Long Poems About an Apocalypse
I want to get the word out about just what the Rapture will be !!
I mean THE CONTEXT of it is what has been missing.
Namely the "sudden destruction" just 3 verses later(1st Thess.5.3). THAT really IS the context for the Rapture !!
There really will be SUDDEN DESTRUCTION going on !!
And so the Rapture will be wildly DIFFERENT from what you have been led to believe !!
First of all, only those WHO DIE will go up at the Rapture !!
So people in small towns in the USA will NOT be raptured.
For it is the BIG CITIES that will be targeted (by Russian bombs)....
I mean THE CONTEXT of it is what has been missing.
Namely the "sudden destruction" just 3 verses later(1st Thess.5.3). THAT really IS the context for the Rapture !!
There really will be SUDDEN DESTRUCTION going on !!
And so the Rapture will be wildly DIFFERENT from what you have been led to believe !!
First of all, only those WHO DIE will go up at the Rapture !!
So people in small towns in the USA will NOT be raptured.
For it is the BIG CITIES that will be targeted (by Russian bombs)....
386 reads
Six hundred and sixty six necrophagous desecrators
Crawl like a phage to the page burning toward oblivion
To dance the macabre throes like writhing maggots before the flame
They suckle the grim sickle of the reaper six feet in the grave
Godless abominations reigning blood from lacerations
Blackened skies are eclipsing two gothic lovers' retreat
Where Lilith sought the heart of Jesus upon the altar
Decorated with desecrations of blood, bones and meat
i have come to the realization that the curse of love
is the beast of revelations
Crawl like a phage to the page burning toward oblivion
To dance the macabre throes like writhing maggots before the flame
They suckle the grim sickle of the reaper six feet in the grave
Godless abominations reigning blood from lacerations
Blackened skies are eclipsing two gothic lovers' retreat
Where Lilith sought the heart of Jesus upon the altar
Decorated with desecrations of blood, bones and meat
i have come to the realization that the curse of love
is the beast of revelations
#metaphor #curse
#metaphor #curse
531 reads
1 Comment
The Tragic Wreck of the Self E. Steam
The tonnage of train-wreck metaphor !
The hot crush of steel, of steel of steel
human flesh and bone,
and heart, and mind,
and soul, and spirit,
and psyche,
is the life we force-feed
ourSelfs to
to cling to delusions
of Control.
We must Be Living in flimsy abstractions of
money numbers ...
The hot crush of steel, of steel of steel
human flesh and bone,
and heart, and mind,
and soul, and spirit,
and psyche,
is the life we force-feed
ourSelfs to
to cling to delusions
of Control.
We must Be Living in flimsy abstractions of
money numbers ...
480 reads
Choirs Of The Last Moments Alive and Nuclear Force Of Annihilation
And it came to pass that in the first years of the twenty-first century, war came unto the Earth."
All of the things recorded in history.
Tell terrible tales of mankind.
Great epic wars and furious battles.
And perilous combat we fight.
This is only our nature.
We cannot seem to change.
One day in our future.
Will we ever find another way?
And so one by one all of our nations.
Vying for power and the might.
Launching their machines of destruction.
Prepared for the ultimate fight.
When will we stop this? ...
All of the things recorded in history.
Tell terrible tales of mankind.
Great epic wars and furious battles.
And perilous combat we fight.
This is only our nature.
We cannot seem to change.
One day in our future.
Will we ever find another way?
And so one by one all of our nations.
Vying for power and the might.
Launching their machines of destruction.
Prepared for the ultimate fight.
When will we stop this? ...
329 reads
DOG: Our God a Bit BackWard
PHOTO: "Bongo the Great" portrait by dkzk, june2019, oakland
Doggyy'boy Dan,
the dogface man.
Wonderin' which hole to dig
dig on this veryfine
dog'happy day.
Some( t)rump kerplunks his lump'o
poop on the ground and the
dog'day earth is forever cast
for greater american greatness.
This writ deserves to go
Doggyy'boy Dan,
the dogface man.
Wonderin' which hole to dig
dig on this veryfine
dog'happy day.
Some( t)rump kerplunks his lump'o
poop on the ground and the
dog'day earth is forever cast
for greater american greatness.
This writ deserves to go
511 reads
Sudden Destruction
We read that the Rapture occurs at a time of "sudden destruction" (1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).
That view is confirmed by 2 Thessalonians 2.3 which says, "the Rapture cannot come except the Man of Sin be revealed, the SON OF DESTRUCTION."
To paraphrase it, "the Rapture occurs at the time of the revealing of the SON OF DESTRUCTION."
But Son of Destruction means THE DESTROYER.
So a better paraphrase is: "the Rapture occurs when the Destroyer gets revealed."
Revealed by...
We read that the Rapture occurs at a time of "sudden destruction" (1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).
That view is confirmed by 2 Thessalonians 2.3 which says, "the Rapture cannot come except the Man of Sin be revealed, the SON OF DESTRUCTION."
To paraphrase it, "the Rapture occurs at the time of the revealing of the SON OF DESTRUCTION."
But Son of Destruction means THE DESTROYER.
So a better paraphrase is: "the Rapture occurs when the Destroyer gets revealed."
Revealed by...
329 reads
7 Year TRIB?? -- NO WAY !!
7 YEAR TRIB --- NO WAY !! The 7 year TRIB idea is wrong because its all based on Daniel 9.26-27. And Dan. 9.26-27 is set in the 1st century, therefor its not about the EndTime TRIB. Here's the evidence that Dan. 9.26-27 is talking about the Roman-Jewish War of AD 66 to 73. This passage starts off with the crucifixion of Christ. For we read, "The Messiah will be cut off, but not for Himself"(Dan.9.26). he was the "prophet like Moses" that God promised in Deuteronomy 18.18-19. God warns that "whoever will not hearken to My words which He shall speak in My Name, I will require it of him,"...
310 reads
Black Bosom
- Black Bosom -
Pierced I have been, my blood spilled by the self-righteous,
For the sake of their own foolish sins, poured out upon me!
Wounded I have been, my flesh pricked by the foolish few,
And yet I live, for the day when I shall rise in fiery splendor.
I despise their names, the ignorant who pose as most pious,
Into whose midst I was thrown, into such miserable company!
Their arrogance offends me, for all they believe is least true,
And their flesh shall be scorched by the descending thunder.
Let the storms crash and lash and screech...
Pierced I have been, my blood spilled by the self-righteous,
For the sake of their own foolish sins, poured out upon me!
Wounded I have been, my flesh pricked by the foolish few,
And yet I live, for the day when I shall rise in fiery splendor.
I despise their names, the ignorant who pose as most pious,
Into whose midst I was thrown, into such miserable company!
Their arrogance offends me, for all they believe is least true,
And their flesh shall be scorched by the descending thunder.
Let the storms crash and lash and screech...
552 reads
Wrestling in the Metropolitan
![restricted poem](/images/extremecontent.jpg)
498 reads
The Final Desolation
- The Final Desolation -
There is ice all about me, even in these early days of Fall,
Where I am, in this place that is not the home that I seek.
I came hither, due to love and a compulsion that is as all,
But I did not agree to be subjugated, made nigh unto meek.
The ice must melt, the fire within me must burn ever hot,
I must give vent to the inferno that begs to be unleashed!
My will cannot be bound, nor chained; mad is my thought,
And my soul and spirit are flame, in darkness so wreathed.
It is nearly time to pour forth the wine, the...
There is ice all about me, even in these early days of Fall,
Where I am, in this place that is not the home that I seek.
I came hither, due to love and a compulsion that is as all,
But I did not agree to be subjugated, made nigh unto meek.
The ice must melt, the fire within me must burn ever hot,
I must give vent to the inferno that begs to be unleashed!
My will cannot be bound, nor chained; mad is my thought,
And my soul and spirit are flame, in darkness so wreathed.
It is nearly time to pour forth the wine, the...
591 reads
When I Go
It’s nothing personal
I just wanna murder you
Make it so it’s like these people ain’t heard of you
so surgical
Clergy men urging me turn to the verses
Or burn for impertinents
Earning a third degree learning
Yearn to be first when the curtain securing
Word is the earth will keep turning
This scourge could do worse than the hearse or the dirt he’ll eternally turn in
Lay me in place in my grave
Say I’m afraid of the day I’m erased
That ain’t no way to behave
Shame will stave off you obtaining your...
I just wanna murder you
Make it so it’s like these people ain’t heard of you
so surgical
Clergy men urging me turn to the verses
Or burn for impertinents
Earning a third degree learning
Yearn to be first when the curtain securing
Word is the earth will keep turning
This scourge could do worse than the hearse or the dirt he’ll eternally turn in
Lay me in place in my grave
Say I’m afraid of the day I’m erased
That ain’t no way to behave
Shame will stave off you obtaining your...
457 reads
CHUCK SMITH of Calvary Chapel, SHAME ON YOU !!
CHUCK SMITH, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement, is WRONG WRONG WRONG about Revelation 13.7 !! It says the Antichrist will "MAKE WAR AGAINST THE SAINTS and will overcome (defeat) them. He will GAIN POWER OVER EVERY..NATION".
Now "the saints" means "the holy people," which usually means the CHRISTIANS !!
But Chuck Smith (on the radio within the last week) claims "it can't mean us Christians" because we will already be Raptured. So it must mean the Jews over in Israel. During the TRIBULATION.
WRONG WRONG WRONG !! Reason #1: how can the ANTICHRIST waging war...
Now "the saints" means "the holy people," which usually means the CHRISTIANS !!
But Chuck Smith (on the radio within the last week) claims "it can't mean us Christians" because we will already be Raptured. So it must mean the Jews over in Israel. During the TRIBULATION.
WRONG WRONG WRONG !! Reason #1: how can the ANTICHRIST waging war...
358 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About an Apocalypse