by pleasures’ plunder
Oncoming passionate wonder
Not stopped for any blunder
Catalyzing passions
With fuel too flammable to ration
That’s how it came to be
That you set me crazy-free
With smiles between you and me
The conversation sets us free
The bonding is the key
And I feel the distant thunder
Fueled by pleasures’ plunder
Oncoming passionate wonder
Not stopped for any blunder
Catalyzing passions
With fuel too flammable to ration
That’s how it came to be
That you set me crazy-free
Written by EdibleWords
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