Long Poems About Acceptance
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Long poems about acceptance. 300 words or more, most recently published poems first.
Simple Deadly Changes
Change is such a funny little thing.
Our daily repetitive burnt out lives, longing for a slight difference in what is brought onto tomorrow.
Because one simple change can be all it takes for somebody to completely hit rock bottom.
But it also ought to be one of the most unexpected, subtly frightening things.
Because that night you see, things had changed so much for me.
Your soothing words flow like the lullaby of death and the silent impact is most disastrous.
For that night what seemed so simple, was far more impactful than anyone ever could have...
Our daily repetitive burnt out lives, longing for a slight difference in what is brought onto tomorrow.
Because one simple change can be all it takes for somebody to completely hit rock bottom.
But it also ought to be one of the most unexpected, subtly frightening things.
Because that night you see, things had changed so much for me.
Your soothing words flow like the lullaby of death and the silent impact is most disastrous.
For that night what seemed so simple, was far more impactful than anyone ever could have...
156 reads
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Laughter at My Father's Passing
My father told me, on his death bed,
My child you are more evil than was I.
Not because you fill people with dread!
And not because you have the Devil's eye.
Oh no, it is because you are a lot like me,
Only you do not regret the things you do.
As I breathe my last, you weep not I see!
Is it because you and I both always knew?
That one day you would eclipse me fully.
Congratulations, daughter... and farewell...
And after that, no more did Father breathe!
I can only assume, his soul went unto Hell.
Oh what am I, sometimes I ask,...
My child you are more evil than was I.
Not because you fill people with dread!
And not because you have the Devil's eye.
Oh no, it is because you are a lot like me,
Only you do not regret the things you do.
As I breathe my last, you weep not I see!
Is it because you and I both always knew?
That one day you would eclipse me fully.
Congratulations, daughter... and farewell...
And after that, no more did Father breathe!
I can only assume, his soul went unto Hell.
Oh what am I, sometimes I ask,...
228 reads
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Obliterate the Fear
Jack is a salesman. A man who knows his craft. He's cunning, shrewd and eager to make money. He's been in this line of work for over 25 years. Jack and his ex-wife had a daughter named Amber. He lost contact with Amber after the divorce, which is going on 20 years now. One of Jack's biggest fears is flying. Helicopter, Airplane, Jet, it doesn't matter. No flying! He's been on a jet once in his life. The one time was as a child (which is where the fear began). When his ex-wife divorced Jack, which was due to his neglect of his family, he decided to move to Los Angeles California. There Jack...
155 reads
ascension of Babel
the wind curls around the house
in full-bodied howl
making the porch rails hum
and I'm reminded of you
...of us...
how laughter used to rattle our lives
turning the most mundane into moments of hilarity
entertained by things no one else knew
...or could see
because giggles covered the screaming of our personal demons
creating a temporary sanctuary
and like a ghost who won't move on
your memory still haunts
words still echoing in my head I thought I'd already said...
...but perhaps they bear repeating...
there are...
in full-bodied howl
making the porch rails hum
and I'm reminded of you
...of us...
how laughter used to rattle our lives
turning the most mundane into moments of hilarity
entertained by things no one else knew
...or could see
because giggles covered the screaming of our personal demons
creating a temporary sanctuary
and like a ghost who won't move on
your memory still haunts
words still echoing in my head I thought I'd already said...
...but perhaps they bear repeating...
there are...
#acceptance #IMissYou
#acceptance #IMissYou
238 reads
Moving On
last friday i attended a review with the gender clinic, and the primary points were with regards unfinished changes, which i'd sidelined, due to my heart ops, with regards voice training, and epilation, as i was focused on the actual reassignment surgery, which was successfully completed in May 2019.
she still remembered, as being wonderfully colourful. i said that i was now much more comfortable with my voice as it is, and that yes that i was still occasionally misgendered, but that was usually on the phone (even today) which makes me wince, but it is what it is, and on the phone, it is...
she still remembered, as being wonderfully colourful. i said that i was now much more comfortable with my voice as it is, and that yes that i was still occasionally misgendered, but that was usually on the phone (even today) which makes me wince, but it is what it is, and on the phone, it is...
176 reads
1+1 2
They always told me,
It’s hard to find what you don’t know you’re looking for
But overtime I’ve realized it’s much harder to find what’s hidden inside of yourself.
That moment when your heart is troubled with all the worries of the uncertain future.
Wondering what you’d do with your life, or whether you’re doing the right thing.
It gets even harder when you’re back at home, at night, in your room, doors closed and you’re all alone—far away from your friends and the voices start pouring in:- “but what are you doing with your life?”, “What if today where...
It’s hard to find what you don’t know you’re looking for
But overtime I’ve realized it’s much harder to find what’s hidden inside of yourself.
That moment when your heart is troubled with all the worries of the uncertain future.
Wondering what you’d do with your life, or whether you’re doing the right thing.
It gets even harder when you’re back at home, at night, in your room, doors closed and you’re all alone—far away from your friends and the voices start pouring in:- “but what are you doing with your life?”, “What if today where...
172 reads
shape shamers
close your eyes...if it offends...
...if you don't wish to see...
...turn a blind eye...the way you do injustice
...it isn't really there...just pretend
live in denial if you must
but stop belittling what doesn't affect you
hating for its own sake
nobody's saying ya gotta date 'em
look to your personal environ
I'm here to tell you...
...it's real
they will troll you
feed foul names & images into your mind
make you feel less than...
...or too much...
{as if we already didn't...}
...it's relentless
...if you don't wish to see...
...turn a blind eye...the way you do injustice
...it isn't really there...just pretend
live in denial if you must
but stop belittling what doesn't affect you
hating for its own sake
nobody's saying ya gotta date 'em
look to your personal environ
I'm here to tell you...
...it's real
they will troll you
feed foul names & images into your mind
make you feel less than...
...or too much...
{as if we already didn't...}
...it's relentless
265 reads
Revelations about Little Marilyn and Mister J
- Revelations about Little Marilyn and Mister J -
An elaboration on several fascinating revelations that I was thinking about on August 20, 2023.
My experiences with Chloe have been very good lately, and highly interesting too. I've learned many fascinating things about her, especially about her beautiful soul and spirit especially, that I had no idea about previously! I have learned how to discern when something she tells me is a fantasy and when it is something grounded in reality and absolute truth. One such very real thing was about the past life she'd lived just...
An elaboration on several fascinating revelations that I was thinking about on August 20, 2023.
My experiences with Chloe have been very good lately, and highly interesting too. I've learned many fascinating things about her, especially about her beautiful soul and spirit especially, that I had no idea about previously! I have learned how to discern when something she tells me is a fantasy and when it is something grounded in reality and absolute truth. One such very real thing was about the past life she'd lived just...
237 reads
The Account
If I were to name and count, the reasons that I still have doubt. I wouldn't know just where to begin...but then again.
Digging in the dirt, sifting through the hurt. Perception seems like birth, of laboured love and worth. The pain you have endured, don't mean you have been cured of the reasons there's still doubt, that you can name and count.
Of course the source will try to apply more pressure to regret. Deny but still rely on force to bury treasure spent on sentiment. To forget the names and lose the count, a great amount remains as doubt. Demeans the reasons claimed about....
Digging in the dirt, sifting through the hurt. Perception seems like birth, of laboured love and worth. The pain you have endured, don't mean you have been cured of the reasons there's still doubt, that you can name and count.
Of course the source will try to apply more pressure to regret. Deny but still rely on force to bury treasure spent on sentiment. To forget the names and lose the count, a great amount remains as doubt. Demeans the reasons claimed about....
241 reads
I don't want to resent, nor live my life blaming you for any turmoil my character may cause in my now peaceful life. My frustrations, as they should, have come from things I have done, but also from things those who have loved me have done. You have to understand control is all one wishes to claim in this life, even though intemperance is inherent from the moment we open our eyes for the first time and fight the very air filling our lungs with a cry of pain. It is here in this forced existence that one would realize, if they could of course, that control is but an illusion. I have not had it...
353 reads
The Ghost of You
talking to the ghost of you
in starlight underneath the moon
you're the needles' eye that I slip through
when I'm talking to the ghost of you
I'll never feel any better
if I don't accept that I'll always love you
I never see the man that died
was he just a lie?
you've always been sealed with pride
but I know there's an ocean inside you
when did we drift?
the answer to a question I'll never get
It makes me sick
I reach my fingers out to find an empty bed
in starlight underneath the moon
you're the needles' eye that I slip through
when I'm talking to the ghost of you
I'll never feel any better
if I don't accept that I'll always love you
I never see the man that died
was he just a lie?
you've always been sealed with pride
but I know there's an ocean inside you
when did we drift?
the answer to a question I'll never get
It makes me sick
I reach my fingers out to find an empty bed
340 reads
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my skin is a canvas
since i was born, i drew on it
i always had the utensils to create a masterpiece
since i was born, i knew that.
when i first went to school
they saw how different i was,
my mind and my body,
they didn’t like that
nor the fact that my skin
shone bright in all the colors of the rainbow.
the others may not have all the utensils i had
or didn’t know how to use them
now my pride began to crumble
because everything i liked -
everything i was - was disliked.
fast forward,...
since i was born, i drew on it
i always had the utensils to create a masterpiece
since i was born, i knew that.
when i first went to school
they saw how different i was,
my mind and my body,
they didn’t like that
nor the fact that my skin
shone bright in all the colors of the rainbow.
the others may not have all the utensils i had
or didn’t know how to use them
now my pride began to crumble
because everything i liked -
everything i was - was disliked.
fast forward,...
367 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About Acceptance