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 Perhaps that final line in the linen
Sits in your electronic distraction
As beautiful as your are,
Lit by that LED glow
Your engrossment detracts from the mood
My caresses attempt to induce

Perhaps that final line in the libido
Sits in the intrusive sound bite
As addictive as your giggle is,
Solicited by viral facetube
Your fingertips hoarded by cursed device
Leaving me barren of your touch

Perhaps that final line in lust
Sits between your ears
As you beg for my ministrations
With hooking foot and rubbing calf
Your attention detained by photospam
Trapped on this one way road

Perhaps I crossed that final line
Sliding inside of you
Preoccupation clutched in your hands
Cold realisation arriving
Like your back when I withdraw
To the edge on my side of the bed
Written by Franko76
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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