Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd May 2017 7:14pm
David_Macleod (14397816)
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Freedom Of Speech

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16919

Tied Tongues

Our voices restrained
we must not to be heard
among the clamouring many
that strain against  shackles
gagged by letters

as with Tiananmen square
and Maguindanao massacre
we see the fires of freedom
though too far away to discern
who is dancing near its warmth

to speak to need
to offer opinions
are not there yet
there are mediums
but the conduits are closed

until the scales are turned
and the palms reaching out
are no more
until the cross reign
with the crescent
we will be forever locked
in this speechless wonder

humans live leaving behind
the orchestras play without
still we hope for chinks
in the armour.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

You're Free To Dance

In a conversation  
of freedom and    
open mindedness
The analogy of dancing  
naked in the rain  
is anchor to discussions  
It's interesting  
that water droplets    
falling on undressed skin    
(when an umbrella could protect us)  
is the mental theater    
associated with  
being un-shackled  
removed from slavery  
The human race has fought  
freedom of sex  
since Adam was led
tempted by the temptress
to bite an apple  
There comes a time  
when you've fought  
for freedoms  
read on the topic    
that you realize    
sex is just art  
(especially, when done right)  
dance is an art  
and it's an art
whether you're dressed  
on the pole    
or not
When information collides  
we realize people    
are an art  
with all their colorful    
choice of characters  
values and personas  
We realize a simple update  
or even graffiti    
is art  
is a voice of reason  
all reason  
should be free  
to exist, as freely as  
every thought  
that crossed your mind  
as my words  
entered your mental theater  
of conscious  
I'd fight for rights
of thought  
you should fight  
for the right  
Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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poet Anonymous

Thank you, lovely Grace for a fine entry

and another thank you for your fine piece, Al

a few days to go....

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2273

Free speech
can only be achieved
when we gather
within the darkness
of ignorance
it is then
when we shout
will we shine

poet Anonymous

Thanks, Mary Walker and Drone
great stuff :)

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5698

The Swear Jar

“My mother told me, not to swear…”

And whenever I did,
it cost me.

A dime for “fuck”
a nickel for “shit”
two pennies for “bitch”
and one for “damn”

(we didn’t use “cunt”, back in the 70’s
otherwise that would’ve cost me a whopping

It had to go in the SWEAR JAR,
all the money from swearing
and freely speaking my mind.

If I’d kept up on the SWEAR JAR,
I’d be fucking richer than the Queen of England,
today….. ooops!  

That’s another dime, I owe
(digs dime out of pocket)
and while the SWEAR JAR
faded away,
I paid in different ways
over the years, for
speaking my mind,

such as recently losing a friend
for saying:
“Yes, I do think we should
drive a goddamn pipeline
right through the asscrack
of our Badlands,
through all that native soil,
so we can stop sucking off the tit
of the Middle East’s oil barons.”

(wait—one penny for “damn” and
I’ll toss in two more for “suck” and “ass”
because those weren’t on Mom’s list)

She unfriended me on Facebook,
because she’s Native American
(so am I, BTW, but only half)
and I committed blasphemy
against the Sacred Land.

Oh shit, I forgot
(there’s a dime!)
that make believe spirits in the ground
are far more important
than using our own resources
for sustainability.

It’s too bad, and I miss her—
such is the price for when words offend
and opinions must be selective,
but at least I didn’t post her address
for the pipeline route…

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th May 2017
Forum Posts: 58

Can't win

A person writes a lot of subliminal messages
some assume sometimes you're laughing at a certain person
that could be in that position
but in reality
you're just trying to describe a particular feeling
and it's real anyway
yet they still shocked

You add names to your work
whether good or bad the remark
you've let them know
who specifically the line is about
you then get lynched
for making more sense than you originally did

Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 233

i'm Not Going To Leave You Alone

i will say what i want and i always do
no law or social norm will suppress me
if you take offense it's all down to you
and your outrage doesn't impress me

It is rarely my intention to hurt people
and i try to avoid that whenever i can
but when you join a flock of sheeple
this gurl will speak her mind like a man

There's a study called social psychology
controlling the group is easier than one
they steer folks and make no apology
if we stay silent about it they've won

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


©All Rights Reserved

Freedom is locked up in our minds;
Chained by laws, by values by norms.
Conventions and morals acting as poison;
Suppressing it with a tight invisible hold.
Our hearts can freely feel,
But our eyes could lie.
Our thoughts can roam free,
But our tongue could be tied.

Who amongst us could claim to be free
With words to spare with every heat?
Write IT and there is Libel, say IT and there is Slander
Do IT and there is Gossip, not to mention the Police
So we hide, behind a handshake and a smile
We create a secure party line - Anonymous
Byline, untraceable... pseudo-identity, unrecognizable
With our ink we explore an alternate life

We create recreation area for our freedom
Social media, our haven, our panic room
It's there that freedom is free to be really free
To express raw feelings and thoughts
Kill someone, love someone
Spill secrets, your own or not
Undress yourself, fuck someone's brain out
Meet strangers and open your true self
To be bold, blunt and opinionated - to be REAL

Freedom is scary
Because we are humans
And we are afraid:
To be isolated;
To be punished;
To be ostracized;
To be shunned;
Of rejection;
Of attention;
Of pain;
Of love;
Of discovery;
Most of all...
We are afraid to be free.

Why do you think law exits?
So liberties could be managed
Where does your freedom ends?
Right there where other's begins.

If you are looking for freedom...
There is a sign on the door that said,

Written for a Competition Prompt Titled - Freedom of Speech

Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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Thought Provoker
Joined 12th May 2017
Forum Posts: 248

ideal vs real

in an ideal world
you'd have absolute freedom
of speech and of action
without a worry for adverse reaction
needless to say
where at this time we stay
actions have reactions
and not always pleasant
ya live in a real world
with real consequences
enjoye what you have
whilst working for what you don't
that working don't need mean
like kill or be killed
evolution is happening
and there will be a time
Written by walker (111)
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Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 233


So what is it worth to you?
Will you stick your neck out for it?
Will you fight for it?
Will you do your duty to your fellow man?
Even if he scorns you for it?
Excludes and labels you for it?
Calls you a traitor for it?
Institutionalizes you for it?
Kills you for it?
Is group acceptance of the highest importance?
Even at the sacrifice of your liberty?
At the cost of taping your mouth shut?
Criminalizing your thoughts even?
Do you know that if you give it up you've given up?
Is your prime duty to yourself?
Do you mean anything you've ever said?
Are you a hypocrite?
Are you afraid?
Are you a sniveling coward?
Do you understand you are being tested?
Do you know there will be a reckoning?
Are you willing to pay that price too?
Have you thought this through?
Do you know that in spite of yourself i believe in you?
Do you know that i'm counting on you?
Will you dare to be a shouter in the desert?
Then i will stand or fall with you
This is a pivotal moment

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 19th May 2013
Forum Posts: 16

The war on freedom

Listen to my voice and no other
for those who seek to enslave you
speak words of poison that will infect
and undermine our freedom
Do not question my opinions or decisions
for I act only to protect and preserve
the ideals that we live by  
any opposition only aids and strengthens the enemy
and is, in itself an attack on freedom

Gladly surrender your privileges
to fund our fight for freedom
shackle yourselves to ensure
the enemy cannot infiltrate or flee
be under no illusion the enemy is amongst us
therefor we must watch everybody everywhere
listen to everything all of the time

Your freedoms and liberties are at stake
But don’t worry, I will protect you

By Danny Carr
Written by monkeyman
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Tyrant of Words
United States 152awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1851

Tank Man

Some legends need no words ever be said,
Some speak volumes with images instead,
But there’s power behind this metaphor,
When the oppressed won’t take it anymore.

It was on June 5th, 1989,
I remember that day very well,
Not only because it was my birthday,
But because of the events I can retell.

In Beijing China students protested,
Against a suppressive and brutal government,
Asking for freedom of the press, freedom of speech,
Giving the people true empowerment.

But the post-Mao administration,
Released their forces to suppress the movement,
With orders to neutralize and stabilize,
And put a stop to this revolutionary event.

But it turned into a massacre,
Civilians were being killed in the streets,
All across the country, in many cities,
People were killed by the army and police.

And when the military sent in their tanks,
To disperse student protestors elsewhere,
An unknown rebel with immeasurable courage,
Stood in their way to Tiananmen Square.

The row of tanks stopped for a minute,
The images on the news blew my mind,
One man blocked a row of many tanks,
An impression captured forever in time.

The lead tank veered left and steered right,
But the man moved right in front of them,
Blocking their path with his shopping bags,
Stopping the armored vehicles again and again.

He then climbed on top of the lead tank,
Then stood atop of the gun turret,
And spoke with a member of the crew,
The situation they were trying to avert.

This is the true power of the people,
This is a true strength no one can teach,
Because when you stand up for you believe,
Then there’s no stopping freedom of speech.

This is what happens when regimes oppress people,
When basic rights are stripped so you better beware,
Because then revolutions will rise and eyes will witness,
Unsung heroes like the Tank Man of Tiananmen Square.

To this day his identity and fate is still unknown.


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