Least Read Poems About Healing
Least read poems about healing. Find an undiscovered masterpiece in the DU Poetry least read poems.
Place a fence around the Garden of Excuses for habits
To ward off the strays: dogs, foxes and rabbits
That nibble on our fruited seeds and vegetation
Ruining the livestock of our generation.
Don’t allow the rabbits near the carrots
Nor the little foxes near the parrots!
Shun them away from the garden
‘Lest they ruin the garden without pardon!
Your betrayal has no pardon
As you allowed my heart to harden
I created a comfortable cradle
Never knowing it would be fatal!
To ward off the strays: dogs, foxes and rabbits
That nibble on our fruited seeds and vegetation
Ruining the livestock of our generation.
Don’t allow the rabbits near the carrots
Nor the little foxes near the parrots!
Shun them away from the garden
‘Lest they ruin the garden without pardon!
Your betrayal has no pardon
As you allowed my heart to harden
I created a comfortable cradle
Never knowing it would be fatal!
0 reads
No You Don’t
No you don’t
Say it again, say you know
how I feel and that shiny Mont Blanc
pen you love to flaunt about will be
buried up to the gold ring in your neck
Sorry sir, didn’t catch that last bit
yup, daydreaming again
Therapist, gimme a fucking break
Oops, I got too “angry” and its Thorazine
for the win!
It’s cute that you think I’m sedated
I’ve built a tolerance up, you’ve gotta
bring that shit
Okay so to recap
Love the family, hate the coworkers
and it’s a bad...
Say it again, say you know
how I feel and that shiny Mont Blanc
pen you love to flaunt about will be
buried up to the gold ring in your neck
Sorry sir, didn’t catch that last bit
yup, daydreaming again
Therapist, gimme a fucking break
Oops, I got too “angry” and its Thorazine
for the win!
It’s cute that you think I’m sedated
I’ve built a tolerance up, you’ve gotta
bring that shit
Okay so to recap
Love the family, hate the coworkers
and it’s a bad...
9 reads
k A Tale Of Two Brothers
There's a story of two bothers. Two other brothers or the same brothers. One gets twisted in the throes of early tumultuous history telling. Warped over time to fit exigency and greed.
Both had fine brides that loved them very well, but the younger who ruled the heavens grew jealous of his elder and coveted his wife. So he conspired with the nether world to kill his younger brother. They succeeded.
They lay a trap and drowned him in the great river, causing a panic in the realm below .
His wife led the search and eventually found him nestled...
Both had fine brides that loved them very well, but the younger who ruled the heavens grew jealous of his elder and coveted his wife. So he conspired with the nether world to kill his younger brother. They succeeded.
They lay a trap and drowned him in the great river, causing a panic in the realm below .
His wife led the search and eventually found him nestled...
10 reads
The weaponization of thought
as the inner child lies helpless,
though a man emerges to the
first taste of his own power
The son is gone but the warmth
still touches his face, he is not what
he has done nor what he has endured,
just a man healing his heart
as the inner child lies helpless,
though a man emerges to the
first taste of his own power
The son is gone but the warmth
still touches his face, he is not what
he has done nor what he has endured,
just a man healing his heart
10 reads
Spring Forward To The Garden Of Your Mind
When you let your mind fly
It can soar over the rainbows
Out of this world and time
To quiet peaceful meadows
Gently flowing brooks
With leaning trees covering
A canopy of green care
To guard your healing
Birds whispering fairy stories
Wisdom sung in old tales
Filling your soul with love
Brightening once darkened days
The twilight before the dawn
Beckoning the sun to rise
Seeds planted transforming
Pushing through the dark soil to full imagined life
It can soar over the rainbows
Out of this world and time
To quiet peaceful meadows
Gently flowing brooks
With leaning trees covering
A canopy of green care
To guard your healing
Birds whispering fairy stories
Wisdom sung in old tales
Filling your soul with love
Brightening once darkened days
The twilight before the dawn
Beckoning the sun to rise
Seeds planted transforming
Pushing through the dark soil to full imagined life
11 reads
Better Days
Golden willow weeping lowly
in the wind and swaying slowly
the sun shall paint your leaves ablaze
a guiding light to better days
Brightly shining magical star
meeting us always where we are
on the surface a passion's fire
in flames of hope that we desire
I am the willow weeping now
please rest your light on troubled brow
so longing to feel warmth again
that turns the lip to subtle grin
Until I smile now facing east
and from this pain I am released
to bask within her warming rays
my guiding light to...
in the wind and swaying slowly
the sun shall paint your leaves ablaze
a guiding light to better days
Brightly shining magical star
meeting us always where we are
on the surface a passion's fire
in flames of hope that we desire
I am the willow weeping now
please rest your light on troubled brow
so longing to feel warmth again
that turns the lip to subtle grin
Until I smile now facing east
and from this pain I am released
to bask within her warming rays
my guiding light to...
11 reads
1 Comment
On Frozen Pond
On frozen pond a stone skips readily
a slippery slope to fall down steadily
the hand ever sleight holds the balance too tight
and we dance to the same sad medley
A metronome sanity salted with doom
memories of stories that ended too soon
collected at night to hide from the light
fear of the breaking forever to loom
The empirical evidence lied
and the hard truth will always collide
a mind slowly bends a means to an end
rest assured there is nowhere to hide
An explosion of pent up emotion
at a loss to fathom the...
a slippery slope to fall down steadily
the hand ever sleight holds the balance too tight
and we dance to the same sad medley
A metronome sanity salted with doom
memories of stories that ended too soon
collected at night to hide from the light
fear of the breaking forever to loom
The empirical evidence lied
and the hard truth will always collide
a mind slowly bends a means to an end
rest assured there is nowhere to hide
An explosion of pent up emotion
at a loss to fathom the...
11 reads
This is YOUR time….
To shine
To achieve
To aim
To strive
To challenge yourself
To reach your goals
To capture your dreams
To make things happen
This designated place called earth calls out to you, stating: “
Never has there existed anyone like you in the past
Never will there be another one like you in the future
Among zillions of people come and gone and yet to come
YOU are UNIQUE right here..right now…right this moment
In this space in time….
Dare to dream
Dare to search ...
To shine
To achieve
To aim
To strive
To challenge yourself
To reach your goals
To capture your dreams
To make things happen
This designated place called earth calls out to you, stating: “
Never has there existed anyone like you in the past
Never will there be another one like you in the future
Among zillions of people come and gone and yet to come
YOU are UNIQUE right here..right now…right this moment
In this space in time….
Dare to dream
Dare to search ...
12 reads
Healing Goddess Or My Whisperer
With platinum tresses
And soft caresses
With luscious lips
And light fingertips
With sparkling eyes
And nothing to hide
With swaying hips
And jeans that grip
She leans in closely
So close I can taste her charms
So close I breathe her in deeply
and she whispers to my heart ...
I am whole again ...
And soft caresses
With luscious lips
And light fingertips
With sparkling eyes
And nothing to hide
With swaying hips
And jeans that grip
She leans in closely
So close I can taste her charms
So close I breathe her in deeply
and she whispers to my heart ...
I am whole again ...
#support #healing
#support #healing
13 reads
The Gray Puzzle
I pour my life onto the table
one thousand puzzle pieces
each colored a dismal shade of gray
I try to separate, to sort through,
hoping for a pattern to emerge in a
piled up sea of nothingness, cutting
myself on the sharp edges, those pieces
that form the frame, we always build our
walls up first
Like most things I've started, I've walked
away from this mess several times
I will always return because there is this
six sense, this burning idea that once
all the pieces are in...
one thousand puzzle pieces
each colored a dismal shade of gray
I try to separate, to sort through,
hoping for a pattern to emerge in a
piled up sea of nothingness, cutting
myself on the sharp edges, those pieces
that form the frame, we always build our
walls up first
Like most things I've started, I've walked
away from this mess several times
I will always return because there is this
six sense, this burning idea that once
all the pieces are in...
14 reads
me ...
Picking up the pieces of my heart
Arranging them to fit back
Glue in hand ... wondering
How to fill the widened gaps
Hearing siren song on the breeze
Wondering if it's for me
Trying to fit these damn pieces
Struggling to get back there to what was me
Un-phased un-synced me
Trying to fit inside of the old
The template is off kilter
The matrix has gone cold
The sun is high
But will there be enough heat
In winter's frozen sky
To jumpstart the broken pieces that are still part of me ... ...
Arranging them to fit back
Glue in hand ... wondering
How to fill the widened gaps
Hearing siren song on the breeze
Wondering if it's for me
Trying to fit these damn pieces
Struggling to get back there to what was me
Un-phased un-synced me
Trying to fit inside of the old
The template is off kilter
The matrix has gone cold
The sun is high
But will there be enough heat
In winter's frozen sky
To jumpstart the broken pieces that are still part of me ... ...
16 reads
The Only Game That Counts
Don't vomit your disease over me
Tuck it neatly in a an airsick bag and call the flight attendant please
No room for verbal mis-steps cueing anxieties doom
There is no patience for any subterfuge outside the womb
Place your hands upon your face
Hide the pain you feel a disgrace
Wash it clean and truly smile once more
Never needing to plead 'no more'
Too much
Too many
Too sick
Now is the time we need all our humanity ...
Tuck it neatly in a an airsick bag and call the flight attendant please
No room for verbal mis-steps cueing anxieties doom
There is no patience for any subterfuge outside the womb
Place your hands upon your face
Hide the pain you feel a disgrace
Wash it clean and truly smile once more
Never needing to plead 'no more'
Too much
Too many
Too sick
Now is the time we need all our humanity ...
#dialogue #healing
#dialogue #healing
16 reads
DU Poetry : Least Read Poems About Healing