Buddha Says

all we know is
mind creates
the Buddha says
it's not too late

to change direction
change our lives
what mind creates
is what survives -

relax relax
relax let go
enjoy your life
join in the flow

the Buddha says
it's not too late
relax let go
and meditate -

all we know is
mind creates
let go of concepts'
heavy weights

release your self
and drift away
you are free
right here today -

the Buddha says
it's not too late
to wake up now
to meditate

relax relax
relax let go
and join the flow -

all we know is
mind creates
the Buddha says
it's not too late

to change direction
change our lives
what mind creates
is what survives -
Written by bcpoet (Lawrence)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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