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Group Posts 2
Poet Introduction
I write when I'm moved to it. I write what I'm feeling or going through. I like all poetry styles, and will use whatever works best to portray my ideas. My poetry tends to center around love and relationships, but it is not exclusive to that theme.
About Me
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25, female, and bisexual. I'm a mother, and I'm polyamorous. Family, friends, and relationships mean more to me than anything. I love life, and have a deep appreciation for everything I experience.
My Reading List
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Loveseat (A Piece of Poly Pride)
by rowantree
The perfect storm
by Bluevelvete
by LokiOfLiterati
Tell Me So
by AverageJoe (Average Joe. AJ. Joe)
Thinking about You
by runningturtle87
Remember the Wind
by LilDragonFly
Poets I Follow


quinndemure52 (Haley Brown)
Lost Thinker