Least Read Fictional Prose
Short stories and chapters from books and novels
Find an undiscovered masterpiece in the DU Poetry least read poems.

3 reads
k A Tale Of Two Brothers
There's a story of two bothers. Two other brothers or the same brothers. One gets twisted in the throes of early tumultuous history telling. Warped over time to fit exigency and greed.
Both had fine brides that loved them very well, but the younger who ruled the heavens grew jealous of his elder and coveted his wife. So he conspired with the nether world to kill his younger brother. They succeeded.
They lay a trap and drowned him in the great river, causing a panic in the realm below .
His wife led the search and eventually found him nestled...
Both had fine brides that loved them very well, but the younger who ruled the heavens grew jealous of his elder and coveted his wife. So he conspired with the nether world to kill his younger brother. They succeeded.
They lay a trap and drowned him in the great river, causing a panic in the realm below .
His wife led the search and eventually found him nestled...
10 reads
k- Slaves Do Not A Lord Make
Further along he walked softly alongside Mercury. Witches fun and dead innocents behind now. He mourned his failings, wishing he were better, always better. Filling his heart with guilt and pain he carried as the weight of oceans.
His legacy was long and troubled, tinged with greatness and tragedy. He carried almost all unknowingly, save for his line. Royal of royals he respected it and strove to better it in all ways, compassion being one. His name will drop form the story in time, his given name that is ... his other name will follow him and his offspring through eternity...
His legacy was long and troubled, tinged with greatness and tragedy. He carried almost all unknowingly, save for his line. Royal of royals he respected it and strove to better it in all ways, compassion being one. His name will drop form the story in time, his given name that is ... his other name will follow him and his offspring through eternity...
10 reads
Jeff awoke to his phone alarm at 6am. Rolling over to quiet it. Then punching in his pin to check his texts, Facebook notifications, Twitter notifications, Instagram etc. Seeing the large number today he settles in to scroll through them in turn. Scrolling the titles and opening words of each, then opening and sometimes replying to interesting ones.
He pays particular attention to a co-worker's comments and posts. The blonde with the big tits he's been trying to bed. Another sexy selfie she tagged him in. Ogling her pic in a tight fall sweater with a come hither look, has his lust...
He pays particular attention to a co-worker's comments and posts. The blonde with the big tits he's been trying to bed. Another sexy selfie she tagged him in. Ogling her pic in a tight fall sweater with a come hither look, has his lust...
13 reads
k- Present Incoherent
I sleep infrequently and sparingly. The apartment is too cold and too hot and I think it's just me. It's as cluttered as my mind is these days. My practical memory ... google, and my personal memory riddled with mysteries.
I dream tales ... stories, fantasies, horrors ... truths? I don't know. One night I am a mighty King, loved and revered for wisdom and a child must be split ... and Mother defers ... and I wake sweating. Another I'm a soldier with a flint musket, rushing up a hill bayonet affixed and ready to skewer a Redcoat with young terrified eyes. I run him through and...
I dream tales ... stories, fantasies, horrors ... truths? I don't know. One night I am a mighty King, loved and revered for wisdom and a child must be split ... and Mother defers ... and I wake sweating. Another I'm a soldier with a flint musket, rushing up a hill bayonet affixed and ready to skewer a Redcoat with young terrified eyes. I run him through and...
16 reads
Garment Watchers
Sister G was an elderly Christian woman. She invited a man named Malcolm to a church in Old Harbour. Malcolm was not a churchgoer, but he decided to pay a visit to the church. On the second Sunday in February, he went to the church, and he wore the only suit and the only necktie that he had. Nobody said anything to him about his outfit on the first day.
The following Sunday, Malcolm wore the same suit and the same necktie to church, and nobody said anything to him about his clothes on that day either. He started to get a good feeling about the members of the congregation. He...
The following Sunday, Malcolm wore the same suit and the same necktie to church, and nobody said anything to him about his clothes on that day either. He started to get a good feeling about the members of the congregation. He...
#religion #shame
#religion #shame
18 reads
Feeling Of A New Book
Not much people talk about the feeling of a new book.
When you open it and travel worlds.
Like a magical adventure with captain Hook.
Not everyone talks about the classic smell.
Of a brand new book,and the story it tell.
Or maybe about the spell it casts.
And while you read it with imagination,it lasts.
Where you travel to different characters'' pasts.
And you travel through their head.
Through their lives,seeing through their eyes.
And practically living their lives.
Opening a new book for the first time. ...
When you open it and travel worlds.
Like a magical adventure with captain Hook.
Not everyone talks about the classic smell.
Of a brand new book,and the story it tell.
Or maybe about the spell it casts.
And while you read it with imagination,it lasts.
Where you travel to different characters'' pasts.
And you travel through their head.
Through their lives,seeing through their eyes.
And practically living their lives.
Opening a new book for the first time. ...
22 reads
Jackie's Book of Shadows (CH9)
Chapter 9
3 am. Empty streets, steam rises
from open manhole as a
figure walks down a brick road,
stepping upon sidewalk, a
look of disgust at passed out
homeless person.
Jumper walking home from the bar.
A black cat ventures into the
shadows of the night.
A crow, perched upon a streetlight,
caws, drawing Jumper’s attention,
rapidly turning around.
Out of the corner of his eye, he
thinks he sees something moving
even more rapidly, something
shadowy. ...
3 am. Empty streets, steam rises
from open manhole as a
figure walks down a brick road,
stepping upon sidewalk, a
look of disgust at passed out
homeless person.
Jumper walking home from the bar.
A black cat ventures into the
shadows of the night.
A crow, perched upon a streetlight,
caws, drawing Jumper’s attention,
rapidly turning around.
Out of the corner of his eye, he
thinks he sees something moving
even more rapidly, something
shadowy. ...
22 reads
Jackie's Book of Shadows
Chapter 8
[Music playing:
… See the curtains hangin in the
In the evening on a Friday night]
Vulcan, the chauffeur, masked
by dark aviators, wearing smart
suit and tie, opens the door of
the black, custom Mercedes
Sprinter, grabbing the hand of
each occupant, wearing boas
over varying black garments,
each wearing road trip hat
and sunglasses.
Blu holds Rianne’s hand high,
twirling her like a ballerina.
Honoria interlocks arms with
Jackie as they...
[Music playing:
… See the curtains hangin in the
In the evening on a Friday night]
Vulcan, the chauffeur, masked
by dark aviators, wearing smart
suit and tie, opens the door of
the black, custom Mercedes
Sprinter, grabbing the hand of
each occupant, wearing boas
over varying black garments,
each wearing road trip hat
and sunglasses.
Blu holds Rianne’s hand high,
twirling her like a ballerina.
Honoria interlocks arms with
Jackie as they...
23 reads
Jackie's Book of Shadows (CH10)
Chapter 10
The tinted Sprinter window rolls
down. Vulcan turns to the guard
in the guard tower, who has a
similar appearance, nodding in
recognition, the electric gate…
“Well, here we are ladies.”
Jackie says.
She looks deep into the eyes
of a bound and gagged Jumper,
index finger to thumb, opening
his eyes with a magical gesture.
Jumper makes a muffled attempt
at protest.
“Here we are Jumper. Why don’t
you enjoy the scenery. It’s breath ...
The tinted Sprinter window rolls
down. Vulcan turns to the guard
in the guard tower, who has a
similar appearance, nodding in
recognition, the electric gate…
“Well, here we are ladies.”
Jackie says.
She looks deep into the eyes
of a bound and gagged Jumper,
index finger to thumb, opening
his eyes with a magical gesture.
Jumper makes a muffled attempt
at protest.
“Here we are Jumper. Why don’t
you enjoy the scenery. It’s breath ...
25 reads
The Ship Sails
High in the mountains,the sun veils.
Cloud dances and ship sails.
They say the magical tales.
Of flying ships,ocean whales.
They say it's full of treasure.
Big,with no specific measure.
They tell he legend of an air ship.
Full of magic and whit.
You can see it in the clouds during day.
If you just look up,far away.
They say it runs by magic.
And nothing tragic happens to it.
Nor to its treasure.
I know it's just a legend.
But this myth about the treasure.
Everyone looked high and low. ...
Cloud dances and ship sails.
They say the magical tales.
Of flying ships,ocean whales.
They say it's full of treasure.
Big,with no specific measure.
They tell he legend of an air ship.
Full of magic and whit.
You can see it in the clouds during day.
If you just look up,far away.
They say it runs by magic.
And nothing tragic happens to it.
Nor to its treasure.
I know it's just a legend.
But this myth about the treasure.
Everyone looked high and low. ...
#motivational #uplifting
#motivational #uplifting
26 reads
k- The Ways The Mind Poisons The Heart As In The Heavens As On The Earth
The nature of Magik is pure. The nature of those who invoke it is ... suspect at best. To wield it creates a responsibility. Though most invocations are neutral in this, conjuring a cloak or summoning an article of clothing, some tend to fall outside this area. Altering one's perception or reality. Manipulating one as a puppet, Enchanting, carries more serious affects.
This never stopped those who use it from carrying out dastardly deeds and might explain the Karmic effects befallen them in later times. The divine ledger, as it were, checking off each box as appropriate to the...
This never stopped those who use it from carrying out dastardly deeds and might explain the Karmic effects befallen them in later times. The divine ledger, as it were, checking off each box as appropriate to the...
28 reads
DU Poetry : Least Read Fictional Prose: Short Stories and Chapters from Books and Novels