Oh, God

Big question, big debate
Maybe as ridiculous as arguing
About Adam (or Eve) or both having belly buttons. Or not.
Amazingly difficult philosophical, theological brain teaser

Hey:  find their remains and do one of those forensic exams thing
Call NCIS or that Las Vegas Crime Lab guy.

God wanted to give you the Eden now gone
He, or is it a She? Is playing games with His (or Her) favorite creatures.?
So if humans are His or Her favorite creatures
Why is He or She tormenting them so much?

Is  He or She also stuck with a multiple personality disorder
Having thrown so many gods-Gods and so many religious possibilities
To mess up Man's mind and his world?

So much fighting, so much killing in His or Her name.
Insanity for creed,

Written by robert43041 (Viking)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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