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My Name is Cassandra Hudson I was born and raised on the near north side of Chicago. Also party in Kankakee, Illinois. I am a Mother, and Grandmother. I Presently live in New Hope, MN. I moved to Minnesota almost 30 years ago. to get my Kids off the streets of Chicago, as my Mother did when I was a child. My creative juices started flowing at the tender age of 15, but I didn't take it Seriously until about 14 years ago, when things started slowing down for me. you see I married and had my children very early in life, I gave my undivided attention to my family, now that they're grown and have children of their own. I now get to finally introduce myself to me, I can honestly say that I like, even love the person I found within me. Writing makes me happy. And poetry simply sets my soul free. Because the Lord is the Author of my creativity he guides me. ( My Poetry Are Now Being Sold On Please Check It Out) you can also hear poems htt://
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