Long Poems About Hate
prepositional pandemic
“When you acquire enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, it's almost impossible for you to be controlled and manipulated by anybody else.”—Wayne Dyer
in the throes of circumstances,
i’ve been overlooked,
as the pow’rs of choice and chances
pass me, overbooked.
often am i undervalued
by their cheating scales,
measured by hate’s spiteful prelude,
“When you acquire enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, it's almost impossible for you to be controlled and manipulated by anybody else.”—Wayne Dyer
in the throes of circumstances,
i’ve been overlooked,
as the pow’rs of choice and chances
pass me, overbooked.
often am i undervalued
by their cheating scales,
measured by hate’s spiteful prelude,
162 reads
Tension! And any excuse really to air one's own vile prejudices!
By Stanley Collymore
Tension is self-evidently a state
of affairs that arises whenever
actual or perceived problems
set in and can best be described as an early
warning system that everything discernibly
rather obviously, clearly isn't all well within
your very own bodily system and crucially
unquestionably consequently specifically
therefore distinctly actually constitutes a
state of affairs that is effectively derived
either from actual bodily malfunctioning
Tension is self-evidently a state
of affairs that arises whenever
actual or perceived problems
set in and can best be described as an early
warning system that everything discernibly
rather obviously, clearly isn't all well within
your very own bodily system and crucially
unquestionably consequently specifically
therefore distinctly actually constitutes a
state of affairs that is effectively derived
either from actual bodily malfunctioning
109 reads
Bigotry does not equate to intelligence and never will!
By Stanley Collymore
Namibians who've languished quite
appallingly in absolute barbaric
servitude under Germany's
autocratic rule when this distinctly African
country, rather arbitrarily renamed then as
German Southwest Africa also effectively
became quite the focal point for the 20th
Century's first genocidal Holocaust when
clearly over 80% of that African country's
indigenous population: obviously literally
the Herero and Nama, were actually very
systematically, wiped off the face of...
Namibians who've languished quite
appallingly in absolute barbaric
servitude under Germany's
autocratic rule when this distinctly African
country, rather arbitrarily renamed then as
German Southwest Africa also effectively
became quite the focal point for the 20th
Century's first genocidal Holocaust when
clearly over 80% of that African country's
indigenous population: obviously literally
the Herero and Nama, were actually very
systematically, wiped off the face of...
99 reads
My way or no way!
By Stanley Collymore
Apparently for a significant number
of people in this blissful state of
arrogance: stupidity, rampant
racism and free speech should obviously only
be countenanced, and freely allowed to work
when they unquestionably, thoroughly agree
with what is being undoubtedly, openly said
otherwise such thoughts actually, and their
attendant expressions should forthwith be
instantaneously dispensed with and made
stone cold dead! No recognition therefore
that free speech distinctly expressed very ...
Apparently for a significant number
of people in this blissful state of
arrogance: stupidity, rampant
racism and free speech should obviously only
be countenanced, and freely allowed to work
when they unquestionably, thoroughly agree
with what is being undoubtedly, openly said
otherwise such thoughts actually, and their
attendant expressions should forthwith be
instantaneously dispensed with and made
stone cold dead! No recognition therefore
that free speech distinctly expressed very ...
143 reads
Donald Trump and his cynical quest for power Revisited!
By Stanley Collymore
He's old - without my ever imputing
any insults to the elderly, crucially
actually significant numbers of
whom, and many that I personally know are
unquestionably wise; discernibly intelligent
and clearly, obviously distinctly competent
persons, which Donald Trump simply isn't!
Moreover, Donald is stale, and his fatuous
playground insults, are simply tiring now!
Clearly, what effectively worked for him in
2016 no longer really does so beyond his
largely illiterate dumbed down and racist ...
He's old - without my ever imputing
any insults to the elderly, crucially
actually significant numbers of
whom, and many that I personally know are
unquestionably wise; discernibly intelligent
and clearly, obviously distinctly competent
persons, which Donald Trump simply isn't!
Moreover, Donald is stale, and his fatuous
playground insults, are simply tiring now!
Clearly, what effectively worked for him in
2016 no longer really does so beyond his
largely illiterate dumbed down and racist ...
83 reads
So-called English culture and its adverse consequences!
By Stanley Collymore
Quite recently not only the entirety
of the United Kingdom but the
world at large has actually
seen the salient aspects of what the lowlife
scum who irrefutably actually infest Britain
and, more so, simply distinctively England,
like to rather asininely evidently declare as
English and equally also exaggeratedly as
British culture; itself basically exemplified
most graphically in their literally cowardly
quite mindless and pathetically pointless
rioting! Sadly, and also pertinently a clear ...
Quite recently not only the entirety
of the United Kingdom but the
world at large has actually
seen the salient aspects of what the lowlife
scum who irrefutably actually infest Britain
and, more so, simply distinctively England,
like to rather asininely evidently declare as
English and equally also exaggeratedly as
British culture; itself basically exemplified
most graphically in their literally cowardly
quite mindless and pathetically pointless
rioting! Sadly, and also pertinently a clear ...
87 reads
Am I missing something or what? I thought not! Lol!
By Stanley Collymore
Incredulously, all you fatuously
gullible, lowlife, discernibly
intellectually, distinctly
irrefutably challenged, and easily readily
manipulated, delusional empire loyalist
scum deeply ensconced in your feudal,
evidently avidly monarchically fawning
situations, all obviously really puerilely
declare that you want Harry, and quite
undoubtedly so Meghan, to disappear.
And yet, if they actually did, as clearly
every person with a functioning brain
who knows how to use it, is very well ...
Incredulously, all you fatuously
gullible, lowlife, discernibly
intellectually, distinctly
irrefutably challenged, and easily readily
manipulated, delusional empire loyalist
scum deeply ensconced in your feudal,
evidently avidly monarchically fawning
situations, all obviously really puerilely
declare that you want Harry, and quite
undoubtedly so Meghan, to disappear.
And yet, if they actually did, as clearly
every person with a functioning brain
who knows how to use it, is very well ...
109 reads
Imbeciles and their malignant double standards are still pre-eminent within the 21st Century!
By Stanley Collymore
During the 1930s and also the
1940s not only Germany's
Nazis but likewise their
fellow European counterparts, with the
full consent and likewise authorization
of the basically, respective controlling
authorities within these quite several
countries themselves backed by their
majority population, established and
both efficiently and really effectively
operated multiple death camps; and,
as well, several, other extermination
type facilities to physically and truly
really permanently...
During the 1930s and also the
1940s not only Germany's
Nazis but likewise their
fellow European counterparts, with the
full consent and likewise authorization
of the basically, respective controlling
authorities within these quite several
countries themselves backed by their
majority population, established and
both efficiently and really effectively
operated multiple death camps; and,
as well, several, other extermination
type facilities to physically and truly
really permanently...
78 reads
Can logic ever play a cogent role in the existence of really lowlife racist scum?
By Stanley Collymore
How can anybody either singly or
even more grotesquely literally
collectively, as a plethora of
dimwitted jerks claim that emphatically as
well as distinctively, quite fervently they're
unalterably, and simply implacably British
monarchists, but who'll nevertheless very
permanently cease to be at all, obviously
specifically supportive of Britain actually
having a monarchy if unquestionably, its
present monarchical family; and literally
crucially, undoubtedly specifically so its
How can anybody either singly or
even more grotesquely literally
collectively, as a plethora of
dimwitted jerks claim that emphatically as
well as distinctively, quite fervently they're
unalterably, and simply implacably British
monarchists, but who'll nevertheless very
permanently cease to be at all, obviously
specifically supportive of Britain actually
having a monarchy if unquestionably, its
present monarchical family; and literally
crucially, undoubtedly specifically so its
96 reads
I Guess Wishes Do Come True
They've been married for years
Both nearing 50 years of age
They despise each other more then they love
Many times they argue or fight, it's over petty things
They come together in the evening to watch some TV
Then it's off to bed
Most of their life it's the same old thing
Last night was like many other nights
The TV was turned on
He was looking for a film to watch
The last day or so, the air was cool outside
Instead of turning the air condition on, he decided to open the window halfway
He loved the feeling of that crisp,...
Both nearing 50 years of age
They despise each other more then they love
Many times they argue or fight, it's over petty things
They come together in the evening to watch some TV
Then it's off to bed
Most of their life it's the same old thing
Last night was like many other nights
The TV was turned on
He was looking for a film to watch
The last day or so, the air was cool outside
Instead of turning the air condition on, he decided to open the window halfway
He loved the feeling of that crisp,...
120 reads
It's our culture say the scum with none or any notion of what the word really means!
By Stanley Collymore
In this bull running and similarly
other equally barbaric animal
abuse cases, undoubtedly
tradition and culture are vile terms used
by the clearly poorly educated and also
totally ignorant to excuse their horrific
acts. Traditionally, Cordoba was truly,
the very unquestionable heart, of the
Islamic civilization obviously located
on the Iberian Peninsula and clearly
many towns, and several villages in
Spain too, with their Islamic history.
Those originally that evidently built
In this bull running and similarly
other equally barbaric animal
abuse cases, undoubtedly
tradition and culture are vile terms used
by the clearly poorly educated and also
totally ignorant to excuse their horrific
acts. Traditionally, Cordoba was truly,
the very unquestionable heart, of the
Islamic civilization obviously located
on the Iberian Peninsula and clearly
many towns, and several villages in
Spain too, with their Islamic history.
Those originally that evidently built
80 reads
British rioters! Typically ignorant, clearly gullible and naturally expendable moronic scum!
By Stanley Collymore
These lowlife scum are too dense
to understand that only those
people that Nazi Germany
believed, according to their very selective
assessment, to be crucially Aryan would
be alive today! Think about that actually
in relation simply evidently, distinctly to
yourself, and naturally also your family
or those, who biologically you assume
to be yours, in effectively bastardized,
Long Lost families, Britain undeniably
actually discernibly, where significant
numbers of you quite unquestionably ...
These lowlife scum are too dense
to understand that only those
people that Nazi Germany
believed, according to their very selective
assessment, to be crucially Aryan would
be alive today! Think about that actually
in relation simply evidently, distinctly to
yourself, and naturally also your family
or those, who biologically you assume
to be yours, in effectively bastardized,
Long Lost families, Britain undeniably
actually discernibly, where significant
numbers of you quite unquestionably ...
92 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About Hate