Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd September 2014 6:25pm
View Profile Poems by johnrot
RUNNER-UP: caxton

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Beg For A Trophy

poet Anonymous

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Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

I'll give you trophies times nine
If you make this trophy mine.

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799


I have entered many comps
and of this I have not one.
I think this time I've done it
but then go home with none.

How nice I think that it would be
to win to come in first
but then I think and realize
my poetry is just the worst!

One fish two fish
a trophy would be grand,
kitty cat killer cat
please put one in my hand!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 41

I am new madame you see? It is well deserved it go to me.
For it may make me a new person, a shiny badge of honor would assuredly up self-worth. And it coming from you? With the talent you poses it would be as through I were the queens own son. I would dance through amber waves of grain. Through the streets of rome. My heart would have ever loving happiness, for a day at least. Oh madame, I admire you so, a trophy for me, with a ribbon to go.

poet Anonymous

My one trophy is lonely

I only have one
one by itself doesn't have any fun

One is the loneliest number
One has no one to cuddle with when he rolls over in slumber

Who's going to laugh at one's jokes?
Who's going to meet one's folks?
Who's going to keep one company
while I'm not winning him a trophy (wife)
It's not his fault I write bad poetry

Have a heart because if one is waiting on me to win him a companion, he was doomed from the start

Please, please, make my one a two so he won't be so lonely and blue!

Thought Provoker
Philippines 1awards
Joined 13th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 253

I am unworthy of anything
Take the crown and golden wing
A vagabond who can’t even sing
Waiting for the feast in the dining

Grant me peace, give me life
A heavy cross, I’ll march on strife
I watch the sunset and fell in fright
As I am learning how to thrive

You offered the price of knowledge
A trophy it is, everyone pledge
A prisoner freed in this metal cage
Trying to win this stony race

Do I deserve to claim a reward
Or just telling myself an awful lie
Accept defeat and move forward
Then I’ll be honored when I die

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Only for Love

Long winded speech or dying breath?
What gives us life or causes death?
The sentiment in words expressed
is that by which one’s cursed or blessed.

Though grand in size mad hatter’s hat
has not more worth than heart of that
small child who begs a cup of tea
and offers sugar to share free.

Though with angel tongues we drawl
and sermons are scrawled on the walls
If no love in these words be shared
then let the sounding brass be spared.

Gold cups may dazzle many eyes
and glory be gained in the prize
but tasteless be the fill therein
if no affection’s poured with win.

Therefore think not upon the cup
which you extend or from which you sup
but only on the spirit shared
for therein is true treasure bared.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

i ain't beggin for shit doc
but know i got your daughter's dorm room number
if roach don't get this gold
whether he enters or not
you got
a new son in law

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 16

A Trophy

Accomplishment defined by a trophy,
A symbol of  the ultimate win,
I implore you to think of me,
As these words to you I give...

In a delicate balance of nature,
You would know it's the only way,
To provide me a better tomorrow,
The I definitely had today...

Competition serves disappointment,
To all those who will be left behind,
Take heed in the knowledge and wisdom,
To the others who wrote and they tried...

I give you my all as you read this,
As I give this one final try,
To desperately bring to your senses,
That this trophy soon will be mine...

Upon my wall I would place this,
As a token of a final run,
This competition has come to an end,
And I am the chosen one...

Dangerous Mind
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 237

The Ultimate Gift

to be worthy of such a tribute
would be more than i can ask
but to beg for the golden trophy
is a challenge i cannot pass

i could share some words of wisdom
or a clever anecdote
but fear they would be scoffed at
since this dream may become smote

by others careful wording
sublime secretions of the mind
may leave my thoughtful venture
just a memory left behind

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 7th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Dear Madame,

Road unto your heart
Has no map, nor GPS
What's a boy to do?


tiptoes in

"shhhhhhhhh...i'm hunt'n wabbit"

Looks around
eyes the prize
grabs it


It was that or offer up my round mound of glory BE
Umber gold
(or so I'm told)
Honey'd crisp

Unfortunately, it has a bad tendency to bark at strangers
No worries, though...it has no TEETH:D

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

Your daughters moving out huh? Yeah that can't be easy on you Mom,
empty nest syndrome
Look at it this way, at least she's off to collage
and not prison :|
Luvs ya honey! Good luck to you and your daughter <3
Hugs Madame!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 68

To beg is the question
Should I humble myself down?
What would I do?
We'll let me tell you.
I have been a member for quite a while
Won only one trophy
And boy my pride went wild.
I felt like a successful small child
And honestly made all this seem more worthwhile
Writing is what I love,
And you see I don't need a trophy
Just to know I am good enough
If I am awarded I would thank you much
In a poem just for you my dear Madame

poet Anonymous

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