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Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2051

Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2051

Gregory Rain
Forum Posts: 50
Gregory Rain
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 28th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 50
Smile of her Father (Written by God is in the Rain)
Eyes get fixed, pupils spread....
Love and Sadness mixed, expression devoid....
While colours begin to faint, Heart turns into the Abyss of Void....
Silent saint, now trance of dread....
Pictures of past form crystal-clear tears, as shards of Soul are destroyed....
Drowned in the nightmare that never dissapears, no matter how she bled....
And AgAin, she's seeing the cover of her Book of PAin....
....the smile of her fAther....
....Hung And deAd....
So to explain: my take on what is respect and how to earn it:
How to earn it:
This Lady manages to live with something I, who am like an 18 y.o or what can'T even imagine ... and she's living with it since she was 7
What is respect: well this poem is actually example of it....
i not only wrote this poem about her, but went the extra mile to actually ask her if she was ok with me publishing it - despite she would never find out it's out nor that it'S about her, despite that i don'T want people knowing my real name, knowing my pen name to an extend that i'm ready to erase all my works if the word got around....
but i Respect this lady so much, i couldn't - not ask her.
Eyes get fixed, pupils spread....
Love and Sadness mixed, expression devoid....
While colours begin to faint, Heart turns into the Abyss of Void....
Silent saint, now trance of dread....
Pictures of past form crystal-clear tears, as shards of Soul are destroyed....
Drowned in the nightmare that never dissapears, no matter how she bled....
And AgAin, she's seeing the cover of her Book of PAin....
....the smile of her fAther....
....Hung And deAd....
So to explain: my take on what is respect and how to earn it:
How to earn it:
This Lady manages to live with something I, who am like an 18 y.o or what can'T even imagine ... and she's living with it since she was 7
What is respect: well this poem is actually example of it....
i not only wrote this poem about her, but went the extra mile to actually ask her if she was ok with me publishing it - despite she would never find out it's out nor that it'S about her, despite that i don'T want people knowing my real name, knowing my pen name to an extend that i'm ready to erase all my works if the word got around....
but i Respect this lady so much, i couldn't - not ask her.

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17835
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17835
I don't apologize that I'm not
I've no desire to surrender
my clean, unmarked skin
or eyes the color of water
during the rainy season
I'm not interested in releasing
Godiva hair from its porcelain clasp
like a bolt of Tatsumura silk
spreading flaxen over our hips
It doesn't concern me, time
falling through the hourglass
of shape, granules of minutes
shortening remaining days
I'm not desperate to submit-
guide an inseam of inches
with tailored fingers hoping
for a perfectly fitted match
Or lounge any given moment
the dull aching tenderness
of an internally inflicted bruise
healing naturally with rest
Nor can I be tempted, 'cept
by the Poem, its hardened
form masterfully critiqued
structured verbs, swollen nouns
plugging weak leaks tightly with
personifuckation, metaphors
of double meaning, dangling
against moist lips of thought
an element just beyond physical
grasp of my brain's plump hemispheres
spread wide, willing to accommodate
the most engorged Poetry ever revised
Enlarged imagery, fluidly alive between
my chambers, demoralizing syllabic
stress and iambic pentameter
for Free, (un)imaginable Verse
So, no; I'm not sorry to disappoint
your expectations with flippancy
over your obvious transparency
but you've confused my politeness-
my smile with a woman who'll succumb
to your desires with just one wink-
subservient to the cat-o-nine tails
cliché of your mundane vocabulary
Here's a clue - solitude is my Lover
contains more passion in one finger
than your entire being could muster;
so open a book; study poetry
Master the art of Love;
put on a clean shirt, tuck it in
Revere women with respect
then, though I'll never promise
perhaps. . . I'll pay attention
I've no desire to surrender
my clean, unmarked skin
or eyes the color of water
during the rainy season
I'm not interested in releasing
Godiva hair from its porcelain clasp
like a bolt of Tatsumura silk
spreading flaxen over our hips
It doesn't concern me, time
falling through the hourglass
of shape, granules of minutes
shortening remaining days
I'm not desperate to submit-
guide an inseam of inches
with tailored fingers hoping
for a perfectly fitted match
Or lounge any given moment
the dull aching tenderness
of an internally inflicted bruise
healing naturally with rest
Nor can I be tempted, 'cept
by the Poem, its hardened
form masterfully critiqued
structured verbs, swollen nouns
plugging weak leaks tightly with
personifuckation, metaphors
of double meaning, dangling
against moist lips of thought
an element just beyond physical
grasp of my brain's plump hemispheres
spread wide, willing to accommodate
the most engorged Poetry ever revised
Enlarged imagery, fluidly alive between
my chambers, demoralizing syllabic
stress and iambic pentameter
for Free, (un)imaginable Verse
So, no; I'm not sorry to disappoint
your expectations with flippancy
over your obvious transparency
but you've confused my politeness-
my smile with a woman who'll succumb
to your desires with just one wink-
subservient to the cat-o-nine tails
cliché of your mundane vocabulary
Here's a clue - solitude is my Lover
contains more passion in one finger
than your entire being could muster;
so open a book; study poetry
Master the art of Love;
put on a clean shirt, tuck it in
Revere women with respect
then, though I'll never promise
perhaps. . . I'll pay attention
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1470
Respect is in large demand,
Supply is rationed, canned.
Everyone wanted a strand,
No one is willing to command.
Self-righteous learned ignorant,
Proud beings preaching a chant;
Leading flocks of misguided belligerence.
The trade of good intention,
Is now facing a recession.
Habit is barely holding on,
Against the influx of indignation.
Self-serving capitalist of manipulation,
Narcissistic aggressor suffering delusion,
Happily playing victim to condemnation.
Respect is not an action, but a qualified reaction.
It's not an obligation, but a definite intention.
There is no set rules, only mutual comprehension,
Depending on the dynamics of every relation.
Let me ask this question ladies and gents,
Out of sheer curiosity, for Pete's sake!
Which comes first, the chicken or the eggs?
Stop demanding, stop misunderstanding!
Start looking inside of the person standing,
In front of you, rather than the mirror reflecting,
that hideous vanity of your very own feeling.
To gain is to invest, not in habitual gestures,
But instead, put your trust to the pleasures,
of the benefit of the doubt, denouncing conjectures.
With knowing comes clear perception.
With clear perception comes an informed decision.
With informed decision comes apt reaction;
Respect or not, a loss won't be in communion.
We can't control other people's usury,
We can only manage our own sincerity;
Nature would take the role of the treasury.
Written by OxyMoronicMe
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Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 625
Everyone should show respect
To those who help fulfill their needs
Those who do what you expect
And those whose service exceeds
At every level we all rely
On others to help us to subsist
From simply enabling us to buy
To things that need a specialist.
Personal services we all require
From haircutting to health care
Most practioners try to aspire
To maximise clients welfare
We should also show respect
To those who just pass us by
A simple smile will connect
And will never go awry
Everyone should show respect
To those who help fulfill their needs
Those who do what you expect
And those whose service exceeds
At every level we all rely
On others to help us to subsist
From simply enabling us to buy
To things that need a specialist.
Personal services we all require
From haircutting to health care
Most practioners try to aspire
To maximise clients welfare
We should also show respect
To those who just pass us by
A simple smile will connect
And will never go awry
Joined 30th May 2016
Forum Posts: 12
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 12
What is Respect
Respect is
When you yell I listen.
Even though you shouldn’t be yelling, I don’t yell at you.
Respect is
When you are embarrassed around others, I comfort you and appease the crowd,
Taking all the negative attention away from you.
Respect is
When you are wrong, I keep communicating until we both can be understood.
Respect is
When I am wrong, I give you the floor, Never running out the door.
Respect is
When I cry, You always want to know why?
You comfort me and never tell a lie.
Respect is
When we disagree, We compromise and settle things amicably.
Respect is
When I am angry, you give me space and surprise me with delightful things you say.
Respect is
When you are angry, I steer clear, I don’t tolerate negativity that is unclear.
Respect is
When we are both unified and treat each other as we both deserve.
It is earned over different lengths of time, categorized by the experiences we have with others.
When you yell I listen.
Even though you shouldn’t be yelling, I don’t yell at you.
Respect is
When you are embarrassed around others, I comfort you and appease the crowd,
Taking all the negative attention away from you.
Respect is
When you are wrong, I keep communicating until we both can be understood.
Respect is
When I am wrong, I give you the floor, Never running out the door.
Respect is
When I cry, You always want to know why?
You comfort me and never tell a lie.
Respect is
When we disagree, We compromise and settle things amicably.
Respect is
When I am angry, you give me space and surprise me with delightful things you say.
Respect is
When you are angry, I steer clear, I don’t tolerate negativity that is unclear.
Respect is
When we are both unified and treat each other as we both deserve.
It is earned over different lengths of time, categorized by the experiences we have with others.
Written by TarnishedMom
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1897
Practice This
When you practice moral soundness,
With the utmost genuineness and sincerity,
You will build something within yourself,
You will have a strong foundation of integrity.
When you’re compassionate toward others,
And behave with greatest of civility,
You will develop something within yourself,
You will be known for your humility.
When you’re there to help your fellow man,
With true trustworthiness and credibility,
You will experience growth within as a person,
You will be recognized for your reliability.
When you know the significance of things,
And you priorities are in sync with your heart,
You will assemble something that’s incredible,
You will be revered from the very start.
When you’re sympathy towards those in need,
Is filled with love human kindness and modesty,
You will create something that’s is wonderful,
You will be honored for your generosity.
And when your love for the human race,
Shines naturally through your personality,
Your mere presence will express it all,
You will be admired for your spirituality.
Practice all these and you can expect,
To understand and obtain true respect.
When you practice moral soundness,
With the utmost genuineness and sincerity,
You will build something within yourself,
You will have a strong foundation of integrity.
When you’re compassionate toward others,
And behave with greatest of civility,
You will develop something within yourself,
You will be known for your humility.
When you’re there to help your fellow man,
With true trustworthiness and credibility,
You will experience growth within as a person,
You will be recognized for your reliability.
When you know the significance of things,
And you priorities are in sync with your heart,
You will assemble something that’s incredible,
You will be revered from the very start.
When you’re sympathy towards those in need,
Is filled with love human kindness and modesty,
You will create something that’s is wonderful,
You will be honored for your generosity.
And when your love for the human race,
Shines naturally through your personality,
Your mere presence will express it all,
You will be admired for your spirituality.
Practice all these and you can expect,
To understand and obtain true respect.
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1897
Excellent entries from everyone. I'm very honored to receive this. Thank you to our host.