
Strange Creature
Read Poems (3)
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Member Since 25th February 2011
coyotemagick joined 4965 days ago and last visited 4872 days ago
Comments 8
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Poet Introduction

I really do not feel as if I am a poet, just a very odd person who has a very active and colorful imagination that I enjoy sharing with others....

Favorite Poets/Writers

Noam Chomsky ,Richard Brautigan, Jesús Lizano

About Me

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The Me That is Me
Native American Anarchist tree hugging hippie freak nature bum freedom seeker animal liberator knowledge junkie imaginative creative nymph connoisseur of chocolates music lover creature of the night woolly book worm demented without drugs erotic delusion writer confused naif artist
crazy about love simplicity socialite analytical thinker admirer of sloths coffee drinker to the max dreamer of the illusive dreams mistress of the wild unicorns and all other cute and cuddly things an imagination of my own creation..

My Reading List

I just wanted to love her by notapeot (notapoet)
I So Desire by nathanrod
Need by Maat
Broken Fairytale by Whispered_Words (DRooney)

Poets I Follow
