Winter Seeking Friendly Advice Poems
A Winter Squall
I felt the pain
Of the sadness, of her sorrow
As she wept
A thousand tears
With a thousand pains
Pains so potent
That could wrench out the heart
And hang over her
Like a dewdrop cloud
The first of the winter storms
Had arrived
by Jemia
Of the sadness, of her sorrow
As she wept
A thousand tears
With a thousand pains
Pains so potent
That could wrench out the heart
And hang over her
Like a dewdrop cloud
The first of the winter storms
Had arrived
by Jemia
148 reads
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winter's beautiful melancholy
as winter moves in the mood cools
more melancholy & subdued
shades of mist & aching greys
Nature haunting in her demeanor
so chill in her bearing
the elegance of gentle decay
subtle touches of icy lace
just at the edges...not yet fully settled
snow flakes coating her pale flesh in iridescence
changing the air to sharp & biting
turning everything brittle
from desiccated leaves
to the marrow in my bones
as I burrow under covers
lighting incense & burning candles
anything to bring more light to the day ...
more melancholy & subdued
shades of mist & aching greys
Nature haunting in her demeanor
so chill in her bearing
the elegance of gentle decay
subtle touches of icy lace
just at the edges...not yet fully settled
snow flakes coating her pale flesh in iridescence
changing the air to sharp & biting
turning everything brittle
from desiccated leaves
to the marrow in my bones
as I burrow under covers
lighting incense & burning candles
anything to bring more light to the day ...
164 reads
I saw the sun today
Shining bright
High in the sky
Giving the illusion
It was Summer
But it wasn't Summer
It was Winter
Along with the sunshine
Came a biting cold
That gnawed at the bones
Sending shivers
Like frozen rivers
I saw people chatting
Yet heard no words
Just teeth rattling, and chattering
A chat rat
Yet still
The sun shone
Like a tease
Promising much
Giving nothing
Like sister moon
Other than
A pleasing light
by Jemia
Shining bright
High in the sky
Giving the illusion
It was Summer
But it wasn't Summer
It was Winter
Along with the sunshine
Came a biting cold
That gnawed at the bones
Sending shivers
Like frozen rivers
I saw people chatting
Yet heard no words
Just teeth rattling, and chattering
A chat rat
Yet still
The sun shone
Like a tease
Promising much
Giving nothing
Like sister moon
Other than
A pleasing light
by Jemia
123 reads
Winter Sky
Days of pewter winter skies
in their lonesome denial.
That trees are now in
their skeletal demise.
The world looks haggard,
as the crow hunts and flies.
My mind loitered with
decayed yesterdays,
and their lingering goodbye.
I, like the crow, have hunted
my mind for you a million times.
Your remaining ghostly vibrations
entwined in my rhymes.
My heart is pewter in a skeletal cage of demise.
Look into my winter eyes.
My dead gray empty stare.
Ready to cry the pure snow,
of finally letting go.
in their lonesome denial.
That trees are now in
their skeletal demise.
The world looks haggard,
as the crow hunts and flies.
My mind loitered with
decayed yesterdays,
and their lingering goodbye.
I, like the crow, have hunted
my mind for you a million times.
Your remaining ghostly vibrations
entwined in my rhymes.
My heart is pewter in a skeletal cage of demise.
Look into my winter eyes.
My dead gray empty stare.
Ready to cry the pure snow,
of finally letting go.
310 reads
Ice Aged
Glowing embers
In a cooling hearth
As a cold winter wind
Begins to creep through
Cracked windows
And groaning oaken doors
Followed by the ice
Sculpturing crazy patterns
Across the glass
Like frozen snowflakes
Even time stands still
As the pendulum
Is caught
Mid swing
The ramshackle
Almost derelict cottage
Lies alone
In the midst
In a frozen desolate wasteland
Lying within the beautiful bleakness
And the loud silence
Other than the sound
Of cracking ice
And long muted...
In a cooling hearth
As a cold winter wind
Begins to creep through
Cracked windows
And groaning oaken doors
Followed by the ice
Sculpturing crazy patterns
Across the glass
Like frozen snowflakes
Even time stands still
As the pendulum
Is caught
Mid swing
The ramshackle
Almost derelict cottage
Lies alone
In the midst
In a frozen desolate wasteland
Lying within the beautiful bleakness
And the loud silence
Other than the sound
Of cracking ice
And long muted...
#winter #LifeCycle
#winter #LifeCycle
138 reads
Arizona Highway
I stopped along the roadside
the saguaro cactus caught my eye
caps of snow lying upon
their prickly heads held high.
Never shivering in
their skins of green
as they stood there proudly by
in the Arizona desert
against the pale blue southwest sky.
the saguaro cactus caught my eye
caps of snow lying upon
their prickly heads held high.
Never shivering in
their skins of green
as they stood there proudly by
in the Arizona desert
against the pale blue southwest sky.
188 reads
The Winter Fairy
The Winter fairy
Was busy knitting mist
And weaving
The skies cloudy
She then pricked
Each cloud
As each cloud
Commenced to leak snowflakes
There began
A rich tapestry
Of a myriad whites
Blanketing the frozen ground
Time elapsed
The clouds ran dry
And then dispersed
The landscape now pure
The night sky
A million orbs
That now reflected
The Winter fairy's eyes
She smiled
At the twinkling stars
Upon the glistening snow
As a...
Was busy knitting mist
And weaving
The skies cloudy
She then pricked
Each cloud
As each cloud
Commenced to leak snowflakes
There began
A rich tapestry
Of a myriad whites
Blanketing the frozen ground
Time elapsed
The clouds ran dry
And then dispersed
The landscape now pure
The night sky
A million orbs
That now reflected
The Winter fairy's eyes
She smiled
At the twinkling stars
Upon the glistening snow
As a...
190 reads
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A Heart Of Gold (5-7-5 Haiku)
by Jemia
by Jemia
149 reads
I woke up this morning
to fluffy white snow
covering the ground.
Half of me thought,
oh yuck, please not now!
But the other half thought,
oh, so pretty, beautiful in all the trees.
But then my opposite half thought,
oh no, snow up to my knees!
But then the other half decided,
it would be so nice for Christmas eve.
to fluffy white snow
covering the ground.
Half of me thought,
oh yuck, please not now!
But the other half thought,
oh, so pretty, beautiful in all the trees.
But then my opposite half thought,
oh no, snow up to my knees!
But then the other half decided,
it would be so nice for Christmas eve.
157 reads
Winter Queen
Winter white of my Queen’s desire the hunter of the night has come. She nods to me to let him in, and I desire nothing more. Upon his back he carries the skins and bones of coyote hunted in the darkness of the forest pines, while the bear is left to sleep beneath the stones and roots, intertwined. He lays them upon the alter along with many dried, white petals of datura blossoms and sets them to flames of orange. Their calming scent so tenderly seductive but without any warmth in winter’s crisp, cool air. I breathe in deeply, hoping she is unaware of the dreams the smoke and flames whisper to...
196 reads
Winter Rabbit
It's not Monday,
but it sure feels like one.
The rabbit that lives in the log pile
hasn't come out in days.
He hates the cold, the wind, the snow
I don't blame him for his ways.
I've been throwing food around the entrance
it's gone so I know he's still there.
The waterpipes were frozen this morning
and woodsmoke fills the air.
It's only two degrees outside
and the sun is shining here.
but it sure feels like one.
The rabbit that lives in the log pile
hasn't come out in days.
He hates the cold, the wind, the snow
I don't blame him for his ways.
I've been throwing food around the entrance
it's gone so I know he's still there.
The waterpipes were frozen this morning
and woodsmoke fills the air.
It's only two degrees outside
and the sun is shining here.
243 reads
The Bridge by the Overpass, Pt. 1
Here we are at what feels like the end of our last night
The cold was in full swing
A Greek restaurant because I've never been
February is emotionally a vacant place throughout
all my life
and historically my stories get woven
but I remember that
cold night
and how in love
I pretended
and squirmed
to be
I'd worm through time-wreaths
But really, I just slink in my seat
every other time
I've ever been
down that particular
part of Main Street
A memory that no longer serves me
The cold was in full swing
A Greek restaurant because I've never been
February is emotionally a vacant place throughout
all my life
and historically my stories get woven
but I remember that
cold night
and how in love
I pretended
and squirmed
to be
I'd worm through time-wreaths
But really, I just slink in my seat
every other time
I've ever been
down that particular
part of Main Street
A memory that no longer serves me
179 reads
DU Poetry : Winter Seeking Friendly Advice Poems