Long Poems About Hate
0 - Unfinished poetry 18
There is no love here
It’s me. I’m back.
I left you all without me,
Because of all the hope I lacked.
I felt like I was done with this,
I was truly gone.
Then I found a way to see now,
That not all I do is wrong.
I made mistakes, it’s fair to say,
But I have never tried to fake it.
That is my only truthful way,
So here’s my truth, I need you.
I need to speak about feelings,
Now they’re once more shining through.
I used to love, not any...
It’s me. I’m back.
I left you all without me,
Because of all the hope I lacked.
I felt like I was done with this,
I was truly gone.
Then I found a way to see now,
That not all I do is wrong.
I made mistakes, it’s fair to say,
But I have never tried to fake it.
That is my only truthful way,
So here’s my truth, I need you.
I need to speak about feelings,
Now they’re once more shining through.
I used to love, not any...
89 reads
White British - sociopathic in nature and paedophiles by design!
By Stanley Collymore
No sentient human being, in his
or her right mind, would even
transiently ever tolerate,
condone and far less so accept and equally
embrace child abuse of any kind. However,
there are effectively many of you out there
who actually quite evidently vaingloriously
like to basically proselytize yourselves not
only as the clearly, irrefutably self-entitled
elites of British society, but irrefutably too
and very indisputably in tandem with that,
by the divine approbation of the Almighty
No sentient human being, in his
or her right mind, would even
transiently ever tolerate,
condone and far less so accept and equally
embrace child abuse of any kind. However,
there are effectively many of you out there
who actually quite evidently vaingloriously
like to basically proselytize yourselves not
only as the clearly, irrefutably self-entitled
elites of British society, but irrefutably too
and very indisputably in tandem with that,
by the divine approbation of the Almighty
70 reads
Oh to be so delusional and quite unawares not realizing it!
By Stanley Collymore
Truly which Commonwealth that
colonialist idiots in Australia,
New Zealand and Canada
are pontificating about that supposedly
doesn't want anything whatever, to do
with Harry and Meghan, as these vile,
racists, distinctly in obviously serious
denial of their actually odious racism
and the evidently pliable, sycophants
which they quite unquestionably are
launch into their customary bouts of
ludicrous exaggeration and basically
quite frequently, and inexhaustively...
Truly which Commonwealth that
colonialist idiots in Australia,
New Zealand and Canada
are pontificating about that supposedly
doesn't want anything whatever, to do
with Harry and Meghan, as these vile,
racists, distinctly in obviously serious
denial of their actually odious racism
and the evidently pliable, sycophants
which they quite unquestionably are
launch into their customary bouts of
ludicrous exaggeration and basically
quite frequently, and inexhaustively...
67 reads
The insolence and prejudices which vilely envelop the murderous, Grenfell Inferno!
By Stanley Collymore
How dare it be suggested that MPs
actually care about common
people! Since they only
need them when it's election time, for in
between such elections these distinctly
and quite irrefutably common people
simply don't matter. So candidly let's
really be both literally and perfectly
honest about this that governments
and big businesses effectively don't
basically crucially care about truly
ordinary people so your MPs aptly
taking their cue from them simply
thoroughly likewise do...
How dare it be suggested that MPs
actually care about common
people! Since they only
need them when it's election time, for in
between such elections these distinctly
and quite irrefutably common people
simply don't matter. So candidly let's
really be both literally and perfectly
honest about this that governments
and big businesses effectively don't
basically crucially care about truly
ordinary people so your MPs aptly
taking their cue from them simply
thoroughly likewise do...
52 reads
When couples try this hard to convince others, they're distinctively covering something up!
By Stanley Collymore
I'm one of you! Cured! And my
husband is really straight!
Look! Cancer and also
chemotherapy treatment? Generally I
don't think so! And how very curious
that there's no hair loss! Irrefutably,
the crucially, most wonderful thing
about being rather acceptably rich
and powerful, is that you can spin
any lie you want, and undeniably
the braindead and gullible rather
essentially will believe it! So, I'm
specifically sure, that this lovely
news of Doolittle Kate will truly
keep the...
I'm one of you! Cured! And my
husband is really straight!
Look! Cancer and also
chemotherapy treatment? Generally I
don't think so! And how very curious
that there's no hair loss! Irrefutably,
the crucially, most wonderful thing
about being rather acceptably rich
and powerful, is that you can spin
any lie you want, and undeniably
the braindead and gullible rather
essentially will believe it! So, I'm
specifically sure, that this lovely
news of Doolittle Kate will truly
keep the...
59 reads
Britain's conscionable arms embargo on Nazi Zionist, apartheid Israel!
By Stanley Collymore
Bombing children in schools to any
intelligently minded person is
discernibly far more than
any racially conceived, puerilely concocted
and distinctly unquestionably barbarously
carried out supposedly act of retaliation!
And for that solitary reason alone out of
numerous other very clearly discernible
acts of barbarity quite irrefutably so by
Isreal, actually against the genocidally
targeted and subjugated Palestinians,
as a British citizen, I rather personally
simply morally and also...
Bombing children in schools to any
intelligently minded person is
discernibly far more than
any racially conceived, puerilely concocted
and distinctly unquestionably barbarously
carried out supposedly act of retaliation!
And for that solitary reason alone out of
numerous other very clearly discernible
acts of barbarity quite irrefutably so by
Isreal, actually against the genocidally
targeted and subjugated Palestinians,
as a British citizen, I rather personally
simply morally and also...
75 reads
Sycophants prove indisputably that there's simply no cure for endemic stupidity!
By Stanley Collymore
The thing is that when Harry
and Meghan merely held
hands publicly you lot
were pearl clutching and accusing them of
being rather disrespectful. Now with Willy
virtually on top of Kate in this undeniably
publicly proselytised PR video and truly
just literally marginally outside of being
inside Kate's fanny, and all this actually
in front of their kids you sick lot simply
can't truly, get enough of it! This is just
The thing is that when Harry
and Meghan merely held
hands publicly you lot
were pearl clutching and accusing them of
being rather disrespectful. Now with Willy
virtually on top of Kate in this undeniably
publicly proselytised PR video and truly
just literally marginally outside of being
inside Kate's fanny, and all this actually
in front of their kids you sick lot simply
can't truly, get enough of it! This is just
87 reads
Diana - The dark forces of the Windsors behind her death!
By Stanley Collymore
Diana was murdered! Henri Paul
the chauffeur of the car she
was in was not drunk or
on any drugs. Diana's surviving bodyguard
who quite obviously was in the passenger
seat actually next to Henri Paul somehow
quite miraculously survived. Yet ironically
Henri Paul, very obviously with a seatbelt
on and similarly very crucially both Diana
and Dodi quite naturally in the rear of the
car, as is still actually, normal customary
practice during travel in a car with rather
simply several people...
Diana was murdered! Henri Paul
the chauffeur of the car she
was in was not drunk or
on any drugs. Diana's surviving bodyguard
who quite obviously was in the passenger
seat actually next to Henri Paul somehow
quite miraculously survived. Yet ironically
Henri Paul, very obviously with a seatbelt
on and similarly very crucially both Diana
and Dodi quite naturally in the rear of the
car, as is still actually, normal customary
practice during travel in a car with rather
simply several people...
149 reads
Pillocks with meaningful lives is the ludicrous equivalent of paedophiles forsaking their key pastimes!
By Stanley Collymore
The Daily Mail and its white racist
kind, which clearly likemindedly
and financially it discernibly
very eagerly panders to, readily fall into the
parameters of this poem I'm writing. Harry
was undoubtedly, with his mother's family
for the genuinely rather rational reason of
obviously literally attending the funeral of
his maternal aunt's husband and nothing
more. The said family that quite crucially
naturally consists of people, that fittingly
sensibly, generously and...
The Daily Mail and its white racist
kind, which clearly likemindedly
and financially it discernibly
very eagerly panders to, readily fall into the
parameters of this poem I'm writing. Harry
was undoubtedly, with his mother's family
for the genuinely rather rational reason of
obviously literally attending the funeral of
his maternal aunt's husband and nothing
more. The said family that quite crucially
naturally consists of people, that fittingly
sensibly, generously and...
81 reads
Sainthood ill becomes Liz Windsor now she's dead, and in life never did!
By Stanley Collymore
This woman wasn't remotely saint
material when she was alive and
her death most definitely hasn't
improved on that simply highly unlikely and
unrealistic situation; other than perhaps, in
the irrefutably twisted, fawning and utterly
brownnosing minds of those with literally,
quite thoroughly meaningless lives and a
marked penchant actually, for delusional
exaggeration! Furthermore, those very
easily susceptible, to the distinctively
exaggeratedly too, PR propagandistic
also self-serving...
This woman wasn't remotely saint
material when she was alive and
her death most definitely hasn't
improved on that simply highly unlikely and
unrealistic situation; other than perhaps, in
the irrefutably twisted, fawning and utterly
brownnosing minds of those with literally,
quite thoroughly meaningless lives and a
marked penchant actually, for delusional
exaggeration! Furthermore, those very
easily susceptible, to the distinctively
exaggeratedly too, PR propagandistic
also self-serving...
81 reads
letter to my (dead) dad
92 reads
It's just a soap opera for the fatuous and fawning plebs!
By Stanley Collymore
William has barely been seen
since December 2023 but
rather interestingly so
the country has still very effectively gone
on without him and obviously the rest of
his essentially quite idle Windsor family
which truly proves, that unquestionably
we realistically, very obviously have no
real need, for this undoubtedly grifting
family of billionaires! All the same the
plebeians rather distinctively fawning
over this monarchical Germanic Klan
are really actually...
William has barely been seen
since December 2023 but
rather interestingly so
the country has still very effectively gone
on without him and obviously the rest of
his essentially quite idle Windsor family
which truly proves, that unquestionably
we realistically, very obviously have no
real need, for this undoubtedly grifting
family of billionaires! All the same the
plebeians rather distinctively fawning
over this monarchical Germanic Klan
are really actually...
78 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About Hate