Ms_LaCarte (Ms. La Carte)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (22)
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Member Since 19th June 2024
Ms_LaCarte joined 8 days ago and last visited today
Comments 83
Forum Posts 12
Group Posts 2

Poet Introduction

There may be only a handful of people I carry a message to but I'm convinced, there is at least one.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Buddy Wakefield, Charles Bukowski, Sylvia Plath, Margaret Atwood, Marshall Mathers, Alice Walker...

About Me

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Born in the Alleghany mountains, raised in the Appalachian mountains, still there. Slave to a Recording King acoustic guitar, apprentice to a third house voice, a Brobst fiddle, a small slew of paintbrushes and various camera shutters. I also like to narrate children's stories. I know so little about any little thing that it would make you laugh, especially if you read a thing passing thru me as "intelligent" in any shape, form or fashion.

LaCarte: [lah-kahrt] (v.) - a multiplex state of eternal learning; a collection of one-takes. The building of an antennae in a world where the only true way to discern authenticity will become the integration of human error as opposed to the removal of it.

Poetinetics: [poh-eh-tin-eh-ticks]: a study of word-motions
Mus.i.can: [muse-eh-can]: practiced in musing
Bookitarian: [book-uh-tarry-un]: a librarian of bookish thoughts

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Spawning by Ahavati
Time Wasted by Officialkn9ne (Kiki Longmire)
bound by Betty
The Month of June by Vision_of_insanity
When Hockney curtsies The Queen by Thesilverymoon (Lauren Brenner)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (13)