Poetry competition CLOSED 17th July 2012 1:02am
RSena (Sena)
View Profile Poems by RSena

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872


You smiled at me with your luscious lips
Your eyes twinkling with happiness
Your hands on mine were warm
Tracing the lifeline on my open palm
You whispered love and promises
Your tomorrows with me were spoken
And avidly planned in love’s bright hope

I gave my all my body and soul
My breath I breathed for you
My body was yours to keep and use
As yours was mine to explore and adore
Until at last, the curtain fell
On your promises not meant to be kept
When you fell in love with another

You kissed her just as you did me
You made love to her just like so
I saw your arms around the woman
So like me and yet so different
I almost died, I was heartbroken
I thought my life was over
I could not get rid of the pain

Until tonight you came to me
So tired and so forlorn
Your lover had dumped you
At least you said that to me
I held you close within my arms
Hush baby its alright
You have come home to me

Now here you lie your face serene
So relaxed in eternal sleep
I had to do what I just did
Ripped your heart from within your breast
As the blood flows within this white tub
I rest my head against your chest
Where it is heartless as it should be

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1540

Very fitting for a Friday the 13th poem!


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

Poetryman said:Very fitting for a Friday the 13th poem!

Poetryman: Yes, isn't it.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 10th July 2012
Forum Posts: 10

you guys doing good so far.

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 316

Without Heart

Without heart you came,
Cold like the rain when it falls,
Crude, empty like the end,
Seeking for rest, in my heart.

You came to me like a dark empty street,
And then, found in me, a saved seat,
Controlled every part of me like a queen,
Lied to me, like I never had a sin.

Living me without compassion,
Good act of your, and my actions?
Never let you down, because you where
The best woman that I’ve had ever found,
Yes, I did my mistake and the only time I faint,
When It came to you, when you said good bye on my face.
Living again, to another heart, I guess,
Without no trace, that I could take.


Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

The Dark Ages

Stressed again, depressed again
A young, dark, distorted mess again
Why do I allow myself to go under?
Quiet storms in my head, silence broken by the thunder

It gets louder and louder
I predict a chance of showers
My tears fall like rain with such intense power
Crying in the dark for hours and hours

Scared and alone
Once again I'm on my own
What's a thick layer of skin without a strong sturdy backbone?
Useless that's what
My throat's been cut

Which means I have a pill that's hard to swallow
I'm all cried out, my soul is completely hollow

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276


How can you hurt me the way you did?
After I've accepted the way you lived
It's unfair to hurt me like that
You've planned your attack
And stabbed me in the back
Like Brutus did Ceasar
Like Judas did Jesus
And what hurts the most I never gave you reason
I've been there for you and gave you my best
Thanked me with your worst and scarred my flesh
Forgiving you was like alcohol on the wound
It burns while it cleanses but it'll heal soon
And I don't know what to expect from you I wonder if you care
Your excuses was more important than the love we shared
I consider you a minefield I have to take precaution
Conception of my breakthrough underwent abortion
Just when I thought I could start to trust again
You took that away by committing one sin
Thou shalt not steal and you stole away my hope
The same person that completed me is the reason my heart broke
In two like a twig with no strength at all
We supposed to build each other up instead you let me fall
Flat on my face you really did me greasy
Can't you see I want to make loving you easy

Tyrant of Words
Joined 20th June 2012
Forum Posts: 517


"No ideas but in things."  William Carlos Williams

Ticking clock moments
speed by Friday
after Friday night,
each successive weekend
leading to a dim
and not so distanced time
when who we were
will never be again
and who we are
will never stop
and we
who were
are now
no more
and this
is the very beginning
of a heartless
into a darker day
and darker days
and dimming
blinking off
their TV tube
shrinking center
of light
that was the sanctity
of what we had before
and have never shared again
in these unhappy moments
called the rest
of our lives.


Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

      < hearts >
     mostly missing
     these souls

     carefully pressed
     between the metal
     of my filing cabinets

     another valentine's day
     here at work
     these thoughts
     getting stuck in my pile of other thoughts
     the ones i get paid for
     in this palace of earning
     this shrine to being seen-while-doing
     this turnstile with a counter
     that adds up hours
     and passes them to accounting
     which multiplies them times dollars
     to get my answer
     in rent
     and food
     and a heart-shaped waffle-iron
     that i only used once
     and some non-stick pans that stuck
     and some ice cube trays that didn't
     but i can't use because
     there's no room in the freezer
     because it's filled with food
     i've saved for years
     and will never eat
     because i'm here
     carefully pressed
     between my filing cabinets

     mostly missing

     another valentine's day
     the lights

     on at seven

     off at six
         - - -

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 14th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1

Someone Once Told Me,
To Love Is To Let Go.
But If I Let Go, Would It Make The Pain Grow?
When You Looked Me In The Eyes & Lied.
How Could You Be So Heartless?
That Very Day, I Should Have Let Go.
But I Didn't,
I Stayed. Now I'm A Prisoner Of This Sweet, Sweet Memory.
The One I Fell In Love With Was Taken From Me By My Enemy,
You Knew What This Would Do To Me,
How Could You Be So Heartless?
You Took My Everything, & Everything I Came With,
Fed My Mind Lies, Thinking This Was Meant To Be.
How Could You Be So Heartless.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 10th July 2012
Forum Posts: 10

rayheinrich said:
      < hearts >
     mostly missing
     these souls

     carefully pressed
     between the metal
     of my filing cabinets

     another valentine's day
     here at work
     these thoughts
     getting stuck in my pile of other thoughts
     the ones i get paid for
     in this palace of earning
     this shrine to being seen-while-doing
     this turnstile with a counter
     that adds up hours
     and passes them to accounting
     which multiplies them times dollars
     to get my answer
     in rent
     and food
     and a heart-shaped waffle-iron
     that i only used once
     and some non-stick pans that stuck
     and some ice cube trays that didn't
     but i can't use because
     there's no room in the freezer
     because it's filled with food
     i've saved for years
     and will never eat
     because i'm here
     carefully pressed
     between my filing cabinets

     mostly missing

     another valentine's day
     the lights

     on at seven

     off at six
         - - -


Strange Creature
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 6

I want him and he should want me
My body is almost a perfect hour glass
If only my chest were larger
He’s already a father
I’m the same age as his daughter
Beautiful is her mother
But why can’t he want me, instead?

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808


Bleeding fuck upon you!    
Is this who I am to you?    
This is the fate you've decided for me?    
The place you've left me for all time?    
Unforgivable indecency!    
Hand over fist I have served you faithfully   
And this is my reward?  
It must have been my amicability...      
that poured the foundation    
(Cement filling around my heels)    
I just wanted to love you    
(Encircling my ankles)    
Your wish was my command    
(Swallowing my calves)    
I thought to make you happy   
I would give you your dreams    
And whims...    
(Enveloping my knees)    
And now you dream of him?    
(Grasping at my thighs)    
So my mobility is done    
My legs and waist disappearing like a setting sun    
Dusk ushers in the cold    
(the mixture binds my chest)  
If I had known I needed venom    
To be the snake between your thighs    
I would have begun constricting sooner   
Now I have to fight to run    
To breathe, to swim, or climb   
To escape this little, filling box    
But my shoulders are growing heavy    
And you've already closed the lid
And sealed it  
with a set of matching locks    
But at least from here    
I can look up and see the constellations    
To dream of whims myself   
...and imagine    
What I could have been    
Or Monument...    
If I had known what it meant    
Before all this was set    
I would have given anything to be  
that Thing...    
Whatever it is,    
you wanted.    

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

Contemplation Box

The shards scattered and minute fragments slid across the floor
as the contact with the hard surface
shattered a porcelain heart

Too often had I let others play with it,  
polish it up so they could show it off  

...If only I had not misplaced my blind faith...

As I had approached I could hear her grinding others under her heel
and her fragrance...
was intoxicating

All it would've taken was a moment to realize my worth  
and it's worth to me
But, so foolishly,
like a child proud of its prized possession,
I showed it off to the wrong people

I took for granted the heart and it was stolen away from me  

So determined to get it back, I practically tackled her
Or tried to
She playfully giggled and slipped through my fingers,
A poisonous gas that I inhaled

I fell to the ground
and it was the most crushing defeat I would ever know  
Or so I thought

She stood over me, mocking my weakness
my lack of desire to rise again
not wanting to feel the pain of falling again

She held my porcelain heart,
a rusted-shut puzzle box,
and an immaculate gavel
And, within a moment,
began clumsily juggling them
with a smile half-cracked upon her crooked face  

suddenly tiring of her game,
she thoughtlessly turned her back and walked away

The baubles plummeted to the cracked cobblestone floor as I watched
frozen in a vision of the impending collision

In the final second I had to react  
I threw my open hand out and barely managed to catch the rusty box
But I had to watch as the porcelain heart hit
and the shards scattered and minute fragments slid across the floor

The gavel followed and struck the stone
as though a judgment had been passed

So now in this dark corner I sit
Trying to solve the rusted contemplation box

It's all that I have left
and inside...

...is my only hope...

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Danii said:You took it once
Long ago
It took forever for me to let you go
Now here you are once again
Are you here to keep your promise?
I still have all those notes
With your scribble penmanship
I can still taste you on my lips
I can still feel your hands on my hips
Though your pain courses through my veins
Hope for love was siphoned away
I've missed you
I can't lie
I still love you
I'm with another guy
You never cared then
So why now?

I can relate.. you keep asking, why did you let me go away if you will come back and ask me to stay...

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